5,377 research outputs found

    Use of novel serum markers in clinical follow-up of Sertoli-Leydig cell turnours

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    Background: Sertoli-Leyclig cell tumours of the ovary account for only 0.2% of malignant ovarian tumours. Two-thirds of all patients become apparent due to the tumour's hormone production. Methods: A 41-year-old patient (gravida 4, para 4) presented with dyspnoea, enlarged abdominal girth and melaena. Diagnostic imaging was suspicious for an ovarian cancer. The standard tumour marker for ovarian cancer (CA 125) was elevated to 984 U/mL. Results: Surgical exploration of the abdomen revealed a mouldering tumour of both adnexes extending to the level of the navel. Frozen sections showed an undifferentiated carcinoma of unknown origin. Radical surgery was performed. The final histological report described a malignant sex-cord stroma tumour, a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour, emanating from both ovaries. Analysis of preoperative blood serum showed elevated levels of CYFRA 21-1 (10.4 ng/mL), neuron-specific enolase (36.2 ng/mL), oestradiol (485 pg/mL) and CA-125 (984 U/mL). Adjuvant chemotherapy and regional hyperthermia were performed due to the malignant potential and incomplete resection of the tumour. Conclusions: Undifferentiated Sertoli-Leyclig cell tumours show a poor clinical course. As only two-thirds of patients with this rare disease present with elevated hormone levels, new markers deserve further investigation to offer more specific, individualised tumour monitoring

    SBF Distances to Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies in the Sculptor Group

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    As part of an ongoing search for dwarf elliptical galaxies (dE) in the vicinity of the Local Group, we acquired deep B and R-band images for five dE candidates identified in the Sculptor (Scl) group region. We carried out a surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) analysis on the R-band images to measure the apparent fluctuation magnitude \bar{m}_R for each dE. Using predictions from stellar population synthesis models the galaxy distances were determined. All of these dE candidates turned out to be satellites of Scl group major members. A redshift measurement of the dE candidate ESO294-010 yielded an independent confirmation of its group membership: the [OIII] and Hα_\alpha emission lines from a small HII region gave a heliocentric velocity of 117(\pm 5) km s-1, in close agreement with the velocity of its parent galaxy NGC 55 (v_\odot=125 km s-1). The precision of the SBF distances (5 to 10%) contributes to delineating the cigar-like distribution of the Scl group members, which extend over distances from 1.7 to 4.4 Mpc and are concentrated in three, possibly four subclumps. The Hubble diagram for nine Scl galaxies, including two of our dEs, exhibits a tight linear velocity--distance relation with a steep slope of 119 km s-1 Mpc-1. The results indicate that gravitational interaction among the Scl group members plays only a minor role in the dynamics of the group. However, the Hubble flow of the entire system appears strongly disturbed by the large masses of our Galaxy and M31 leading to the observed shearing motion. From the distances and velocities of 49 galaxies located in the Local Group and towards the Scl group, we illustrate the continuity of the galaxy distribution which strongly supports the view that the two groups form a single supergalactic structure.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journal, December 1998; 28 pages with 22 figure

    The cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Sepiidae, Cephalopoda) constructs cuttlebone from a liquid-crystal precursor

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    Cuttlebone, the sophisticated buoyancy device of cuttlefish, is made of extensive superposed chambers that have a complex internal arrangement of calcified pillars and organic membranes. It has not been clear how this structure is assembled. We find that the membranes result from a myriad of minor membranes initially filling the whole chamber, made of nanofibres evenly oriented within each membrane and slightly rotated with respect to those of adjacent membranes, producing a helical arrangement. We propose that the organism secretes a chitin-protein complex, which self-organizes layer-by-layer as a cholesteric liquid crystal, whereas the pillars are made by viscous fingering. The liquid crystallization mechanism permits us to homologize the elements of the cuttlebone with those of other coleoids and with the nacreous septa and the shells of nautiloids. These results challenge our view of this ultra-light natural material possessing desirable mechanical, structural and biological properties, suggesting that two self-organizing physical principles suffice to understand its formation.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion [CGL2010-20748-CO2-01, CGL2013-48247-P, FIS2013-48444-C2-2-P]; Andalusian Consejeria de Innovacion Ciencia y Tecnologia [RNM6433]; (Sepiatech, PROMAR program) of the Portuguese Ministerio da Agricultura e do Mar, Portugal [31.03.05.FEP.002]; Junta de Andalucia [RNM363]; FP7 COST Action of the European Community. [TD0903]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Androgen secreting steroid cell tumor of the ovary in a young lactating women with acute onset of severe hyperandrogenism: a case report and review of literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Steroid cell tumors of the ovary account for less than 0.1% of all ovarian tumors <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> and these tumours may present at any age in association with interesting presentations related to the hormonal activity and virilizing properties of tumor. Hayes and Scully <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B2">2</abbr></abbrgrp> reported 63 cases in patients ranging from 2 to 80 years of age. The subtype, not otherwise specified, is associated with androgenic changes in approximately one half of patients with this tumour <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>. In a series of 63 cases from Massachusetts General Hospital, 94% of the tumors were found to be unilateral and 28.6% were malignant <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B3">3</abbr></abbrgrp>. As most of these tumors are diagnosed at an early stage and do not recur or metastasize, little is known about their response to therapies such as chemotherapy or radiation <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B3">3</abbr></abbrgrp>.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 22-year old lactating woman who presented with four months of amenorrhea associated with signs of virilization. Clinical and diagnostic evaluation revealed a right adenexal mass and elevated serum levels of testosterone and she was diagnosed as having a stage 1A androgen secreting steroid cell tumor. In view of the early stage of the disease, she underwent right salpingo-oopherectomy. Histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis. Two months after surgery she regained normal menses and showed regression of the androgenic changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Surgery remains the mainstay of the treatment of gonadotrophin receptor positive steroid cell tumors although medical therapy using Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone [GnRH analogues has been tried recently in recurrent or inoperable cases. There is no described effective chemotherapy or radiotherapy for this condition.</p

    Lifelong learning and schools as community learning centres : key aspects of a national curriculum draft policy framework for Malta

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    The island of Malta has been engaged in policy document formulations for curriculum renewal in the country’s educational system (4-16 years of age) since 1988 when the first National Minimum Curriculum (henceforth NMC) was launched (Wain, 1991; Borg et al, 1995). In 1999 a revamped NMC (Ministry of Education, 1999) was developed following a long process of consultation involving various stages and stakeholders. It was a compromise document (Borg & Mayo, 2006) which emerged as a result of reactions to a more radical and coherent draft document produced in 1988. Both curricular documents were subject to debates and critiques (Wain, 1991; Darmanin, 1993; Borg et al, 1995; Giordmaina, 2000; Borg and Mayo, 2006). More recently a series of volumes providing guidelines, key principles and aims for a national curriculum framework (henceforth NCF) have been produced (MEEF, 2011a,b,c,d) and are currently the target of debate and the focus of reactions by various stakeholders in education including teachers who were asked to read the volumes and provide reactions in the form of answers to a set questionnaire. In this paper, I will focus on one aspect of the documents, the first of its three aims: ‘Learners who are capable of successfully developing their full potential as lifelong learners.’ It is that aspect of the framework documents that falls within the purview of the title for this special issue. The use of this notion attests to the influence of the EU’s policy communications on member states, Malta having joined the Union in 2004 (Mayo, 2007).peer-reviewe

    Risk and sensitivity quantification of fracture failure employing cohesive zone elements

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    Many structures are subjected to the risk of fatigue failure. For their reliability-based design, it is thus important to calculate the probability of fatigue failure and assess the relative importance of the involved parameters. Although various studies have analyzed the fatigue failure, the stage of fracture failure has been less focused. In particular, the risk analysis of fracture failure needs to be conducted considering its importance in actual structures. This article proposes a new probabilistic framework for the risk and sensitivity analysis of structural fatigue failure employing cohesive zone elements. The proposed framework comprises three steps, namely finite element analysis using cohesive zone elements, response surface construction, and risk and sensitivity analysis of fatigue failure, which require several mathematical techniques and algorithms. The proposed framework is tested by applying it to an illustrative example, and the corresponding analysis results of fracture failure probability with different threshold values of a limit-state function are presented. In addition, the sensitivities of failure risk with respect to the statistical parameters of random variables are presented and their relative importance is discussed

    Hand numbness and carpal tunnel syndrome after volar plating of distal radius fracture

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    We report the incidence of late onset post-operative carpal tunnel syndrome (late carpal tunnel syndrome) and late median nerve neuropathy after volar plating of distal radius fracture by conducting a retrospective study on volar plating for distal radius fracture performed during 2002 to 2006. Two hundred eighty-two volar plating were performed for acute distal radius fracture after exclusion. Post-operative hand numbness occurred in 24 patients of which nine had carpal tunnel syndrome. Thus, the incidence of late carpal tunnel syndrome was 3.2% (9/282). Of the eight (8/24, 33%) patients with post-operative hand numbness that failed to respond to conservative treatment, five had carpal tunnel release and three had neurolysis of median nerve at distal forearm. All had clinical improvement except in one patient. The incidence of late carpal tunnel syndrome after volar plating of distal radius in the present series is similar to the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in general population. The incidence is low compared with other series, regardless of treatment method (conservative treatment, volar or dorsal plating). The outcome of post-operative hand numbness is generally favourable