60 research outputs found


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    Публікацію присвячено практичному аспекту розвитку навичок критичного мислення студентів засобами англійської професійнго спрямування. (The research is devoted to the practical aspects of students’ critical thinking skills development by means of English for specific purposes.

    Development of the New Method of the Melted Cheese Products Without Salt-melters Using Cryomechanolysis

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    The aim of the work is elaboration of the principally new method of deep processing of rennet cheeses to the melting using the complex action of freezing and cryomechanolysis on the raw material that gives a possibility to destruct the hardly soluble biopolymers and to transform them into soluble form.The principally new method of the deep processing of rennet cheeses for receiving the melt cheese products without salts-smelters was elaborated. It differs from the traditional ones by the complete exclusion of the salts-smelters. This method is based on the use of the influence of freezing and fine-dispersed comminution on the raw material. It allows open biological potential of the rennet cheeses more fully and to extract the hidden (bound) protein forms from nanocomplexes of lipids and mineral substances. It allows destruct the proteins of rennet cheeses to the separate polymers and dipeptides and tripeptides. The used technological methods gave a possibility to exclude the salts-smelters at the rennet cheeses manufacturing. They favor the transformation of lipid-proteins paracaseinate calcium phosphate complexes to the separate amino acids and peptides and allow receive homogenous plastic mass.It was established, that at the complex action of freezing and fine-dispersed comminution on the rennet cheese the destruction of hardly soluble lipid-protein nanocomplexes and release of protein from the bound state into free one – nanoform (by 33,5…35 % more) takes place. The mechanisms of this process, connected with cryomechanodestruction of connections between lipids and proteins and non-fermented catalysis of nanocomplexes were described.It was established, that cryomechanodestruction and non-fermented catalysis of protein to the separate monomers – α-amino acids (by 55…60 %) takes place at freezing and fine-dispersed comminution of rennet cheese before melting. The mechanism of freezing and non-fermented analysis, connected with cryomechanocracking of protein molecules at the expanse of peptide protein connections destruction to the separate α-amino acids and their transformation into the free form was described. It was also demonstrated, that the conformational changes of protein molecules take place synchronously.The offered and elaborated nanotechnology of melt cheese products on the base of rennet cheeses without salts-smelters includes complex action of freezing and fine-dispersed comminution. The mechanisms of processes, connected with cryomechanodestruction of connections between lipids and protein to the separate α-amino acids are described.The cheese fillings for “Pancake” confectionary and cheese snacks – falafels were manufactured on the base of cheese mass, received using the new method and enriching vegetable nanoadditives. They exceed the well-known analogs by chemical composition and are remarkable for the storage life, increased in 2 times. At the same time the significant part of substances (BAS and biopolymers) in cheese filings is in nanodimensional form (55…60 % of protein), especially, free α-amino acids, easily assimilated by the human organism. The recipes and technologies of sauces-dressings, sauces-deeps, cheese snacks and so on are also elaborated on the base of cheese mass, received by the new method


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    Modern data concerning functional regularities of the secondary signal systems of cyclic nucleotides (CN) in immune and. pathological reactions of a macroorganism, are analyzed, in this review. Intracellular regulatory mechanisms controlling CN system, and. its interaction with other signal systems are described. Influence of endogenic and. exogenic factors on activity of CN system, components and. its use as means or «targets» of special exposure to immune and. pathological reactions of a macroorganism, are examined

    Forming an effective team in venture business

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article explains how to create an effective venture team of venture capital projects. Problems of venture business relations between participants in the Russian economy are related to the human factor. Special relationship arose in venture business universities. Institutional and individual investors prefer to finance the company's activities with professional and proactive team of managers and specialists. To evaluate the venture capital opportunities analysis of dynamics of development of the Russian market of venture capital, defined the problems and prospects of its development

    New start of Nokia

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. Microsoft will take over Nokia's Devices and Services business, which includes both Smart Devices and Mobile Devices. In other words: The Lumia, Asha and X series are now all under Microsoft's umbrella. Design teams, supply chain, accessories, employees, developer relations and most of Nokia's manufacturing plants and testing facilities are also on Microsoft's side, as are most of the company's services like MixRadio, Store and more. Here, Nokia's mapping entity, is considered a separate business and isn't included as part of the deal, but Microsoft has agreed to a 10-year licensing agreement. On the one hand, Nokia’s decision to sell its mobile phone business to Microsoft is a Finnish tragedy. At Nokia’s best times, this giant contributed a quarter of Finland’s economic growth for past 10 years: it paid 23% of Finland’s corporate taxes. On the other hand, getting out of the mobile phone business sector is a probable blessing for Nokia. Life is tough nowadays for second-tier smartphone companies. Nokia’s global market share in the mobile phone market has dropped to 14 percent (from 19.9 percent a year ago, according to Gartner). The revenue of the company brings in from its devices and services division is down by more than half since 2008.This paper is aimed to show why Nokia had to be saved by someone external, both from the technological and financial point of view

    Poverty overcoming problems of Russian population

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. Article is devoted to problems of improvement of social policy in Russia, to an analysis of problems of poverty, including the working population of the Russian Federation, to a ratio of the minimum income and a living wage of the working population, social and economic consequences of crisis and ways of their overcoming from the position of poverty problems solution

    Аналіз теплового стану індуктора електромагнітного млина з охолодженням оливою у стаціонарних режимах роботи

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    Introduction. An electromagnetic mill (EMM) for the technological processing of various substances, which is based on the stator of a three-phase induction motor, is being studied. The stator winding has an increased current density, so the mill is provided with a system of forced cooling with transformer oil. Problem. Currently, there are no works on the thermal state calculation of the EMM with the given design and oil cooling. Therefore, the study of such EMMs thermal state is relevant, as it will contribute to increasing the reliability and efficiency of their work. Goal. Formation of a mathematical model of the thermal state of the electromagnetic mill inductor and the analysis of its heating in stationary modes of operation with cooling by transformer oil. Methodology. The problem of calculating the thermal state, namely the temperature distribution in the main parts of the electromagnetic mill, is solved by the equivalent thermal resistance circuit method. The design of the EMM is provided in a sufficiently complete volume, and on this basis, a corresponding equivalent thermal replacement circuit is formed, which is supplemented by an equivalent hydraulic circuit of oil passageways. An explanation is provided for the composition and solution of the equations algebraic system that describes the distribution of temperatures by the constituent elements of the EMM. Results. The thermal calculation results of the electromagnetic mill showed that the maximum heating temperature is much lower than the allowable one for the selected insulation class. According to the hydraulic scheme, the necessary oil consumption, its average speed and the corresponding pressure at the inlet of the intake pipe are determined, which are at an acceptable level. It is noted that the rather moderate temperature state of the inductor and the hydraulic parameters of the oil path are facilitated by such innovations in the design of the EMM as the loop double layer short chorded winding and axial ventilation channels in the stator core. Originality. Now EMM thermal equivalent circuits with air cooling only have been presented. Therefore, the developed thermal circuit of the oil-cooled inductor is new and makes it possible to evaluate the operating modes of the EMM. Practical value. The proposed technical solutions can be recommended for practical implementation in other EMMs. Taking into account the identified reserves of the EMM temperature state, a forecast was made regarding the transition from its oil cooling to air cooling. But the use of air cooling requires a change in the design of the EMM.Проблема. Досліджується електромагнітний млин (ЕММ) для технологічної обробки різних речовин, який виконано на базі статора трифазного асинхронного двигуна. Обмотка статора має підвищену густину струму, тому для млина передбачена система примусового охолодження трансформаторною оливою. Наразі робіт з розрахунку теплового стану ЕММ з наданою конструкцією і охолодженням оливою не представлено. Тому дослідження теплового стану таких ЕММ є актуальним, бо сприятиме підвищенню надійності та ефективності їх роботи. Метою статті є формування математичної моделі теплового стану індуктора електромагнітного млина та аналіз його нагріву у стаціонарних режимах роботи з охолодженням трансформаторною оливою. Задача розрахунку теплового стану, а саме – розподілу температури в основних частинах індуктора електромагнітного млина, розв’язується методом еквівалентних теплових схем. Конструкція ЕММ надана у достатньо повному обсязі і на цій основі сформована відповідна еквівалентна теплова схема заміщення, яка доповнена еквівалентною гідравлічною схемою шляхів проходження оливи. Надано пояснення щодо складання та розв’язання алгебраїчної системи рівнянь, які описують розподіл температур по складовим елементам індуктора ЕММ. Результати теплового розрахунку індуктора ЕММ показали, що максимальна температура нагріву значно менша за допустиму для обраного класу нагрівостійкості ізоляції. За гідравлічною схемою індуктора визначено необхідні витрати оливи, її середню швидкість і відповідний тиск на вході у впускний патрубок, які знаходяться на допустимому рівні. Зазначено, що досить помірному температурному стану індуктора і гідравлічним параметрам тракту оливи сприяють такі нововведення в конструкцію ЕММ, як двошарова скорочена петльова обмотка статора і аксіальні вентиляційні канали в осерді статора. Натепер були представлені теплові еквівалентні схеми ЕММ лише з повітряним охолодженням. Тому розроблена теплова схема індуктора з охолодженням оливою є новою і дає можливість оцінки режимів роботи ЕММ

    Prospects for the use of synthetic organoselenium compounds for the correction of metabolic and immune status during vaccination with live attenuated vaccines against especially dangerous infections

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    This review article analyzes the data on the role of selenium in the regulation of the metabolic and immune status of a macroorganism. The data on endogenousfunctional selenium-containing molecules, which include selenocysteine, selenomethionine, and selenoproteins, are considered. The data on the pathologies associated with the deficiency of this microelement, its  immunotropic properties and adjuvant effects are presented. The role of selenoproteins in the regulation of redox processes has been shown. The data on the immunotropic activity of compounds containing selenium and the prospects for their use as adjuvants are analyzed. The last section is devoted to the analysis of literature data on the biological properties of synthetic selenium compounds with an activity that mimics the catalytic activity of selenoproteins. The analysis of the data on the functional activity of selenoproteins carried out in this work indicates their key role in the regulation of metabolic and immune processes, as well as in maintaining homeostasis. The information presented in this review on the biological activity and mechanisms of action of new synthetic low-toxic organic compounds of selenium can serve as a basis for the development of nonspecific means of metabolic and immune correction of vaccinal processes caused by both live attenuated vaccines and artificially created ones


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    42 pregnant women afflicted with the aim to substantiate the choice of the most effective medicines of a local therapy. The criteria of theraputic efficacy of BV treatment were decrease of negative subjective clinical signs of the disease and normalization of laboratory results. Terzhynan appeared to bean effective complex preparation for the local therapy of BV during pregnancy with quick clinical effect, normalization of microcirculation of the vulval mucous membrane without systemic effect.Обследовано 42 беременных с бактериальным вагинозом (БВ) с целью мотивирования выбора самого эффективного препарата местной терапии. Критериями эффективности лечения БВ были понижения негативныхсубьективных проявлений клиническихсимптомов взаболевании и нормализации лабораторных показателей. Установлено, чтоТержинан есть эффективным комплексным препаратом для локальной терапии бактериального вагиноза во время беременности, из быстрым клиническим эффектом нормализацией микроциркуляции слизовой оболочки влагалища, без системного эффекта.Обстежено 42 вагітних з бактеріальним вагінозом (БВ) з метою обгрунтування вибору найбільш ефективного засобу місцевої терапії. Критеріями ефективності лікування БВ були зниження негативних суб’єктивних проявів клінічних симптомів захворювання і нормалізація лабораторних показників. Встановлено, що Тержинан є ефективним комплексним препаратом для локальної терапії бактеріального вагінозу підчас вагітності, із швидким настанням клінічного ефекту, нормалізацією мікроциркуляціїслизовоїоболонки піхви, безсистемного ефекту

    Justification of the choice of excipients during the development of the composition of “Pastinocard” tablets

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    The aim of the work is to justify the choice of excipients as components for the cardioprotective medicine “Pastinocard” tablets based on the domestic raw material of cultivated parsnip herb thick extract (CPHTE). Materials and methods. Experimental test samples of mixtures of the plant substance of domestic origin CPHTE with groups of excipients, approved for medical use, were used as the object of research. Results. We conducted experimental research by a mathematical planning method called the Greek–Latin square. In this study, we investigated how 16 different auxiliary substances affected the pharmacotechnological properties of tableting masses and tablets made from PPTEG with cardioprotective properties. Our goal was to determine the optimal composition and manufacturing process for a medication, specifically “Pastinocard” tablets. We also developed project plans for manufacturing regulations and quality control methods, which we successfully tested in the industrial production setting at Pharmaceutical Company “Zdorovye”, LTD in Kharkiv. Conclusions. The formulation for cardioprotective tablets, designated as “Pastinocard”, has been both theoretically justified and experimentally developed by domestic CPHTE raw materials. These research findings have been instrumental in crafting the regulatory documentation for quality control and the production processes of the resulting tablet medication