52 research outputs found

    Cultural and Linguistic Validation of Foreign Psychometric Instrument -an example of adapting the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation (SL-ASIA) Scale, from English to Indonesian Language-

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    This article is to share best practices of the author in validating foreign research instruments into Indonesian Language. The words of Cultural and Linguistic Validation may not be something new anymore, but the scientific work on the proper cultural and linguistic validation offoreign instruments into Indonesian Lan- guage, in Indonesia, especially psychomet- ric instruments, is probably rarely done.Report of that is very limited, if there is any. Nevertheless, any comments and critics to this article are most welcomed


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the happiness orientation ofboys and girls. A number of 459 high school students in Yogyakarta andCiamis filled out questionnaire with open-ended questions developed byKim and information about the data itself. The analysis method in this studyused a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods with indigenouspsychology approach, an approach from the perspective of the local culture,was used to analyze the data response from open questions, so the originaldata was obtained in the reality of Indonesia itself, so every phenomenonwas seen in context, presented and interpreted in relative terms based onthe cultural, ecological, and where the phenomenon took place.Categorization responses were analyzed by cross tabulation statisticalmethods with the sex of respondents. The results showed that there wasno significant difference in happiness boys and girls. Events that made themost happy for the boys was the event associated with achievement,spirituality, friends, and leisure time, whereas for girls was associated withfamily, love and be loved, as well as money

    Apakah sistem kekerabatan matrilinieal di suku Minang masih membudaya? Analisis tematik pada makna pemberian dukungan sosial mamak kepada kemenakan

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    Suku Minang memiliki sistem kekerabatan matrilineal di mana kesejahteraan seorang anak menjadi tanggung jawab bersama keluarga besar ibu (communal) yang dipimpin oleh mamak (saudara laki-laki ibu). Akan tetapi, penelitian-penelitian dalam bidang sosiologi memberikan bukti bahwa sistem kekerabatan tersebut sudah memudar dan peran mamak sudah digantikan oleh bapak seiring dengan menguatnya praktik keluarga inti (nuclear family). Penelitian ini berusaha mengeksplorasi tema-tema dalam makna pemberian dukungan dari perspektif mamak kepada kemenakan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 298 laki-laki Minang yang memiliki kemenakan (anak dari saudara perempuannya) dan berdomisili di provinsi Sumatra Barat yang secara tradisional mempraktikan sistem kekerabatan matrilineal. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan open-ended questionaire, dan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pemberian dukungan sosial dari mamak kepada kemenakan masih dilakukan pada mayoritas partisipan. Namun, pemberian dukungan tersebut hanya bersifat insidental dan tidak berlangsung terus-menerus. Pemberian dukungan kepada kemenakan ternyata memberikan manfaat bagi kesejahteraan afektif mamak apabila perilaku tersebut dilakukan secara tulus (altruist) dan praktik tersebut ternyata memberikan luaran sosial yang positif (rewards) seperti harga diri (self-esteem) dan perasaan terhubung (feeling social connection). Temuan lain yang menarik adalah munculnya kategori kewajiban (obligation) yang ternyata juga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan afektif alih-alih menjadi beban bagi mamak

    Enjoying Every Moment: Improving Adolescent’s Subjective Well-Being Through Adolescent Mindfulness Program

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    Adolescents often deal with pressures either from the internal or external environment that might trigger psychological issues related to behavior, emotion, academic achievement, and interpersonal relation. Specific intervention is particularly needed to improve adolescents’ subjective well-being in such situations. This research aimed at measuring the effectiveness of the Adolescent Mindfulness Program (Program Mindfulness Remaja, known as PRIMA) on adolescent subjective well-being. This research employed an experimental study with a switching replication design. Twenty-eight late adolescents aged 17-21 years-old previously identified with low or moderate subjective well-being participated in the study and received 9 sessions of the Mindfulness Program. Kentucky Inventory Mindfulness Scale (KIMS) was used to measure mindfulness and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SwSL) and Positive Affect & Negative Affect (PANAS) were used to measure subjective well-being. Results depicted significant improvement in adolescent subjective well-being (p= 0.000; p<0.001) after the intervention, with a therapeutic effect lasting for more or less than 2 weeks. The result of qualitative analysis indicated that self-compassion meditation was the most meaningful meditation for participants

    Empathic Love Therapy to Reduce Depression among Female Victims of Domestic Violence

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    Female victims of domestic violence often experience depression. This research used Empathic Love Therapy (ELT) to reduce depressive symptoms, by enabling individual to understand one-self deeper by realizing, understanding, accepting, and loving all aspects of the self, which is the early process of healing. This research is quasi-experiment research using a single group simple interrupted time series design. Five women aged 30-60 years old who experience depression, based on BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) score, participated in an eight-session therapy. Participants were recruited purposively based on theory-based or operational construct sampling. Data analysis combined quantitative and qualitative methods, of which Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used for quantitative analysis, whereas qualitative analysis adopted a descriptive analysis. Quantitative findings significant difference in BDI score between before and after treatment (Z = -2.023 with p=  0.043<0.05). Qualitative findings showed that participants were able to find survival personality that emerged from past painful experiences and plays a role in the depression symptoms they are currently experiencing. With the power of love they find from God, they are able to accept themselves, and focus their lives on their potential and positive future plans. Therefore, it can be concluded that Empathic Love Therapy is effective to be used to reduce depressive symptoms


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    The earthquake that took place in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) and Central Java on 27 May 2006 gave such tremendous impact to individual and socials physical and psychological factor, as well as material damage. Such alterations were potentially threatening harmonious living that has been upheld by the Javanese. Based on the above thought, this research aimed to illustrate the whole psychological overview about the individuals efforts in countenancing the alterations triggered by theearthquake, using the local wisdom which then brought them to harmonious societys life. This study used qualitative method with the ethnography-grounded theoretical approach. One of this researchs essential finding shows that the Javanese still adhering the Javanese local wisdom in countenancing any kinds of post-earthquake alterations. The society was somewhat took any kinds of conflict, such as the unfair disaster-aid distributions and the local residence officers corruption acts, passively. Their passive reaction showed that for Javanese maintaining the socialharmonious life is the most essential life purpose; compared if they had to claim their violated rights

    Kemandirian Anak Usia 2,5 - 4 Tahun Ditinjau Dari Tipe Keluarga Dan Tipe Prasekolah = Independency of 2,5 - 4 Year Old Children Across Family and Preschool Type

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    This study was intended to reveal the extent of independency of preschool children aged 2.5 through 4 years across family and preschool type. Seven different hypotheses were generated to test the difference in independency between children raised in nucleus and extended family as well as between those attending half day and full day preschool. Subjects were 60 children from play group Taruna Al Quran Lempongsari, play group Taruna AI Quran Minomartani, play group Budi Mulia Belimbingsari, play groUp Budi Mulia Seturan and preschool Ahsanu Amala, Lempongsari, Yogyakarta. Data were collected by administering Skala Kemandirian and Angket Keluarga. Supporting data were obtained from preschool\u27s documents. By means of two-way analysis of covariance, the following results were concluded: (1) Difference in independency between children from nucleus family and extended family type was not evident (F = 1,671p = 0,202), (2) Children attending full day preschool showed a higher independency compared to those attending half day preschool (F = 16,930p < 0,001), and (3) As a whole, children involved in the study can be classified as having moderate independency. Key words: independency of preschool children, family types, preschool types

    Kerangka Konseptual Integritas: Studi Eksplorasi pada Guru-guru Sekolah Dasar di Yogyakarta

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    Integrity is commitment to positive values i.e. honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. To encourage children to commit to such positive values, elementary school educatorsare expected to understand the essential values of integrity. This study is an exploratory qualitative study attemptingto buildan understanding on the Indonesian school teacher’s concepts ofintegritywith an indigenous approach. An open ended survey was conducted to a sample of 121 elementary school teachers from Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta. A group of elementary school teachers from the sample was recruited to assist the data analysis process, to ensure a data coding in accordance to their conception. The categories were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The result of this research revealed the perspective of elementary school teachers on the importance of certain values involved in integrity, how they teach their students to embrace the values. Theoretical and applied implementation of this research results is discussed.Integritas adalah komitmen terhadap nilai-nilai positif yaitu kejujuran, kepercayaan, keadilan, rasa hormat, tanggung jawab dan keberanian. Untuk mendorong siswa SD berkomitmen pada nilai-nilai positif seperti itu, pendidik sekolah dasar diharapkan memahami nilai-nilai penting dari integritas. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif eksploratif yang mencoba membangun pemahaman tentang konsep integritas guru sekolah Indonesia dengan pendekatan indijenous. Survei open-ended disebarkan dan diisi 121 guru sekolah dasar dari Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta. Kemudian sekelompok guru sekolah dasar dari partisipan tersebut direkrut untuk membantu proses analisis data, untuk memastikan pengkodean data sesuai dengan konsepsi mereka. Kategori dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan perspektif guru sekolah dasar tentang pentingnya nilai-nilai tertentu yang terlibat dalam integritas dan bagaimana mereka mengajar siswa mereka untuk mengadopsi nilai-nilai luhur. Penerapan teoritis dan praktis dari hasil penelitian ini akan dibahas

    Identitas Nasional, Pemahaman Pancasila dan Relasi Interpersonal Anggota DPRD Sumatera Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh identitas nasional dan pemahaman Pancasila terhadap relasi interpersonal anggota DPRD Sumsel. Relasi interpersonal adalah hubungan antar individu untuk performa kerja. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan performa kerja adalah dengan meningkatkan &nbsp;relasi interpersonal. Faktor yang mempengaruhi relasi interpersonal dari aspek individu adalah identitas nasional dan pemahaman Pancasila. Identitas nasional adalah identifikasi individu kepada negaranya sedangkan pemahaman Pancasila adalah kemampuan anggota DPRD dalam memahami ideologi Pancasila. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 58 orang anggota DPRD Sumatera Selatan periode 2014-2019 dari berbagai fraksi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan skala yakni skala identitas nasional, pemahaman Pancasila dan relasi interpersonal. Adapun hasil penelitian menggunakan analisis regresi berganda menunjukan bahwa identitas nasional dan pemahaman Pancasila secara bersama-sama berpengaruh pada relasi interpersonal (p= 0.001). Identitas nasional memiliki kontribusi yang lebih besar dalam memengaruhi relasi interpersonal dibanding pemahaman Pancasila. &nbsp

    Efficacy of Hypnotic Guided Imagery (HGI) Towards People with Depression

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    It is well known that people with depressive illnesses are not very satisfied with their lives. There is a need to reduce depression’s symptoms in such ways so that the burden can be reduced. An intervention called Hypnotic Guided Imagery (HGI) was purposed to address this problem. Previously, HGI has been proven to be effective as a therapy to decrease depressive symptoms towards people with depression. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of HGI in virtual setting as a psychotherapy substitute for individuals with depressive disorders. This study employs an experimental methodology and a control group with a pretest-posttest design. Participants included up to 10 Indonesians that suffers from depression that was diagnosed earlier by doctors. They were split into intervention and control groups and the PANAS-X and PHQ-9 were given to the participants before and after intervention as an instrument to test the efficacy of HGI. Hypothetically, HGI has the capability to decrease depressive symptoms among people with depression. Proven, HGI has an effect on both the reduction of some unpleasant emotions and the enhancement of other positive ones. This promising finding leads to the conviction suggesting HGI has many more to offer
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