3,182 research outputs found

    Restoration of Sp4 in Forebrain GABAergic Neurons Rescues Hypersensitivity to Ketamine in Sp4 Hypomorphic Mice.

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    BackgroundKetamine produces schizophrenia-like behavioral phenotypes in healthy people. Prolonged ketamine effects and exacerbation of symptoms after the administration of ketamine have been observed in patients with schizophrenia. More recently, ketamine has been used as a potent antidepressant to treat patients with major depression. The genes and neurons that regulate behavioral responses to ketamine, however, remain poorly understood. Sp4 is a transcription factor for which gene expression is restricted to neuronal cells in the brain. Our previous studies demonstrated that Sp4 hypomorphic mice display several behavioral phenotypes relevant to psychiatric disorders, consistent with human SP4 gene associations with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. Among those behavioral phenotypes, hypersensitivity to ketamine-induced hyperlocomotion has been observed in Sp4 hypomorphic mice.MethodsIn the present study, we used the Cre-LoxP system to restore Sp4 gene expression, specifically in either forebrain excitatory or GABAergic inhibitory neurons in Sp4 hypomorphic mice. Mouse behavioral phenotypes related to psychiatric disorders were examined in these distinct rescue mice.ResultsRestoration of Sp4 in forebrain excitatory neurons did not rescue deficient sensorimotor gating nor ketamine-induced hyperlocomotion. Restoration of Sp4 in forebrain GABAergic neurons, however, rescued ketamine-induced hyperlocomotion, but did not rescue deficient sensorimotor gating.ConclusionsOur studies suggest that the Sp4 gene in forebrain GABAergic neurons regulates ketamine-induced hyperlocomotion

    Identifying spin-triplet pairing in spin-orbit coupled multi-band superconductors

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    We investigate the combined effect of Hund's and spin-orbit (SO) coupling on superconductivity in multi-orbital systems. Hund's interaction leads to orbital-singlet spin-triplet superconductivity, where the Cooper pair wave function is antisymmetric under the exchange of two orbitals. We identify three d-vectors describing even-parity orbital-singlet spin-triplet pairings among t2g-orbitals, and find that the three d-vectors are mutually orthogonal to each other. SO coupling further assists pair formation, pins the orientation of the d-vector triad, and induces spin-singlet pairings with a relative phase difference of \pi/2. In the band basis the pseudospin d-vectors are aligned along the z-axis and correspond to momentum-dependent inter- and intra-band pairings. We discuss quasiparticle dispersion, magnetic response, collective modes, and experimental consequences in light of the superconductor Sr2RuO4.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Tributes to Kent Greenawalt

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    There are some tasks that present themselves as, at the same time, an opportunity and a challenge. Crafting a brief tribute to Kent Greenawalt is just such a task. It is first – and I should say foremost – an opportunity to express in a public forum one’s high regard for an esteemed colleague and valued friend, and, then, it is a challenge to do justice to his extraordinary accomplishments, to the man, and to his work. In dedicating this issue to Kent, the Columbia Law Review honors one of its own, whose association with Columbia Law School and the Review goes back over half a century – a most appropriate reciprocation of the honor that Kent himself, by his devotion to the highest academic standards of teaching and scholarship, has brought to both of these institutions

    The View from the Top: CALIOP Ice Water Content in the Uppermost Layer of Tropical Cyclones

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    NASA's CALIPSO satellite carries both the Cloud and Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) and the Imaging Infrared Radiometer (IIR). The lidar is ideally suited to viewing the very top of tropical cyclones, and the IIR provides critical optical and microphysical information. The lidar and the IIR data work together to understand storm clouds since they are perfectly co-located, and big tropical cyclones provide an excellent complex target for comparing the observations. There is a lot of information from these case studies for understanding both the observations and the tropical cyclones, and we are just beginning to scratch the surface of what can be learned. Many tropical cyclone cloud particle measurements are focused on the middle and lower regions of storms, but characterization of cyclone interaction with the lowermost stratosphere at the upper storm boundary may be important for determining the total momentum and moisture transport budget, and perhaps for predicting storm intensity as well. A surprising amount of cloud ice is to be found at the very top of these big storms

    Neoliberalisation and 'lad cultures' in higher education

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    This paper links HE neoliberalisation and ‘lad cultures’, drawing on interviews and focus groups with women students. We argue that retro-sexist ‘laddish’ forms of masculine competitiveness and misogyny have been reshaped by neoliberal rationalities to become modes of consumerist sexualised audit. We also suggest that neoliberal frameworks scaffold an individualistic and adversarial culture among young people that interacts with perceived threats to men’s privilege and intensifies attempts to put women in their place through misogyny and sexual harassment. Furthermore, ‘lad cultures’, sexism and sexual harassment in higher education may be invisibilised by institutions to preserve marketability in a neoliberal context. In response, we ask if we might foster dialogue and partnership between feminist and anti-marketisation politics

    Strategies for Improved CALIPSO Aerosol Optical Depth Estimates

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    In the spring of 2010, the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) project will be releasing version 3 of its level 2 data products. In this paper we describe several changes to the algorithms and code that yield substantial improvements in CALIPSO's retrieval of aerosol optical depths (AOD). Among these are a retooled cloud-clearing procedure and a new approach to determining the base altitudes of aerosol layers in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The results derived from these modifications are illustrated using case studies prepared using a late beta version of the level 2 version 3 processing code

    Extinction and optical depth retrievals for CALIPSO's Version 4 data release

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    The Cloud–Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) on board the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) satellite has been making near-global height-resolved measurements of cloud and aerosol layers since mid-June 2006. Version 4.10 (V4) of the CALIOP data products, released in November 2016, introduces extensive upgrades to the algorithms used to retrieve the spatial and optical properties of these layers, and thus there are both obvious and subtle differences between V4 and previous data releases. This paper describes the improvements made to the extinction retrieval algorithms and illustrates the impacts of these changes on the extinction and optical depth estimates reported in the CALIPSO lidar level 2 data products. The lidar ratios for both aerosols and ice clouds are generally higher than in previous data releases, resulting in generally higher extinction coefficients and optical depths in V4. A newly implemented algorithm for retrieving extinction coefficients in opaque layers is described and its impact examined. Precise lidar ratio estimates are also retrieved in these opaque layers. For semi-transparent cirrus clouds, comparisons between CALIOP V4 optical depths and the optical depths reported by MODIS collection 6 show substantial improvements relative to earlier comparisons between CALIOP version 3 and MODIS collection 5.</p

    Pilot cluster randomised trial of an evidence-based intervention to reduce avoidable hospital admissions in nursing home residents (Better Health in Residents of Care Homes with Nursing—BHiRCH-NH Study)

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    Objectives: To pilot a complex intervention to support healthcare and improve early detection and treatment for common health conditions experienced by nursing home (NH) residents. / Design: Pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. / Setting: 14 NHs (7 intervention, 7 control) in London and West Yorkshire. / Participants: NH residents, their family carers and staff. / Intervention: Complex intervention to support healthcare and improve early detection and treatment of urinary tract and respiratory infections, chronic heart failure and dehydration, comprising: (1) ‘Stop and Watch (S&W)’ early warning tool for changes in physical health, (2) condition-specific care pathway and (3) Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation tool to enhance communication with primary care. Implementation was supported by Practice Development Champions, a Practice Development Support Group and regular telephone coaching with external facilitators. / Outcome measures: Data on NH (quality ratings, size, ownership), residents, family carers and staff demographics during the month prior to intervention and subsequently, numbers of admissions, accident and emergency visits, and unscheduled general practitioner visits monthly for 6 months during intervention. We collected data on how the intervention was used, healthcare resource use and quality of life data for economic evaluation. We assessed recruitment and retention, and whether a full trial was warranted. / Results: We recruited 14 NHs, 148 staff, 95 family carers and 245 residents. We retained the majority of participants recruited (95%). 15% of residents had an unplanned hospital admission for one of the four study conditions. We were able to collect sufficient questionnaire data (all over 96% complete). No NH implemented intervention tools as planned. Only 16 S&W forms and 8 care pathways were completed. There was no evidence of harm. / Conclusions: Recruitment, retention and data collection processes were effective but the intervention not implemented. A full trial is not warranted. Trial registration number ISRCTN74109734 (https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN74109734)

    MHD simulations of jet acceleration from Keplerian accretion disks: the effects of disk resistivity

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    Accretion disks and astrophysical jets are used to model many active astrophysical objects, viz., young stars, relativistic stars, and active galactic nuclei. In this paper we present self-consistent time-dependent simulations of supersonic jets launched from magnetized accretion disks, using high resolution numerical techniques. In particular we study the effects of the disk magnetic resistivity, parametrized through an alpha-prescription, in determining the properties of the inflow-outflow system. Moreover we analyze under which conditions steady state solutions of the type proposed in the self similar models of Blandford and Payne can be reached and maintained in a self consistent nonlinear stage. We use the resistive MHD FLASH code with adaptive mesh refinement, allowing us to follow the evolution of the structure for a time scale long enough to reach steady state. A detailed analysis of the initial configuration state is given. We obtain the expected solutions in the axisymmetric (2.5D) limit. Assuming a magnetic field around equipartition with the thermal pressure of the disk, we show how the characteristics of the disk jet system, as the ejection efficiency and the energetics, are affected by the anomalous resistivity acting inside the disk.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Androgen secreting steroid cell tumor of the ovary in a young lactating women with acute onset of severe hyperandrogenism: a case report and review of literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Steroid cell tumors of the ovary account for less than 0.1% of all ovarian tumors <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> and these tumours may present at any age in association with interesting presentations related to the hormonal activity and virilizing properties of tumor. Hayes and Scully <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B2">2</abbr></abbrgrp> reported 63 cases in patients ranging from 2 to 80 years of age. The subtype, not otherwise specified, is associated with androgenic changes in approximately one half of patients with this tumour <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>. In a series of 63 cases from Massachusetts General Hospital, 94% of the tumors were found to be unilateral and 28.6% were malignant <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B3">3</abbr></abbrgrp>. As most of these tumors are diagnosed at an early stage and do not recur or metastasize, little is known about their response to therapies such as chemotherapy or radiation <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B3">3</abbr></abbrgrp>.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 22-year old lactating woman who presented with four months of amenorrhea associated with signs of virilization. Clinical and diagnostic evaluation revealed a right adenexal mass and elevated serum levels of testosterone and she was diagnosed as having a stage 1A androgen secreting steroid cell tumor. In view of the early stage of the disease, she underwent right salpingo-oopherectomy. Histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis. Two months after surgery she regained normal menses and showed regression of the androgenic changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Surgery remains the mainstay of the treatment of gonadotrophin receptor positive steroid cell tumors although medical therapy using Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone [GnRH analogues has been tried recently in recurrent or inoperable cases. There is no described effective chemotherapy or radiotherapy for this condition.</p
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