64 research outputs found

    Tingkat Pemahaman Petani Padi Terhadap Pengelolaan Tata Air Pada Usahatani Di Lahan Gambut Kecamatan Kubu

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    The key to achieving optimal land productivity and preserving land on peatlands is water management to the level of farmland. The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent of rice farmers' understanding of water management in farmland. The location of the study was carried out in Kubu Subdistrict which is a tidal flood type A/B overflow. The population is rice farmers who work near oil palm plantations. There were 60 respondents representing 6 farmer groups. Validity and reliability tests were carried out on the questionnaire used. The data analyzed are qualitative data measured using a Likert scale. Analysis of the level of understanding is carried out with the knowledge approach and the application of water systems on farmland. The analysis shows that 85% of rice farmers have a level of understanding from quite understand to very understand. This amount is very large if seen as an opportunity for human resources to develop agricultural land on peatlands. However, in terms of age, the average farmer is over 60 years old with experience in farming above 28 years. So, there is a need for counseling aimed at young farmers with experience in farming not too long ago. Counseling material should also vary by providing insights to farmers about the use of peatlands for non-rice farming

    Konversi Usahatani Karet Menjadi Usahatani Kelapa Sawit Kecamatan Belitang Hilir Kabubaten Sekadau

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    Agricultural sector is very important in the Indonesian economy, especially the plantation sub-sector, which contributes to GDP (Product Domestic Broto) of 3.30 percent. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that influence the conversion of rubber farming into oil palm farming. This study uses logit analysis with purposive sampling method, this research was conducted in Belitang Hilir District, Sekadau Regency. The method in this study uses descriptive qualitative analysis by analyzing farmers who convert and those who do not. Respondents in this study consisted of 100 respondents calculated using the Slovin formula with 50 rubber farmers and 50 oil palm farmers assuming 50 oil palm farmers were farmers who converted from rubber to oil palm. The results of this study indicate that the factors that influence farming conversion are education, rubber farming income, and oil palm farming income.Sektor pertanian sangat penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia terutama sub sektor perkebunan yang berkontribusi dalam PDB (Product Domestic Broto) sebesar 3,30 persen. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi konversi usahatani karet menjadi usahatani kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis logit dengan metode purposive sampling, penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Belitang Hilir Kabupaten Sekadau. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan menganalisis petani yang melakukan konversi usahatani dan yang tidak melakukan konversi. Responden dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 100 respoden yang dihitung menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan 50 petani karet dan 50 petani kelapa sawit dengan asumsi 50 petani kelapa sawit adalah petani yang melakukan konversi dari karet menjadi kelapa sawit. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi konversi usahatani adalah pendidikan, pendapatan usahatani karet, dan pendapatan usahatani kelapa sawit


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    The economic value of ginger agricultural commodities has many advantages as a healthy way of life for the society, and this value is reflected in the productivity of ginger farming. When used, peatlands have the potential to significantly boost ginger output, which in turn can help farmers perform more effectively. In the peatlands of Kubu Raya Regency, where ginger is grown, the purpose of this study is to investigate the technical efficacy of ginger farmers and the efforts they make to improve their crops' yields. The choice of locations for the research projects was made deliberatively with consideration given to the proximity of horticulture farmer groups. This study utilized a probability sampling approach and observed 57 representative samples of the farmers who responded to the survey. The software program known as FRONTIER 4.1 is used to aid in the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) approach of data analysis. Based on the results of the study, the t value for the variable land area was 6.71 > 2.07 and the t value for the seed variable was 5.70 > 2.07 indicating that these two variables had a considerable influence on ginger yield. This data means that the technical efficacy of ginger farmers and the efforts they make can increase ginger yields. With this, it is important for farmers to pay attention to the performance given to ginger plants planted to obtain increased income.Produktivitas komoditas budidaya jahe memiliki nilai ekonomi yang memiliki banyak manfaat sebagai gaya hidup sehat di masyarakat. Pemanfaatan lahan gambut dapat meningkatkan produksi jahe sebagai upaya peningkatan kinerja petani secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi teknis dan upaya peningkatan kinerja petani budidaya jahe di lahan gambut Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive pada lokasi kelompok tani hortikultura. Penelitian ini mengamati 57 sampel petani responden berdasarkan teknik probability sampling. Metode analisis data adalah stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) dengan bantuan software FRONTIER 4.1. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai t variabel luas lahan sebesar 6,71>2,07 dan variabel benih sebesar 5,70>2,07, artinya berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produksi jahe

    Struktur, Perilaku dan Kinerja Pasar Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) Kelapa Sawit

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi saluran pemasaran TBS kelapa sawit di wilayah Kecamatan Ngabang dan menganalisis struktur perilaku dan kinerja pasarnya. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan menggunakan metode purporsive sampling sehingga diperoleh tiga desa di wilayah Kecamatan Ngabang. Responden penelitian ini adalah produsen atau petani kelapa sawit dan semua organisasi yang berperan dalam pemasaran TBS kelapa sawit. Adapun hasil  dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya tiga saluran pemasaran untuk TBS kelapa sawit: Saluran pemasaran 1 yaitu, dimulai dari petani menjual ke pedangang pengumpul dan kemudian ke agen besar yang mendistribusikan TBS ke pabrik. Selanjutnya saluran pemasaran ke 2, dimulai dari petani menjual ke agen besar kemudian langsung menuju ke pabrik. Serta saluran Pemasaran ke 3, di mulai dari petani menjual kepada pedagang pengumpul dan langsung menuju pabrik pengolahan. Struktur pasar pasar TBS kelapa sawit diidentifikasikan sebagai pasar oligopoli, hasil ini ditunjukan dari nilai pangsa pasar (market share), konsentrasi rasio (CR4), indeks Herfindahl, dan hambatan untuk masuk dan keluar pasar setiap lembaga pemasaran yang ada menunjukan nilai yang tidak berbeda jauh. Kinerja atau market performance masing-masing saluran pemasaran menunjukkan bahwa margin, bagian yang diterima petani dan keuntungan terbesar terdapat pada saluran pemasaran II.This study aimed to identify marketing channels and analyze the behavioral structure and market performance of palm oil FFB in Ngabang District. The research location determined by using purposive sampling, namely three villages in Ngabang District. The respondents of this study were palm oil farmers and all institutions involved in marketing palm oil FFB. The results showed that there are three marketing channels for oil palm FFB, namely marketing channel 1, farmers selling to collectors, and then selling to large agents who distribute FFB to factories. In marketing channel 2, farmers sell to large agents and then sell them directly back to factories. In marketing channel 3, farmers sell to collectors and then sell directly to factories. The market structure of the FFB market for palm oil leads to an oligopoly market which seen from the market share value, concentration ratio, Herfindahl index, and market entry barriers from each marketing agency, showed values ​​that are not too different. Market performance in each marketing channel showed that the largest margin, farmers' share, and profit are in marketing channel 2


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    The increase in the number of smallholders (Independent farmers) in Bonti District faces challenges from limited knowledge about cultivation, optimizing the use of production factors, sustainability in production, and the absence of institutions (farmer groups, cooperatives, and farmer groups combined) so that it becomes a problem in the application of the 4 principles and 20 ISPO criteria. The purpose of this study is to analyze the formation of independent farmer groups within the ISPO certification framework. The research method uses the descriptive approach to analyze institutional conditions based on ISPO criteria also uses fishbone diagrams to find out the main problems and to create solutions. The results of this research show the farmers' institutional principles have not been implemented, while 65.96% of the ISPO criteria have not been implemented and only 34.04% of the ISPO criteria have been implemented by farmers. The absence of farmer groups, data collection, and counseling for independent farmer groups in Upe Village. However, farmers show a good response to the initiation of the farmer groups' formation because there is hope that it will facilitate production inputs and the sale of TBS


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    This study aims to analyze the financial feasibility level of rice milling business and to analyze the sensitivity of rice milling business in Simpang Tiga Village, Sukadana sub-district, Kayong Utara Districk. This research was conducted in 3 sub-villages namely Siduk Hamlet as much as 3 units, 2 units of Semanai Hamlet and 2 units of Dusun Parit Bugis. The population in this research is 7 rice milling business and all become the research sample chosen purposive (intentionally). The analytical method used is with the investment criteria (NPV, Net B / C, IRR, and PP) and sensitivity analysis. The results showed that the rice mill business is feasible to run financially because the value of NPV is Rp. 218.709.133, IRR ranges 79%, Net B / C Ratio of 3,4, and PP ranges from 1 years 7 months. Result of sensitivity analysis showed that rice milling business did not affect to increase of operational cost 3,68% and decrease of benefit equal to 3,86%

    The Corn Development Strategy in Peat Soil With No Burning and Traditional Methods

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    The study aims to analyze the differences in the development of corn cultivation in peat soils between no-burning and traditional methods or with burning in Rasau Jaya District, Kubu Raya District. The fact that currently clearing forests is still using burning on agricultural land in general and especially on peat soil that is feared to experience underground burning is difficult to overcome and cause many losses. The development of corn on land without burning on peat soil is a solution for the community in maintaining ecosystem sustainability. The explanatory research is directed at testing hypotheses and following research objectives. Data collection by interview and questionnaire to 60 respondents were corn farmers on peat soil. The average difference test is used in explaining the difference in yield between the two methods of planting on peat soil. The results found that there were significant differences in the application of corn cultivation on peat soil without burning compared to the traditional method on the variables fertilizer, pesticide, business costs, and yields. In contrast, the planting area variable had no significant difference.The study aims to analyze the differences in the development of corn cultivation in peat soils between no-burning and traditional methods or with burning in Rasau Jaya District, Kubu Raya District. The fact that currently clearing forests is still using burning on agricultural land in general and especially on peat soil that is feared to experience underground burning is difficult to overcome and cause many losses. The development of corn on land without burning on peat soil is a solution for the community in maintaining ecosystem sustainability. The explanatory research is directed at testing hypotheses and following research objectives. Data collection by interview and questionnaire to 60 respondents were corn farmers on peat soil. The average difference test is used in explaining the difference in yield between the two methods of planting on peat soil. The results found that there were significant differences in the application of corn cultivation on peat soil without burning compared to the traditional method on the variables fertilizer, pesticide, business costs, and yields. In contrast, the planting area variable had no significant difference

    VEGETABLE FARMER BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS IN PURCHASING INSECTICIDES (Case Study In Vegetable Farmers in Sungai Selamat Siantan Hilir District)

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    Vegetable Farmer Behavior Analysis in Purchasing insecticides (Case Study In Vegetable Farmers in Sungai Selamat Siantan Hilir District) The objectives of this study were: 1) determine the behavior of vegetable farmers in the purchase of insecticides based on product attributes in Sungai Selamat Siantan Hilir District and 2) identify the product attributes that taken into consideration in the purchase of insecticide. The research was conducted on vegetable farmers in the Sunagi Selamat Siantan hilir district North Pontianak within sampling by simple random sampling. Observed variables are variables which consists of consumer behavior and beliefs purchase evaluation based insecticide product attributes that include price, quality, volume and packaging manufacturer's instructions indicated on the package label. It also investigated behavior is also influenced by external factors which include variable normative beliefs and motivation variables. Analysis of research data using the model of Fishbein multiatribut. Fishbein multi-attribute analysis results indicate that the value of a vegetable farmer attitudes to insecticide products is good on all three insecticides used are derived from the manufacturer Syngenta, Dupont and DGW. Quality attributes against insect pests of the class to be a major consideration in the purchase of the three insecticides. Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Vegetable Farmers, Purchasing insecticides

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran Bahan Olahan Karet (Bokar) Di Kecamatan Mandor Kabupaten Landak

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    This study aimed to analyze the marketing channels on the traditional’s marketing channel through intermediary traders and to analyze the marketing channel through farmer’s are reviewed from a marketing margin spread, farmer share, and to find out which channels more efficient in Mandor District, Landak Regency. This research shows that the marketing margin in channel II is fewer than channel I and the farmer’s share in channel II is larger than channel I.  So this research conclude that the marketing channels II (via farmer’s group) is more efficient compared to the channel I (through intermediary traders) in the Mandor District of Landak regency. On the marketing channel I, the marketing process is still efficient but the farmers receive less price share than in channel II. On the marketting channel II become priority because its more efficient, the farmers receive more profit. Keywords: Marketing rubber, margin, efficienc

    Analisis Finansial Usahatani Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccencis Lamk.) di Kabupaten Sanggau

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    Agarwood (Aquilaria malaecencis lamk.) is the majority source of Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP) in Sanggau regency. In Parindu district, Bonti district and Kapuas district have some of agarwood plantation farmer groups, that has members of 118 farmers that has been the subject of this researched. The main focus of this thesis is to understand the agarwood feasibility methods of the gaharu plantation farmer groups from the financial aspects, the return of investment (ROI) and the sensivity analysis if there were the fluctuation of regular benefit and cost of gaharu plantation. The researched found the prior cost of agarwood plantation farmer groups for seven years is Rp. 807.203.295.- and the amount of the income is Rp. 8.377.351.610.- (the income adds with the value of residual effort), from the financial analysis is found the income of NPV = Rp. 3,518,148,025.-, Net B/C ratio = 31.19 % and the IRR=102.71%, PP is 6 year 27 days that is under seven years , therefore it could be concluded that the agarwood plantation farmer groups is feasible, and the amount of the income is Rp. 8,377,351,610.- (the income without the value of residual effort), from the financial analysis is found the income of NPV = Rp. 3,480,966,096 .-, Net B/C ratio = 30,87 % and the IRR = 102.40%, PP is 6 year 28 days, therefore it could be concluded that the plantation of gaharu farmer is feasible. Sensitivity analysist for Gaharu plantation for Rp. 1.000.000,-/kg until Rp. 10.000.000,-/kg, the range of volume 0,5 kg/tree until 5 kg/tree and in the range 35% until 80% its will get NPV > 0, Net B/C ratio > 0, IRR > rate interest, and PP under planning project, so its can be concluded Agarwood plantation is feasible. Keywords: Agarwood, finansial analysis, payback period, sensitivity Sangga
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