145 research outputs found

    Atatürk, Türk Dili ve Yazı İnkılâbı

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    Özet: Dünyada çok nadir lider bir ömürde hem savaş alanında hem kültür alanında o kadar çok zafer kazanmıştır. Atatürk her yönüyle o nadir liderlerden biridir. O kendi düşünce sistemiyle, öngörüşüyle ve çevreye zamanında motivasyon vererek faaliyete geçirmesiyle Türkiye’ye ve Türk halkına yeni ufuklar açmıştır. Atatürk, bir fikir adamı olarak, milli kültürün temel direklerinden birinin dil olduğunu biliyordu. Bu sebeple konuşma dili ile yazı dilini ve halkın dili ile aydınların dilini yakınlaştırmak için dil inkılâbını teşvik etti. Dil inkılâbının ilk safhası olarak 1 Kasım 1928’de yazı inkılâbı gerçekleşti ve Latin harfleri kanunla kabul edildi. Böylece, yazı inkılâbı, Türk dilinin ve Türk kültürünün tarihinde bir dönüm noktası oldu ve kısa zamanda Türkçe kendi yumuşaklığı ve ahenkliği ile yeniden bütün güzelliğini meydana çıkardı. Anahtar kelimeler: Atatürk, Türk dili, Türk dilinin Latin alfabesi, Türkçede vokaller, Türkçede konsonantlar

    Confirming the high pressure phase diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland model

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    A Muon Spin Rotation (μ\mu+SR) study was conducted to investigate the magnetic properties of SrCu2(BO3)2 (SCBO) as a function of temperature/pressure. Measurements in zero field and transverse field confirm the absence of long range magnetic order at high pressures and low temperatures. These measurements suggest changes in the Cu spin fluctuations characteristics above 21 kbar, consistent with the formation of a plaquette phase as previously suggested by inelastic neutron scattering measurements. SCBO is the only known realisation of the Shatry-Sutherland model, thus the ground state mediating the dimer and antiferromagnetic phase is likekly to be a plaquette state

    Constructing coarse-grained skyrmion potentials from experimental data with Iterative Boltzmann Inversion

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    In an effort to understand skyrmion behavior on a coarse-grained level, skyrmions are often described as 2D quasiparticles evolving according to the Thiele equation. Interaction potentials are the key missing parameters for predictive modeling of experiments. Here, the Iterative Boltzmann Inversion technique commonly used in soft matter simulations is applied to construct potentials for skyrmion-skyrmion and skyrmion-magnetic material boundary interactions from a single experimental measurement without any prior assumptions of the potential form. It is found that the two interactions are purely repulsive and can be described by an exponential function for micrometer-sized skyrmions in a ferromagnetic thin film multilayer stack. This captures the physics on experimental length and time scales that are of interest for most skyrmion applications and typically inaccessible to atomistic or micromagnetic simulations

    Constructing coarse-grained skyrmion potentials from experimental data with Iterative Boltzmann Inversion

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    In an effort to understand skyrmion behavior on a coarse-grained level, skyrmions are often described as 2D quasiparticles evolving according to the Thiele equation. Interaction potentials are the key missing parameters for predictive modeling of experiments. Here, the Iterative Boltzmann Inversion technique commonly used in soft matter simulations is applied to construct potentials for skyrmion-skyrmion and skyrmion-magnetic material boundary interactions from a single experimental measurement without any prior assumptions of the potential form. It is found that the two interactions are purely repulsive and can be described by an exponential function for micrometer-sized skyrmions in a ferromagnetic thin film multilayer stack. This captures the physics on experimental length and time scales that are of interest for most skyrmion applications and typically inaccessible to atomistic or micromagnetic simulations

    Confirming the high pressure phase diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland model

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    A Muon Spin Rotation (μ + SR) study was conducted to investigate the magnetic properties of SrCu2(BO3)2 (SCBO) as a function of temperature/pressure. Measurements in zero field and transverse field confirm the absence of long range magnetic order at high pressures and low temperatures. These measurements suggest changes in the Cu spin fluctuations characteristics above 21 kbar, consistent with the formation of a plaquette phase as previously suggested by inelastic neutron scattering measurements. SCBO is the only known realisation of the Shatry-Sutherland model, thus the ground state mediating the dimer and antiferromagnetic phase is likekly to be a plaquette state

    Magnetic nature of wolframite MgReO4_4

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    Rhenium oxides belonging to the family AAReO4_4 where AA is a metal cation, exhibit interesting electronic and magnetic properties. In this study we have utilized the muon spin rotation/relaxation (μ+\mu^+SR) technique to study the magnetic properties of the MgReO4_4 compound. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation reported on this interesting material, that is stabilized in a wolframite crystal structure using a special high-pressure synthesis technique. Bulk magnetic studies show the onset of an antiferromagnetic (AF) long range order, or a possible singlet spin state at TC190T_{\rm C1}\approx90~K, with a subtle second high-temperature transition at TC2280T_{\rm C2}\approx280~K. Both transitions are also confirmed by heat capacity (CpC_p) measurements. From our μ+\mu^+SR measurements, it is clear that the sample enters an AF order below TC1=TN85T_{\rm C1}=T_{\rm N}\approx85~K. We find no evidence of magnetic signal above TNT_{\rm N}, which indicates that TC2T_{\rm C2} is likely linked to a structural transition. Further, via sensitive zero field (ZF) μ+\mu^+SR measurements we find evidence of a spin reorientation at TCant65T_{\rm Cant}\approx65~K. This points towards a transition from a collinear AF into a canted AF order at low temperature, which is proposed to be driven by competing magnetic interactions

    Magnetic Properties of Multifunctional 7^7LiFePO4_4 under Hydrostatic Pressure

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    LiFePO4_4 (LFPO) is an archetypical and well-known cathode material for rechargeable Li-ion batteries. However, its quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) structure along with the Fe ions, LFPO also displays interesting low-temperature magnetic properties. Our team has previously utilized the muon spin rotation (μ+\mu^+SR) technique to investigate both magnetic spin order as well as Li-ion diffusion in LFPO. In this initial study we extend our investigation and make use of high-pressure μ+\mu^+SR to investigate effects on the low-TT magnetic order. Contrary to theoretical predictions we find that the magnetic ordering temperature as well as the ordered magnetic moment increase at high pressure (compressive strain).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted as a part of the International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance 2022. Accepted Dec 202

    Enhanced thermally-activated skyrmion diffusion with tunable effective gyrotropic force

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    Magnetic skyrmions, topologically-stabilized spin textures that emerge in magnetic systems, have garnered considerable interest due to a variety of electromagnetic responses that are governed by the topology. The topology that creates a microscopic gyrotropic force also causes detrimental effects, such as the skyrmion Hall effect, which is a well-studied phenomenon highlighting the influence of topology on the deterministic dynamics and drift motion. Furthermore, the gyrotropic force is anticipated to have a substantial impact on stochastic diffusive motion; however, the predicted repercussions have yet to be demonstrated, even qualitatively. Here we demonstrate enhanced thermally-activated diffusive motion of skyrmions in a specifically designed synthetic antiferromagnet. Suppressing the effective gyrotropic force by tuning the angular momentum compensation leads to a more than 10 times enhanced diffusion coefficient compared to that of ferromagnetic skyrmions. Consequently, our findings not only demonstrate the gyro-force dependence of the diffusion coefficient but also enable ultimately energy-efficient unconventional stochastic computing