17 research outputs found
Abstrak Kawasan Pasar Lambaro merupakan satu-satunya kawasan kumuh yang terdapat di Kecamatan Ingin Jaya dengan luas kumuh mencapai 32,14 Ha. Dalam luasan tersebut, sebelah utara Kawasan Pasar Lambaro terdapat salah satu kawasan perumahan yang telah banyak mengalami penurunan kualitas infrastruktur dengan luas perumahan kumuh mencapai 3,9 Ha. Kawasan perumahan tersebut mempunyai ketidakteraturan bangunan, tingkat kepadatan bangunan yang tinggi, kualitas bangunan yang rendah, serta sarana dan prasarana yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kekumuhan pada kawasan perumahan Pasar Lambaro, mengidentifikasi skala prioritas penanganan kawasan perumahan kumuh di Pasar Lambaro, dan menemukan solusi penanganan kawasan perumahan kumuh di Pasar Lambaro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis skoring (pembobotan) dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kekumuhan pada kawasan perumahan Pasar Lambaro adalah termasuk dalam klasifikasi kumuh ringan dengan total nilai skor sebesar 25. Skala prioritas penanganan kawasan perumahan kumuh di Pasar Lambaro masuk dalam skala prioritas penanganan ke 3. Solusi penanganan kawasan perumahan kumuh di Pasar Lambaro dilakukan melalui pemugaran untuk lahan legal dan pemukiman kembali untuk lahan ilegal yang difokuskan pada aspek bangunan gedung, penyediaan air minum, pengelolaan air limbah, pengelolaan persampahan, dan proteksi kebakaran. Kata kunci: kekumuhan, perumahan, permukiman, penanganan, infrastruktur Abstract The Lambaro Market area is the only slum area located in the District of Ingin Jaya with a slum area of 32.14 hectares. Within this area, to the north of the Lambaro Market Area, there is a housing area that has experienced a lot of deterioration in the quality of its infrastructure, with a slum housing area of up to 3.9 hectares. The residential area has building irregularities, high building density, low quality of buildings, and infrastructures that do not meet technical requirements. This study aims to evaluate the level of slum in the Pasar Lambaro housing area, identify the priority scale of handling slum housing areas in the Lambaro Market, and find solutions for handling slum housing areas in the Lambaro Market. This research uses quantitative methods through observation and interviews. The data analysis technique used a scoring analysis (weighting) and descriptive analysis. The results show that the level of slum in the Pasar Lambaro housing area is classified as a mild slum with a total score of 25. The priority scale for handling slum housing areas in Lambaro Market is included in the 3rd priority scale of handling. Through restoration for legal land and resettlement for illegal land which focuses on aspects of building, drinking water supply, waste water management, solid waste management, and fire protection. Keywords: slums, housing, settlements, handling, infrastructur
Study the Efficiency of Irrigation in Rice Field Efforts to Increase Rice Yield in Irrigation Area Krueng Jrue
Irrigation water management problems will arise if there is a shortage of waterin rice fields. Shortage of water in rice fields can be evaluated by the efficiency of existing irrigation.Based on the Indonesian‟s irrigation design criteria 65%, the project efficiency for Irrigation Planning is 65%. This value when compared to some countries in Asia was still much greater. This might be caused by undeterminating the water losses in the rice field. The study aims to determine the efficiency of irrigation in rice fields (Field Application Efficiency) is actually through direct measurements in the field, started at the land preparation up to the growth of rice plants. Measurements were taken at one tertiary JKr21Kr in Krueng Jreue Irrigation Region. To evaluate the efficiency of irrigation in ricefields used two methods of measurement. Inflow-outflow method for measuring the delivery of irrigation water in rice fields (Vf) which use the modified pipes that serves as the entrance and exit of water in the tertiary, the difference between incoming water and outgoing water is the amount of water used in rice fields. Water balance in the field is measured using Drum technique method with a diameter of 50 cm and height 125 cm. The drums are planted in the ground and a quarter of the height of the drum located above thesurface. By this equipment, the evapotranspiration parameters, percolation and effective rainfall can be obtained. These results showthat the efficiency of irrigation in rice fields (Ea) of 65.29%. It means that actually the project efficiency is 42.44% far below than Indonesian‟s criteria
A Simple Method to Develop a Formula for Estimating Concentration Time of Drainage Design
Concentration time of rainfall is an important aspect to determine drainage design. A general rational formula is used to determine design flood or peak flow in urban drainage planning, especially for storm sewer design. The use of this balanced formula requires rainfall intensity, whose duration of rain is equal or more than the time of concentration. This time of concentration is determined using an estimation formula whose formation requires measurement data of the time of concentration. This study introduces how to measure the time of concentration using the concept of-rational-hydrograph, in which peak flow occurs at the time of concentration. To fulfill the aim of this research, an experimental of catchment area planted with Zoysia Japonica grass and showered with a rainfall simulator was conducted. The length of the flow path on the land, L, given in 5 variations, namely 50 cm, 100 cm, 150 cm, 200 cm, and 250 cm, was used. The slope of the land, S, is given in 3 variations, namely 2.8 %, 5,6%, and 8.8%. For each variation of L and S, the experimental catchment area was poured with a fixed rainfall intensity, which is 60 mm/hour. The flow was measured every 5 minutes intervals. Then, from the relationship of flow and time, a rational hydrograph was formed, from which the time of concentration, Tc, was deduced. This Tc value was treated as the measured Tc to form the Tc estimation formula using the regression formula. The formula is Tc = 3.543 + 1.211 L – 17.119 S, with the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.98. These results show that the determination of Tc using the concept of the rational- hydrograph is acceptable. This formula applies to L and S values greater than zero and applies to land covered by Zoysia Japonica grass. Further research is needed for other types of land cover to validate the formula obtained in this research
Evaluasi Kapasitas Tampang Drainase Kawasan Perumahan Desa Leuhan Kabupaten Aceh Barat
Banjir yang melanda Desa Leuhan Dusun Raja Ampat kabupaten Aceh Barat disebabkan limpasan air hujan yang mengenangi kawasan setempat. Penyelesaian yang tepat untuk mengatasi banjir kota adalah evaluasi kapasitas penampang drainase. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui debit banjir rancangan dan kapasitas penampang drainase. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis hidrologi dan analisis hidrolika. Hujan rencana dan debit rancangan ditentukan dengan analisis hidrologi. Analisis debit banjir rancangan kala ulang dihitung dengan metode rasional. Kapasitas dan dimensi penampang drainase dihitung berdasarkan analisi hidrolika dengan software HEC-RAS 5.0. Hasil penelitian diperoleh hujan rencana dan debit banjir rencana untuk periode ulang sepuluh tahun yaitu, 259,957 mm dan 712,393 m³/s. Hasil analisis menunjukkan sembilan penampang drainase perlu dilakukan evaluasi. Penampang drainase mengalami luapan disebabkaan oleh ketidakamampuan menampung debit banjir pada saat terjadinya hujan. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi dan perlebaran penampang saluran drainase tinggi luapan mengalami penurunan bahkan tidak terjadi luapan di saluran drainase kawasan perumahan Desa Leuhan.
Kata kunci: drainase, analisis frekuensi, debit banjir, Hec-Ras 5.0, Log Person III
Flooding in Leuhan Village, Raja Ampat Hamlet, West Aceh District is caused by rainwater runoff that inundates the local area. The right solution to overcome urban flooding is the evaluation of drainage cross-sectional capacity. The purpose of this study was to determine the design flood discharge and drainage cross-sectional capacity. The research method was conducted with hydrological analysis and hydraulics analysis. Rainfall and design discharge were determined by hydrological analysis. The analysis of the design flood discharge of the return period was calculated by the rational method. The capacity and dimensions of the drainage cross section were calculated based on hydrological analysis with HEC-RAS 5.0 software. The results of the study obtained the rainfall plan and the flood discharge plan for the ten-year return period, namely, 259.957 mm and 712.393 m³/s. The analysis results show that nine drainage cross sections need to be evaluated. The drainage cross section experienced overflow due to the inability to accommodate flood discharge during rainfall. After the evaluation and widening of the drainage channel cross section, the overflow height has decreased and there is no overflow in the drainage channel of the Leuhan Village residential area.
Keywords: Drainage, frequency analysis, flood discharge, Hec-Ras 5.0, person log ll
Effects of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ratio impregnated onto local commercial activated carbon coconut shell powder on the dye removal efficiency
The present study reports the performance of magnetic activated carbon impregnated with Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the removal of dye from a simulated wastewater. The magnetic activated carbon (MAC) as a magnetic absorbent was prepared by co-precipitation method and followed by impregnation process. The activated carbon (AC) was supplied from a local commercial activated carbon coconut shell powder. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the quality product of MAC for dye (methylene blue) adsorption. The molar ratios of Fe2+ and Fe3+ used during the preparation of the MAC were 1:1; 1:2, and 2:1. The MAC products were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis techniques. The results confirmed that the concentration of magnetic particles (Fe3O4) on the MAC surface increased following the impregnation process. However, this results lowering adsorption properties of the MAC adsorbents, which subsequently affected the dye removal performance. The ratio of Fe2+:Fe3+ on the MAC preparation did not significantly change the MAC absorbent on the dye removal efficiency. Additionally, MAC derived from local AC possess a prospect as a sustainable alternative for dye pollutant adsorbent.AbstrakPenelitian ini melaporkan kinerja karbon aktif bersifat magnet yang di impregnasi dengan Fe2+dan Fe3+ dalam penyerapan zat warna dari air limbah buatan. Karbon aktif bersifat magnet (MAC) dibuat melalui metode co-presipitasi dan diikuti dengan proses impregnasi. Material karbon aktif (AC) dibuat dari tempurung kelapa yang diperoleh dari pasar lokal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ratio dari Fe2+ and Fe3+ terhadap kualitas produk MAC yang digunakan nantinya di dalam proses penyerapan zat warna (metilen biru). Rasio molar dari Fe2+ and Fe3+ yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan MAC adalah 1:1; 1:2, dan 2:1. Produk MAC yang dihasilkan dipelajari karakteristiknya melalui scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), dan Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat dikonfirmasi bahwa konsentrasi partikel-partikel magnet (Fe3O4) pada permukaan MAC meningkat setelah proses impregnasi. Walaupun demikian, hal ini menyebabkan turunnya kemampuan adsorbsi dari adsorben MAC. Perbandingan rasio Fe2+ and Fe3+ tidak secara nyata mempengaruhi efisiensi penyerapan zat warna. Adsorben MAC dari karbon aktif lokal memiliki potensi sebagai bahan alternatif ramah lingkungan untuk penyerap zat warna
Effects of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ratio impregnated onto local commercial activated carbon coconut shell powder on the dye removal efficiency
The present study reports the performance of magnetic activated carbon impregnated with Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the removal of dye from a simulated wastewater. The magnetic activated carbon (MAC) as a magnetic absorbent was prepared by co-precipitation method and followed by impregnation process. The activated carbon (AC) was supplied from a local commercial activated carbon coconut shell powder. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the quality product of MAC for dye (methylene blue) adsorption. The molar ratios of Fe2+ and Fe3+ used during the preparation of the MAC were 1:1; 1:2, and 2:1. The MAC products were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis techniques. The results confirmed that the concentration of magnetic particles (Fe3O4) on the MAC surface increased following the impregnation process. However, this results lowering adsorption properties of the MAC adsorbents, which subsequently affected the dye removal performance. The ratio of Fe2+:Fe3+ on the MAC preparation did not significantly change the MAC absorbent on the dye removal efficiency. Additionally, MAC derived from local AC possess a prospect as a sustainable alternative for dye pollutant adsorbent.AbstrakPenelitian ini melaporkan kinerja karbon aktif bersifat magnet yang di impregnasi dengan Fe2+dan Fe3+ dalam penyerapan zat warna dari air limbah buatan. Karbon aktif bersifat magnet (MAC) dibuat melalui metode co-presipitasi dan diikuti dengan proses impregnasi. Material karbon aktif (AC) dibuat dari tempurung kelapa yang diperoleh dari pasar lokal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ratio dari Fe2+ and Fe3+ terhadap kualitas produk MAC yang digunakan nantinya di dalam proses penyerapan zat warna (metilen biru). Rasio molar dari Fe2+ and Fe3+ yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan MAC adalah 1:1; 1:2, dan 2:1. Produk MAC yang dihasilkan dipelajari karakteristiknya melalui scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), dan Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat dikonfirmasi bahwa konsentrasi partikel-partikel magnet (Fe3O4) pada permukaan MAC meningkat setelah proses impregnasi. Walaupun demikian, hal ini menyebabkan turunnya kemampuan adsorbsi dari adsorben MAC. Perbandingan rasio Fe2+ and Fe3+ tidak secara nyata mempengaruhi efisiensi penyerapan zat warna. Adsorben MAC dari karbon aktif lokal memiliki potensi sebagai bahan alternatif ramah lingkungan untuk penyerap zat warna.</p
Analisis pengaruh intersepsi lahan kelapa sawit terhadap ketersediaan air dan debit banjir pada das krueng seunagan Kabupaten Nagan Raya sebagai upaya konservasi das
ix, 61 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 29 cm
Evaluasi shock-load, microbial activity dan hydraulic behaviour pada unit pilot plant bioreaktor G3-DHS (downflow hanging sponge) untuk pengolahan limbah cair domestik
ii, 25 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 29 cm
Analisis Pengaruh Intersepsi Lahan Kelapa Sawit terhadap Ketersediaan Air di Kabupaten Nagan Raya (Studi Kasus pada Sub DAS Krueng Isep)
Abstrak. Perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Nagan Raya mengalami perkembangan pesat dalam hal perluasan lahan dalam lima tahun terakhir sejak tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2013. Pada tahun 2009, luas total perkebunan sawit 27.434 hektar menjadi 40.216 hektar di tahun 2013. Perubahan tata guna lahan ini perlu diperhatikan karena dapat berpengaruh terutama pada ketersediaan air pada suatu DAS. Salah satu proses yang mempengaruhi hasil air pada suatu DAS adalah proses intersepsi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intersepsi lahan kelapa sawit terhadap ketersediaan air pada sub DAS Krueng Isep dimana sub DAS ini merupakan catchment area untuk perencanaan PDAM serta sumber air untuk DI Jeuram. Metode penelitian ini dengan pengukuran secara langsung di lapangan untuk mendapatkan nilai curah hujan, air lolos, dan aliran batang. Lokasi penelitian berada di perusahaan perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di PT. Sucfindo yang terletak di Kecamatan Kuala Pesisir, Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan air pada sub DAS Krueng Isep dengan kondisi lahan kelapa sawit ditanami seluruhnya tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan air minum dan air irigasi (kebutuhan air total). Namun, pada saat sub DAS dengan kondisi lahan kelapa sawit dibatasi masih mampu memenuhi kebutuhan air total. Batasan maksimum yang diperbolehkan atau diizinkan penanaman kelapa sawit pada sub DAS Krueng Isep adalah seluas 95,94 km2.Abstract. Palm plantations in Nagan Raya experienced rapid development in terms of expansion in the last five years from 2009 to 2013. In 2009, the total area of palm plantations from 40. 216 hectares to 27. 434 hectares in 2013. Changes in land use should be noted because it can influence mainly on the availability of water in a watershed. One of the processes that affect the outcome of water in a watershed is the interception process. This study was conducted to determine the effect of palm oil interception against the water availibity in the Krueng Isep sub watershed which is a sub-watershed catchment area for planning taps and water sources for DI Jeuram. This research method with direct measurements in the field to get the rainfall, throughfall, and stemflow.The research location is in the palm plantation company PT. Sucfindo located in Kuala Pesisir Subdistrict, Nagan Raya District. The results obtained show that the water availability of the Krueng Isep sub watershed with the condition of land planted with palm wholly unable to supply the water drinking and irrigation demand (total water requirements). However, when sub-watershed with oil palm land conditions is limited still able to supply the total water requirements. The maximum limits allowed or permitted the planting of oil palm in Krueng Isep sub watershed is an area of 95,94 km2
Analisis Perilaku Banjir Bandang Akibat Keruntuhan Bendungan Alam pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Krueng Teungku Provinsi Aceh
Abstrak. Selama lima belas tahun terakhir telah terjadi tiga kejadian bencana banjir bandang (Tahun 1987, 2000, dan 2013) di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Krueng Teungku. Kejadian tanggal 2 Januari 2013 menimbulkan dampak besar pada Desa Beureuneut Kecamatan Seulimeum Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku banjir bandang akibat keruntuhan bendungan alam dengan melakukan simulasi permodelan keruntuhan bendungan. Metodologi penelitian meliputi analisis hidrologi berdasarkan hujan ekstrim pada tanggal kejadian sebesar 125 mm yang menghasilkan debit puncak banjir sebesar 334,83 m3/dt. Analisis hidraulika dilakukan terhadap geometrik sungai, bendungan alam dengan pendekatan topografi dan mengestimasi koefisien kekasaran manning. Simulasi pemodelan banjir bandang akibat keruntuhan bendungan alam ini menggunakan software HECRAS 4.1.0 yang diakibatkan oleh overtopping dan piping. Berdasarkan validasi elevasi banjir antara pemodelandan observasi di lapangan, keruntuhan bendungan alam di Sungai Krueng Teungku akibat overtopping. Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh waktu tiba banjir dari hulu ke hilir adalah sebesar 1,104 jam. Volume pembendungan alam sebesar 13.110,32 m3 yang menyebabkan ketinggian genangan banjir di hilir antara 1 sampai 2 meter. Kejadian ini menimbulkan kerugian di wilayah pemukiman, perkebunan masyarakat dan tambak. Dengan adanya informasi perilaku banjir bandang ini berguna untuk meningkatkan kapasitas untuk meminimalisir dampak bencana banjir bandang.Abstract. In the period of the last fifteen years, there has occurred three times of the flood disasters (in the year of 1987, 2000, and 2013) at the watershed of Krueng Teungku. Incident on January 2nd, 2013 gave a big impact on Beureuneut village at Seulimeum sub-district of Aceh Besar regency. This study aims to analyze flash flood behavior due to the collapse of the natural dam by performing the dam-break simulation model. The research methodology includes analysis of hydrological based on extreme rainfall on the date of occurrence about 125 mm which produced discharge flood peak as high as 334.83 m3/sec. Hydraulics analysis conducted on the geometry of the river, natural dam with topographical and manning's roughness coefficient estimate approaches. The flash floods modeling simulation as result of the natural dam break caused by overtopping and piping uses HEC-RAS 4.1.0 software. Based on the validation of the flood elevation between modeling and field observations, natural dam of Krueng Tengku was collapsed due to overtopping. The result of simulation obtains the arrival time of the flood from upstream to downstream about 1,104 hours. Volume damming about 13.110,32 m3 resulted in inundation height between 1 to 2 meters. These losses are in residential areas, plantations and farm communities. Flood behavior information is useful to enhance the capacity to minimize the impact of flash flood disasters