101 research outputs found

    From past to present: biodiversity in a changing delta

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    A large-scale coastal engineering project (the ‘Delta works’) changed large-scale, dynamic estuarine nature in the southwest of the Netherlands into a diverse mosaic of ecosystems with different characteristics. This led to a suite of ecological problems, which is why plans are made to restore estuarine dynamics. Until today the effect of the Delta works on biodiversity in the subsystems is still poorly understood. We combined long-term datasets on macrobenthos, fish, birds and key species and present reliable and factual information on changes in biodiversity in the Southwest Delta in the past decennia in relation to the Delta works and other developments. Effects of the Delta works on biodiversity are highly diverse and depend on many different factors and histories specific for the different water bodies. If connections are restored, effects on species richness and biodiversity will depend on the specific characteristics of the separate basins. Because restoration of estuarine dynamics likely occurs on a reduced scale, effects on biodiversity may only be modest. However, effects on the occurrence of rare species of the brackish and intertidal transition zones may be more significant. It is recommended to study this further

    Biodiversity in a changing Oosterschelde: from past to present

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    De biodiversiteit onder vogels in de Oosterschelde neemt significant toe van 84 soorten in 1987 tot 105 soorten in 2008. Metname de herbivore en piscivore vogels zijn verantwoordelijk voor deze toename. Broedvogels nemen toe in aantal vanaf1994. Vissen vertonen echter weinig verandering in de gemeten periode (1970-2008) en vertonen een lichte significantetoename in het aantal soorten in de periode 1996-2001. De macrofauna-gemeenschap vertoont een constant hoge ShannonWiener-index tussen de 2,5 en 3,5, maar de aantallen tussen soorten zijn erg ongelijk verdeeld doordat er veel soorten metrelatief lage aantallen zijn en een paar soorten voorkomen in relatief hoge aantallen. De aantallen individuen voor suspensie- enfilter feeders en oppervlakte deposit- en facultatieve suspensie feeders nemen significant af over de gehele gemeten periode(1993-2008). Zeehonden (twee soorten) nemen in aantallen toe. Met name Gewone zeehond (Phoca vitulina) vertoont eenforse stijging in aantallen en ook de Grijze zeehond (Halichoerus grypus), hoewel minder abundant, vertoont een stijging inaantal waargenomen individuen. Bruinvissen (Phocoena phocoena) zijn niet beschouwd in de analyse. Het areaal aan zeegrasvertoont een sterke daling in 1984-1993 van 657 tot 63, een afname van 90%. Ook het schorareaal neemt af

    The structure and functional roles of tidal flat meiobenthos

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    Meiofauna comprise the smallest multicellular and largest unicellular metazoans in benthic food webs. They are highly abundant and species-rich, yet essential aspects of the factors driving their community structure and abundance remain poorly understood. Similarly, their functional roles in benthic carbon cycling remain poorly characterized and even more poorly quantified. In the frame of two projects, we addressed questions regarding both the biotic and abiotic factors that drive meiobenthic assemblage structure, and their roles in benthic carbon cycling. Our research involved an intricate combination of manipulative laboratory experiments and field work, the latter mostly focusing on the intertidal flats bordering the Paulina salt marsh in the Scheldt estuary. The results add considerably to our understanding of the factors that drive meiobenthic assemblage structure. They clearly demonstrate that biotic interactions among different meiofauna, and between meio- and macrofauna, are extremely important and moderate the impacts of prominent abiotic drivers of assemblage structure such as granulometry and oxygen availability. From a functional point of view, we demonstrated that tidal flat meiofauna rely predominantly on carbon derived from in situ primary production by microphytobenthos. Quantification of grazing rates of meiofauna on microphytobenthos and benthic bacteria does not, however, point at an important direct contribution of meiofauna to benthic carbon cycling. The role of meiobenthic species diversity remains to be established, but laboratory experiments into the role of nematodes in OM decomposition reveal that in addition to species identity, species diversity does have a significant, yet largely unpredictable effect on OM decomposition rates

    Variation in Community Structure across Vertical Intertidal Stress Gradients: How Does It Compare with Horizontal Variation at Different Scales?

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    In rocky intertidal habitats, the pronounced increase in environmental stress from low to high elevations greatly affects community structure, that is, the combined measure of species identity and their relative abundance. Recent studies have shown that ecological variation also occurs along the coastline at a variety of spatial scales. Little is known, however, on how vertical variation compares with horizontal variation measured at increasing spatial scales (in terms of sampling interval). Because broad-scale processes can generate geographical patterns in community structure, we tested the hypothesis that vertical ecological variation is higher than fine-scale horizontal variation but lower than broad-scale horizontal variation. To test this prediction, we compared the variation in community structure across intertidal elevations on rocky shores of Helgoland Island with independent estimates of horizontal variation measured at the scale of patches (quadrats separated by 10s of cm), sites (quadrats separated by a few m), and shores (quadrats separated by 100s to 1000s of m). The multivariate analyses done on community structure supported our prediction. Specifically, vertical variation was significantly higher than patch- and site-scale horizontal variation but lower than shore-scale horizontal variation. Similar patterns were found for the variation in abundance of foundation taxa such as Fucus spp. and Mastocarpus stellatus, suggesting that the effects of these canopy-forming algae, known to function as ecosystem engineers, may explain part of the observed variability in community structure. Our findings suggest that broad-scale processes affecting species performance increase ecological variability relative to the pervasive fine-scale patchiness already described for marine coasts and the well known variation caused by vertical stress gradients. Our results also indicate that experimental research aiming to understand community structure on marine shores should benefit from applying a multi-scale approach

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]