5 research outputs found

    Le management des télétravailleurs dans les PME marocaines à l'ère du covid-19 : quelles modalités de contrôle et quel degré d'autonomie? Résultats d'une étude empirique

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    Les PME adoptent de plus en plus le télétravail comme un mode de travail de type récent, surtout à I 'ère de la pandémie. Le management du télétravail se distingue du management classique du travail présentiel dans le sens où il donne plus d'importance à la notion d'autonomie, ce qui nécessite un changement des outils et des méthodes de contrôle de la part des dirigeants. Cette recherche analyse les méthodes de contrôle et le degré d'autonomie adopté par les PME marocaines à travers une étude empirique qualitative avec 4 spécialistes des RH, 8 managers et 44 employés.&nbsp

    Les NTIC au service du management des télétravailleurs à l’ère du Covid-19

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    Si le nombre de télétravailleurs à temps partiel ou à temps plein a progressivement augmenté au fil des ans, la pandémie de Covid-19 a sans aucun doute accéléré ce phénomène (OIT, 2020). En effet, le télétravail s'est révélé être un aspect crucial de la continuité des activités. Pour réussir dans cette nouvelle façon de travailler, les outils de communication et d'information sont l'un des facteurs clés de la mise en œuvre du télétravail. Désormais, les managers peuvent communiquer, contrôler et soutenir leurs employés en utilisant les TIC. L'objectif de cet article est de répertorier les différents apports des TIC dans la gestion des télétravailleurs et comment les TIC peuvent être un outil incontournable pour communiquer, contrôler et former les collaborateurs à distanc

    Transformation digitale et développement de la gestion des ressources humaines

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    The relationship between the new methods of HRM following the integration of digitalization within companies following the increased use of Information and Communication Technologies. It is therefore essential to think about evaluating the influence exerted by this digital transformation on the reform of the Human Resources function. Adapting with digital transformation gives companies the advantage of staying aligned with the changing external environment. This reality is even more present for the Human Resources function, which seeks to become a strategic partner recognized by the organization (Troshani et al., 2011). In this context, the implementation of a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) by the general management, strategic actor of the company, constitutes an important step towards an effective and efficient management of human resources (Hussain et al.., 2007). This is where the importance of this subject stems from, since companies must imperatively commit to this reform, which tends to provide them with a set of advantages in terms of management and organization, but it would be essential to first engage in the implementation of this new process. The objective of this research work is to traditionally analyze the influence that digitization tends to have through the establishment of the HRIS on the evolution of the Human Resource Function and thus assess the consequences of digitization on the HR function. On the organizational side but also in relation to the advantages, it could provide to companies in terms of improving the productivity of their HR.   Keywords: Digital transformation, HRM, IS, Digitalization, FRH, NTIC JEL Classification: M50, O15  Paper type: Theoretical ResearchLa relation qui existe entre les nouvelles mĂ©thodes de Gestion des Ressources Humaines suite Ă  l’intĂ©gration de la digitalisation au sein des entreprises suite Ă  l’utilisation accrue des Nouvelles Technologies de l’information et de communication. Il est donc primordial de penser Ă  Ă©valuer l’influence exercĂ©e par cette transformation digitale sur la rĂ©forme de la fonction Ressources Humaines. L’adaptation avec la transformation digitale procure aux entreprises l’avantage de rester alignĂ©es Ă  l’évolution de leur environnement externe. Cette rĂ©alitĂ© est encore plus prĂ©sente pour la fonction Ressources Humaines qui cherche Ă  devenir un partenaire stratĂ©gique reconnu par l'organisation (Troshani et al., 2011). Dans ce cadre, la mise en place d’un Système d’Information des Ressources Humaines (SIRH) par la direction gĂ©nĂ©rale figurant comme Ă©tant acteur stratĂ©gique de l'entreprise, constitue un pas important vers un management efficace et efficient de la Fonction Ressource Humaine (Hussain et al., 2007). C’est de lĂ  ou dĂ©coule l’importance de ce sujet puisque les entreprises doivent impĂ©rativement s’engager au niveau de cette rĂ©forme qui tend Ă  leur procurer un ensemble d’avantages en termes de gestion et d’organisation, mais il serait indispensable de s’engager tout d’abord dans la mise en place de ce nouveau processus. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est d’analyser traditionnellement l’influence que tend Ă  avoir la digitalisation Ă  travers l’instauration du SIRH sur l’évolution de la Fonction Ressource Humaine et Ă©valuer ainsi les consĂ©quences de la digitalisation sur la fonction RH sur le volet organisationnels mais aussi par rapport aux avantages quelle pourrai procurer aux entreprises au niveau de l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© de leurs RH.   Mots clĂ©s : Transformation numĂ©rique, GRH, SI, Digitalisation, FRH, NTIC Classification. JEL : M50, O15  Type de l’article : Article thĂ©orique

    Landscape Features Impact on Soil Available Water, Corn Biomass, and Gene Expression during the Late Vegetative Stage

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    Crop yields at summit positions of rolling landscapes often are lower than backslope yields. The differences in plant response may be the result of many different factors. We examined corn (Zea mays L.) plant productivity, gene expression, soil water, and nutrient availability in two landscape positions located in historically high (backslope) and moderate (summit and shoulder) yielding zones to gain insight into plant response differences. Growth characteristics, gene expression, and soil parameters (water and N and P content) were determined at the V12 growth stage of corn. At tassel, plant biomass, N content, 13C isotope discrimination (Δ), and soil water was measured. Soil water was 35% lower in the summit and shoulder compared with the lower backslope plots. Plants at the summit had 16% less leaf area, biomass, and N and P uptake at V12 and 30% less biomass at tassel compared with plants from the lower backslope. Transcriptome analysis at V12 indicated that summit and shoulder-grown plants had 496 downregulated and 341 upregulated genes compared with backslope-grown plants. Gene set and subnetwork enrichment analyses indicated alterations in growth and circadian response and lowered nutrient uptake, wound recovery, pest resistance, and photosynthetic capacity in summit and shoulder-grown plants. Reducing plant populations, to lessen demands on available soil water, and applying pesticides, to limit biotic stress, may ameliorate negative water stress responses

    The management of teleworkers in Moroccan SMES in the covid-19 era: what modalities of control and which degree of autonomy? results of an empirical study

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    Telework has emerged as a practical solution to ensure business continuity for companies in periods of coronavirus. This new organizational practice is a response to the contextual constraints related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Telework makes it possible to reconcile a double imperative: health and economic. SMEs are increasingly adopting telework as a new working method. The management of telework differs from the traditional management of face-to-face work in that it gives more importance to the notion of autonomy, which requires a change of tools and controls by the company leaders. Telework describes a wide variety of work situations, and therefore it is difficult to defined scope. It challenges the traditional role of the manager and defines new methods of control. This article suggests a reflection on the conditions of the application of telework through the notions of control and autonomy. Thanks to a qualitative study carried out with 56 respondents (4 HR specialists, 8 managers and 44 employees), we study the way in which the teleworker's activity is organized, which is subject to a double imperative: autonomous work and control of its activity. The proposed analysis illustrates the various teleworking situations (common points and points of divergence) and the teleworkers' attitudes towards these situations. To answer the problems raised, a set of modalities has been proposed describing the way in which a manager of Moroccan SMEs can manage his teleworkers during the Covid-19 era.Telework has emerged as a practical solution to ensure business continuity for companies in periods of coronavirus. This new organizational practice is a response to the contextual constraints related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Telework makes it possible to reconcile a double imperative: health and economic. SMEs are increasingly adopting telework as a new working method. The management of telework differs from the traditional management of face-to-face work in that it gives more importance to the notion of autonomy, which requires a change of tools and controls by the company leaders. Telework describes a wide variety of work situations, and therefore it is difficult to defined scope. It challenges the traditional role of the manager and defines new methods of control. This article suggests a reflection on the conditions of the application of telework through the notions of control and autonomy. Thanks to a qualitative study carried out with 56 respondents (4 HR specialists, 8 managers and 44 employees), we study the way in which the teleworker's activity is organized, which is subject to a double imperative: autonomous work and control of its activity. The proposed analysis illustrates the various teleworking situations (common points and points of divergence) and the teleworkers' attitudes towards these situations. To answer the problems raised, a set of modalities has been proposed describing the way in which a manager of Moroccan SMEs can manage his teleworkers during the Covid-19 era