238 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Simulasi Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar PKN Pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 03 Kebak Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa yang kemudian berdampak pada hasil belajar melalui penerapan metode simulasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas) yang terdiri atas perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, refleksi, dan evaluasi dengan metode pembelajaran Simulasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah guru kelas V SD Negeri 03 Kebak dan peneliti sebagai subyek pemberi tindakan dan siswa kelas V SD Negeri 03 Kebak yang berjumlah 24 siswa sebagai subyek penerima tindakan. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, tes dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan terdiri dari: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn yang kemudian berdampak pada peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari motivasi belajar siswa yang meliputi aktivitas: (1) Bertanya, sebelum tindakan hanya 7 siswa (29,17 %) dan pada akhir tindakan mencapai 18 siswa (75,00 %) (2) Berpendapat, sebelum tindakan hanya 5 siswa (20,83 %) dan pada akhir tindakan mencapai 18 siswa (75,00 %) (3) Perhatian, sebelum tindakan hanya 8 siswa (33,33 %) dan pada akhir tindakan mencapai 19 siswa (79,17 %) (4) Mengerjakan tugas, sebelum tindakan hanya 9 siswa (37,50 %) dan pada akhir tindakan mencapai 20 siswa (83,33 %) (5) Kerjasama kelompok, sebelum tindakan hanya 5 siswa (20,83 %) dan pada akhir tindakan mencapai 19 siswa (79,17 %). Peningkatan hasil belajar dapat dilihat dari hasil post test yang dilakukan di akhir proses pembelajaran yaitu sebelum tindakan, prosentase keberhasilan siswa yang nilainya di atas KKM (≄ 70) hanya 54,17 % dan pada akhir tindakan mencapai 87,50 %. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penerapan metode simulasi dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar PKn pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 03 Kebak Kebakkramat tahun pelajaran 2011/201


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    The aim of this study was to find out: 1) the kinds of error made by EFL student’s reflective journal writing on online blogging, 2) the process that the EFL student did in producing errors, 3) the causes of error happened on EFL student's reflective journal writing. This study was categorized into a qualitative content analysis. The data of this study were 10 reflective journal writings of EFL student on her blogging account and the data source was one of the EFL students of State Islamic University of North Sumatera. The data were observed by purposive sampling. Thus for the results of this study, the researcher found five kinds of errors that appeared on EFL student’s reflective journal writing on her online blogging. They were; error in time, omission error, insertion error, part of speech error and other errors. The errors happened unconsciously, the EFL student made errors by eliminating, adding some unnecessary word and disordering some words in arranging sentence. There were several factors behind the occurrence of errors, namely Interlingua transfer, intralingua transfer, lack of vocabulary, and the use of inappropriate translate techniques. Keywords: Error Analysis, Reflective Journal, Online Blogging, and Surface Strategy Taxonom


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    This kind of study was a qualitative content analysis. The purpose of this study was to examine errors that happened during students' written interactions on the Whatsapp application. The data were acquired using purposeful sampling since the researcher identified EFL university students who actively communicated via WhatsApp in written English. The researcher used documentation to collect data for this investigation. To ensure the validity of the data, the researcher took a screenshot of the student's writing that was typed in the Whatsapp group, and interviewed five respondents via Whatsapp voice calls that were recorded using a voice recorder on a smartphone, then transcribed and assessed qualitatively. The researcher collected data in a methodical manner and carried out several data analysis operations like collecting the errors, classifying them, providing and evaluation and explaining the errors and the factors. The researcher concluded from the research findings that both the source language (L1) and the target language (L2) have an effect on students' interlanguage writing output. The study discovered that the native language had an effect on literal translation by utilizing Indonesian grammatical patterns, Indonesian acronyms, omitting plural marker-s, and omitting BE. Meanwhile, the target language's effect was detected by the insertion of auxiliary verbs and the generalization of the past tense –ed


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    Tujuan dari penelitian  ini adalah  (1) untuk mengetahui proses pengembangan  media CD interaktif  pada materi jurnal penyesuaian untuk siswa kelas XI IPS SMAN Gedangan;(2) untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari pengembangan media pembelajaran CD interaktif pada materi ayat jurnal penyesuaian untuk siswa kelas XI IPS SMAN Gedangan;(3)untuk mengetahui respon siswa kelas XI IPS SMAN Gedangan terhadap pengembangan media pembelajaran CD interaktif pada materi jurnal penyesuaian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian  pengembangan  yang  menghasilkan produk yaitu pengembangan media pembelajaran CD interaktif pada materi jurnal penyesuaian untuk siswa kelas XI IPS SMAN Gedangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) proses pengembangan media pembelajaran CD interaktif menggunakan model pengembangan menurut teori dari Thiagarajan yang terdiri dari tahapan pengembangan yaitu  Define, Design, and Develop.;(2) kelayakan dari pengembangan media CD interaktif pada materi jurnal penyesuaian memperoleh hasil validasi dari ahli materi sebesar 84,34% dan validasi dari ahli media sebesar 95,40% yang menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran CD interaktif tersebut layak untuk digunakan;(3)hasil respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran CD interaktif mendapatkan presentase sebesar 85% yang menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran CD interaktif tersebut baik digunakan untuk siswa.   Kata kunci : Media Pembelajaran, CD Interaktif, Materi Ayat Jurnal Penyesuaia


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    Writing skills in a foreign language is the most difficult skill in learning. The students of SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari have difficulty in finding the ideas to write, especially in writing description. Therefore, the teachers as a central component in learning process need to be creative and innovative. To help the students, then one model of learning that can be applied is round table cooperative learning model. This learning model was applied, because the round table requires all students in the group to write down his ideas in turn. Then a collection of ideas developed to make a description individually, so that this model can help students overcome difficulties. The problem of this research is “How is the process of implementating the round table cooperative learning model in descriptive writing skills in German language of class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari?”. The purpose of this research is “To know the process of implementating the round table cooperative learning model in descriptive writing skills in German language of class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari.”. The theory used in this research is the theory of Kagan and McCafferty about the round table. The kind of this research is qualitative descriptive. The source of data is based on the research of 32 students of class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari. Data in this research is data process of the implementation the round table cooperative learning model for five meetings. There is also data about learning outcomes in writing description of German language using the round table cooperative learning model as supporting data. The results showed that the round table cooperative learning model has been well implemented according to the correctly procedures. The result of the observation showed that the students became more active during the learning process. The students came to like learning German language with round table cooperative learning model, especially in writing. The German writing skill of the students increased significantly. This is supported by the increase of the students’ writting exercise score, although there were still some grammatical errors in writing. So, it can be concluded that round table cooperative learning model can be used as an alternative in learning German language, especially in the teaching of writing skills. Keywords: Writing skills, Descriptions, Models of round table cooperative learnin

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Penerapan Kooperatif Tipe STAD

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    Mathematics is a compulsory subject that can be found in elementary schools and even up to college. Mathematics can usually be applied in everyday life, so that students are sought to be able to apply and understand learning well. Therefore, researchers use STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) type cooperative learning which is considered a powerful learning method in helping students. The initial goal in learning mathematics is so that students are able to think logically, critically and systematically. This type of research uses PTK (Classroom Action Research) in order to be able to improve student learning outcomes in depth or change in the desired direction. Data collection techniques use observation after which the data is analyzed using descriptive analysis, which is in the form of descriptive sheets and research tests on learning outcomes. This learning objective is to improve the results of mathematics learning carried out during 2 cycles carried out on 20 students. Based on the learning outcomes in the first cycle, it only reached 45%, after that took action, namely doing the 2nd cycle. The results of the 2nd cycle on student learning outcomes reached 90%, the increase in learning outcomes from cycle 1 to cycle 2 reached 50%. The result of this conclusion is an increase in learning outcomes in mathematics learning in class X students of Al Hikmah Tajinan Islamic High School


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    TC Khusus Jawa Timur merupakan pemusatan latihan di Jawa Timur yang memilih atlet-atlet berpotensi melalui hasil tes fisik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kondisi fisik yang meliputi : kekuatan, kecepatan, kecepatan reaksi, power, fleksibilitas, dan daya tahan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode ex post facto, dan subjek penelitian yang terdiri atas 6 atlet. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa item tes yaitu : kekuatan dengan  back and leg dynamometer, kecepatan dengan lari 30 meter, kecepatan reaksi dengan whole body reaction, power dengan vertical jump, fleksibilitas dengan sit & reach, dan daya tahan dengan bleep test. Teknik analisis yang digunakan ialah deskriptif kuantitatif dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan otot punggung termasuk kategori sedang dengan persentase 1 atlet 16% baik dan 5 atlet 84% sedang, kekuatan otot paha termasuk kategori sedang dengan persentase 1 atlet 16% baik, 4 atlet 68% sedang, dan 1 atlet 16% kurang. Kecepatan atlet putri termasuk sedang dan atlet putra kurang dengan persentase 1 atlet 16% baik, 3 atlet 52% sedang, dan 2 atlet 32% kurang. Kecepatan reaksi termasuk kategori bagus dengan persentase 5 atlet 84% bagus dan 1 atlet 16% sedang. Power atlet putri termasuk sedang dan atlet putra kurang dengan persentase 2 atlet 32% baik, 3 atlet 52% sedang, dan 1 atlet 16% kurang. Fleksibilitas atlet putri termasuk sedang dan atlet putra baik dengan persentase 4 atlet 68% baik, 1 atlet 16% sedang, dan 1 atlet 16% kurang. Daya tahan atlet putri termasuk di bawah rata-rata dan atlet putra di atas rata-rata dengan persentase 1 atlet 16% excellent, 2 atlet 32% di atas rata-rata, dan 3 atlet 52% di bawah rata-rata. Kata Kunci : Analisis, Kondisi Fisik, Atlet Sprin
