371 research outputs found
Comprehensive use of 6G cellular technology accounting activity costs and cyber security
The purpose of this study was in the research of prospects for simultaneous use of 6G generation cellular communications for the purposes of automatization of cost accounting of the activity of enterprises of various branches and cybersecurity of accounting information. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of 6G cellular network technologies for accounting and cybersecurity purposes have been studied on the basis of general research methods – institutional and innovative; economic and mathematical methods of analysis using Excel spreadsheets were used to predict the pace of implementation of cellular communication of new generations; to determine perspective areas of use of 6G technology – methods of bibliographic and comparative analysis using the information resource "ResearchGate". The methods of permanent collection and transmission of accounting data about the production process and the procedure for monitoring the stay of employees or outsiders at the workplace using production equipment connected to the 6G cellular network has been developed. The procedure for combining the functional abilities of Global Positioning System (GPS) and cellular positioning (mobile subscribers) for accounting of transport costs and control over the movement and economic use of vehicles has been proposed.The procedure for combining unmanned aerial vehicles in a cluster on the basis of 6G communication with the purpose of aerovisual surveillance of agricultural and construction activities for automated accounting of production costs and prevention of unauthorized getting into an enterprise of persons (drones). The methods for determining the cost of rental space from the lessor based on counting the popularity among visitors and identifying offenders (thieves of information and material resources) through automated monitoring of the location of 6G cellular subscribers. The practical implementation of the developments presented in the article on the use of 6G cellular technologies will contribute to reliable costing and accounting of production costs of production, agricultural, construction, trade activities in combination with effective cyber protection of enterprises in preventing and detecting violators of information and territorial security. Further research is needed on the methods of management of business entities on the basis of accounting information obtained with the use of 6G cellular network technology
Specifics of the Surface Structure of Steel Products After Various Laser Alloying Methodics
In modern conditions, volumetric alloying of steels is becoming an increasingly less economically viable process. However, the level of performance properties of unalloyed steels cannot cover the current industry needs. One of the ways to solve this problem – usage of various surface alloying methods of steels, makes it possible to obtain the required properties of the working surface of the alloyed part with minimal consumption of expensive alloying elements. Over the course of the study, combined method of laser-plasma alloying of steel surfaces was analyzed, its technological capabilities were determined, and the structural-phase state of surface layers, formed during laser and hybrid laser-plasma processing was compared. During comparative studies of samples obtained by both methods of surface alloying, it was found that in the case of laser-plasma alloying, the observed structure and carbide phases are smaller in size, with a low density and uniform distribution of dislocations in the metal of the alloyed layer. After various analysis, it was established that during both laser and laser-plasma methods of surface alloying, the crack formation tendencies was mostly attributed to various structural and concentration changes associated with the redistribution of elements, leading to the formation of sharp grain-boundary concentration gradients. An increase in the number of cracks is observed in regimes with higher heating temperatures, increased duration of exposure to high temperatures and reduced cooling rates
The Experience of Creating the Electronic Textbook as an Educational Process Support Tool
У статті описана ідея використання динамічних моделей при вивченні спецкурсу «Інформаційні системи». Акцентовано увагу на інтерпретації терміна «візуалізація» як динамічного процесу сприйняття навчального матеріалу органами зору. Описано досвід використання електронного підручника «Інформаційні системи», в основі якого лежить ідея динамічної візуалізації матеріалу.The article describes the idea of using dynamic models when studying course "Information systems". The attention is focused on the interpretation of the term "visualization" as a dynamic process of perception of educational material organs of vision. The experience of using the electronic textbook "Information systems", which is based on the idea of dynamic content visualization
The Analysis of Resources in the Context of Development and Innovation Economic Region: Experience SSPU
У статті коротко описано здобутки науковців кафедри економіки та бізнесу Сумського державного педагогічного університету. Зокрема, описано досвід вивчення проблем диверсифікації виробництва, методики оцінки інвестиційних проектів, податкове навантаження та його вплив на господарську активність підприємства, теоретичні та практичні аспекти формування і підтримки стійкого соціально-економічного розвитку регіону для формування цілісної моделі управління, окреслено головні принципи податкового планування, поняття ефективності оподаткування, види податкової ефективності. Закцентовано увагу на становленні сучасної антикризової системи управління галузями промисловості України, розглянуто інструментарій регуляції справедливого розподілу суспільного продукту в умовах конфлікту інтересів різних соціальних груп на територіях промислових регіонів, тенденції та перспективи розвитку інноваційної діяльності у промисловості України.The article briefly describes the achievements of scientists of the Department of Economics and business, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University. In particular, described the experience of studying the problem of diversification of production, techniques of investment valuation, the tax burden and its impact on economic activity, theoretical and practical aspects of forming and maintaining sustainable socio-economic development of the region for forming an integral management model, the basic principles of tax planning, concept of efficiency of taxation, types of tax efficiency. The attention is focused on the development of modern crisis management system industries of Ukraine, an instrument regulating the fair distribution of the social product in terms of conflict of interests of different social groups on the territories of industrial regions, tendencies and prospects of development of innovative activity in industry of Ukraine
Revealing changes in the technical parameters of the teat cup liners of milking machines during testing and production conditions
To implement effective cow milking, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the milk flow process, the milking machine's adaptability to perform the given technological functions.
The aim of research is to establish changes in the design and technological parameters and physical and mechanical properties of teat cup liner of milking machines during its testing and in production conditions. The results obtained will make it possible to make a rational choice of rubber, ensure an efficient milking process during its service life.
It is found that the tensile strength of silicone teat cup liner at the beginning of operation was 1.6 times higher than that of a rubber compound, and after 6 months. operation – 1.7 times. With respect to the relative elongation, this difference was 1.4 times, and after operating time – 1.3 times.
Studies have proven that rubber during operation changes its physical and mechanical properties: the length of the active part increased by 3.1 mm; wall thickness – 0.2 mm. It is found that the most intensively elastic properties of teat cup liner changed during the first 10–20 days. After 10 days, the closing vacuum increased by 16.6 % compared to the initial one, and after 20 days by 23.3 %, which amounted to 8.57 and 9.06 kPa, respectively. Up to 420 hours of operation, the clamping vacuum reached 11.3 kPa, which is 5.8 % lower than the requirements for toughening teat cup liner for rejection. In general, over the period of experiments, the average value of the vacuum of closing the opposite walls of teat cup liner increased from 7.35 to 12.43 kPa, which is 3.6 % higher than the norm (12 kPa).
As a result of experimental studies, the regularity of the rubber tension force depending on the operating time in the form of a fourth degree polynomial is obtained. It is found that after 150 hours of operation, the tensile force of teat cup liner decreased by 21
Activities of the Research Laboratory the Use Information Technology in Education: a Survey of the Results
У статті представлені основні здобутки діяльності науково-дослідної лабораторії використання інформаційних технологій в освіті, яка діє при Сумському державному педагогічном у університеті імені А. С. Макаренка. Описані напрацювання у сфері форм і методів візуалізації навчального матеріалу, візуалізації знань з математики, використання спеціалізованого програмного забезпечення в контексті візуалізації, у тому числі цифрових фізичних лабораторій, покликаних полегшити проведення натурних експериментів з фізики. Також наведено основні результати по уточненню понять «електронний підручник», «ІКТ-компетентність».Sumy state pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko. Described developments in the field of forms and methods of visualization of educational material, visualization knowledge math, the use of specialized software in the context of imaging, including digital physical laboratories to facilitate the carrying out of natural experiments in physics. Also the main results of clarification «e-textbook», «ICT competence»
Electronic Textbook in the Context of Educational Trends and Modern Internet Technologies
В статье с учетом противоречий технологического, организационного и методического характера, присущих современной высшей школе и некоторых инноваций, которые призваны эти противоречия устранить, обоснован вывод в пользу использования электронных учебников. Представлены результаты анализа интернет-ресурсов на предмет идентификации современного электронного учебника, а также особенностей создания и использования таких электронных ресурсов. Кратко представлен собственный опыт создания электронного учебника, который проходит апробацию в Сумском государственном педагогическом университете имени А.С. Макаренко.
Сделан вывод о том, что среди основных задач подготовки современного учителя следует видеть не только приобретение фактических знаний по предмету и способность самостоятельно совершенствовать свою профессиональную подготовку, но и необходимость понимания физических принципов работы устройств, поддерживающих использование электронных учебников, методики их применения в учебном процессе.
Также указано на необходимости предусмотреть наработку элементарных навыков программирования гипертекста и использования различных мультимедийных средств в подготовке современного учителя, что будет способствовать в том числе формированию его ИКТ-компетентности.Among the contradictions of technological, organizational and methodical areas in modern high school and some of the innovations that are designed to resolve these contradictions the article justifies a conclusion in favor of the using electronic textbooks. The results of the online resources analysis for identifying modern electronic textbook and features of the creation and using such electronic resources are showed. The trends are marked. Authors briefly present their own experience in creating an electronic textbook, which is being tested in Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko.
Authors made a conclusion that among the main tasks of modern teacher training we have to think not only about the acquisition of factual knowledge on the subject and the ability to improve his own knowledge, but also about understanding of the physical principles of operation for the devices supporting using electronic textbooks and methods of their using in the educational process.
In addition, article is pointed on need to provide the acquisition of elementary programming hypertext skills and using various multimedia tools in future teachers preparation what will contribute among other the formation their ICT competence
The Problem of Formation of Abilities to Interpret «Computer» Results in the Process of Physics and Mathematics Teachers Training
У статті описано проблему формування умінь адекватно інтерпретувати результат, одержаний засобами ІТ. Зазначено про можливі шляхи її вирішення: формування теоретичних знань поряд з напрацюванням умінь критично оцінювати результат, аналізувати типові помилки, наводити контрприклади, використовувати тестові задачі тощо. Коротко описано досвід їх реалізації у підготовці вчителя фізико-математичного профілю.The article describes the problem of formation of abilities to interpret adequate the results which are obtained by using IT resources. It is noted that possible ways of solving are: formation of theoretical knowledge and improvement skills to analyze the results critically, to analyze common mistakes, to give counterexamples, to use the test tasks and so on. The experience of realisation of such ways in the process of Physics and Mathematics teachers training was briefly described
CERN Tape Archive Run 3 Production Experience CTA Tier-0 service performance during the start of the LHC Run 3 and the various lessons learnt
The EOS disk + CERN Tape Archive (EOSCTA) service is CERN’s primary physics data long-term storage and archival solution for LHC Run 3. It entered production at CERN during summer 2020 and has since been serving all the LHC and non-LHC workflows involving archival to-and retrieval from tape.
The CTA system is a complete redesign of the previous tape software, tape cache and tape workflows, which will need to scale to the data rate requirements of the present LHC activity period, as well as the one after. At the time of writing it has already set new records for monthly tape archival volume at CERN and reached write efficiencies equalling those demonstrated during earlier data challenges
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