385 research outputs found


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    Saline soil has a high salt content with pH between 7,3 – 8,5. These conditions contribute decreased of plant growth, yield quality and metabolic disorders related to salt (Na and/or Cl) toxicity. The series of experimental studies have been conducted to describe the effect of mychorhizae and rhizobium to increase plant tolerance based on the percentage of mychorhizal infection and nodule infection, the absorbtion of Phosphate, Natrium, Clorin, also the plant growth using the soybean as a model plant. Data were analyzed statistically. The Glomus etunicatum and Glomus facsiculatum had an optimal effect on the plant growth, the absorption of Phosphate and the percentage of mychorhizal infection. When the both of mychorhizae were applied together with Rhizobium, affected positively and significantly on the plant growth, percentage of mychorhizal infection, the N and P absorption. These results revealed that the mychorizae and rhizobium affected positively and significantly on plant tolerance in saline soil. As a consequence, the multi simbiotic soil microorganism can be used as an alternative to increase the plant tolerance grown on high saline soil


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    WHO memperkirakan setiap tahun terdapat 350 juta penderita IMS di negara-negara berkembang.Hal ini karena penggunaan kondom yang masih rendah pada hubungan seksual berisiko.Berdasarkan Surveilans Terpadu Biologis dan Perilaku (STBP) tahun 2011, penggunaan kondom pada pria potensial risti secara konsisten masih rendah yaitu sebesar 8%.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku penggunaan kondom pada klien wanita pekerja seks dalam upaya pencegahan infeksi menular seksual di Kelurahan Bandungan.Metode yang digunakan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional.Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 orang dengan teknik accidental sampling.Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-square.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwasebesar 72% responden dalam kategori umur muda (dibawah 45 tahun), sebesar 56% responden berpendidikan tingkat lanjut, sebesar 90% memiliki pekerjaan informal, sebesar 64% responden menikah, dansebesar 87% memiliki pendapatan tinggi (≥ Rp. 1.419.000), sebesar 54% responden memiliki pengetahuan kurang, sebesar 51% responden memiliki sikap yang kurang mendukung dalam penggunaan kondom, sebesar 59% responden menyatakan tersedia kondom, keterjangkauan kondom sebesar 61%, sebesar 58% responden kurang mendapat dukungan dari WPS, dan sebesar 56% responden kurang mendapat dukungan dari PTL. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan antaratingkat pendidikan (p=0,009), pendapatan (p=0,017), pengetahuan (p= 0,001), sikap (p=0,001), ketersedian kondom (p=0,015), dukungan WPS (p=0,001) dengan perilaku penggunaan kondom pada klien WPS dalam pencegahan IMS. Sedangkan umur (p=0,504), status perkawinan (p=0,835), pekerjaan (p=0,317), keterjangkauan kondom (p=0,412), dan dukungan PTL (p=0,840) tidak ada hubungan dengan perilaku penggunaan kondom pada klien WPS dalam pencegahan IMS. Kata Kunci: Kondom, Klien WPS, IM


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pemenuhan kebutuhan anak, penyediaan fasilitas belajar, pemberian bimbingan kepada anak, pemberian motivasi belajar, dan pengaruh perhatian orang tua terhadap minat belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri di Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Kulonprogo tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif ex-postfacto, dan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, yaitu dengan menyajikan data dalam bentuk angka, diagram, maupun tabel. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 675 siswa. Untuk mempermudah dalam melaksanakan penelitian maka juga digunakan pendekatan sampel. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas V berjumlah 204 siswa dari 13 Sekolah Dasar yang dipilih menggunakan clusster sampling dan untuk menentukan sekolahnya dugunakan random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket tertutup baik untuk data perhatian orang tua maupun minat belajar siswa. Uji validitas instrument dengan menggunakan rumus Product Moment, sedangkan uji reliablitas menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach Uji hipotesis dan analisis data penelitian menggunakan regresi berganda dengan 4 prediktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh perhataian orang tua terhadap minat belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri Se-Kecamatan Wates Kabupaten Kulonprogo tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Pengaruh perhatian orang tua terhadap minat belajar adalah 54%.Dari hasil uji statistik diperoleh signifikansi 0,00 yang berarti taraf signifikansi 0% ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara perhatian orang tua dan minat belajar. Kata Kunci: perhatian orang tua, minat belajar sisw


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    YUNI SRI WAHYUNINGSIH, The Correlation Between Job Orientation With Productivity Fires An Employee On Operation Manager (OM) Division At PT. Angkasa Citra Sarana Catering Service, Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta. Thesis. Jakarta : Study Program of Commerce Education, Departement of Economic and Administration, Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta, June 2012. Purpose of this research is to find about the possibility a positive The Correlation Between The Job Orientation With Productivity Fires An Employee On Operation Manager (OM) Departement At PT. Angkasa Citra Sarana Catering Service, Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta. The period of this research was four month, since March 2012 until June 2012. This research used survey methods by correlation approach. The population of this research are all of the employee at Operation Manager (OM) Departement were 355 employee. The reached population were 85 employee of Employee On Operation Manager (OM) Departement. The sampling of this research were 68 employee with sampling error 5%. The sampling technique was the Proporsional Random Sampling. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Ŷ = 52,47 + 0,282X. The analysis conditional test proved the validation on variabel Y to variabel X is Normal Distributed. It is proved by the calculation that n = 68 used Liliefors test at significant level (α) = 0.05 that indicates Lcount (0,067) Ftable (3,99). It state the formula of regression is significant. The coefficient of correlation counted by Product Moment Formula by pearson indicates rxy = 0,515 while the result of correlation coefficient significant test indicates tcount = 4,88 and ttable = 1,67 because the result shows tcount > ttable the research indicates there is a significant correlation between the job orientation with productivity fires an employee on operation manager (OM) departement at PT. Angkasa Citra Sarana Catering Service, Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta.. The counted of Determination coefficient test indicates 26,55% the variance of variabel Y is Determination by variabel X. The conclusion of research shown that a positive correlation the job orientation with productivity fires an employee on operation manager (OM) departement at PT. Angkasa Citra Sarana Catering Service, Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta

    Penerapan Analytical Hierarchy Process Dalam Desain User Experience Aplikasi Learning Management System

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    The application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method in the interest of proving the criteria that are the key to the successful realization of user experience in an application. Seeing the many applications of the AHP method both in the system and in management, it is proven to be able to assist in the decision-making process objectively. The AHP method covers the data collection and analysis stages. For data collection, this study uses an online questionnaire method by utilizing a google form containing questions related to the success factors that affect the application of the learning management system. Respondents are random, the results are recapitulated by looking at the answers that are more chosen from each question. The total of the answers is processed to substantiate that the selected criteria are indeed well correlated with each other, by first completing the calculation in the form of a matrix with certain patterns using the AHP method

    Pengaruh Pendidikan, Profesi Dan Bagi Hasil Terhadap Persepsi Masyarakat Pada Perbankan Syariah

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    This research aims to determine whether education, profession and profit-sharing partially and simultaneously affect public perceptions of sharia banking in Siak Kecil District. The data analysis technique used is the validity test, reliability test, normality test, multiple linear regression test, t-test, f test and the coefficient of determination test. The results of this study found that the level of education did not significantly influence people's perceptions of Islamic banking in Siak Kecil District. Then in terms of the profession, there is a significant influence on people's perceptions of Islamic banking in the Siak Kecil District. In terms of revenue sharing, there is a significant influence on people's perceptions of Islamic banking in Siak Kecil District. Simultaneously education, profession and profit-sharing affect people's perceptions of Islamic banking in Siak Kecil District with a large influence of 55.4%


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    This study aims to determine of the effect of audit structure, experience, appropriateness of roles and independence on the performance of local government internal auditors (Empirical Studies at the Inspectorate of Central Kalimantan Province, Palangka Raya City and South Barito District) sample Kalimantan Province there were 54 respondents, Inspectorate of Palangka Raya City had 9 respondents and Inspectorate of Barito Selatan Regency had 10 respondents,number of auditors was 73 respondents.Data analysis used SPSS 25.This (1) the audit structure has no effect on the performance of local government internal auditors (2) Experience has no effect on the performance of audito (3) Suitability of roles has a positive effect on the performance of local government internal auditors.(3) Independence has a positive effect on the performance of local government internal auditors. (4) The results of the audit structure hypothesis testing, experience of role suitability and independence on the performance of the local government internal auditors simultaneously have a positive effec

    Upaya Pencegahan Gangguan Postpartum Mood Sejak Kehamilan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    In these recent days, Covid-19 becomes the global health problem. One of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic is a mother’s anxiety during pregnancy and the puerperium. This anxiety can put mothers at risk for postpartum mood disorders. Prevention of postpartum mood disorders can be done from the pregnancy time with preparatory education in dealing with the mothers’ roles for their babies. As an effort to maintain health protocols in this pandemic era, services to pregnant and postpartum women during the Covid-19 pandemic can be done through online communication media. This service aims to determine the data of the risk of postpartum mood disorders or postpartum depression since pregnancy and prepare mothers to welcome their role as postpartum mothers.The service method was carried out by screening the risk of postpartum mood disorders using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and health education about the management of postpartum care for mothers and babies to the third-trimester pregnant women through online media. The results showed that six pregnant women (42.86%) had no risk of depression; seven pregnant women (50%) indicated that depression might occur, and one pregnant woman (7.14%) indicated the possibility of depression. During the counselling session, the mothers were less active in group discussions in online media and some mothers preferred private consultations. In addition, the mothers also expressed their desire to learn materials about pregnancy exercise, postpartum exercise, and lactation management during the outreach activities. From the results of screening using EPDS regarding postpartum mood disorders since pregnancy, it was found that there was a risk of depression during pregnancy and a possible risk of postpartum depression. Online health education for postpartum care management for postpartum mothers and babies as an effort to prevent postpartum mood since pregnancy during the Covid-19 pandemic can be done using the online metho
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