397 research outputs found


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    The aim of these research is to study the effects of laras toward the listener emotional well-being. From the psychology of music point of view, this research attempts to understand the emo-tional well-being of the listeners. These study may be primarily cog-nitive or may consist of the frequency with which listener expe-rienced pleasant and unpleasant emotions. The samples were every-one whose have an experienced on listening the gamelan in their everyday life. Through quasi-experiment and purposive sampling, the 73 samples listened to two songs that composed in slendro nem and pelog lima’s scale and also interviewed in focus group discus-sions. The results shown that the pelog’s scale influenced more to the emotional well-being of the listeners than slendro’s scale


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    Abstract The difficulty of science energy ability in daily life become one of penghambat academic for mild mentally retardation children. However science is one of the main lessons that school gives to them and very influence in daily life. So “example non-example” method would help mild mentally retardation children to understand the concept of energy in daily life. The purpose of this research was to analyze the energy comprehension ability in daily life to mild mentally retardation children in SMPLB after doing intervention using “example non-example” method.This research used quantitative approach with “pre experiment” and “one group, pre-test – pos test design “by eight times intervention. The sample of this research was 6 children SMPLB in SLB-C Putra Harapan Bojonegoro.The data’s of research resulted was obtained by using critic value counting 5% to two sides (1,96). Z value obtained in counting (Z=2,201) was greater than Z critic value 5% two sides (1,96) so that null hypothesis (Ho) was refused and work hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Based on the research result it could be concluded that there was influence of using “example non-example” method toward energy comprehension ability in daily life to mild mentally retardation children in SLB-C Putra Harapan Bojonegoro. Keywords; “Example non-example” method, energy comprehension ability

    Simultaneously strong and tough continuous nanofibers for next generation structural supernanocomposites

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    Modern advanced composites and fibers are strong but brittle. Optimization of damage progression in composites has led only to moderate toughening. The advent of novel nanomaterials such as CNT and graphene has raised hopes for the development of strong and tough structural materials. However, problems with dispersion, alignment, achieving high volume fraction of discontinuous nanoreinforcement, and interfacial stress transfer proved to be more difficult than was initially thought. Recently, a different class of nanomaterials, i.e. continuous nanofibers, has been shown to possess unusual mechanical properties. This presentation will review recent breakthroughs on ultra-high-performance continuous nanofibers and their composites. Controlled nanofiber manufacturing, characterization, and mechanical testing will be discussed. Examples of pioneering high-performance polymer, carbon, and ceramic nanofibers will be presented. Highly ordered 2D/3D macroscopic nanofiber assemblies produced by potentially low-cost integrated (one-step) nanofabrication processes will be reviewed. Unique, recently discovered dramatic simultaneous increases in strength, modulus, and toughness in nanofibers with their diameter decrease will be presented and analyzed for the first time. Unconventional mechanisms of superplasticity in the strong and stiff nanofibers will be elucidated and experimentally verified. Possibilities of further significant improvements in properties by judicial, mechanism-guided control of polymer chemistry and crystalline structure of nanofibers will be demonstrated. Prospects of supertough continuous nanofibers with strength and energy to failure several times higher than the strength and toughness of the best commercial fibers will be demonstrated for the first time. Recent progress on nanofiber-reinforced supernanocomposites (defined by the author as nanocomposites exceeding the properties of conventional advanced composites such as carbon-epoxy) will be also discussed. Finally, possibilities for the ultrastrong and tough continuous nanofibers to enhance or even replace carbon as a new reinforcement for the next generation strong AND TOUGH structural composites will be evaluated

    Potensi Lignin Untuk Penanganan Logam Berat Cr(VI)

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    Lignin telah diisolasi dari lindi hitam dengan pengasaman menggunakan H2SO4 10% pada pH 2 dan diperoleh lignin yang memiliki gugus fungsi mirip Indulin-AT. Lignin memiliki sifat tidak larut dalam air dan larut dalam basa. Logam berat Cr(VI) merupakan salah satu logam berat yang bersifat toksik tinggi dan sangat larut dalam air sehingga dapat terdistribusi kemana-mana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji potensi lignin untuk penanganan logam berat Cr(VI), kajian difokuskan pada variasi pH 2-10 dan konsentrasi lignin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada pH campuran 2, penggunaan lignin sebesar 2000 ppm sebanyak 25 mL mampu menyisihkan Cr(VI) sebesar 85,83% dari konsentrasi awal Cr(VI) 25 ppm sebanyak 10 mL menjadi 1,012 ppm. Penambahan konsentrasi lignin pada pH < 5 menaikkan penyisihan Cr(VI) karena terjadi proses adsorbsi dan kopresipitasi melalui mekanisme oklusi sedangkan pada pH > 5, penambahan konsentrasi lignin hanya menaikkan penyisihan Cr(VI) relatif sedikit dibanding pada pH < 5 karena peristiwa kopresipitasi tidak terjadi seiring dengan mulai larutnya lignin


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    Penulisan hukum ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hak cipta dapat dijadikan objek jaminan fidusia, mengapa hanya lembaga fidusia saja yang menjadi lembaga penjamin utang yang objek jaminannya berupa hak cipta berdasarkan UU Hak Cipta Tahun 2014, mengetahui kesulitan apa saja yang akan dihadapi oleh lembaga fidusia dalam praktiknya yang menjamin hak cipta sebagai jaminan utang. Berdasarkan jenisnya penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif atau doktrinal yang mengacu pada sumber data sekunder dan tersier sebagai data pendukungnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian hukum doktrinal yang bersifat deskriptif untuk memberikan data yang aktual tentang perkembangan hukum, keadaan atau gejala-gejala lainnya. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan untuk mengumpulkan dan menyusun data yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Dalam penulisan ini menggunakan logika deduktif yakni menarik kesimpulan dari suatu permasalahan yang bersifat umum terhadap permasalahan konkret yang dihadapi. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu dengan pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan historis, pendekatan komparatif dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yaitu hak cipta memungkinkan untuk dijadikan objek jaminan utang menurut konstelasi hukum jaminan di Indonesia. Hal ini didasarkan atas telah adanya penetapan dalam Pasal 16 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta bahwa hak cipta dapat dijadikan sebagai objek jaminan fidusia. Kata Kunci: hak cipta, fidusia


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    A method of fabricating a continuous nanofiber is described . The method includes preparing a solution of one or more polymers and one or more solvents and electrospinning the solution by discharging the solution through one or more liquid jets into an electric field to yield one or more continuous nanofibers . The electrospinning process ( i ) highly orients one or more polymer chains in the one or more continuous nanofibers along a fiber axis of the one or more continuous nanofibers , and ( ii ) suppresses polymer crystallization in the one or more continuous nanofibers . The one or more continuous nanofibers can have diameters below about 250 nanometers and exhibit an increase in fiber strength and modulus while maintaining strain at failure , resulting in an increase in fiber toughness


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    Pertanggungjawaban Notaris terutama di bidang hukum privat pengaturannya dalam UUJN terletak dalam pasal 84 dan 85 yang mengancam dengan penggantian biaya, ganti rugi,dan bunga, teguran lisan, teguran tertulis, pemberhentian sementara, pemberian dengan tidak hormat dan pemberhentian dengan hormat atas beberapa pelanggaran yang dilakukan Notaris didalam menjalankan jabatannya. Tanggung jawab ini juga melekat terhadap notaris pengganti. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pertama yaitu Bagaimana tanggung jawab Notaris Pengganti dalam pelaksanaan jabatan notaris yang digantikan berdasarkan UUJN Tahun 2014 dan Kedua Bagaimana tanggung jawab Notaris atas pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang dilakukan terhadap akta-akta yang dibuat oleh Notaris Pengganti Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Doctrinal Research atau Legal Research. Spesifikasi penelitian adalah bersifat deskriptif. Sumber bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer seperti Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Undang-Undang Nomer 30 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jabatan Notaris, bahan hukum sekunder yaitu Putusan 395/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel dan didukung bahan hukum tersier. Teknik pengumpulan melalui pengumpulan data sekunder. Analisi data dilakukan melalui analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tanggung jawab notaris pengganti setelah berlakunya UUJN tahun 2014 yang dituangkan dalam Pasal 65 menyatakan bahwa notaris pengganti bertanggung jawab atas setiap akta yang dibuatnya. Tanggungjawab ini dirasakan tidak seimbang dengan syarat-syarat yang ditentukan untuk menunjuk seseorang menjadi notaris pengganti, karena tugasnya hanya menggantikan notaris yang tengah cuti, sakit atau berhalangan hadir. Notaris yang digantikan tidak bertanggung jawab atas pelanggaran- pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh notaris penggantinya, meskipun akta yang dibuat oleh notaris pengganti terdapat masalah dan tersangkut perkara di pengadilan. Hal ini dirasa tidak adil bagi notaris pengganti karena kedudukannya hanya menggantikan notaris, akan tetapi ketika terjadi permasalahan terkait dengan akta-akta yang dibuat oleh notaris pengganti akan tidak berdampak sama sekali kepada notaris yang digantikannya. Saran atau Rekomendasi penelitian ini yaitu Keberadaan notaris pengganti tetap berlangsung dengan berdasarkan payung hukum UUJN Tahun 2014, namun Organisasi Ikatan Notaris Indonesia ( INI ) hendaknya melakukan peninjauan ulang terhadap peraturan tersebut terutama berkaitan dengan masalah penunjukkan dan syarat-syarat notaris pengganti, minimal syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi harus sama dengan syarat-syarat untuk menjadi notaris. Seseorang yang ditunjuk menjadi notaris pengganti hendaknya diberikan pemahaman bahwa kedudukannya sebagai notaris pengganti tidak hanya duduk dan menggantikan posisi saja, akan tetapi juga termasuk tanggung jawabnya yang sama layaknya seorang notaris

    Spinning Continuous Fibers for Nanotechnology

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    Nanotubes of carbon and other materials are arguably the most fascinating materials playing an important role in nanotechnology today. Their unique mechanical, electronic, and other properties are expected to result in revolutionary new materials and devices. However, these nanomaterials, produced mostly by synthetic bottom-up methods, are discontinuous objects, and this leads to difficulties with their alignment, assembly, and processing into applications. Partly because of this, and despite considerable effort, a viable carbon nanotube–reinforced supernanocomposite is yet to be demonstrated. Advanced continuous fibers produced a revolution in the field of structural materials and composites in the last few decades as a result of their high strength, stiffness, and continuity, which, in turn, meant processing and alignment that were economically feasible. Fiber mechanical properties are known to substantially improve with a decrease in the fiber diameter. Hence, there is a considerable interest in the development of advanced continuous fibers with nanoscale diameters. However, conventional mechanical fiber spinning techniques cannot produce fibers with diameters smaller than about 2 μm robustly. Most commercial fibers are several times that diameter, owing to the trade-offs between the techno¬logical and economic factors

    Structural Nanocomposites

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    Materials scientists predict that composites made with nanoscale reinforcing materials such as nanotubes, platelets, and nanofibers will have exceptional mechanical properties. However, the results obtained so far are disappointing, particularly when compared to advanced composites reinforced with high-performance continuous fibers (1–4). The reasons include inadequate dispersion and alignment of the nanoreinforcement, low nanoreinforcement volume fraction, and poor bonding and load transfer at interfaces. Intensive work is under way, but the prospect of bulk structural supernanocomposites appears more remote now than it did just a few years ago. However, recent work shows that some applications in reinforcement of small structures may have a near-term payoff that can foster longer-term work on nanocomposites. Most of the work on structural nanocomposites has relied on ultrastrong nanoreinforcement such as single- walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) (1–3). However, the high SWCNT strength has not yet translated into bulk strength, and it is not even clear whether such translation is possible: Any attempt to create strong interfacial bonds will introduce defects into the SWCNTs that reduce their intrinsic strength. Still, multifunctional applications not relying solely on the mechanical superproperties will benefit (4, 5). Tailorability and controlled anisotropy are other useful special features of nanocomposites. Multiscale modeling (6) will help us achieve the desired balance between various functions
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