2,639 research outputs found

    RF Front End Interface and AGC Modification

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    The latest RF front end built by Burhans (Mini-L-82) was successfully interfaced to the Ohio University LORAN-C receiver. In order for the front end to operate optimally, modifications were made to existing automatic gain control (AGC) circuitry already developed for the Ohio University LORAN-C receiver. The hardware modifications to the AGC and other interface circuitry, as well as some preliminary results are discussed

    Commutated automatic gain control system

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    A commutated automatic gain control system (AGC) was designed and constructed for the prototype Loran C receiver. The AGC is designed to improve the signal-to-signal ratio of the received Loran signals. The AGC design does not require any analog to digital conversion and it utilizes commonly available components. The AGC consists of: (1) a circuit which samples the peak of the envelope of the Loran signal to obtain an AGC voltage for each of three Loran stations, (2) a dc gain circuit to control the overall gain of the AGC system, and (3) an AGC amplification of the input RF signal. The performance of the AGC system was observed in bench and flight tests; it has improved the overall accuracy of the receiver. Improvements in the accuracy of the time difference calculations to within approx. + or - 1.5 microseconds of the observed time differnces for a given position are reported

    RS-232 communications analyzer module for HP-1602A logic analyzer

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    The design and construction of a simple ASCII analyzer is described. It was built to interface directly to a Hewlett-Packard 1602A logic state analyzer but the circuitry could easily be configured to operate with any logic analyzer. The design of the ASCII analyzer allows the use of all the trace and delay functions for the HF-1602A. The ASCII analyzer circuit utilizes two universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (UAR/Ts) to simultaneously examine both the transmit and receive serial data lines. Baud rates from 300 to 9600 bits per second are selectable with the externally mounted DIP switch. The unit requires no external power supply connection and all of the integrated circuits are CMOS for low power consumption

    DC-to-DC power supply for light aircraft flight testing

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    The power supply unit was developed to serve as the power source for a loran-C receiver. The power supply can be connected directly to the aircraft's electrical system, and is compatible with either 14 or 28 volt electrical systems. Design specifications are presented for the unit along with a description of the circuit design

    Photographic techniques for enhancing ERTS MSS data for geologic information

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    Satellite multispectral black-and-white photographic negatives of Luna County, New Mexico, obtained by ERTS on 15 August and 2 September 1973, were precisely reprocessed into positive images and analyzed in an additive color viewer. In addition, an isoluminous (uniform brightness) color rendition of the image was constructed. The isoluminous technique emphasizes subtle differences between multispectral bands by greatly enhancing the color of the superimposed composite of all bands and eliminating the effects of brightness caused by sloping terrain. Basaltic lava flows were more accurately displayed in the precision processed multispectral additive color ERTS renditions than on existing state geological maps. Malpais lava flows and small basaltic occurrences not appearing on existing geological maps were identified in ERTS multispectral color images

    Multispectral photography for earth resources

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    A guide for producing accurate multispectral results for earth resource applications is presented along with theoretical and analytical concepts of color and multispectral photography. Topics discussed include: capabilities and limitations of color and color infrared films; image color measurements; methods of relating ground phenomena to film density and color measurement; sensitometry; considerations in the selection of multispectral cameras and components; and mission planning

    An interdisciplinary study of the estuarine and coastal oceanography of Block Island Sound and adjacent New York coastal waters

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Photo-optical additive color quantitative measurements were made of ERTS-1 reprocessed positives of New York Bight and Block Island Sound. Regression of these data on almost simultaneous ship sample data of water's physical, chemical, biological, and optical properties showed that ERTS bands 5 and 6 can be used to predict the absolute value of the total number of particles and bands 4 and 5 to predict the relative extinction coefficient in New York Bight. Water masses and mixing patterns in Block Island Sound heretofore considered transient were found to be persistent phenomena requiring revision of existing mathematical and hydraulic models

    Space shuttle orbit maneuvering engine reusable thrust chamber program

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    Tests were conducted on the regenerative cooled thrust chamber of the space shuttle orbit maneuvering engine. The conditions for the tests and the durations obtained are presented. The tests demonstrated thrust chamber operation over the nominal ranges of chamber pressure mixture ratio. Variations in auxiliary film coolant flowrate were also demonstrated. High pressure tests were conducted to demonstrate the thrust chamber operation at conditions approaching the design chamber pressure for the derivative space tug application

    The molecular structure of isocyanic acid from microwave and infra-red absorption spectra

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    Experimental investigations of the infra-red and microwave spectra of the slightly asymmetric rotor, HNCO, have been made, and the structure of the molecule has been determined

    The LP/POMDP marriage: Optimization with imperfect information

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