24 research outputs found
The Approach of Pharmacy Students Towards Communication of Medication Errors in Karachi, Pakistan
Purpose: To assess pharmacy students’ knowledge of communicating medication errors in Karachi, Pakistan.Methods: The study design was cross-sectional and conducted from February to May 2014. A previously validated questionnaire was adopted, modified and distributed to final year pharmacy students in four universities of Karachi. Descriptive statistics were used to present students’ demographic information and their response to the questionnaire items. Pearson chi square test and Logistic regression model were executed to evaluate the association of gender and institution of students with their response.Results: Out of 600 survey questionnaires distributed, only 464 were returned in useable form, giving a response rate of 77.33 %. A majority of the students showed moderately positive attitude towards general communication and training in communicating medication errors. More than 40 % of the respondents were not satisfied with the training they received in communicating and reporting incidence of medication errors. Incorrect drug (14.65 %), incorrect dose (8.40 %) and improper storage of medicines (7.97 %) were the most common errors observed by the students during clerkship.Conclusion: The findings indicate the need for a more standardized approach to improving knowledge of medication errors as well as training in the communication of occurrence of medication errors.Keywords: Communication, Medication error, Pharmacy students, Standardized trainin
Trends in breeding oat for nutritional grain quality - An overview
Oat is an economically important crop and ranks sixth in world cereal production after maize, wheat, rice, barley and sorghum. It has been primarily utilized as livestock feed. However, the utilization of oats for human consumption has increased progressively, owing to its dietary and health benefits which relies mainly on the total dietary fibre and ?-glucan content, which significantly reduces postprandial blood glucose, insulin and blood lipids, especially serum total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Henceforth, enhancing Oat b-glucan content forhuman consumption is desirable. As it is a polygenic trait controlled mainly by genes with additive effects, phenotypic selection for greater b-glucan content would be effective for developing cultivars with elevated b-glucan contents. Oat b-glucan concentration has been found to be positively correlated with protein content and negatively correlated with oil content. ?-glucan yield (i.e., Product of grain yield and ?-glucan content) has been found to correlate positively with both grain yield (r = 0.92) and ?-glucan content (r = 0.66). Hence, this nutritional oat grain quality has been improved through selection for improved grain yield as they both increase simultaneously. Among wild accessions, A. atlantica genotypes have high ?-glucan content (2·2–11·3%) and have been used in breeding programmes for increasing the ?-glucan content of adapted elite local germplasm. Besides conventional breeding approaches, molecular breeding approaches have made possible to identify several molecular markers linked to ?-glucan rich regions across oat genome hence enabling mapping and dissection of ?-glucan rich genomic regions and accelerating the improvement in nutritional grain quality
Hvordan ulike Instagram-innlegg påvirker merkeevaluering og kjøpsintensjon overfor Holzweiler
Utviklingen av sosiale media plattformer har ført til ulike innholdsvarianter som innhold fra influensere, innhold fra merker der de viser til sine egne modeller, og innhold fra “vanlige mennesker” som kan utnyttes av merker til markedsføring. Denne besvarelsen tar utgangspunkt i hvordan disse ulike innleggstypene påvirker merkeevaluering og kjøpsintensjon til klesmerket Holzweiler, der følgende problemstillingen blir utviklet og besvart i oppgaven: Hvordan påvirker ulike former for Instagram-innlegg kunders merkeevaluering og kjøpsintensjon til Holzweiler?
Litteraturgjennomgangen undersøker ulike teorier og studier knyttet til det valgte temaet. Forskningen viser til blant annet influenserens påvirkningsmakt når det gjelder merkeevalueringer og kjøp, effekten av tydelige annonsemerkninger ved innlegg, hvordan innhold fra selve merket kan føre til flere utfordringer knyttet til troverdighet, og hvordan psykologiske effekter som omdømme spiller en stor rolle på merkeoppfatninger. Konsistensteorien spiller en særlig viktig rolle gjennom besvarelsen for hvordan samsvar mellom merket, influensere og forbrukere er en viktig påvirkningsfaktor.
Vi gjennomførte både kvantitative og kvalitative analyser for å teste våres hypoteser. Det ble utført både enkel- og multippel regresjonsanalyser, og en kji-kvadrat analyse for å evaluere sammenhengen mellom de valgte uavhengige variablene opp mot merkeevaluering og kjøpsintensjon. I tillegg utførte vi to separate dybdeintervjuer med en influenser og en representant fra Holzweiler for å få en dypere oversikt over effektene av de ulike innleggstypene fra en influensers og merkets perspektiv.
Oppgavens funn indikerer at de fire innleggene bidrar til positive merkeevalueringer og kjøpsintensjon. Analysene viser støtte for at tydelige annonsemerkninger og bruk av influensere som ikke samsvarer med merkets verdier har særlige negative effekter, mens innhold fra “vanlige mennesker” oppfattes som mest troverdig
In the title compound, C15H14O4S, the dihedral angle between the benzene and phenyl rings is 88.74 (10)°. In the crystal, molecules are linked into a three-dimensional network by C—H...O hydrogen bonds and π–π stacking interactions [centroid–centroid distances = 3.6092 (13)–3.8651 (13) Å]
In the title compound, C14H10ClNOS, the dihedral angle between the benzothiazole ring system and the methoxy-substituted benzene ring is 8.76 (16)°. In the crystal, molecules are stacked in columns along the c axis and no significant intermolecular interactions are observed
In the structure of the title compound, C13H8ClNS, the dihedral angle between the benzothiazole ring system and the phenyl ring is 7.11 (8)°. In the crystal, molecules are arranged parallel to the c axis
In the title compound, C16H14ClNO3S, the dihedral angle between the almost-planar benzothiazole ring system [maximum deviation = 0.012 (3) Å] and the aromatic ring of the trimethoxyphenyl group is 15.56 (6)°. In the crystal, the molecules are arranged into layers parallel to the bc plane, held together only by weak van der Waals forces
In the molecule of the title compound, C14H10ClNO2S, the dihedral angle between the almost planar benzothiazole ring system [maximum deviation = 0.005 (2) Å] and the benzene ring is 1.23 (9)°. The conformation of the molecule is stabilized by an intramolecular O—H...N hydrogen bond, forming an S(6) ring motif. In the crystal, molecules are linked into layers parallel to the ac plane by C—H...O hydrogen bonds and π–π stacking interactions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.7365 (12) Å]