63 research outputs found

    Study of the effect of external use of a brown algae product on the structural-functional continuum

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    The authors, in a study on 25 outbred Wistar white rats weighing 180-200 g, determined the effect of Lamidana (a product from sea brown algae) on the structural-functional continuum, that is, the correlation of the functional activity of the liver parenchyma and its structural characteristics. Methods. The detoxifying function of the liver was studied by the duration of sleep of animals due to the action of anesthesia - intraperitoneal administration of sodium thiopental (estimate the rate of metabolism of thiopental, carried out by the cytochrome-P-450-dependent monooxygenase system of hepatocytes). The structural and functional state of the liver parenchyma was assessed according to the study of histological preparations. The results of the studies showed that under the influence of the external application of "Lamidin" in the test rats, the liver1s detoxification function is enhanced (significantly significant decrease in the duration of sleep of animals). At the same time, structural signs of increased functional activity of hepatocytes are determined in the parenchyma. Conclusions. The authors believe that "Lamidan", due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition, enhances the metabolic and functional activity of hepatocytes but does not damage the correlative relationships between the structure and function of hepatocytes

    Influence of the autonomic nervous system on the clinical course of overactive bladder

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    Overactive bladder (OB) is a disease which is very easily diagnosed, but presents considerable difficulties in the choice of treatment mode. At present the specialists turn their attention to this syndrome due to a wide spread of the disease, its negative impact on quality of life, social and economic importance. Pathogenesis of OB is complex. Thus, under conditions of urothelium atrophy which takes place because of estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women, in violation of its GAG protective layer, barrier function of urothelium are violated, which leads to its damage. The appearence of urination disorder symptoms are associated with the fact that atrophic mucosa of urethra and triangle of bladder are hypersensitive to even minimal portions of urine. Aging process also play a role in OB development including lowering ability of tissues to repair, their elasticity reduction, increased apoptosis and cell atrophy, degeneration of nerve endings, smooth muscle tone change, deterioration of urothelium and its GAG protective layer. It can be a result of manifestation of bladder outlet obstruction that causes OB symptoms in men suffering from benign hyperplasia, prostate cancer and chronic prostatitis

    Study of the effect of external use of a brown algae product on the structural-functional continuum

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    Nasibullin B. A., Gushcha S. G., Dekhtyar Yu. N., Volyanska V. S. Study of the effect of external use of a brown algae product on the structural-functional continuum. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2023;47(1):75-83. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/JEHS.2023.47.01.007 https://apcz.umk.pl/JEHS/article/view/46248 https://zenodo.org/record/8364684 The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of 17.07.2023 No. 32318. Has a Journal's Unique Identifier: 201159. Scientific disciplines assigned: Physical Culture Sciences (Field of Medical sciences and health sciences); Health Sciences (Field of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences). Punkty Ministerialne z 2019 - aktualny rok 40 punktów. Załącznik do komunikatu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki z dnia 17.07.2023 Lp. 32318. Posiada Unikatowy Identyfikator Czasopisma: 201159. Przypisane dyscypliny naukowe: Nauki o kulturze fizycznej (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu); Nauki o zdrowiu (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu). © The Authors 2023; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 29.07.2023. Revised:21.08.2023. Accepted: 28.08.2023. Published: 29.08.2023. Study of the effect of external use of a brown algae product on the structural-functional continuum B. A. Nasibullin, S. G. Gushcha, Yu. N. Dekhtyar, V. S. Volyanska State Institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Resort Therapy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine», Odesa, Ukraine Boris Nasibullin: ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3963-2374; e-mail: [email protected] Sergey Gushcha: ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3097-5258; e-mail: [email protected] Veronika Volyanska: ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3019-7620; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The authors, in a study on 25 outbred Wistar white rats weighing 180-200 g, determined the effect of Lamidana (a product from sea brown algae) on the structural-functional continuum, that is, the correlation of the functional activity of the liver parenchyma and its structural characteristics. Methods. The detoxifying function of the liver was studied by the duration of sleep of animals due to the action of anesthesia - intraperitoneal administration of sodium thiopental (estimate the rate of metabolism of thiopental, carried out by the cytochrome-P-450-dependent monooxygenase system of hepatocytes). The structural and functional state of the liver parenchyma was assessed according to the study of histological preparations. The results of the studies showed that under the influence of the external application of "Lamidin" in the test rats, the liver1s detoxification function is enhanced (significantly significant decrease in the duration of sleep of animals). At the same time, structural signs of increased functional activity of hepatocytes are determined in the parenchyma. Conclusions. The authors believe that "Lamidan", due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition, enhances the metabolic and functional activity of hepatocytes but does not damage the correlative relationships between the structure and function of hepatocytes. Keywords: product from brown algae; liver; structural-functional continuum

    Justification of the renoprotective action of the mixture of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate solutions in phenylhydrazine intoxication

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    The authors conducted a study on 35 white Wistar outbred rats to investigate the possibility of correcting acute kidney damage induced by the administration of phenylhydrazine at a dose of 100 mg/kg by introducing a mixture of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate solutions into the body. The research results identified changes in the kidneys upon phenylhydrazine administration, including the loss of some capillary glomeruli, eosinophilic deposits in Bowman's spaces and tubular lumens, and lymphoid infiltration in the interstitium. Rats receiving a mixture of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate solutions in their drinking water showed positive changes in their kidneys: no loss of capillary glomeruli was observed, and eosinophilic deposits were absent in most tubules. Lymphocyte aggregation was only observed around some renal vessels. The authors suggest that the intake of additional sodium and bicarbonate into the body, along with alkalinization of the primary urine, promotes the excretion of hemolysis products caused by phenylhydrazine, which contributes to renoprotection and preservation of renal parenchyma

    Association Between Speed of Multimorbidity Accumulation in Old Age and Life Experiences: A Cohort Study

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    Abstract Rapidly accumulating multiple chronic conditions (multimorbidity) during aging are associated with many adverse outcomes. We explored the association between 4 experiences throughout life—childhood socioeconomic circumstances, early-adulthood education, midlife occupational stress, and late-life social network—and the speed of chronic disease accumulation. We followed 2,589 individuals aged ≥60 years from the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen for 9 years (2001–2013). Information on life experiences was collected from detailed life-history interviews. Speed of disease accumulation was operationalized as the change in the count of chronic conditions obtained from clinical examinations, medical histories, laboratory data, drug use, and register linkages over 9 years. Linear mixed models were used to analyze the data. Speed of disease accumulation was lower in individuals with more than elementary education (for secondary, β × time = −0.065, 95% CI: −0.126, −0.004; for university, β × time = −0.118, 95% CI: −0.185, −0.050); for active occupations compared with high-strain jobs (β × time = −0.078, 95% CI: −0.138, −0.017); and for richer social networks (for moderate tertile, β × time = −0.102, 95% CI: −0.149, −0.055; for highest tertile, β × time = −0.135, 95% CI: −0.182, −0.088). The association between childhood circumstances and speed of disease accumulation was attenuated by later-life experiences. Diverse experiences throughout life might decelerate chronic disease accumulation during aging

    Application of methods of biological feedback in diagnostics and conservative treatment of female urinary incontinence

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    Изучены особенности биоэлектрической активности мышц тазового дна, эффективность метода биологической обратной связи (БОС) в сочетании с электромиографической триггерной электростимуляцией мышц тазового дна у больных с различными формами недержания мочи. Установлено, что у большинства больных стрессовой или смешанной формами недержания мочи наблюдается выраженное снижение активности показателей электромиограммы и мышечного тонуса тазовых сфинктеров с компенсаторним напряжением мышц промежности, трудностями в мышечном контроле сфинктерного аппарата уретры. Использование метода БОС в сочетании с триггерной электростимуляцией мышц сфинктерного аппарата тазовых органов и мышц промежности позволяет уменьшить проявления нарушений резервуарно-эвакуаторной функции мочевого пузыря у 85 % пациенток с недержанием мочи.The aim of the study was to examine the features of the bioelectrical activity of the muscles of the pelvic floor, study the effectiveness of biofeedback in conjunction with electromyographic electrical trigger stimulation) of the pelvic floor in patients with various forms of urinary incontinence. It was found that most patients with stress or mixed incontinence forms observed marked reduction in activity indicators EMG and muscle tone of the pelvic sphincters with compensatory voltage perineal muscles, difficulty in muscle control in urethral sphincter system, as evidenced by the Rest Average rate increase and decrease Work Average with increase of corresponding indices of Work Deviation (by 38%) and Rest Deviation (by 53%). The use of biofeedback in conjunction with ETS muscle sphincter apparatus of the pelvic organs and muscles of the perineum to reduce manifestations of violations of reservoir — the evacuation of the bladder in 85% of patients with urinary incontinence. The results of this study confirm the need for the widespread introduction of information, method of affordable biofeedback combined with ETS pelvic floor muscles. Indicators of bioelectrical activity of the pelvic floor muscle, skin impedance and peripheral resistance indexes allow for dynamic control of the efficiency of treatment of the disease

    Особливості вегетативної регуляції сечовипускання при гіперактивному сечовому міхурі

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    Виявлення перенапруження і виснаження реґуляторних механізмів грає важливу роль у попередженні пошкодження зриву адаптації і появи патологічних відхилень та захворювань. Так, тривога і депресія, що викликає недостатність серотонінергічних і норадреналінергічних структур центральної нервової системи, зменшують кількість серотоніну в сеґментарних центрах сечовипускання. Саме це здатне знижувати симпатичний рефлекс наповнення та утримання сечі в сечовому міхурі (СМ) з одного боку і викликати розгальмування парасимпатичного рефлексу випорожнення СМ. Метою дослідження було визначити особливості веґетативного забезпечення реалізації акта сечовипускання при ГАСМ, дати оцінку змінам показників варіабельності ритму серця (ВРС) при природному заповненні СМ

    Лікування синдрому нижніх сечових шляхів на фоні поєднання гіперактивного сечового міхура і доброякісної гіперплазії передміхурової залози

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    Метою нашого дослідження була оцінка ефективності комплексної терапії антидіабетичного біґуаніду і альфа-адреноблокатора у хворих зі сполученими проявами гіперактивного сечового міхура (ГАСМ) і доброякісної гіперплазії передміхурової залози (ДГПЗ). Під нашим спостереженням знаходилися 47 пацієнти у віці 52–74 роки, що страждають на ДГПЗ у сполученні з клінічними проявами ГАСМ. Цю вибірку було зроблено з великої кількості пацієнтів з різними розладами сечовипускання (симптомами нижніх сечових шляхів). Усім пацієнтам призначалася стандартна схема лікування, що містила альфа-адреноблокатор і антидіабетичний бігуанід, протягом 5 місяців

    Оптимізація терапії ідіопатичного гіперактивного сечового міхура

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    Метою дослідження було розробити лікувальну стратегію ГАСМ на підставі результатів аналізу варіабельності ритму серця (АВРС) в ході уродінамічних тестів. Основну групу склали 32 жінки з ідіопатичним ГАСМ. Проведене обстеження дозволило виявити у 21 жінки з ГАСМ клінічні ознаки і нейрофізіологічні кореляти вегетативної дисфункції у вигляді порушення симпатико-парасимпатичних взаємовідносин, зриву компенсаторних механізмів регуляції. При цьому забезпечення довільного утримання сечі відбувається в умовах напруги центральних механізмів, що сприяє передчасної симпатичної активації при фізіологічному заповненні сечового міхура