274 research outputs found

    A fractal nature for polymerized laminin

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    Polylaminin (polyLM) is a non-covalent acid-induced nano- and micro-structured polymer of the protein laminin displaying distinguished biological properties. Polylaminin stimulates neuritogenesis beyond the levels achieved by ordinary laminin and has been shown to promote axonal regeneration in animal models of spinal cord injury. Here we used confocal fluorescence microscopy (CFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to characterize its three-dimensional structure. Renderization of confocal optical slices of immunostained polyLM revealed the aspect of a loose flocculated meshwork, which was homogeneously stained by the antibody. On the other hand, an ordinary matrix obtained upon adsorption of laminin in neutral pH (LM) was constituted of bulky protein aggregates whose interior was not accessible to the same anti-laminin antibody. SEM and AFM analyses revealed that the seed unit of polyLM was a flat polygon formed in solution whereas the seed structure of LM was highly heterogeneous, intercalating rod-like, spherical and thin spread lamellar deposits. As polyLM was visualized at progressively increasing magnifications, we observed that the morphology of the polymer was alike independently of the magnification used for the observation. A search for the Hausdorff dimension in images of the two matrices showed that polyLM, but not LM, presented fractal dimensions of 1.55, 1.62 and 1.70 after 1, 8 and 12 hours of adsorption, respectively. Data in the present work suggest that the intrinsic fractal nature of polymerized laminin can be the structural basis for the fractal-like organization of basement membranes in the neurogenic niches of the central nervous system.This work was supported by a grant from the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq; 476772/2008-7) to TCS. MSS acknowledges support from the European Research Council through ERC - 306990. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Hochman Méndez, C.; Cantini ., M.; Moratal Pérez, D.; Salmerón Sánchez, M.; Coelho-Sampaio, T. (2014). A fractal nature for polymerized laminin. PLoS ONE. 9(10):109388-1-109388-11. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0109388S109388-1109388-11910Durbeej, M. (2009). Laminins. Cell and Tissue Research, 339(1), 259-268. doi:10.1007/s00441-009-0838-2Miner, J. H., & Yurchenco, P. D. (2004). LAMININ FUNCTIONS IN TISSUE MORPHOGENESIS. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 20(1), 255-284. doi:10.1146/annurev.cellbio.20.010403.094555Yurchenco, P. D. (2010). Basement Membranes: Cell Scaffoldings and Signaling Platforms. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 3(2), a004911-a004911. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a004911Hohenester, E., & Yurchenco, P. D. (2013). 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Polylaminin, a polymeric form of laminin, promotes regeneration after spinal cord injury. The FASEB Journal, 24(11), 4513-4522. doi:10.1096/fj.10-157628Barroso, M. M. S., Freire, E., Limaverde, G. S. C. S., Rocha, G. M., Batista, E. J. O., Weissmüller, G., … Coelho-Sampaio, T. (2008). Artificial Laminin Polymers Assembled in Acidic pH Mimic Basement Membrane Organization. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(17), 11714-11720. doi:10.1074/jbc.m709301200Freire, E. (2004). Sialic acid residues on astrocytes regulate neuritogenesis by controlling the assembly of laminin matrices. Journal of Cell Science, 117(18), 4067-4076. doi:10.1242/jcs.01276Hausdorff, F. (1918). Dimension und �u�eres Ma�. Mathematische Annalen, 79(1-2), 157-179. doi:10.1007/bf01457179Soille, P., & Rivest, J.-F. (1996). On the Validity of Fractal Dimension Measurements in Image Analysis. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 7(3), 217-229. doi:10.1006/jvci.1996.0020Theiler, J. (1990). 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    Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling and Interaction With Integrin α2β1 in Mice

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    OBJECTIVE: The hypothesis that high-fat (HF) feeding causes skeletal muscle extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling in C57BL/6J mice and that this remodeling contributes to diet-induced muscle insulin resistance (IR) through the collagen receptor integrin α(2)β(1) was tested. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: The association between IR and ECM remodeling was studied in mice fed chow or HF diet. Specific genetic and pharmacological murine models were used to study effects of HF feeding on ECM in the absence of IR. The role of ECM-integrin interaction in IR was studied using hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps on integrin α(2)β(1)-null (itga2(-/-)), integrin α(1)β(1)-null (itga1(-/-)), and wild-type littermate mice fed chow or HF. Integrin α(2)β(1) and integrin α(1)β(1) signaling pathways have opposing actions. RESULTS: HF-fed mice had IR and increased muscle collagen (Col) III and ColIV protein; the former was associated with increased transcript, whereas the latter was associated with reduced matrix metalloproteinase 9 activity. Rescue of muscle IR by genetic muscle-specific mitochondria-targeted catalase overexpression or by the phosphodiesterase 5a inhibitor, sildenafil, reversed HF feeding effects on ECM remodeling and increased muscle vascularity. Collagen remained elevated in HF-fed itga2(-/-) mice. Nevertheless, muscle insulin action and vascularity were increased. Muscle IR in HF-fed itga1(-/-) mice was unchanged. Insulin sensitivity in chow-fed itga1(-/-) and itga2(-/-) mice was not different from wild-type littermates. CONCLUSIONS: ECM collagen expansion is tightly associated with muscle IR. Studies with itga2(-/-) mice provide mechanistic insight for this association by showing that the link between muscle IR and increased collagen can be uncoupled by the absence of collagen-integrin α(2)β(1) interaction

    Redundancy and cooperativity in the mechanics of compositely crosslinked filamentous networks

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    The actin cytoskeleton in living cells has many types of crosslinkers. The mechanical interplay between these different crosslinker types is an open issue in cytoskeletal mechanics. We develop a framework to study the cooperativity and redundancy in the mechanics of filamentous networks with two types of crosslinkers: crosslinkers that allow free rotations of filaments and crosslinkers that do not. The framework consists of numerical simulations and an effective medium theory on a percolating triangular lattice. We find that the introduction of angle-constraining crosslinkers significantly lowers the filament concentrations required for these networks to attain mechanical integrity. This cooperative effect also enhances the stiffness of the network and suppresses non-affine deformations at a fixed filament concentration. We further find that semiflexible networks with only freely-rotating crosslinks are mechanically very similar to compositely crosslinked flexible networks with both networks exhibiting the same scaling behavior. We show that the network mechanics can either be redundant or cooperative depending on the relative energy scale of filament bending to the energy stored in the angle-constraining crosslinkers, and the relative concentration of crosslinkers. Our results may have implications for understanding the role of multiple crosslinkers even in a system without bundle formation or other structural motifs.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Coronary-Heart-Disease-Associated Genetic Variant at the COL4A1/COL4A2 Locus Affects COL4A1/COL4A2 Expression, Vascular Cell Survival, Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability and Risk of Myocardial Infarction.

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    Genome-wide association studies have revealed an association between coronary heart disease (CHD) and genetic variation on chromosome 13q34, with the lead single nucleotide polymorphism rs4773144 residing in the COL4A2 gene in this genomic region. We investigated the functional effects of this genetic variant. Analyses of primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and endothelial cells (ECs) from different individuals showed a difference between rs4773144 genotypes in COL4A2 and COL4A1 expression levels, being lowest in the G/G genotype, intermediate in A/G and highest in A/A. Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by allelic imbalance assays of primary cultures of SMCs and ECs that were of the A/G genotype revealed that the G allele had lower transcriptional activity than the A allele. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays and luciferase reporter gene assays showed that a short DNA sequence encompassing the rs4773144 site interacted with a nuclear protein, with lower efficiency for the G allele, and that the G allele sequence had lower activity in driving reporter gene expression. Analyses of cultured SMCs from different individuals demonstrated that cells of the G/G genotype had higher apoptosis rates. Immunohistochemical and histological examinations of ex vivo atherosclerotic coronary arteries from different individuals disclosed that atherosclerotic plaques with the G/G genotype had lower collagen IV abundance and thinner fibrous cap, a hallmark of unstable, rupture-prone plaques. A study of a cohort of patients with angiographically documented coronary artery disease showed that patients of the G/G genotype had higher rates of myocardial infarction, a phenotype often caused by plaque rupture. These results indicate that the CHD-related genetic variant at the COL4A2 locus affects COL4A2/COL4A1 expression, SMC survival, and atherosclerotic plaque stability, providing a mechanistic explanation for the association between the genetic variant and CHD risk

    In Vitro Study of the Effects of Angiostrongylus cantonensis Larvae Extracts on Apoptosis and Dysfunction in the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)

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    It has been hypothesized that blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction in Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection might be due to the apoptosis of the hosts' BBB cells. Here, we evaluated this hypothesis through several methods, all based on an in vitro mouse BBB model consisting of primary culture brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) and brain astrocytic cells (BACs). In the present study, a four-hour percolation and HRP permeability experiment showed that A. cantonensis larvae extracts can increase the permeability of the BBB. Apoptosis among BMECs and BACs after exposure to larvae extracts was monitored by TUNEL and annexin-V-FITC/PI double staining. A. cantonensis larvae extracts were found to induce apoptosis in both BMECs and BACs. For this reason, we concluded that the induction of apoptosis might participate in the BBB dysfunction observed during angiostrongyliasis. Improved fundamental understanding of how A. cantonensis induces apoptosis may lead to new approaches to the treatment or prevention of this parasitic disease

    Genetic Deletion of Laminin Isoforms β2 and γ3 Induces a Reduction in Kir4.1 and Aquaporin-4 Expression and Function in the Retina

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    Glial cells such as retinal Müller glial cells are involved in potassium ion and water homeostasis of the neural tissue. In these cells, inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channels and aquaporin-4 water channels play an important role in the process of spatial potassium buffering and water drainage. Moreover, Kir4.1 channels are involved in the maintenance of the negative Müller cell membrane potential. The subcellular distribution of Kir4.1 and aquaporin-4 channels appears to be maintained by interactions with extracellular and intracellular molecules. Laminins in the extracellular matrix, dystroglycan in the membrane, and dystrophins in the cytomatrix form a complex mediating the polarized expression of Kir4.1 and aquaporin-4 in Müller cells.The aim of the present study was to test the function of the β2 and γ3 containing laminins in murine Müller cells. We used knockout mice with genetic deletion of both β2 and γ3 laminin genes to assay the effects on Kir4.1 and aquaporin-4. We studied protein and mRNA expression by immunohistochemistry, Western Blot, and quantitative RT-PCR, respectively, and membrane currents of isolated cells by patch-clamp experiments. We found a down-regulation of mRNA and protein of Kir4.1 as well as of aquaporin-4 protein in laminin knockout mice. Moreover, Müller cells from laminin β2 and γ3 knockout mice had reduced Kir-mediated inward currents and their membrane potentials were more positive than those in age-matched wild-type mice.These findings demonstrate a strong impact of laminin β2 and γ3 subunits on the expression and function of both aquaporin-4 and Kir4.1, two important membrane proteins in Müller cells

    Distribution Patterns of E-Cadherin, Type VII Collagen and Fibronectin in Denture-Related Stomatitis: A Preliminary Study

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    The distribution of epithelial E-cadherin, basement membrane type VII collagen, and underlying connective tissues fibronectin were investigated immunohistochemically and compared in normal palatal mucosa and in denture-related stomatitis (DRS) derivatives using monoclonal antibodies.Biopsies of palatal mucosa were obtained from twelve patients enrolled in this study, 8 with type II DRS and 4 with healthy mucosa

    Dynamic 3D Cell Rearrangements Guided by a Fibronectin Matrix Underlie Somitogenesis

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    Somites are transient segments formed in a rostro-caudal progression during vertebrate development. In chick embryos, segmentation of a new pair of somites occurs every 90 minutes and involves a mesenchyme-to-epithelium transition of cells from the presomitic mesoderm. Little is known about the cellular rearrangements involved, and, although it is known that the fibronectin extracellular matrix is required, its actual role remains elusive. Using 3D and 4D imaging of somite formation we discovered that somitogenesis consists of a complex choreography of individual cell movements. Epithelialization starts medially with the formation of a transient epithelium of cuboidal cells, followed by cell elongation and reorganization into a pseudostratified epithelium of spindle-shaped epitheloid cells. Mesenchymal cells are then recruited to this medial epithelium through accretion, a phenomenon that spreads to all sides, except the lateral side of the forming somite, which epithelializes by cell elongation and intercalation. Surprisingly, an important contribution to the somite epithelium also comes from the continuous egression of mesenchymal cells from the core into the epithelium via its apical side. Inhibition of fibronectin matrix assembly first slows down the rate, and then halts somite formation, without affecting pseudopodial activity or cell body movements. Rather, cell elongation, centripetal alignment, N-cadherin polarization and egression are impaired, showing that the fibronectin matrix plays a role in polarizing and guiding the exploratory behavior of somitic cells. To our knowledge, this is the first 4D in vivo recording of a full mesenchyme-to-epithelium transition. This approach brought new insights into this event and highlighted the importance of the extracellular matrix as a guiding cue during morphogenesis

    The Woody Guthrie Centennial Bibliography

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    This bibliography updates two extensive works designed to include comprehensively all significant works by and about Woody Guthrie. Richard A. Reuss published A Woody Guthrie Bibliography, 1912–1967 in 1968 and Jeffrey N. Gatten\u27s article “Woody Guthrie: A Bibliographic Update, 1968–1986” appeared in 1988. With this current article, researchers need only utilize these three bibliographies to identify all English-language items of relevance related to, or written by, Guthrie