473 research outputs found
Klitike koje se ne penju
In this article the behavior of clitics in subject- versus object-control infinitival constructions is explained by arguing that the two constructions have different structures. I argue that object-control infinitival constructions are CPs, and are therefore structurally richer than subject-control infinitival constructions, which are TPs and do not involve a CP projection. This results in different behavior of the clititcs in the two configurations.Hrvatske klitike zauzimaju drugo mjesto u rečenici (Franks i King 2000, Ćavar i Wilder 1994, Halpern 1995, među ostalima). Klitike u zavisnoj rečenici ne podižu se u glavnu, već se njihovo mjesto računa u odnosu na minimalnu surečenicu koja ih sadržava. U infinitivnoj konstrukciji sa subjektnom kontrolom, međutim, zamjeničke se klitike mogu podignuti u glavnu rečenicu, u kojoj zauzimaju drugo mjesto. S druge strane, podizanje klitika nije uvijek dopušteno (Aljović 2004). Na primjer, u infinitivnim konstrukcijama s objektnom kontrolom klitike (osobito dativne klitike) sklonije su ostati u infinitivnoj rečenici. U ovom radu iznijet će se argumenti u prilog tvrdnji da se klitike u ova dva tipa infinitivnih konstrukcija ponašaju različito zbog toga što te dvije konstrukcije imaju različite strukture: infinitivne konstrukcije s objektnom kontrolom imaju kompletnu rečeničnu strukturu (CPs), dok su one sa subjektnom kontrolom vremenski izrazi (TPs)
Why Interpersonal Ties are Important for People: An Analysis of the Concept of Social Capital and Its Dimensions of Holism, Convertibility, and Conductibility
During recent years, social capital has become one of the most widely used concepts in sociological literature, and its popularity has shown itself in both sociological theory and everyday language. Its increasing popularity has mainly resulted from its conceptualizations by some of the most prominent social scientists, such as Pierre Bourdieu, James Coleman, Nan Lin, and Robert Putnam and from its empirical applications to social problems and society afterwards. While many scholars have seen social capital as something of a cure for social problems and perceived social capital theories adequate as they are for their empirical applications, few scholars have approached social capital with a critical perspective and critically addressed the highly accepted social capital theories. I argue that the lack of critical perspective to the current social capital theories is a research gap. Therefore, to satisfy this research gap and to question the validity of these highly accepted social capital theories, this dissertation addresses the concept of social capital with an emphasis on its three dimensions: holism, convertibility, and conductibility. In three separate studies, this dissertation examines each dimension of the concept respectively with a critical approach, discusses what their main components are, presents who their most prominent thinkers are and what they have claimed, reveals their shortcomings, and finally offers plausible solutions to remove the shortcomings. Thus, this dissertation aims to provide an update to some of the highly accepted social capital theories and a unique contribution to the social capital literature
MEMS energy harvesters with a wide bandwidth for low frequency vibrations
We have designed and built macro-scale wideband electrostatic and electromagnetic power harvesters for low frequency vibration. Initially, MEMS capacitive plates for power harvesting have been designed, modeled and fabricated, and characterized. It was designed with a 2 x 2 mm2 movable metallic plate with a thickness of 10 [mu]m suspended by four straight beams above a fixed electrode with a gap of 10 [mu]m to form a variable capacitor. The suspension beams are made with a width, thickness and total length of 20 [mu]m, 10 [mu]m and 1500 [mu]m, respectively. It was found that the single cavity device can harvest almost 180 nW peak power across a 100 k[omega] load resistor at 5g. The harvested power was dependent on excitation amplitude and supplied DC voltage. The MEMS capacitive energy harvester was integrated with two impact oscillators at 18 Hz and 25 Hz for transferring energy from low frequency structural vibration with varying mechanical spectra to high frequency vibration of a high resonance frequency cantilever at 605 Hz. The results demonstrate that the device was able to harvest power on a wide range from 14 to 39 Hz at 1g excitation. The harvested power was 96 nW on a 100 k[omega] load resistor. We also studied a macro-scale electromagnetic power harvester with multi-impact oscillations to achieve a broad bandwidth at low frequency vibrations. The device consists of three low frequency cantilever designed to resonate at 12 Hz, 19 Hz and 40 Hz, a high frequency cantilever with resonance frequency of 210 Hz and a pick-up coil fixed at the tip of the high frequency cantilever. This results in a wide bandwidth response from 11-62 Hz at 1 g. A maximum output power of 23.5 [mu]W can be harvested at 1 g acceleration on an optimum load resistor of 22 [omega]
Preliminary evaluation of near-infrared vein visualization technology in the screening of palatal blood vessels
Avoidance from palatal blood vessel rupture is a major concern during the palatal soft tissue graft surgery. There is no defined chair-side and case-specific palatal blood vessel detection approach to facilitate the harvesting process. The objective of this pilot study is to assess the feasibility of a near-infrared vein visualization system in the screening process of palatal blood vessels. An extraoral vein visualization device (AccuVein AV400) was applied to a total of 304 hemi-maxilla of 152 individuals by two blind examiners. The study groups were classified according to their maximum inter-incisal measurements. The distances between the coronal border of the vessel image and the mid-palatal gingival margins of the adjacent teeth were measured and in each group. The correlations among the measurements were evaluated within groups. The blood vessel to the adjacent teeth measurements exhibited no statistical difference between both examiners in all subjects (p<0.001). Correlations between the examiners gradually increased in all groups as the mouth opening rates of the subjects were increased (p<0.001). In the current state, screening of the palatal blood vessels via near-infrared vein visualization technology seems to be not suitable for every individual due to the restrictive effect of mouth opening. However, the promising results of this preliminary study demonstrated increasing consistency between the measurements of the examiners as the inter-incisal distance increase which emphasized the need an intraoral version of the device. Considering the lack of local decision-making technology for the detection of palatal blood vessels, further studies are required for development and optimization of these systems
Vibration control of vehicles with active tuned mass damper
The purpose of this paper is to propose an alternative approach on controlling of vehicle vibrations by using active tuned mass damper. The approach is presented by simulation of a quarter-car model. Initially, a tuned mass damper is integrated on a vehicle model and its optimal parameters are determined by using 3D diagram of the maximum magnitudes of the sprung mass frequency response functions. Active control is obtained by adding an actuator element parallel to tuned mass damper. The fuzzy-sliding mode control method is utilized in reducing the displacement and acceleration magnitudes of sprung mass. Finally, comparison of active and passive responses in frequency and time domain are given to demonstrate vibration control improvement
Hydro Energy Potential for Electricity Generating on Selected Regions in Turkey
The aim of this chapter is to provide that hydroelectric energy production in Sakarya and Eastern Black Sea Basins which are selected as pilot region in Turkey. Hydroelectric energy has an important place in energy sector is generated from 26 main Basins in Turkey. Sakarya and Eastern Black Sea Basins are very important water resource in Turkey. In this study, hydro energy potential for electricity generating has been investigated in Turkey and hydro energy potential determined for the selected small streams in the Sakarya and Eastern Black Sea Basins by using hydro energy calculating methods
Management of Urban Parking Lot Energy Efficiency with the Application of Wind Turbine and LED Lights
A study of a parking lot lighting of a large manufacturing company in Iowa was implemented to evaluate monthly energy consumption. Mercury light bulbs with 227W ratings on the light poles were replaced with low power energy efficient LEDs to increase the overall efficiency. Additionally, a small scale wind turbine was installed to supply power to experimental light poles. Migration from the current gas bulbs to the LED light results yielded about 60% energy savings, while capital gains due to the generation of wind energy returned about 80% savings per month which recovered initial investments on the assets. The environmental impact of this study cannot be neglected and it also provided opportunity for STEM education in colleges and wind energy awareness in the society in Iowa by showing benefits from current experiments. Details of the methods and analyses should be particularly useful to urban planners because they show how standard references on investment in automobile parking should be modified to include efficient energy management. The authors proposed new way to limit the cost of energy consumptions and environmental pollution on wildlife and human health. Research implications are discussed in terms of the impact of natural features in urban areas for reduction of green house gas emissions and promoting alternative energy sources
My Face My Choice: Privacy Enhancing Deepfakes for Social Media Anonymization
Recently, productization of face recognition and identification algorithms
have become the most controversial topic about ethical AI. As new policies
around digital identities are formed, we introduce three face access models in
a hypothetical social network, where the user has the power to only appear in
photos they approve. Our approach eclipses current tagging systems and replaces
unapproved faces with quantitatively dissimilar deepfakes. In addition, we
propose new metrics specific for this task, where the deepfake is generated at
random with a guaranteed dissimilarity. We explain access models based on
strictness of the data flow, and discuss impact of each model on privacy,
usability, and performance. We evaluate our system on Facial Descriptor Dataset
as the real dataset, and two synthetic datasets with random and equal class
distributions. Running seven SOTA face recognizers on our results, MFMC reduces
the average accuracy by 61%. Lastly, we extensively analyze similarity metrics,
deepfake generators, and datasets in structural, visual, and generative spaces;
supporting the design choices and verifying the quality.Comment: 2023 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV
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