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    Pengaruh Penambahan Pupuk Organik Kotoran Sapi Terhadap Kualitas Kompos dari Sampah Daun Kering di TPST Undip

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    ABSTRAK Sebagian besar sampah organik di Universitas Diponegoro didominasi oleh sampah daun kering. Sampah daun kering merupakan salah satu bahan yang dapat untuk dijadikan kompos. Penambahan bahan organik lain diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kandungan unsur hara kompos. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dan menentukan variasi optimum penambahan pupuk organik kotoran sapi terhadap kualitas kompos dari sampah daun kering di TPST Undip. Pengomposan dilakukan secara aerobic dengan waktu pengomposan selama 28 hari. Pengomposan dilakukan dengan activator EM4. Variabel penelitian dengan menambahkan pupuk organik kotoran sapi (sampah daun : pupuk organik kotoran sapi) dengan variasi kontrol (1 : 0), P1 (4 : 1), P2 (7:3), P3 (3 : 2). Berdasakan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan pupuk organik kotoran sapi memberikan pengaruh pada hasil kualitas pengomposan, bahwa kualitas kompos yang dihasilkan lebih baik, dengan kompos yang paling optimum pada variasi P2 dengan rasio C/N 10,10%, C-organik 26,73%, N-total 2,64%, P-total 0,60%, K-total 0,44%. Kata kunci : Sampah organik, kompos, pengomposan, kotoran sapi ABSTRACT (The Effect of Cow Manure Organic Fertilizer Addition To The Quality Compost From Dried Leaf Litter at TPST Undip). Most of the organic waste at Diponegoro University is dominated by dry leaf litter. The dry leaf litter is one of the materials that can be composted. The addition of another organic materials need to increase the nutrient content in the compost. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect and determining the optimum variation of addition organic fertilizer of cow manure to the quality of compost from dry leaf litter at TPST Undip. The composting is an aerobic process with composting time during 28 days. The composting was conducted by using EM4 activator. Variables of this study were the organic fertilizer of cow manure addition ( leaf litter : organic fertilizer of cow manure ) with variation of control ( 1:0), P1 (4:1), P2 (7:3), P3 (3:2). Based on the result of this study showed that the addition of organic fertilizer cow manure had an effect on the quality of composting, that the quality of the compost produced is better result, with the most optimal compost was P2 variation, with result C/N ratio 10.10%, C organic 26.73%, N-total 2. 64%, P-total 0.60%, K-total 0.44% . Keywords: Organic waste, compost, composting, cow manur


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    Traffic signal control is commonly used at road intersections to minimise vehicular delay. Fixed time control shows good results in conditions where there is a little fluctuation in traffic demand, however in time-varying traffic fixed time control becomes inflexible and inefficient. This may produce traffic congestion and lead to increased delays and air pollution. Demand responsive traffic signal control must be introduced to overcome these problems. However, all the available demand responsive traffic signal control methods such as Vehicle Actuated Controller (VAC), Traffic Optimisation Logic (TOL), Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation (MOVA) and Fuzzy Logic Traffic Signal Controllers (FLTSC) have been developed for non-mixed traffic conditions, considering only motor vehicles move in clearly defined lanes, neglecting motorcycles. These demand responsive traffic signal controls are not appropriate for the mixed traffic conditions of developing countries such as Indonesia, where the traffic streams consist of different types of vehicle with a wide variation in their static, dynamic and operating characteristics, and with a particularly high proportion (30% - 70%) of motorcycles. Also there is lack of lane discipline. This thesis describes the design and evaluation of an adaptive traffic signal controller based on fuzzy logic for an isolated four-way intersection with specific reference to mixed traffic in developing countries, including a high proportion of motorcycles. Four proposed controllers have been developed for different schemes. The controllers were designed to be responsive to real time traffic demands. The study identifies two traffic parameters as appropriate as input data for an adaptive traffic signal controller under mixed traffic conditions such as the proposed FLTSC: the average occupancy rate (%) and maximum queue length (metres). The literature study suggest that this data should be collected using advances video image processing. The proposed FLTSC uses maximum queue lengths and average occupancy rates collected during the previous cycle to estimate the number of seconds of green time required by each set of signal groups during the next cycle. The effectiveness of the proposed FLTSC was analysed using the microscopic traffic simulation model VISSIM. Prior to doing so, the VISSIM model was calibrated and validated. From the validation process it was apparent that the VISSIM model could be adapted to simulate mixed traffic conditions by use of the Packet approach. In this approach, motorcycles are modelled as a group of motorcycles. The performance of the proposed FLTSC was contrasted with a Fixed Time Controller (FTC) for different case studies on a simulated four-way intersection. The FTC is represented by the calculation as suggested in the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual. Separate analysis using TRANSYT show that this is a valid assumption to make. The simulation results show that the proposed FLTSC is generally better than the FTC in terms of the average delay of vehicles at an intersection, especially under time-varying traffic. Further analysis was carried out to compare the performance of the proposed FLTSC against a Vehicle Actuated Controller (VAC) for different traffic conditions on a simulated four- way intersection, East-West and North-South without turning movements. In order to analyse the performance of VAC, a refined VISSIM model was developed. This used the latest version of the VISSIM software and allowed individual vehicles (and particularly motorcycles) to be modelled in mixed traffic. The phase extension time is one of the most critical parameters to affect the overall performance of VAC (Bullen, 1989). To provide a fair comparison of the performance between the proposed FLTSC and the VAC, an investigation was carried out to find the most appropriate extension time for the VAC that was suitable for mixed traffic. The effect of motorcycles to the performance of the VAC was also investigated. Two schemes were carried out to observe it, namely: Scheme 1 where detector detects all vehicle types (DfT, 2006) and Scheme 2 where detector detects all vehicle types, apart from motorcycles. The simulation results show that the VAC System D (DfT, 2006) using an extension time of 1.2 seconds and the VAC Extension Principle (Kell and Fullerton, 1991) with a detector position of 30 metres and extension time of 3.0 seconds produced better performance than the other extension times tested for both schemes in terms of the average delay of vehicles. This is slightly shorter than current practice in developed countries. The simulation results indicate that the performance of the VACs with scheme 1 is generally worse than with scheme 2. The performance of the VACs with scheme 1 against scheme 2 tended to reduce significantly as the percentage of motorcycles in traffic increased. The study compares the effectiveness of FTC, VAC Extension Principle (VAC-EP), VAC System D (VAC-SD) and proposed FLTSC in various traffic conditions. The simulation results indicate that the average delay of the proposed FLTSC is close to the average delay of the FTC when used in cases with constant traffic flows but sometimes worse. However, in cases of time-varying traffic the proposed FLTSC is superior to the FTC. When comparing the simulation results of the proposed FLTSC, VAC-SD and VAC-EP, again the proposed FLTSC does not improve average delay, when traffic flows constant but produces better results in cases of time-varying traffic

    Identification Geothermal Reservoir of Telomoyo Mount from Anomaly Magnetic Data using 3D Magnetic Inversion

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    The geophysical investigation research of Telomoyo Mount has been done. We aim to get a description about reservoir of the geothermal system by geomagnetic survey. Magnetic data acquisition has been carried out in 83 points with approximately 44 km 2 of around. The total magnetic anomaly directly modeled by Mag3D software. Using inversion of magnetic 3D, the alteration rock that to be a manifestation of geothermal field has been corrected in 3 areas, they are Keningar, Kendal Duwur, and Sepakung. They have low susceptibility value that approximately -0.173 to -0.498 (SI) and indicated as upflow zone of Telomoyo mount geothermal system. Kendal Duwur area becomes a main reservoir in the 1400 to 3000 meters of depth


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    Proses pembentukan biogas dari sampah organik dapat dilakukan dengan proses gasifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan desain dan konstruksi alat produksi gas metana dari sampah organik dengan cara dibakar, pengukuran waktu nyala efektif gas metana dan jumlah kalor pendidihan air. Variasi debit udara pembakaran dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu debit udara 0.026 m3/s, 0.023 m3/s dan 0.020 m3/s. Pengujian diawali dengan perakitan instalasi alat produksi gas metana dengan bahan bakar sampah organik jenis sekam padi yang terdiri dari blower, tangki reaktor, tangki absorber, ember, pipa pvc, keran, kompor dan beberapa alat ukur lainnya yang di rangakai dalam satu sistem. Dari variasi debit udara pembakaran dilakukan thermal proses gasification setiap 5 kg sekam padi meliputi volume air yang dapat dididihkan, lama waktu efektif nyala serta perubakan temperature 1 liter air setiap dua menit. Alat produksi gas metana dari sampah organik terdiri dari reaktor pembakaran dengan tinggi 560 mm, diameter 570 mm, diameter udara masuk 25 mm,diameter udara keluar 19 mm dan tangki absorber dengan tinggi 889 mm, diameter tangki 580 mm, diameter lubang isap 19 mm dan jumlah lubang 4. Hasil pengujian dengan debit udara pembakaran 0.023 m3/s dapat menyala selama 184 menit dan nilai kalor pendidihan 8296,4 kJ pada debit udara 0.026 m3/s dapat menyala selama 152 menit dan nilai kalor pendidihan 6222,3 kJ sedangkan dengan debit udara 0.020 m3/s dapat menyala selama 124 menit dengan nilai kalor 5392,7 kJ

    Peningkatan Apresiasi Cerpen dengan Metode Preview Question Read Reflect Recite Review(PQ4R)Pada siswa kelas IX SMPN Kartasura Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan kemampuan siswa dalam mengapresiasi cerpen dengan metode PQ4R di kelas IX SMPN 3 Kartasura tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 8 (delapan) bulan di kelas IX F SMPN 3 Kartasura. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode tes, observasi dan angket. Alat pengumpulan data meliputi butir soal tes, pedoman observasi dan pedoman angket. Hasil penelitian dipaparkan sebagai berikut: (1) Penggunaan metode PQ4R dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mengapresiasi cerpen di kelas IX SMPN 3 Kartasura tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Jumlah siswa yang mencapai nilai KKM berdasarkan hasil tes siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran pada siklus I adalah 22 siswa (69%), dan siklus II sebanyak 32 siswa (100%). (2) Penggunaan metode PQ4R dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran apresiasi cerpen di kelas IX SMPN 3 Kartasura tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan menunjukkan tingkat keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran siklus I ke siklus II meningkat lebih baik, yakni pada siklus I nilai keaktifan siswa sebesar 8,0 (kategori baik) dan pada siklus II sebesar 8,8 (kategori amat baik). Dari hasil ini, metode PQ4R dapat dijadikan suatu pertimbangan bagi guru yang ingin menerapkan strategi pembelajaran aktif yang dapat mengaktifkan siswa dalam belajar, sehingga hasil belajar meningkat, terutama dalam pembelajaran apresiasi cerpen

    Analisis Delivery Service Pada Bakmi GM

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    In the fast growing and expanding market of Bakmi GM, and also to give better service to the customer, since 2003 Bakmi GM has added Delivery Service. Bakmi GM needed evaluation for the running system also re – engineer of the system to improve service level. Analysis was done using Six Sigma Analysis by comparing the improvement of service level with cost estimation for improvement. Based on the survey, problems were identified, which were the delivery services was late coming to the customer so it influenced their satisfaction and often error on order delivery process. After analysis is done, there is some alternative solutions, which are the delivery service system to become completely internet base or making new outlet that only servis for delivery service so it can be more focus and cost efficient. Dalam perkembangan dan meluasnya pasar Bakmi GM serta untuk memberikan pelayanan lebih kepada pelanggan, sejak tahun 2003 Bakmi GM menambah jasa Delivery Service (Pesan Antar). Bakmi GM membutuhkan evaluasi untuk sistem layanan yang sedang berjalan serta perbaikan (re – engineer) atas sistem tersebut guna peningkatan service level. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode Six Sigma yang membandingkan perbaikan/ peningkatan service level dengan estimasi biaya untuk perbaikan. Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan, terdentifikasi masalah yang terjadi, yakni sering terjadinya kelambatan waktu antar ke pelanggan sehingga mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan dan sering terjadi kesalahan pada pemrosesan order delivery service. Melalui analisis yang dilakukan, ditemukan beberapa alternatif solusi, yakni migrasi sistem delivery service menjadi berbasis internet seluruhnya atau membuat outlet baru yang khusus melayani delivery service sehingga lebih fokus dan efisien biaya

    Kenakalan Remaja Ditinjau Dari Pekerjaan Orang Tua Di Luar Kota (Setudi Kasus Di Desa Plamar Kelurahan Jatiyosokecamatan Jatiyoso Kabupaten Karanganyar)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Bentu-bentuk kenakalan remaja, Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kenakalan, dampak kenakalan remaja dan, Solusi alternatif untuk mengatasi kenakalan remaja ditinjau dari pekerjaan orang tua di luar kota di Desa Plamar Kelurahan Jatiyoso Kecamatan Jatiyoso Kabupaten Karanganyar. Jumlah remaja dusun Plamar 136 remaja yang berusia antara 13 tahun sampai 21 tahun dan remaja yang orang tuanya bekerja di luar kota berjumlah 102 remaja. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui informan atau narasumber, tempat dan peristiwa, serta arsip atau dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Prosedur dalam penelitian ini terdapat lima tahap yaitu pra lapangan, penelitian lapangan, observasi, analisis data, dan analisis dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peta atau gambaran bentuk-bentuk kenakalan remaja dusun Plamar ditinjau dari pekerjaan orang tua di luar kota yang sering dilakukan adalah meroko (33,32 %), minum-minuman keras (16,66%), putus sekolah atau pendidikan rendah (11,76%), perkelahian (7,84 %) dan, tindakan asusila (3,92 %). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kenakalan remaja dusun Plamar ditinjau dari pekerjaan orang tua di luar kota meliputi kurang perhatian, kasih sayang, pengawasan, dan didikan dari orang tua serta kurangnya komunikasi antara anak dan orang tua, Dampak yang timbul dari kenakalan remaja dusun Plamar ditinjau dari pekerjaan orang tua di luar kota adalah membuat malu diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat dusun setempat.Solusi alternatif untuk mengatasi kenakalan remaja dusun Plamar ditinjau dari pekerjaan orang tua di luar kota. Pihak pemerintah dusun Plamar dan LPP dusun Plamar untuk megatasi hal tersebut antara lain memberikan penyuluhan-penyuluhan terhadap anak remaja dan orang tua remaja serta memberikan sanksi yang mendidik bagi remaja yang berbuat nakal

    Standar Operasional Prosedur (Sop) Pelaksanaan Diversi Oleh Penuntut Umum Anak Dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak

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    Penanganan perkara anak berhadapan dengan hukum yang mengutamakankepentingan terbaik bagi anak masih jauh dari yang diharapkan sehinggadikeluarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem PeradilanPidana Anak (SPPA) yang di dalamnya mengatur Diversi dalam Pasal 6 sampaiPasal 16. Diversi didasarkan pada prinsip Restorative Justice yangmengembalikan konflik kepada pihak-pihak yang paling terkena pengaruh anakkorban dan anak pelaku tindak pidana. Pentingnya SOP Diversi dalam Penuntutanterhadap Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum (ABH), diantaranya karena Pasal 7SPPA mengamanatkan bahwa di setiap proses penyidikan, penuntutan, danpemeriksaan di pengadilan harus diupayakan diversi, dan juga SEJA RI Nomor :SE-002/J.A/1989 menyatakan Jaksa memiliki peluang untuk melakukan Diversidalam menyelesaikan masalah ABH.Penelitian ini menggunakan metodepenelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa SOP Diversitingkat Penuntutan dirasa perlu dibentuk

    Discourse Markers in News Articles of the Jakarta Post

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    Discourse markers facilitate text interpretation. Discourse markers (DMs) were key attributes in linking sentences, rendering the text coherent. This study aimed to analyze Discourse Markers (DMs) found in four News Articles of The Jakarta Post based on Halliday and Hasan point of view. They were additive, adversative, causal and continuative. The writer used a descriptive qualitative method, in which the data were sentences that contain discourse markers in the articles. The data were analyzed by applying the theory of discourse markers from Halliday and Hasan (1976). The result showed there were 21 discourse markers found in four news articles. All the news articles included additive, adversative, causal, and temporal/continuative discourse markers. In the Jakarta Post news article, the numbers of the discourse markers were ample for readers to understand the articles better. &nbsp
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