15 research outputs found

    Analisis Manajemen Strategis Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi Rumah Sakit 2013 ABSTRAK Suryani Yuliyanti Analisis Manajemen Strategis Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard xiv + 120 halaman + 5 tabel + 6 gambar + 7 lampiran Balanced scorecard merupakan contemporary management tool yang dapat pula digunakan sebagai rerangka penyusunan rencana strategis dan sebagai alat untuk memperbaiki aliran informasi dan komunikasi antara top eksekutif dengan manajemen menengah dalam perusahaan. Sejak tahun 2005 RSI Sultan Agung telah melaksanakan perencanaan stategi dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard, Data dari penelitian pendahuluan didapatkan pada pelaksanaan rencana strategis tersebut didapatkan kesulitan dalam internalisasi, dan sosialisasi visi dalam rumah sakit sehingga menjadi visi bersama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis manajemen strategis di Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang dengan pendekatan Balance Scorecard Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bersifat eksploratif. Obyek yang diteliti meliputi Visi, value, misi, tujuan, sasaran strategis, strategis map, dan keselarasan antara masing-masing variable. Selanjutnya dibuat alternatif rumusan visi, value, misi, tujuan dan sasaran strategis yang baru. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, studi dokumentasi, wawancara mendalam dan FGD kepada subyek penelitian yang terdiri berjumlah 19 orang Hasil penelitian, visi dan misi di rumah sakit telah mengalami perubahan menjadi lebih singkat, padat dan mudah dipahami, value masih dalam proses implementasi, untuk tujuan dan sasaran kalimat masih terlalu panjang dan kurang fokus dan hanya sebagian sesuai visi sehingga sulit untuk dikomunikasikan,strategis mapping hubungan kurang logis, cascading belum dilakukan. Disimpulkan RSI Sultan Agung kurang baik dalam melaksanakan manajemen strategis berdasarkan pendekatan balanced scorecard. Kata kunci : Rumah sakit. Manajemen strategis, balanced scorecard Kepustakaan : 16 buku, 12 jurnal, 2 dokumen. Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Hospital Administration 2013 ABSTRACT Suryani Yuliyanti Analysis on Management of Strategic Plan of Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital through Balanced Scorecard Approach xiv + 120 pages + 5 tables + 6 figures + 7 enclosures Balanced scorecard was a contemporary management tool that can be used as a frame of strategic plan development and as a tool for improving information flow and communication between top executive and middle management in the company. Since 2005, Sultan Agung Islamic hospital (RSI) have implemented strategic plan with balanced scorecard approach. Data obtained from preliminary studies showed that problems during internalization and socialization of vision of the hospital to become a group vision were found in the implementation of the strategic plan. Objective of this study was to analyze strategic management in Sultan Agung Islamic hospital Semarang using balanced scorecard approach. This was an explorative descriptive-qualitative study. Objects of the study included vision, value, mission, purpose, strategic target, strategic map, and harmony among variables. Alternative formulation of vision, value, mission, purpose, and new strategic target were made. Data were collected by conducting observation, documentation study, in-depth interview, and FGD to 19 study subjects. Results of the study showed that vision and mission of the hospital has changed to be shorter, more compact, and easier to understand. Value was still implemented. Sentences in the purpose and target were still too long and not focused; only part of purpose and target that were in line with the vision, consequently, it was difficult to be communicated. Illogical relation was found in the strategic mapping, and cascading had not been implemented. In conclusion, Sultan Agung Islamic hospital is not good in implementing strategic management based on balanced scorecard approach. Key words : hospital, strategic management, balanced scorecard Bibliography : 16 books, 12 journals, 2 document

    Analysis on Management of Strategic Plan of Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital Through Balanced Scorecard Approach

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    Balanced scorecard was a contemporary management tool that can be used as a frame of strategicplan development and as a tool for improving information flow and communication between topexecutive and middle management in the company. Since 2005, Sultan Agung Islamic hospital(RSI) have implemented strategic plan with balanced scorecard approach. Data obtained frompreliminary studies showed that problems during internalization and socialization of vision of thehospital to become a group vision were found in the implementation of the strategic plan. Objectiveof this study was to analyze strategic management in Sultan Agung Islamic hospital Semarangusing balanced scorecard approach.This was an explorative descriptive-qualitative study. Objects of the study included vision, value,mission, purpose, strategic target, strategic map, and harmony among variables. Alternativeformulation of vision, value, mission, purpose, and new strategic target were made. Data werecollected by conducting observation, documentation study, in-depth interview, and FGD to 19 studysubjects.Results of the study showed that vision and mission of the hospital has changed to be shorter, morecompact, and easier to understand. Value was still implemented. Sentences in the purpose andtarget were still too long and not focused; only part of purpose and target that were in line with thevision, consequently, it was difficult to be communicated. Illogical relation was found in the strategicmapping, and cascading had not been implemented.In conclusion, Sultan Agung Islamic hospital is not good in implementing strategic managementbased on balanced scorecard approach

    The Maternal Risk Factors Analysis Based on The Type of Refferal Senders

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    The obstetric emergency referral system is intended to handle pregnancy emergencies quickly, precisely, efficiently, and effectively by the capabilities and authorities of health care facilities. This condition is reflected by sending referrals following the established risk factor diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in maternal risk factors based on the type of referral sender’s health facility. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018-2019 taking 113 cases of referral deliveries at the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital in Semarang. Referral senders are divided into three groups consisting of 1) private practice midwives, 2) primary health care, primary health clinics, general practitioner, type D hospitals, and 3) type C hospitals. The risk factors of pregnancy are divided into three categories such as low, high, and very high-risk pregnancies. Very high-risk pregnancy was the most dominant finding in each referral sending health facility. The very high-risk pregnancy rate that comes from private practice midwives is 62.5%; from the primary health centers, type D hospitals, clinics, and general practitioner is 57.9%, and 92.9% came from type C hospitals. Based on the fisher’s exact test, there is no difference in maternal risk factors based on the sender’s referral (p-value of 0.187). It is necessary to review and harmonize tiered referral regulations with regional health regulations, so that the referral system can be implemented effectively and efficiently

    Protective effect of corncob extract cream on guinea pig (Cavia porcellus sp) skin pigmentation exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) rays

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    Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays exposure causes skin inflammation and pigmentation lead to decrease skin lightness. Corncobs (Zea mays) contain flavonoids which can act as antioxidant to prevent free radicals and protect the skin pigmentation. This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of corncob extract cream on skin pigmentation exposed to UVB rays. This pre-posttest control group study was applied to 25 guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus sp) randomly divided into five groups. Corncob extract cream was given every day 20 min before and 4 h after UVB exposure. The UVB exposure total dose was 780 mJ/cm2. Mexameter examination was carried out on the 1st day and 28th day after treatment. There were significantly differences in the lightness level and the mean melanin index (MI) difference of guinea pigs before and after intervention on various groups (p0.05). However, significantly different of the MI was observed on positive control group (-4.01), corncob 40% group (-2.72), and corncob 30% group (-2.03) (p<0.05). In conclusion, corncob extract cream can inhibit the skin pigmentation due UVB rays exposure

    Gambaran Pelaksanaan Pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama di Kota Semarang

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    Latar Belakang: Pelaksanaan program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) oleh pemerintah merupakan amanat UU Nomor 40 tahun 2004 Tentang Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional, pada tahun 2011 terbit UU Nomor 24 Tentang Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) selanjutnya BPJS merupakan badan penyelenggara program JKN yang mulai dilaksanakan sejak Januari 2014. Dalam peraturan BPJS fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama merupakan ujung tombak pelayanan kesehatan. Pelayanan FKTP seharusnya mengutamakan Preventif dan Promotif tanpa melupakan kuratif dan rehabilitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pelaksanaan layanan BPJS di Fasilitas kesehatan tingkat 1. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif terhadap cakupan dan pemanfaatan layanan yang tersedia di fasilitas kesehatan tingkat 1. Pengumpulan data selama bulan Januari 2015 dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara pada 100 pasien dan 20 dokter di fasilitas kesehatan tingkat 1. Hasil: Data yang diperoleh dari FKTP, dokter menyatakan bahwa rata – rata kunjungan pasien 10-50 orang perhari, cakupan layanan yang diberikan memenuhi aturan BPJS yaitu meliputi pemberian layanan pengobatan, preventif, promotif dan rehabilitatif. Pelayanan yang masih kurang optimal diantaranya masih terdapat 5 Faskes yang belum memberikan layanan imunisasi, layanan KB belum mencakup MKJP, dan pelayanan home care yang tidak dilaksanakan secara maksinal. Kendala yang dirasakan sulitnya prosedur layanan BPJS akibat sosialisasi yang kurang bagi pasien dan Faskes menimbulkan kesalahpahaman baik antara pasien dengan Faskes maupun antara FKTP dengan Faskes tingkat 2. Pasien mengeluh obat yang diperoleh berbeda merk, pelayanan yang kurang memuaskan, Meski demikian 100% persen responden dokter dan Pasien menyatakan bahwa BPJS bermanfaat, yaitu biaya kesehatan menjadi lebih murah. Penyakit kronis menjadi lebih terkontrol, kompetensi dokter lebih meningkat dengan adanya program pelatihan yang dilaksanakan oleh BPJS, adanya rujukan balik sebagai proses evaluasi layanan yang diberikan FKTP. Sehingga berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan layanan BPJS di Semarang sesuai ketentuan dan memberikan manfaat baik bagi pasien maupun bagi dokter meskipun masih perlu perbaikan pada program preventive dan promotif. Background. Implementation of the National Health Insurance program (JKN) by the government is mandated by Law No. 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System. In 2011 the government published Law No. 24 about the Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) hereinafter BPJS. BPJS is an organization who implement the JKN program that started since January 2014. BPJS at primary health facilities is an important component of health care that should give priority to preventive and promotive without forgetting curative and rehabilitative. This study aims to describe the implementation BPJS services at primary health facilities. Method. Descriptive study on the coverage and utilization of primary health facility service. Data collection at January 2015 is done by observation and interviews on 100 patients and 20 doctors at the primary health facility. Results. Data obtained from primary health facility, average of patient visits is 10-50 people per day, the availability of services is accordance with the BPJS rule, but need improvement on immunization, family planning and home care service. Obstacles of BPJS program is the lack of procedure and rule information, that cause misunderstandings between patients and doctor. Patient complain that they receive difference medicine, and the bad service when they use BPJS. Nevertheless physician and patient agree that BPJS make the health costing affordable, especially in chronical diseases. It increases medical personnel competencies through training program from BPJS and patient referral system. So the conclusion is implementation of health program from BPJS in Semarang is accordance with the rule, and give many benefits in health service. However it needs improvement in preventive and promotive service.

    The Effect of Corncob (Zea mays) Extract Cream on the Number of Melanin Pigments of Guinea Pig Exposed to Ultraviolet

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    Background: Exposure to Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays on the skin causesmany problems, including pigmentation and aging effect. Hence, protection against it is needed. Purpose: The study aimedto determine the effect of corncob extract cream on the number of melanin pigments in guinea pig skins exposed to UVB rays. Methods: Anexperimental post-test-only control group study was conducted on the 25 guinea pigs. The guinea pigs were divided randomly into five groups: group I without cream, group II cream base, group III hydroquinone cream, group IV 30% corncob extract cream, and group V 40% corncob extract cream. The cream was given daily for 20 minutes before UVB exposure and 4 hours after UVB exposure. The total dose of UVB exposure was 780 mJ / cm2 for 28 days. The amount of melanin pigment was calculated using the CX21 image J. Result: The number of melanin pigment in groups I, II, III, IV, and V were 22.8±0.4 cells, 18±0.3 cells, 6.3±3.1 cells, 13.8±0.2 cells, and 9.4±0.5 cells, respectively. Asignificantlydifferent value of One way ANOVA test was <0.05. Thus, there was a difference in the number of melanin pigments between the five groups. LSD post-hoc test showed differences in each group (p <0.05). Conclusion: 40% corn cobs extract cream effectively decreased the number of melanin pigment in guinea pigs exposed to UVB rays


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    Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang digunakan merupakan faktor yang dapat memengaruhi terjadinya infeksi Gonore. Perilaku penggunaan kondom yang tidak benar dapat memudahkan akses penularan infeksi Gonore terutama pada orang yang sering berhubungan seksual dan berisiko tinggi terhadap Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) seperti Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian Gonore pada WPS. Terdapat 70 WPS yang telah diwawancarai dengan 18 pertanyaan tentang perilaku penggunaan kondom dan diikuti dengan pemeriksaan swab vagina untuk mendiagnosis adanya Neisseria gonorrhoeae menggunakan pengecatan Gram. Dari WPS tersebut, 45 sampel didiagnosis positif Gonore, sedangkan 25 sampel lainnya negatif. Dari analisis data, hanya 5 sampel yang memiliki perilaku penggunaan kondom yang benar oleh karena teratur dalam menggunakan kondom, menggunakan kondom dengan cara yang sesuai prosedur, serta menggunakan jenis kondom yang tepat. Adapun 65 sampel lainnya memiliki perilaku penggunaan kondom yang tidak benar. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan adanya hubungan perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian infeksi Gonore pada WPS. Dari uraian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian Gonore pada WPS


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    Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang digunakan merupakan faktor yang dapat memengaruhi terjadinya infeksi Gonore. Perilaku penggunaan kondom yang tidak benar dapat memudahkan akses penularan infeksi Gonore terutama pada orang yang sering berhubungan seksual dan berisiko tinggi terhadap Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) seperti Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian Gonore pada WPS. Terdapat 70 WPS yang telah diwawancarai dengan 18 pertanyaan tentang perilaku penggunaan kondom dan diikuti dengan pemeriksaan swab vagina untuk mendiagnosis adanya Neisseria gonorrhoeae menggunakan pengecatan Gram. Dari WPS tersebut, 45 sampel didiagnosis positif Gonore, sedangkan 25 sampel lainnya negatif. Dari analisis data, hanya 5 sampel yang memiliki perilaku penggunaan kondom yang benar oleh karena teratur dalam menggunakan kondom, menggunakan kondom dengan cara yang sesuai prosedur, serta menggunakan jenis kondom yang tepat. Adapun 65 sampel lainnya memiliki perilaku penggunaan kondom yang tidak benar. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan adanya hubungan perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian infeksi Gonore pada WPS. Dari uraian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian Gonore pada WPS

    Impact on Medical Education and the Medical Student’s Attitude, Practice, Mental Health, After One Year of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the country, prompting medical schools to adopt online learning systems. This study aims to determine impact on medical education and the medical student’s attitude, practice, mental health after 1 year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Methods: This study utilized a cross-sectional design. An online questionnaire was distributed digitally to 49 medical schools in Indonesia from February–May 2021. A total of 7,949 medical students participated in this study. Sampling was carried out based on a purposive technique whose inclusion criteria were active college students. This research used questionnaires distributed in online version among 49 medical faculties that belong to The Association of Indonesian Private Medical Faculty. Instruments included demographic database, medical education status, experience with medical tele-education, ownership types of electronic devices, availability of technologies, programs of education methods, career plans, attitudes toward pandemic, and the mental health of respondents. Univariate and bivariate statistical analysis was conducted to determine the association of variables. All statistical analyses using (IBM) SPSS version 22.0. Results: Most of the respondents were female (69.4%), the mean age was 20.9 � 2.1 years. More than half of the respondents (58.7%) reported that they have adequate skills in using digital devices. Most of them (74%) agreed that e-learning can be implemented in Indonesia. The infrastructure aspects that require attention are Internet access and the type of supporting devices. The pandemic also has an impact on the sustainability of the education program. It was found that 28.1% were experiencing financial problems, 2.1% postponed their education due to this problems. The delay of the education process was 32.6% and 47.5% delays in the clinical education phase. Around 4% student being sick, self-isolation and taking care sick family. the pandemic was found to affect students’ interests and future career plans (34%). The majority of students (52.2%) are concerned that the pandemic will limit their opportunities to become specialists. Nearly 40% of respondents expressed anxiety symptoms about a variety of issues for several days. About a third of respondents feel sad, depressed, and hopeless for a few days. Results: Most of the respondents were female (69.4%), the mean age was 20.9 � 2.1 years. More than half of the respondents (58.7%) reported that they have adequate skills in using digital devices. Most of them (74%) agreed that e-learning can be implemented in Indonesia. The infrastructure aspects that require attention are Internet access and the type of supporting devices. The pandemic also has an impact on the sustainability of the education program. It was found that 28.1% were experiencing financial problems, 2.1% postponed their education due to this problems. The delay of the education process was 32.6% and 47.5% delays in the clinical education phase. Around 4% student being sick, self-isolation and taking care sick family. the pandemic was found to affect students’ interests and future career plans (34%). The majority of students (52.2%) are concerned that the pandemic will limit their opportunities to become specialists. Nearly 40% of respondents expressed anxiety symptoms about a variety of issues for several days. About a third of respondents feel sad, depressed, and hopeless for a few days. Conclusion: The infrastructure and competency of its users are required for E-learning to be successful. The majority of medical students believe that e-learning can be adopted in Indonesia and that their capacity to use electronic devices is good. However, access to the internet remains a problem. On the other side, the pandemic has disrupted the education process and mental health, with fears of being infected with SARSCoV- 2, the loss of opportunities to apply for specialty training, and the potential for increased financial difficulties among medical students. Our findings can be used to assess the current educational process in medical schools and maximize e-learning as an alternative means of preparing doctors for the future. Keywords: COVID-19, e-learning, Indonesia, medical education, student