47 research outputs found

    La historia global y la historia digital

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    Real Academia Nobles Artes de AntequeraReflexión sobre las interacciones de la historia global y la historia digital en el contexto del alumnado de Historia, de tercer y cuarto curso de Grado.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Economía moral y gestión aristocrática en tiempos del Quijote

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    Este artículo postula el estudio conjunto de las historias intelectual y económica. Las representaciones mentales afectan a las decisiones y variables económicas, al tiempo que las realidades económicas influyen en la evolución de las ideas. Esto se ilustra con el caso de la nobleza castellana y su gestión de los patrimonios. Ésta venía determinada en gran parte por la «economía moral» del grupo, que venía a justificar su lugar privilegiado en la sociedad. Sin embargo, en la Edad Moderna nuevas ideas y dificultades económicas erosionaron esos conceptos y actitudes, conduciendo a un creciente interés de los nobles por una gestión eficiente de sus propiedades. El delicado equilibrio entre ganancia y prestigio –a su vez un medio indirecto de conseguir riqueza–, así como la omnipresencia de preocupaciones religiosas, obstaculizan la correcta visión de la situación real y de su evolución, no por ello menos necesaria.This article makes a plea for a joint study of intellectual and economic history. Mental perceptions affect economic decisions and variables, while economic realities influence the evolution of ideas. We use the case of Castilian noblemen and their management of landed property to illustrate these interrelations. This was driven to a large extent by the «moral economy» of the group, which provided a moral justification of its privileged place in society. However, during the early modern age new ideas and economic difficulties eroded these concepts and attitudes, and led to an increasing interest of nobility towards an efficient management of their properties. The delicate equilibrium between gains and prestige –intended as an indirect means to acquire wealth– as well as the intermingling of religious worries make it difficult to get a balanced view of the real situation and its evolution, which is none the less necessary.Publicad

    Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415-1668

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    `Nuevos productos atlánticos, ciencia, guerra, economía y consumo en el Antiguo Régimen¿ (P09-HUM 5330), `Globalización Ibérica: redes entre Asia y Europa y los cambios en las pautas de consumo en Latinoamérica¿ (HAR2014-53797-P), GECEM (`Global Encounters between China and Europe www.gecem.eu), a project funded by the European Research Council-Starting Grant, ref. 679371 (under the European Union¿s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grupo Paidi (HUM-1000): Historia de la Globalizacion: Violencia, Negociacion e InterculturalidadOffers a leading analysis of the expansion of the Iberian empire expansion and the impact of early globalization on the Peninsula. Offers a comparative perspective on the impact of globalization on institutional development, the political economy, and processes of state-building in Europe. Contests a prevalent, excessively-negative image of the Iberian empire, counterpoising the difficult relationship between empires and globalization and opening the debate for comparisons to other imperial formations.Universidad Pablo de OlavideVersión del edito

    Social Networks and the Circulation of Technology and Knowledge in the Global Spanish Empire

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    This chapter aims at drawing attention to the role of the Spanish Empire in the circulation of technology and technological knowledge during this epoch. It focuses on the role of informal institutions and social networks regulating such circulation and examines the relationship between political power and the control of technological knowledge, as well as the often-simplified interplay between globalization and empire.GECEM Project, Global Encounters between China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and Cultural Exchanges in Macau and Marseille (1680-1840), ERC (European Research Council)- Starting Grant, programa Horizon 2020, número de ref. 679371, www.gecem.eu.Versión del edito


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    GECEM Project (ERC-Starting Grant), ref. 679371, under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programmewww.gecem.eu. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003168058-1/introduction-1-bartolom%C3%A9-yun-casalilla https://www.gecem.eu/publications/index.htmlThis introduction summarizes the main ideas that this book develops, which are central to understanding American globalization from the perspective of the history of consumption. It points out the relevant role of states and political economies, maybe greater than in Europe, in the distribution and introduction of European, Asian and African products in the New World, which partly explains why this process is characterized by the combination of coercion, commercial transactions and emulation. But this research also emphasizes the agency of the original American peoples in the hybridization of consumption patterns resulting from the conquest and colonization, as well as the relevance of "horizontal" relationships among the subalterns themselves, due especially to the crucial role played by enslaved populations of African origin. However, the interactions among so many populations led not to homogeneous fusion but instead to great social and regional disparities. Given the depth and dramatic character of the transformations underway, these changes in consumption patterns must also be associated with profound alterations in the original ecosystems.GECEM Project (ERC-Starting Grant), ref. 679371, Horizon 2020, project hosted at UP

    ¿Pobres y artesanos tumultuosos contra elites ejemplares? Ortiz de Zúñiga, las “alteraciones” de 1652 y la visión patricia de las relaciones sociales en la Sevilla del siglo XVII

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    This article attempts to delve deeper into the history of the Andalusian upheavals of 1652 by analyzing its description by the chronicler Ortiz de Zúñiga. Belonging to a patrician family, his text evidences the oligarchy's view of these conflicts and the political vocabulary of the epoch. But, at the same time, it reflects the complexity of the political theory behind the conflict and the elites' vision of it. This case study is a reflection that can be extrapolated to other similar events in modern Spain and Europe.Este artículo intenta profundizar en la historia de las alteraciones andaluzas de 1652, analizando la versión que de ellas dio el cronista Ortiz de Zúñiga. Perteneciente a una familia de la oligarquía, su texto demuestra la visión que desde esta se tuvo de dichos conflictos y muestra el vocabulario político de la época. Pero, a su vez, recoge la complejidad de la teoría política que estaba detrás de los levantamientos y de la visión de estos por parte de las élites. El caso de estudio constituye una reflexión extrapolable a otros eventos parecidos en la España y en la Europa modernas