218 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Media Soybean Dan 20 Jenis L- Asam Amino Pada Produksi Anti Jamur, Iturin A

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    Influence of soybean meal concentration and 20 kinds of L-amino acids in iturin A production. Theuse of chemical pesticides has caused serious environmental problems and thus the demandfor safer pesticides is increasing. One alternative is microbial pesticides that suppress fungaland bacterial of plant pathogens. Bacillus subtilis has been known as producer of lipopeptideantibiotics, like iturin A, plipastatin and surfactin. In this study, iturin A as an antifungal of planpathogens was produced on varieties of soybean meal concentration; i.e. 8%, 10%, 12%, and15% using B.subtilis RB14-CS.The result indicates that 8% soybean meal concentration produced the highest of iturin Aproduction ( 2469 mg L-1) compared to the others. Beside the effect of nitrogen source (soybean), the influence of 20 kinds of L-amino acids on an enhancement of iturin A productivitywere observed. The examined L-amino acids were L-ala, L-arg, L-asn, L-asp, L-cys, L-glu, L-gln,L-gly, L-his, L-ile, L-leu, L-lys, L-met, L-pro, L-phe, L-ser, L-thr, L-tyr, L-trp and L-val. The resultsshow that no one of them could improve the iturin A productivity on soybean meal medium


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    Patient satisfaction is still a problem in several hospitals in Indonesia and even the world. This study aims to determine the relationship between service quality and patient satisfaction in the Inpatient Room of Siti Fatimah Hospital, South Sumatra Province in 2019. This type of research used cross sectional. Statistical test using chi-square test using accidental sampling with a total of 50 respondents. The analysis was carried out in two stages, namely Univariate and Bivariate analysis, the results showed that the quality of nursing services at Siti Fatimah Hospital was good. Patient satisfaction in Siti Fatimah Hospital is high. There is a relationship between the quality of nursing services with patient satisfaction in Siti Fatimah Hospital. The better the quality of nursing services provided, the higher the level of patient satisfaction with the services provided. This research is expected to be a consideration for the leadership of Siti Fatimah Hospital in improving the quality of good service to patients so that the level of patient satisfaction is high

    Analisis Efek Konsentrasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Senggani (Melastoma malabathricum L.) sebagai Antibakteri Staphylococcus aureus

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    Latar belakang: Tanaman Senggani mempunyai banyak potensi sebagai pengobatan seperti antipiretik, analgesik, diuretik, dan antibakteri. Tujuan:untuk menganalisis efek konsentrasi ekstrak etanol daun senggani sebagai antibakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Metode: Daun senggani diekstraksi dengan perendaman dalam etanol 96%. Diameter zona hambat bakteri diukur dengan menggunakan metode difusi agar melalui lima perlakuan yaitu kontrol positif (kloramfenikol), kontrol negatif (NaCMC), dan ekstrak daun senggani konsentrasi 20%, 40%, 60%, dan 80%.Data yang dihasilkan dianalisis dengan metode statistik Kruskal-Wallis dan uji lanjut post hoc Mann Whitney. Hasil: Rata-rata diameter zona hambat pertumbuhan bakteri yang dihasilkan pada ekstrak 20% sebesar 12,5±1,00 mm; ekstrak 40% sebesar 14,75±0,96 mm; ekstrak 60% sebesar 17±0,82 mm; dan ekstrak 80% sebesar 19,5±1,00 mm.Hasil uji Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan ada pengaruh antara rata-rata diameter zona hambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dengan kelompok larutan uji (

    Isolasi, Identifikasi, Dan Skrining Jamur Endofit Penghasil Agen Biokontrol Dari Tanaman Di Lahan Pertanian Dan Hutan Penunjang Gunung Salak

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    Isolation of endophytic fungi was done to find alternative microorganisms as biocontrol agents against Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, a soil borne pathogen on many agriculturalcrops. The research objectives were 1) to isolate and identify endophytic fungi colonize plants growing on agricultural and Mount Salak supporting forest lands in the Villages of Parakan Salak and Cimalati, Sukabumi; and 2) to screen for their biocontrol agent activity againt R. solani. Diameter of R. solani was measured on day 2 after inoculation, and its percent inhibition of growth by endophytic fungi is calculated using the formula Skidmore & Dickinson (1976). The results indicated that 214 isolates of endophytic fungi were isolated from 96 plant species that growing in both places. Endophytic fungi isolated including in the group of Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Curvularia, Drechslera, Fusarium, Guignardia, Mucor, Nigrospora, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Pestalotiopsis, Phoma, Phomopsis, Rhizoctonia, and endophytic fungi that have not been identified. Of the 214 fungal isolates tested, 39 isolates (18.22 %) could inhibit the growth of R. solani from 10.18 % to 58.99 % with a percent inhibition. The highest growth inhibition of R. solani were shown respectively by an unidentified fungus isolatedfrom Hyptis capitata Jack (58.99%), Cladosporium sp. isolated from jeruk Bali (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck) (55.42%), Pestalotiopsis sp. isolated from pine apple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) (53.85 %), and Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson isolated from banyan (Ficus benyamina L.) (51.81%

    Upaya Kaderisasi Da'i Muda Melalui Pengajian Nahwu Shorof di Desa Gading Santrean Belang Wetan Klaten

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    Kaderisasi da’i menjadi aspek penting dalam perkembangan dakwah. Sumber ilmu yang digunakan dalam dakwah wajib bersumber dari Al-Qur’an, Hadits, salah satu yang sering digunakan juga adalah kitab kuning. Untuk membaca maupun memahaminya memerlukan ilmu alat, diantaranya nahwu, shorof, balaghah. Gading Santren merupakan salah satu wilayah di kota Klaten yang masih mempertahankan keilmuannya, dan sejak dari Kyai Syarifuddin sampai sekarang menjadi episentrum penyebaran agama di wilayah Klaten. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana sistem kaderisasi da’i muda di desa Gading Santren melalui pengajian nahwu shorof. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan, sistem kaderisasinya dalam pengajaran nahwu shorof menggunakan metode bengkel dan langsung praktik nahwu shorof menggunakan kitab kuning, kemudian kader da’i diajari nilai-nilai dasar menjadi da’i, kemudian belajar berdakwah di lingkup terkecil seperti mengisi kultum di masjid dan mengajar ngaji, akhirnya siap diterjunkan ke masyarakat dalam atau luar daerah

    The Ielts Reading Test: a Review on Its Development and Language Test Performance

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    International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is regarded as one of proficiency tests that is generally accepted by British and Australian universities in selecting and screening overseas students. Changes in the tasks and texts of IELTS Reading test have been improved due to response to development in applied linguistics. In constructing the module of the IELTS reading test, there are several dimensions that should be considered by developers such as British Council; they are the validity, reliability, fairness, and impact of the test. This is very important in order that test takers can achieve more valid, reliable, and fair band scores from this section test. Therefore, this writing is aimed to review the development and language test performance of IELTS, particularly focusing on the IELTS Reading Test section

    Implementation of Hajj Manasik Guidance Management at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Sragen Regency

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    The research aims to determine the general description of the implementation of Hajj ritual (manasik) guidance by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Sragen Regency for prospective Hajj pilgrims. The research was descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of guidance on mass Hajj manasik of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Sragen Regency was aligned with the planning that had been formed and in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Hajj and Umrah Implementation No. 164 of 2023 concerning guidelines for organizing Hajj manasik guidance for regular pilgrims at the Regency or City and District levels. The Ministry of Religious Affairs of Sragen Regency used four management functions in carrying out Hajj manasik guidance activities: planning, organizing, implementing and supervising

    Potency of Biocontrol Agents Isolated From Compost and Peat Soil of Tropical Peat Swamp Forest in Kalampangan Zone, Central Kalimantan

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    Rhizoctonia solani is a soil pathogen that causes diseases in wide range of hosts of agricultural, horticultural and flower crops. Biological control is the most promising way for the diseases management and it is environment friendly too. The objective of this study was to isolate and screen the potency of soil bacteria as biological control from various local compost and peat soil of tropical peat swamp forest in Kalampangan Zone, Central Kalimantan. Forty seven isolates from peat soil and compost were screened for biocontrol agent of Rhizoctonia solani . R. Solani Seven out of thirteen peat soil isolates, and six out of thirty three compost isolates showed antagonistic activity against in Potato Dextrose Agar. The cultivation of the antagonistic isolates in Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB) was extracted and analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column. The HPLC analyzes indicated that the antagonistic isolates produce an antifungal iturin A. Macroscopic observation of isolates colonies showed that form of their colonies were amuboid, myceloid, curled, circular, rhizoid, irregular and filamentous. These achievement indicate peat swamp forest not only offer a potential biocontrol agents of damping off but also provide a new source for production of antibiotics

    EFL learners’ code-switching: Why do they switch the language?

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    This qualitative study aims to figure out the factors that influence EFL learners’ code-switching. In collecting data, a semi-structured interview was conducted which involved five EFL learners as the participants. Those participants were selected through the purposive sampling method: being second-semester students of the English Language Education Department of Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, and taking Basic Speaking class. Semi-structured interviewed was applied to collect the data needed. The finding of this study showed that all participants employed code-switching in their class. The reasons for EFL learners’ code-switching were influenced by participants’ roles and relationships, selected topics, and interactions. Thus, code-switching was regarded as a useful strategy that helped the learners convey their ideas to be fully understood and meaningful in the interaction process

    The Computational Complexity Analysis of a MINLP-Based Chemical Process Control Design

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    It is essential that a chemical process plant is built based on a design that integrates the structural, operational and economic considerations. However, accomplishing such goal for a small section of a process system demands significant computational efforts. This project investigates the computational tractability of a mathematical optimization algorithm dedicated for such process control design, the Dynamic Operability Framework. The target output is a worst case computational cost of utilizing the framework to solve a process control design problem in comparison with a standard Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) problem. The cost is calculated based on the numbers of design variables and constraints. This cost helps process designers to make an informed decision of utilizing and improving the framework as a tool for process desig
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