1,269 research outputs found

    Non-Tensile Tunica Albuginea Plication for the Correction of Penile Curvature

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of non-tensile tunica albuginea plication (NTTAP) using nonabsorbable sutures for the correction of congenital and acquired penile curvature and to determine the key points for a successful outcome of this procedure. Patients and Methods: From June 2004 to July 2007, 43 patients with penile curvature (35 congenital and 8 secondary to Peyronie’s disease) underwent surgical correction by NTTAP. The indications were difficult or impossible vaginal penetration, and a cosmetically unacceptable penis. For tunica albuginea plication (TAP) we applied the 16 dot procedure using non-absorbable sutures (Tycron® 2/0 polyester fiber).Results: After a mean follow-up period of 18 months, successful results with respect to penile straightening, normal erection, penetration and sensation, confirmed both subjectively and objectively, were achieved in all patients. Post-operative penile shortening of less than 1.5 cmwas present in 50% of the cases, but did not affect intercourse. Post-operative complications were mild and reversible; they consisted of penile skin necrosis after circumcising incisions and post-operative pain upon nocturnal erection that subsided after a few weeks with the frequent use of ice compresses. The overall satisfaction rate was nearly 100% (35/43 very satisfied and 8/43 satisfied).Conclusion:NTTAP is a simple and effective method for the correction of congenital and acquired penile curvature. The key points for successful outcomes are: clear identification of the line of maximum curvature, adequate pre-operative evaluation, counseling of the patient to setappropriate expectations, and careful discussion of the location of the suture sites. There is no need for mobilization of the urethra or neurovascular bundle, which adds a great advantage to this easy and simple technique. Cutting through the tunica albuginea, which may prevent postoperative erectile dysfunction, is not necessary. A disadvantage of this procedure is that it cannot correct hour-glass deformity

    Genetic analysis of some Egyptian rice genotypes using RAPD, SSR and AFLP

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    nformation of genetic similarities and diversity among superior Egyptian rice genotypes is necessary for future rice breeding programs and derivation of plant lines. Genetic variability and relationships among seven Egyptian rice genotypes namely Giza 178, Giza177, Giza 175, Giza171 Giza 172, Sakha 102, and Sakha 101 were established by using eight RAPD primers, six SSR primer pairs, eight AFLP primer combinations. The level of polymorphism as revealed by RAPD, SSR and AFLP was 72.2, 90, and 67.9%, respectively. The highest genetic relationship as revealed by combined RAPD, SSR, and AFLP was detected between Giza 175 and Giza177 (83.4%), while the lowest similarity was found between Giza 178 and Sakha 101 (61.5%). Dendrograms derived from different techniques include minor differences inclustering pattern but did not affect the main grouping of the different genotypes. Moreover RAPD, SSR and AFLP-based dendrograms clustered the two genotypes Giza171 and Giza 172 together and the two genotypes Giza 175 and Giza 177 in the same cluster. RAPD, SSR, and AFLP techniques characterized the seven rice varieties by a large number of unique markers, which revealed 17, 4, and 65 unique markers, respectively. It could be concluded that each type of the three molecular approaches of DNA analysis could identify the different rice genotypes, and some of the Egyptian rice genotypes under investigation have probably originated from closely related ancestors and possess high degree of genetic similarity

    Comparison of four kernel functions used in support vector machines for landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study at Suichuan area (China)

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    Suichuan is a mountainous area at the Jiangxi province in Central China, where rainfall-induced landslides occur frequently. The purpose of this study is to assess landslide susceptibility of this region using support vector machine (SVM) with four kernel functions: polynomial (PL), radial basis function (RBF), sigmoid (SIG), and linear (LN). A total of 178 landslides were used to accomplish this approach, of which, 125 (70%) landslides were randomly selected for training the landslide susceptibility models, whereas the remaining 53 (30%) were used for the model validation. Fifteen landslide conditioning factors were considered including slope-angle, altitude, slope-aspect, topographic wetness index (TWI), sediment transport index (STI), stream power index (SPI), plan curvature, profile curvature, distance to rivers, distance to faults, distance to roads, precipitation, landuse, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and lithology. Using the training dataset, nine landslide susceptibility models for the Suichuan area were constructed with the four kernel functions. To evaluate the performance of these models, the receiver-operating characteristic curve (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC) were used. Using the training dataset, AUC values for the SVM-PL models with six degrees PL function (1–6) are 0.715, 0.801, 0.856, 0.891, 0.919, 0.953, respectively, and for the SVM-RBF model, the SVM-SIG model, and the SVM-LN model are 0.716, 0.741, and 0.740, respectively. Using the validation dataset, AUC values for the SVM-PL models with six degrees PL function (1–6) are 0.738, 0.730, 0.683, 0.648, 0.608, and 0.598, respectively, and for the SVM-RBF model, the SVM-SIG model, and the SVM-LN model are 0.716, 0.741, and 0.740, respectively. Our results suggested that the SVM-RBF model is the most suitable for landslide susceptibility assessment for the study area

    Proline and glycine betaine accumulation in two succulent halophytes under natural and experimental conditions

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    [EN] Proline (Pro) and glycine betaine (GB) contents were determined in two Mediterranean halophytes, Plantago crassifolia and Inula crithmoides, to assess their possible role in salt tolerance of both taxa. Plant material was collected in a littoral salt marsh under different environmental conditions, and from plants subjected to salt treatments in a growth chamber. Relative growth inhibition by NaCl indicated that I. crithmoides is more salt-tolerant than P. crassifolia, in agreement with the distribution of the two species in nature. Field and laboratory data confirmed GB as the major osmolyte responsible for osmotic adjustment in I. crithmoides, but with only a minor role if any as osmoprotectant in the salt tolerance of P. crassifolia. Under natural conditions, Pro contents were very low in both taxa, but increased to levels high enough to contribute significantly to osmotic balance when plants were artificially treated with 450 600mM NaCl higher salt concentrations than those they would normally encounter in their natural habitats. These data suggest that halophytes possess built-in mechanisms, such as accumulation of additional osmolytes, to rapidly adapt to increasing salinity levels in their natural ecosystems; for example, those expected to be caused by climate change in salt marshes in the Mediterranean region.This work was funded by a grant to O.V. from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project CGL2008-00438/BOS), with contribution from the European Regional Development Fund. COST Action FA0901: "Putting Halophytes to work - From Genes to Ecosystems" supported M. N. Grigore for his stay in Valencia within the frame of a Short-Term Scientific Mission. A. Tifrea was funded by the Erasmus fellowship programme for her stay in Valencia to carry out her Master Thesis.Pardo-Domenech, L.; Tifrea, A.; Grigore, M.; Boscaiu, M.; Vicente, O. (2016). Proline and glycine betaine accumulation in two succulent halophytes under natural and experimental conditions. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 150(5):904-915. https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2014.990943S904915150

    A rare case of locally advanced fibrosarcoma of diaphysal humerus managed successfully with limb-sparing procedures after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Fibrosarcomas (FS) of bone are a rare malignancy accounting for less than 5% of all primary malignant bone neoplasms. Diagnosis and treatment approaches of this entity are complex and require a skilled and experienced multidisciplinary team

    Effect of Iron Isomaltoside on Skeletal Muscle Energetics in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure and Iron Deficiency: The FERRIC-HF II Randomized Mechanistic Trial

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    BACKGROUND:Iron repletion augments exercise capacity in chronic heart failure (HF), but there is a lack of mechanistic data explaining how iron could augment exercise performance despite minimal changes in hemoglobin (Hb). Besides Hb, iron is an obligate component of mitochondrial enzymes that generate cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine (PCr). Dynamic phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a noninvasive tool that quantifies in vivo muscle energetics by measuring the kinetics of PCr recovery after exertion. We tested the hypothesis that intravenous iron repletion in chronic HF enhances skeletal muscle energetics as reflected by shorter PCr recovery half-times (PCr t1/2) on phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy. METHODS:We enrolled 40 patients (50% anemic) with chronic HF, New York Heart Association class ≥II, left ventricular ejection fraction ≤45%, and iron deficiency (ferritin<100 μg/L or 100-300 μg/L with transferrin saturation <20%). Subjects underwent stratified (anemic versus nonanemic) randomization (1:1) to a single, double-blinded, total dose infusion of iron isomaltoside or saline placebo with end points reassessed early at 2 weeks posttreatment to minimize confounding from exercise adaptation. The primary end point was PCr t1/2 at 2 weeks. Secondary end points included ADP recovery half-time (ADP t1/2; energetic marker), iron status, symptoms, Hb, exercise capacity, and safety. RESULTS:In the total population, treatment groups were similar at baseline. At 2 weeks, iron isomaltoside improved PCr t1/2 (adjusted difference, -6.8 s; 95% CI, 11.5 to -2.1; P=0.006), ADP t1/2 (-5.3 s; 95% CI, -9.7 to -0.9; P=0.02), ferritin (304 ng/mL; 95% CI, 217-391; P<0.0001), transferrin saturation (6.8%; 95% CI, 2.7-10.8; P=0.002), New York Heart Association class (-0.23; 95% CI, -0.46 to -0.01; P=0.04), resting respiratory rate (-0.7 breaths/min; 95% CI, -1.2 to -0.2; P=0.009), and postexercise Borg dyspnea score (-2.0; 95% CI, -3.7 to -0.3; P=0.04), but not Hb (2.4 g/L; 95% CI, -3.5 to 8.4; P=0.41). Adverse events were similar between groups. In subgroup analyses, iron isomaltoside improved PCr t1/2 in anemic (-8.4 s; 95% CI, -16.7 to -0.2; P=0.04) and nonanemic (-5.2 s; 95% CI, -10.6 to 0.2; P=0.06) cohorts. CONCLUSIONS:In patients with chronic HF and iron deficiency, a total repletion dose of iron isomaltoside given at a single sitting is well tolerated and associated with faster skeletal muscle PCr t1/2 at 2 weeks, implying better mitochondrial function. Augmented skeletal muscle energetics might therefore be an important mechanism via which iron repletion confers benefits in chronic HF despite minimal Hb changes. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION:URL: https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/ctr-search/trial/2012-005592-13/GB . Unique identifier: EudraCT 2012-005592-13

    Real-time three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography in daily practice: initial experience

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim of the work</p> <p>To evaluate the feasibility and possible additional value of transthoracic real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (RT3D-TTE) for the assessment of cardiac structures as compared to 2D-TTE.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>320 patients (mean age 45 ± 8.4 years, 75% males) underwent 2D-TTE and RT3D-TTE using 3DQ-Q lab software for offline analysis. Volume quantification and functional assessment was performed in 90 patients for left ventricle and in 20 patients for right ventricle. Assessment of native (112 patients) and prosthetic (30 patients) valves morphology and functions was performed. RT3D-TTE was performed for evaluation of septal defects in 30 patients and intracardiac masses in 52 patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RT3D-TTE assessment of left ventricle was feasible and reproducible in 86% of patients while for right ventricle, it was (55%). RT3D-TTE could define the surface anatomy of mitral valve optimally (100%), while for aortic and tricuspid was (88% and 81% respectively). Valve area could be planimetered in 100% for the mitral and in 80% for the aortic. RT3D-TTE provided a comprehensive anatomical and functional evaluation of prosthetic valves. RT3D-TTE enface visualization of septal defects allowed optimal assessment of shape, size, area and number of defects and evaluated the outcome post device closure. RT3D-TTE allowed looking inside the intracardiac masses through multiple sectioning, valuable anatomical delineation and volume calculation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our initial experience showed that the use of RT3D-TTE in the assessment of cardiac patients is feasible and allowed detailed anatomical and functional assessment of many cardiac disorders.</p

    Modelling urban growth evolution and land-use changes using GIS based cellular automata and SLEUTH models: the case of Sana'a metropolitan city, Yemen.

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    An effective and efficient planning of an urban growth and land use changes and its impact on the environment requires information about growth trends and patterns amongst other important information. Over the years, many urban growth models have been developed and used in the developed countries for forecasting growth patterns. In the developing countries however, there exist a very few studies showing the application of these models and their performances. In this study two models such as cellular automata (CA) and the SLEUTH models are applied in a geographical information system (GIS) to simulate and predict the urban growth and land use change for the City of Sana’a (Yemen) for the period 2004–2020. GIS based maps were generated for the urban growth pattern of the city which was further analyzed using geo-statistical techniques. During the models calibration process, a total of 35 years of time series dataset such as historical topographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite imageries was used to identify the parameters that influenced the urban growth. The validation result showed an overall accuracy of 99.6 %; with the producer’s accuracy of 83.3 % and the user’s accuracy 83.6 %. The SLEUTH model used the best fit growth rule parameters during the calibration to forecasting future urban growth pattern and generated various probability maps in which the individual grid cells are urbanized assuming unique “urban growth signatures”. The models generated future urban growth pattern and land use changes from the period 2004–2020. Both models proved effective in forecasting growth pattern that will be useful in planning and decision making. In comparison, the CA model growth pattern showed high density development, in which growth edges were filled and clusters were merged together to form a compact built-up area wherein less agricultural lands were included. On the contrary, the SLEUTH model growth pattern showed more urban sprawl and low-density development that included substantial areas of agricultural lands

    Esomeprazole for the treatment of erosive esophagitis in children: an international, multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, double-blind (for dose) study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acid suppression with a proton pump inhibitor is standard treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease and erosive esophagitis in adults and increasingly is becoming first-line therapy for children aged 1-17 years. We evaluated endoscopic healing of erosive esophagitis with esomeprazole in young children with gastroesophageal reflux disease and described esophageal histology.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children aged 1-11 years with endoscopically or histologically confirmed gastroesophageal reflux disease were randomized to esomeprazole 5 or 10 mg daily (< 20 kg) or 10 or 20 mg daily (≥ 20 kg) for 8 weeks. Patients with erosive esophagitis underwent an endoscopy after 8 weeks to assess healing of erosions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 109 patients, 49% had erosive esophagitis and 51% had histologic evidence of reflux esophagitis without erosive esophagitis. Of the 45 patients who had erosive esophagitis and underwent follow-up endoscopy, 89% experienced erosion resolution. Dilation of intercellular space was reported in 24% of patients with histologic examination.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Esomeprazole (0.2-1.0 mg/kg) effectively heals macroscopic and microscopic erosive esophagitis in this pediatric population with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Dilation of intercellular space may be an important histologic marker of erosive esophagitis in children.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>D9614C00097; ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT00228527.</p