426 research outputs found

    Nonlinear response for external field and perturbation in the Vlasov system

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    A nonlinear response theory is provided by use of the transient linearization method in the spatially one-dimensional Vlasov systems. The theory inclusively gives responses to external fields and to perturbations for initial stationary states, and is applicable even to the critical point of a second order phase transition. We apply the theory to the Hamiltonian mean-field model, a toy model of a ferromagnetic body, and investigate the critical exponent associated with the response to the external field at the critical point in particular. The obtained critical exponent is nonclassical value 3/2, while the classical value is 3. However, interestingly, one scaling relation holds with another nonclassical critical exponent of susceptibility in the isolated Vlasov systems. Validity of the theory is numerically confirmed by directly simulating temporal evolutions of the Vlasov equation.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E, Lemma 2 is correcte

    Landau like theory for universality of critical exponents in quasistatioary states of isolated mean-field systems

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    An external force dynamically drives an isolated mean-field Hamiltonian system to a long-lasting quasistationary state, whose lifetime increases with population of the system. For second order phase transitions in quasistationary states, two non-classical critical exponents have been reported individually by using a linear and a nonlinear response theories in a toy model. We provide a simple way to compute the critical exponents all at once, which is an analog of the Landau theory. The present theory extends universality class of the non-classical exponents to spatially periodic one-dimensional systems, and shows that the exponents satisfy a classical scaling relation inevitably by using a key scaling of momentum.Comment: 7 page

    Non-mean-field Critical Exponent in a Mean-field Model : Dynamics versus Statistical Mechanics

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    The mean-field theory tells that the classical critical exponent of susceptibility is the twice of that of magnetization. However, the linear response theory based on the Vlasov equation, which is naturally introduced by the mean-field nature, makes the former exponent half of the latter for families of quasistationary states having second order phase transitions in the Hamiltonian mean-field model and its variances. We clarify that this strange exponent is due to existence of Casimir invariants which trap the system in a quasistationary state for a time scale diverging with the system size. The theoretical prediction is numerically confirmed by NN-body simulations for the equilibrium states and a family of quasistationary states.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamical pattern formations in two dimensional fluid and Landau pole bifurcation

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    A phenomenological theory is proposed to analyze the asymptotic dynamics of perturbed inviscid Kolmogorov shear flows in two dimensions. The phase diagram provided by the theory is in qualitative agreement with numerical observations, which include three phases depending on the aspect ratio of the domain and the size of the perturbation: a steady shear flow, a stationary dipole, and four traveling vortices. The theory is based on a precise study of the inviscid damping of the linearized equation and on an analysis of nonlinear effects. In particular, we show that the dominant Landau pole controlling the inviscid damping undergoes a bifurcation, which has important consequences on the asymptotic fate of the perturbation.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Development of a liquid scintillator containing a zirconium β-keto ester complex for the ZICOS experiment

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    AbstractA liquid scintillator containing a zirconium β-keto ester complex has been developed for the ZIrconium Complex in Organic Scintillator (ZICOS) neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. We are aiming to develop a detector which has a good energy resolution (4% at 2.5 MeV), a large light yield (60% that of BC505) and a low background rate (0.1 counts/tonne⋅year) with several tonnes of 96Zr isotope, so we have investigated the zirconium β-keto ester complexes tetrakis(isopropyl acetoacetato)zirconium and tetrakis(ethyl acetoacetato)zirconium, which have high solubility (over 10 wt.%) in anisole. We measured the performance of liquid scintillators containing these zirconium β-keto ester complexes and obtained 40% of the light yield of BC505 and energy resolution of 4.1% at 2.5 MeV assuming 40% photo coverage of the photomultiplier in the ZICOS detector. Thus we almost achieved our initial goal. Preliminary investigations indicate that tetrakis(diethyl malonato)zirconium will give us no quenching of the light yield and an energy resolution of 2.9% at 2.5 MeV. This will be a suitable complex for the ZICOS experiment, if it has a large solubility

    Development of Liquid Scintillator containing a Zirconium Complex for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiment

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    An organic liquid scintillator containing a zirconium complex has been developed for a new neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. In order to produce a detector that has good energy resolution (4% at 2.5 MeV) and low background (0.1 counts/(tonne・year) and that can monitor tonnes of target isotope, we chose a zirconium β-diketone complex having high solubility (over 10 wt.%) in anisole. However, the absorption peak of the diketone ligand overlaps with the luminescence of anisole. Therefore, the light yield of the liquid scintillator decreases in proportion to the concentration of the complex. To avoid this problem, we synthesized a β-keto ester complex introducing -OC3H7 or -OC2H5 substituent groups in the β-diketone ligand, and a diethyl malonate complex. Those shifted the absorption peak to around 245nm and 210nm, respectively, which are shorter than the emission peak of anisole (275nm). However, the shift of the absorption peak depends on the the scintillation solvent. Therefore we have to choose an adequate solvent for the liquid scintillator. The best performance will be obtained by pure anisole scintillator containing a tetrakis diethyl malonate zirconium. We also synthesized a Zr-ODZ complex, which has a high quantum yield (30%) and good emission wavelength (425nm) with a solubility 5 wt.% in benzonitrile. However, the absorption peak of the Zr-ODZ complex was around 240 nm. Therefore, it is better to use the scintillation solvent which has shorter luminescence wavelength than that of benzonitrile

    An experimental vegetation management for increasing forest floor plant species deiversity of the Japanese alder swamp

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     鳥取県日野郡日南町神戸上のハンノキ沼沢林は中国・近畿地方で最大規模であり, 鳥取県の天然記念物および自然環境保全地域に指定される貴重な湿地生態系である. しかし, ハンノキ林床では, カサスゲ(Carex dispalata)・ミゾソバ(Persicarita thunbergii)などの高茎湿地草本や低木が繁茂し, 湿性草本群落の種多様性の低下が起きている. そこで本研究では, 湿性草本の種多様性の向上を目的として, カサスゲなどの生育を抑制するための植生管理実験を行うとともに, 表土撒きだし実験による湿性植生の再生の可能を評価した. その結果, 刈取りは低木抑制に,耕起はカサスゲの抑制にそれぞれ一定の効果があることが認められた. また, 表土撒き出し実験では地上部で確認できなかった湿性草本種が出現した. しかし, 高木層による被陰や湿原の富栄養化など林床植生の管理だけでは解決できない問題があり, ハンノキの伐採・萌芽更新などの抜本的な対策が必要であると認められた.  

    Performance of a liquid scintillator containing a zirconium β-keto ester complex developed for the ZICOS experiment

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    A liquid scintillator containing a zirconium β-keto ester complex has been developed for the ZIrconium Complex in Organic Scintillator (ZICOS) neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. We are aiming to develop a detector which has a good energy resolution (4% at 2.5 MeV), a large light yield (60% that of BC505) and a low background rate (0.1 counts/tonne・year) with several tonnes of 96Zr isotope, so we have investigated the zirconium β-keto ester complexes tetrakis (isopropyl acetoacetato) zirconium and tetrakis (ethyl acetoacetato) zirconium, which have high solubility (over 10 wt.%) in anisole. We measured the performance of liquid scintillators containing these zirconium β-keto ester complexes and obtained 40% of the light yield of BC505 and energy resolution of 4.1% at 2.5 MeV assuming 40% photo coverage of the photomultiplier in the ZICOS detector. Thus we almost achieved our initial goal. Preliminary investigations indicate that tetrakis (diethyl malonato) zirconium will give us no quenching of the light yield and an energy resolution of 2.9% at 2.5 MeV. This will be a suitable complex for the ZICOS experiment, if it has a large solubility

    Discrimination of Cherenkov light in Liquid Scintillator for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiment

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     A liquid scintillator containing a tetrakis(isopropyl acetoacetato)zirconium has been developed for ZICOS experiment. We will use 180 tons of liquid scintillator containing 75 kg of 96Zr in the inner balloon(45 kg in fiducial volume)surrounding 64 % photo coverage of 20 inch photomultiplier. In order to reach the sensitivity ≥1027 years, we have to reduce 95 % of 208Tl decay backgrounds at least. Using Monte Carlo simulation, we could demonstrate new method using the hit pattern of PMT which received Cherenkov light, and could reduce 93 % of 208Tl background with 78 % efficiency for 0νββ signal. For the discrimination of Cherenkov light, we measured the timing pulse shape of Zr loaded liquid scintillator using FADC digitizer, and we found an inconsistent pulse shape at the rise timing with the template of scintillation. Also the event with an inconsistent pulse shape seems to have a directionality