13 research outputs found


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    Televisi memiliki program-program yang diciptakan untuk mendukung perkembangan keberhasilannya. Hal ini membuat stasiun televisi berlomba untuk membuat program yang menarik baik itu dari segi konten acara, rangkaian acara atau penyajian acara. Seperti NET.TV yang membuat program komedi dengan kemasan kuis, yakni program komedi Waktu Indonesia Bercanda (WIB). Program ini mampu meciptakan sajian komedi dengan tayangan komedi yang tidak seperti biasanya.Analisa kualitatif deskriptif ini menggunakan pendekatan teori kategori komedi dari Arthur Asa Berger, yang mengatakan bahwa kategori humor/komedi ada Language, Logic, Identity danActiondengan keseluruhan terdiri atas 31 dimensi. Keempat kategori dengan tigapuluh satu dimensi ini digunakan peneliti sebagai acuan dalam membedah karakteristik komedi yang ada pada program komedi Waktu Indonesia Bercanda NET.TV.Kesimpulan dari analisis ini, bahwa dari tigapuluh satu dimensi pada empat kategori komedi, terdapat tujuh belas dimensi yang sering digunakan dalam program WIB di NET. Kategori languagemenjadi kategori yang paling banyak digunakan dalam program komedi ini, yakni ada sembilan dimensi, kemudian pada identitydan logicmasing-masing ada tiga dimensi yang sering digunakan, dan pada kategori action,hanya satu dimensi yang sering digunakan

    Analisis Proses Komunikasi Interpersonal Mahasiswa Kelas Produksi Film Dokumenter Saat Brainstorming Ide dan Pembuatan Karya Film

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan cara dan memahami proses brainstorming ide dan proses pembuatan karya selama satu semester. Dalam hal ini, brainstorming ide dan proses pembuatan film merupakan kegiatan yang harus dilakukan dengan memperhatikan substansi pesan dan cara penyampaiannya kepada audiens. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembuat film dituntut agar memiliki kemampuan atau skill di berbagai bidang mulai dari kemampuan nonteknis hingga kemampuan teknis. Tuntutan kemampuan pada berbagai bidang inilah yang harus diperhatikan dosen pengampu mata kuliah pada waktu membagi kelompok. Sementara itu, brainstorming ide dan proses pembuatan film merupakan kegiatan yang harus diperhitungkan dan dilaksanakan dengan penuh kehati-hatian.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi interpersonal, self-disclosure, produksi film dokumenter This study aims to find ways and understand the brainstorming process of ideas and the process of making works for one semester. In this case, brainstorming ideas and filmmaking process is an activity that must be done with attention to the substance of the message and how to deliver it to the audience. This study used qualitative method. The data collection techniques were conducted with field observation and in-depth interviews. The results of this study shows that filmmakers are required to have the ability or skills in various fields ranging from nontechnical ability to technical ability. The demands of this various ability in various fields should be considered by lecturers at the time to divide the group. Meanwhile, brainstorming ideas and filmmaking processes are activities that must be carefully calculated and carried out.Keywords: Interpersonal communication, self-disclosure, documentary film productio

    MEMBEDAH MAKNA TEMAN MURNI DALAM IKLAN BEAR BRAND (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Dalam Iklan Bear Brand Versi ‘Teman Murni’)

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    AbstrakSebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tidak bisa lepas dari pengaruh manusia lain. Karena padadasarnya didalam diri manusia ada dorongan untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain.Hal inilah yang membuat nilai sosial pertemanan sangat sering kita jumpai dalam kehidupankita. Pertemananpun seringkali menjadi tema utama dalam sebuah iklan komersil, seperti iklanBear Brand yang menjadikan “Teman Murni” sebagai tagline nya. Betapa seorang teman murnimenjadi sebuah kekuatan yang mampu membuat seseorang mampu bertahan dalam menghadapicobaan hidup.Analisa ini menggunakan pendekatan semiotika Roland Barthes untuk membedah tandatandayang ditampilkan dalam iklan secara konotasi, denotasi dan mitos. Kemudian penulis jugamenggunakan komunikasi kinesik untuk membedah tanda yang berada pada ranah facial sign,gesture serta body posture.Kesimpulan dari analisa ini, level denotasi yang ditampilkan ‘meminjam’ moment yangsedang muncul pada saat itu, yaitu tahun baru Imlek. Sedangkan pada level konotasi, tanda yangditampilkan didukung oleh komunikasi kinesik yang baik sehingga makna teman murni sebagairepresentasi teman sejati tersaji dengan baik dalam iklan ini. Iklan ini mencoba mendekonstruksimakna sebuah kesuksesan. Sukses tidak cukup dengan materi yang berlimpah, sukses yangsebenarnya adalah bagaimana kita menyikapi secara positif pencapaian yang telah kita raih,menikmati dan mensyukurinya. Sukses yang sebenarnya adalah ketika kita dapat membahagiakanorang-orang disekitar kita dan ‘teman murni’ adalah bagian dari proses untuk mencapai sebuahkesuksesan.Kata Kunci: Iklan, Makna, Teman Murni, Semiotika Roland Barthes

    Membedah Komodifikasi Isi Pesan Mini Drama Line “Nic And Mar” (Analisis Semiotika John Fiske terhadap Mini Drama Line)

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    Mobile mini drama of the Line is a mini-series that narrate the characters who play a part in a story which has drama genre. One of them is a mobile mini drama Line "Nic and Mar" designed to meet the needs of the people of Indonesia will of entertainment that can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere for free just by using the gadget. However, the facts behind their mobile mini dramas which incidentally can be enjoyed free, able to bring great benefits in terms of economy for the media Line. Researchers interested in studying this phenomenon because the researchers identified that there has been a process of commodification and wanted to know what kind of shape the commodification. The purpose of this research is to determine how to shape the content of the message commodification Mini Drama Line "Nic and Mar". The approach of the research is qualitative, uses a semiotic analysis to analyze the research object. The data analysis technique is based from “The Codes of Television” by John Fiske. The research result is in Mini Drama Line "Nic and Mar" there are audio aspect and visual aspect that formed by videography techniques so that it becomes a spectacle, but the signs are there in processed into a product so that the scene in this drama mini formed into commodities. The function changed, initially the storyline is used for forming part mini-drama story, now the storyline also serves as a exchange rate


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    Social problems are currently a concern that has a major impact on the lives of Indonesians. One way to prevent social problems with ILM on television. One of them is ILM version #waktunyakita kerja sama which aired on Net TV. From the message conveyed in the advertisement, it appears that ILM is one of the digital literature because ILM has a message delivered to audiences, one of which is education. Value education is an educational message that guides audiences to not only get caught in educational materials. Researchers analyzed the clasped video into six scenes and analyzed using Roland Barthes's semiotics and divided them into denotations, connotations and myths. The results show that the ILM version of #waktunyakita kerja sama display the value of social, moral and cultural education messages contained in the ad

    Computer-Mediated Communication and Family Communication among Deaf Teenager

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    As a basis for parenting, communication can change patterns of interaction in the family. This study examines how computer-mediated communication (CMC) is related to and influences family communication (including conversation and conformity) in adolescents with disabilities. Participants in this study were 100 adolescents with deafness scattered in Indonesia. Through ANOVA analysis, the results show that CMC is significantly positively related to the conversation, conformity, and interaction between the two. Regression analysis found all four CMC factors as significant predictors affecting 50.4% in the climate of family communication among deaf teenagers. The findings in this study produce an empirical explanation of the CMC motive as a factor in family communication in deaf teens. Suggestions and research for the future are discussed


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    Film, as a mass communication media, has a main function as a means of delivering messages which related with science, culture, morals, social and religion to audiences. The message is visually presented, as well as delivers a meaningful message for the audience, such as discrimination cases. Discrimination might occur in the community with minority religions; in America for example, Muslims are considered as a minority religion. Discrimination against Muslims in America after the bomb attacks on WTC was then represented in the film of Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika (Moon splitted out in the sky of America). The method used in this research is contents analysis of semiotics by John Fiske. This study aims to determine how the discrimination experienced by Muslims in the film of Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika. To achieve the objectives of the study, researchers used qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study concluded that in the film of Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika occurs both direct and indirect discrimination shown through the gesture and dialogue between the characters in the film

    Analisa Program Televisi Bandung Weekly Di Bandung TV

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    Postkomodifikasi Media Sosial Ridwan Kamil dan Ganjar Pranowo dalam Perspektif Wacana Foucaldian

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    Ahead of the 2024 election, some figures are familiar with mediating themselves with social media. The purpose of this study is to understand the persona and analyze the post-commodification of social media on Ridwan Kamil and Ganjar Pranowo's uploads through Michel Foucault's critical media discourse approach. The data collection technique uses textual observation techniques through the Instagram pages of the two figures. The results show that in the post-commodification perspective of social media, Ridwan Kamil and Ganjar Pranowo's uploads have content and relations with power. The discourses of these two figures have a strong relationship with the practice of management either as themselves or as public officials. The research impacts the theoretical output of practical activities carried out by political figures so that it can be a reference in learning critical communication in social media. Another effect, this analysis can contribute ideas and knowledge in the context of new media discourse that can be used as a reference in communication and media studies

    Diskriminasi Muslim Dalam Film Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika 2015

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    Film, as a mass communication media, has a main function as a means ofdelivering messages which related with science, culture, morals, social and religion to audiences. the message is visually presented, as well as delivers a meaningful message for the audience, such as discrimination cases. Discrimination might occur in the community with minority religions; in America for example, Muslims are considered as a minority religion. Discrimination against Muslims in America after the bomb attacks on WTC was then represented in the film of Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika (Moon splitted out in the sky of America). 1he method used in this research is contents analysis of semiotics by John Fiske. This study aims to determine how the discrimination experienced by Muslims in the film of Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika. To achieve the objectives of the study, researchers used qualitative descriptive method. 1he results of this study concluded that in the film of Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika occurs both direct and indirect discrimination shown through the gesture and dialogue between the characters in the film