223 research outputs found

    Investigasi level miskonsepsi pada Hukum III Newton

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran bentuk miskonsepsi dan seberapa tinggi miskonsepsi yang dimiliki oleh siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri di Pandeglang, Banten. Sampel yang dilibatkan dipilih secara purposive sampling dengan memilih responden yang telah mempelajari materi Hukum III Newton. Data penelitian yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dan diolah untuk dikategorikan berdasarkan interval miskonsepsi. Instrumen yang dipakai dalam pengambilan data berupa tes diagnostik bertingkat tiga (three tier-tests) dan lembar konsepsi Hukum III Newton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh responden mengalami miskonsepsi pada materi Hukum III Newton dengan rerata persentase 67.5 % (kategori sedang). Data ini menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari separuh siswa pada sekolah sampel di Kab. Pandeglang mengalami miskonsepsi pada Hukum III Newton. Diharapkan data ini menjadi dasar untuk peneliti selanjutnya agar mengatasi miskonsepsi serta menggali miskonsepsi Hukum I Newton maupun Hukum II Newton. This research aim is to give a clear description of misconception and the level of misconception on Newton Third Laws that was held by students (9th grade) in public junior high school in Pandeglang, Banten. The sample involved was chosen by purposive sampling from the student who has learned the Newton's Third Laws. Data was analyzed to be categorized based on the misconception interval descriptively. Instruments that used in this study was a three-tier data (three tier-tests) and the conception sheet. The results showed that all of the 9th-grade students (as the respondent in that school) were have the misconception of Newton's Third Laws (percentage of 67.5%; medium category). It is suggested to the next researchers to overcome these misconceptions or finding the other form of misconceptions from Newton's 2nd Laws and Newton's 1st Laws


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    This study aims to provide a comprehensive description of the level of the number of students who have misconceptions about Newton's II Law. This research is located at one State Junior High School in Kab. Pandeglang. The purposive sampling was considering used in this study because it is important to distinguish students who do not know the concept of students who experience misconception. Data were collected using a three tier-test diagnostic test and analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results showed that the level of misconception was in the two categories of high and medium levels. It needs an innovative teaching technique for subsequent research to treat Newton's Newton misconception

    Pengaruh Penerapan Interactive Lecture Demonstration (Ild) Berorientasi Conceptual Changeterhadap Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa SMP Pada Materi Hukum Newton

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini dilakukan karena pentingnya pemahaman konsep bagi siswa dalam mempelajari Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (I PA), khususnya pembelajaran Fisika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang perbedaan peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswayangmendapatkan pembelajaran ILD berorientasi conceptual change (CC)dibandingkan dengan peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran ILD berorientasi common sense (CS) pada materi Hukum Newton. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group design yang dilakukan pada kelas IX di sebuah SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Pandeglang. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran ILD berorientasi CC ( 0.42) pada materi Hukum Newton lebih signifikan dibandingkan peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran ILD berorientasi CS ( 0.32) pada materi Hukum Newtondengan kategori sedangpada taraf signifikansi 5%


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    This program which was held in the form as instruction of work readiness skills in order to provide the prospective teachers who are able to compete in the globalization era of the work-world in the 21st century. The method of this program that was held at STKIP Singkawang campus is in the instruction about broader skills that intersect with readiness in the world of work. The results of this program indicate that there is an increasing of student’s understanding their self-skill such as broader skills for students if they later complete their education in higher education. In general, this activity went well and smoothly so that it was able to provide benefits to the participants as evidenced by the results of the questionnaire. The follow-up of this program is to prepare regulations or learning strategic in universities so that they are able to provide students with provisions for skills in the world of work in the futur


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    This study was aimed to provide a comprehensive description of the analysis of the decreasing the numbers of students that misconceptions in the kinematics concepts. This quantitative research used the one-group pretest-posttest design on the 2019/2020 academic year. The populations of this study were 482 students in senior high school (8th grade) in Singkawang City and 168 students who had participated as samples. The instrument that used in this study was designed as four tier-tests in multiple-choice form dan structured interview form. The results of this study show that has been decreasing in the number of students whose misconceptions throughout the sub-concepts of particle kinematics with 6 sub-concepts reached the medium category and only one sub-concept reached the low category. Based on this data, it suggested for that further researchers can optimize the implementation of learning models to reach the higher decreasing misconception categorize or zero points (0%) of misconceptio


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    The aim of this study was to see the meaning of life in the elderly who live in the nursing home. The benefits that are expected to have in this research include theoretical benefits, which are expected to be a reference material for the development of developmental psychology, especially psychogerontology and practical benefits to be a reference material for psychologists, therapists, counselors, assistants, and readers in an effort to increase the meaning of life. in the elderly in general and in the elderly who live in nursing homes in particular. The subject criteria for the study were the elderly who were still able to communicate with and in good general condition. These criteria are determined on the basis of consideration because this study was conducted using interviews as a method of data collection. The results of this study indicate that the elderly who live in nursing homes have a good life meaning.Keywords: nursing homes, parents, the meaning of life
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