35 research outputs found


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    Homogeneous Riemann boundary value problem with meromorphic coefficients for infinitely connected domains is considered. In the closed form the problem is solved in the class of piece-wise analytic functions, possessing meromorphic continuation to the whole complex plane. Special attention is paid to the existence of doubly periodic solutions to the problem with elliptic coefficients. The example of the problem having a unique solution up to an arbitrary constant multiplier is presented, as well as of the problem with a solution depending on a number of arbitrary parameters. The obtained results can be used for solving of an inhomogeneous Riemann boundary value problem with meromorphic coefficients in an infinitely connected domain in the general statement.В исследованиях эффективных свойств двумерных композиционных материалов наиболее изученным является случай материалов с периодической микроструктурой. Это связано с возможностью представления решений соответствующих краевых задач через значения некоторых эллиптических функций. В данной работе рассматривается однородная краевая задача Римана для бесконечно связных областей и мероморфных коэффициентов. В замкнутой форме дается решение задачи в классе кусочно-аналитических функций, допускающих мероморфное продолжение на всю комплексную плоскость. Как частный случай решается вопрос существования и единственности двоякопериодических решений задачи с эллиптическим коэффициентом. Приводится пример задачи, имеющей единственное, с точностью до произвольного числового множителя, решение, и пример задачи, решение которой зависит от произвольных независимых параметров. Полученные результаты могут служить базой для исследования случая, когда коэффициенты задачи являются различными для каждого из контуров, а также при решении неоднородной задачи Римана с мероморфными коэффициентами и свободными членами в бесконечно связных областях.

    Nonliner mechanism of electromagnetic waves generations in space dust plasma

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    We consider a parametric excitation of electromagnetic waves induced by inertial Alfvén wave (IAW) in space dust plasma. The nonlinear dispersion equations describing decay of upper-hybrid wave (UHW) into the IAW and the ordinary electromagnetic wave as well as decay of UNW into the IAW and the left-hand circularly polarized (LHCP) wave are obtained using the three-fluid magnetohydrodynamics. The instability growth rates which depend on dust plasma parameters are found. It is shown that the LPCH wave is preferably excited by the UH pump wave for the parameters of the Saturn's F-ring.Розглянуто параметричне збудження електромагнітних хвиль інерційними альфвенівськими хвилями (ІАХ) в пиловій космічній плазмі. На основі рівнянь трирідинної магнітної гідродинаміки отримано нелінійне дисперсійне рівняння, що описує як розпад верхньогібридної хвилі на ІАХ та звичайну електромагнітну хвилю, так і розпад верхньогібридної хвилі на ІАХ та на лівополяризовану електромагнітну хвилю. Знайдено інкремент розвитку нестійкості, який залежить від параметрів пилової плазми. Показано, що лівополяризована електромагнітна хвиля переважно збуджується верхньогібридною хвилею накачки для параметрів F-кільця Сатурна.Рассмотрено параметрическое возбуждение электромагнитных волн инерциальными альфвеновскими волнами (ИАВ) в пылевой космической плазме. На основе уравнений трехжидкостной магнитной гидродинамики получено нелинейное дисперсионное уравнение, описывающее как распад верхнегибридной волны на ИАВ и обыкновенную электромагнитную волну, так и распад верхнегибридной волны на ИАВ и левополяризованную электромагнитную волну. Найден инкремент развития неустойчивости, зависящий от параметров пылевой плазмы. Показано, что левополяризованная электромагнитная волна преимущественно возбуждается верхнегибридной волной накачки для параметров F-кольца Сатурна

    The transformation of long scale Alfven waves in space dusty plasma

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    A nonlinear mechanism of the generation of kinetic Alfv´en waves (KAW) on dust plasma with small plasma parameter β is proposed. As the generation mechanism, the parametric instability where a pumping wave is the MHD Alfv´en wave is considered. On the basis of the three-fluid MHD, the nonlinear dispersion equation describing the three-wave interaction is deduced and its solution is derived. Obtained instability growth rate is determined by parameters of dust plasma particles. The nonlinear process under consideration can take place both in laboratory and in space plasma with small plasma parameter β. As an application of theoretical results, we consider Saturn’s F-ring

    Nonlinear excitation of kinetic Alfven waves and whistler waves by electron beam-driven Langmuir waves in the solar corona

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    © ESO 2003We study a new nonlinear excitation mechanism of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) and whistler waves (Ws) by electron beam-driven Langmuir waves (Ls). The generation conditions for the parametric decay instability L W + KAW are determined and the growth rate is calculated. We show that the resonant pairs of KAWs and whistler waves are nonlinearly coupled to the pump Langmuir waves and their amplitudes undergo exponential growth from the thermal level. The perpendicular dispersion of KAWs strongly increases the coupling due to the nonlinear current parallel to the ambient magnetic field. Our study suggests that the nonlinear coupling of Langmuir wave energy into KAWs and whistlers can provide an efficient sink for weakly dispersive Langmuir waves excited by fast electron beams in the solar corona when the electron plasma frequency is lower than the electron gyrofrequency. This condition can be satisfied in the low-density magnetic filaments that are rooted in the depleted patches at the coronal base and extend to the high corona. At the same time, the Langmuir-driven KAWs and whistlers give rise to scattering and/or thin structures of radio emission penetrating through, or generated in these regions. Since the decay into sunward propagating KAWs is strongest, the nonlinearly driven KAWs can be easily distinguished from the waves generated at the coronal base and propagating away from the Sun. Our results may be used in the analysis of solar radio data and for remote probing of the coronal plasma, magnetic fields, and waves.Yu. Voitenko, M. Goossens, O. Sirenko and A. C.-L. Chia

    Search for Primordial Black Holes with SGARFACE

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    The Short GAmma Ray Front Air Cherenkov Experiment (SGARFACE) uses the Whipple 10 m telescope to search for bursts of γ\gamma rays. SGARFACE is sensitive to bursts with duration from a few ns to \sim20 μ\mus and with γ\gamma-ray energy above 100 MeV. SGARFACE began operating in March 2003 and has collected 2.2 million events during an exposure time of 2267 hours. A search for bursts of γ\gamma rays from explosions of primordial black holes (PBH) was carried out. A Hagedorn-type PBH explosion is predicted to be visible within 60 pc of Earth. Background events were caused by cosmic rays and by atmospheric phenomena and their rejection was accomplished to a large extent using the time-resolved images. No unambiguous detection of bursts of γ\gamma rays could be made as the remaining background events mimic the expected shape and time development of bursts. Upper limits on the PBH explosion rate were derived from the SGARFACE data and are compared to previous and future experiments. We note that a future array of large wide-field air-Cherenkov telescopes equipped with a SGARFACE-like trigger would be able to operate background-free with a 20 to 30 times higher sensitivity for PBH explosions.Comment: 18 pages, 30 figures, accepted by Astroparticle Physics, corrected author list and Section 2.

    Long term time variability of cosmic rays and possible relevance to the development of life on Earth

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    An analysis is made of the manner in which the cosmic ray intensity at Earth has varied over its existence and its possible relevance to both the origin and the evolution of life. Much of the analysis relates to the 'high energy' cosmic rays (E>1014eV;=0.1PeVE>10^{14}eV;=0.1PeV) and their variability due to the changing proximity of the solar system to supernova remnants which are generally believed to be responsible for most cosmic rays up to PeV energies. It is pointed out that, on a statistical basis, there will have been considerable variations in the likely 100 My between the Earth's biosphere reaching reasonable stability and the onset of very elementary life. Interestingly, there is the increasingly strong possibility that PeV cosmic rays are responsible for the initiation of terrestrial lightning strokes and the possibility arises of considerable increases in the frequency of lightnings and thereby the formation of some of the complex molecules which are the 'building blocks of life'. Attention is also given to the well known generation of the oxides of nitrogen by lightning strokes which are poisonous to animal life but helpful to plant growth; here, too, the violent swings of cosmic ray intensities may have had relevance to evolutionary changes. A particular variant of the cosmic ray acceleration model, put forward by us, predicts an increase in lightning rate in the past and this has been sought in Korean historical records. Finally, the time dependence of the overall cosmic ray intensity, which manifests itself mainly at sub-10 GeV energies, has been examined. The relevance of cosmic rays to the 'global electrical circuit' points to the importance of this concept.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted by 'Surveys in Geophysics