545 research outputs found

    Compressed Exponential Relaxation as Superposition of Dual Structure in Pattern Dynamics of Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    Soft-mode turbulence (SMT) is the spatiotemporal chaos observed in homeotropically aligned nematic liquid crystals, where non-thermal fluctuations are induced by nonlinear coupling between the Nambu-Goldstone and convective modes. The net and modal relaxations of the disorder pattern dynamics in SMT have been studied to construct the statistical physics of nonlinear nonequilibrium systems. The net relaxation dynamics is well-described by a compressed exponential function and the modal one satisfies a dual structure, dynamic crossover accompanied by a breaking of time-reversal invariance. Because the net relaxation is described by a weighted mean of the modal ones with respect to the wave number, the compressed-exponential behavior emerges as a superposition of the dual structure. Here, we present experimental results of the power spectra to discuss the compressed-exponential behavior and the dual structure from a viewpoint of the harmonic analysis. We also derive a relationship of the power spectra from the evolution equation of the modal autocorrelation function. The formula will be helpful to study non-thermal fluctuations in experiments such as the scattering methods.Comment: 17pages, 3 figures, to be published on AIP conference proceedings for "The 4th International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems

    Multi-agent system for dynamic manufacturing system optimization

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    This paper deals with the application of multi-agent system concept for optimization of dynamic uncertain process. These problems are known to have a computationally demanding objective function, which could turn to be infeasible when large problems are considered. Therefore, fast approximations to the objective function are required. This paper employs bundle of intelligent systems algorithms tied together in a multi-agent system. In order to demonstrate the system, a metal reheat furnace scheduling problem is adopted for highly demanded optimization problem. The proposed multi-agent approach has been evaluated for different settings of the reheat furnace scheduling problem. Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm with different classic and advanced versions: GA with chromosome differentiation, Age GA, and Sexual GA, and finally a Mimetic GA, which is based on combining the GA as a global optimizer and the PSO as a local optimizer. Experimentation has been performed to validate the multi-agent system on the reheat furnace scheduling problem


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    英語圏、とりわけアメリカ合衆国で成立した生命倫理学(bioethics) の立場から検討し、その可能的な解決の方向をあきらかにした上で、それが抱えている問題を探る

    Avaliação biométrica e econômica de plantios de Pinus taeda L. em Santa Catarina

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    A presente pesquisa foi realizada em povoamentos de Pinus taeda L., localizados no município de Campo Belo do Sul, estado de Santa Catarina, com os seguintes objetivos: definir classes de produtividade de sítio comparando três modelos matemáticos e elaborar um conjunto de curvas de índice de sítio; avaliar a precisão de cinco modelos de equação de volume de simples entrada (d) e cinco modelos de dupla entrada (d; h), avaliar a precisão de três funções de afilamento para estimar diâmetros e volumes ao longo do fuste de Pinus taeda L.. Na análise econômica foram adotados os seguintes critérios: Valor Presente Líquido, Benefício ou Custo Periódico Equivalente e Taxa Interna de Retorno; a taxa de desconto considerada foi de 8% ao ano, com variação de redução na receita de até 30% e custo com aumento de até 30%, para análise da sensibilidade da viabilidade econômica. O tamanho da amostra foi de 676 parcelas amostrais de 400 m2 cada, onde foram medidos todos os diâmetros e alturas no ano de 2007. Em cada parcela foram selecionadas algumas árvores dominantes. Foram cubadas 320 árvores, pelo método de Smalian, com idades variando de 11 a 26 anos, selecionadas de acordo com a distribuição das classes diamétricas. A análise de custos foi realizada através de fonte de pesquisa da empresa e dados de função de afilamento e volumetria. A precisão dos modelos foi avaliada pelas seguintes estatísticas: coeficiente de determinação, erro padrão da estimativa e análise gráfica dos resíduos. Para classificação de sítios florestais, os três modelos apresentaram resultados semelhantes e satisfatórios, com ligeira vantagem para o modelo de Chapman-Richards, apresentando coeficiente de determinação (R2) de 89,90%, erro padrão da estimativa (Syx%) de 5,15% e a análise gráfica dos resíduos foi considerada boa. Os resultados obtidos para equação de volume foram: os modelos de dupla entrada apresentaram resultados bons e satisfatórios, podendo ser utilizados sem restrição, com ligeira vantagem para o modelo de Spurr (logarítmica). Os modelos de simples entrada (d), se comparados com os modelos de dupla entrada (d; h) apresentaram resultados inferiores. Para função de afilamento concluiu-se que os modelos de Hradetzky (1976) e o de Schöepfer (1966) apresentaram resultados semelhantes e satisfatórios, com alto valor do coeficiente de determinação e baixo erro padrão da estimativa, tanto para diâmetros quanto para o volume. Os indicadores demonstraram a viabilidade econômica do plantio de Pinus taeda L., com taxa de desconto de 8% ao ano. O plantio será inviável se houver redução maior que 15% nas receitas ou aumento superior a 19,69% nos custos

    Additional kernel observer: privilege escalation attack prevention mechanism focusing on system call privilege changes

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    Cyberattacks, especially attacks that exploit operating system vulnerabilities, have been increasing in recent years. In particular, if administrator privileges are acquired by an attacker through a privilege escalation attack, the attacker can operate the entire system and cause serious damage. In this paper, we propose an additional kernel observer (AKO) that prevents privilege escalation attacks that exploit operating system vulnerabilities. We focus on the fact that a process privilege can be changed only by specific system calls. AKO monitors privilege information changes during system call processing. If AKO detects a privilege change after system call processing, whereby the invoked system call does not originally change the process privilege, AKO regards the change as a privilege escalation attack and applies countermeasures against it. AKO can therefore prevent privilege escalation attacks. Introducing the proposed method in advance can prevent this type of attack by changing any process privilege that was not originally changed in a system call, regardless of the vulnerability type. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of AKO for Linux x86 64-bit. Moreover, we show that AKO can be expanded to prevent the falsification of various data in the kernel space. Then, we present an expansion example that prevents the invalidation of Security-Enhanced Linux. Finally, our evaluation results show that AKO is effective against privilege escalation attacks, while maintaining low overhead

    Geomorphic landscape in the eastern San'in Distrct, Southwest Japan, and its origin

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    A geomorphic landscape is one of the fundamental components of a regional land-nature system, so that its right understanding is essential to regional designing. this paper aims to clarify the characters and origin of the geomorphic landscape in the eastern San'in district and to investigate its influence to the land-nature system of the district. The eastern San'in district is located on the backarc side of the central Southwest Japan arc. Framing the mountainous landscape of the district is the regional slope down backarc-ward. Late Miocene to Pliocene lava flows with basal fluvial deposits extensively cover the slope and dip downslope-wars at an angle ca.4 degrees. Averaged stream gradients in the district less than one degree indicate that the basal fluvial deposits and the overlying lava flows have tilted about 3 degrees after deposition The framework of the geomorphic landscape thus has been formed by regional backarc-ward tilting after the deposition of the Mio-Pliocene lava flows. Structural analysis of the Southwest Japan arc reconstructs that aa regional peneplain has existed over the arc belt around the Mio/Pliocene boundary and that the asymmetric arching of the island arc since some time in the Pliocene has produced the backarc slope of the arc. The geomorphic landscape of the district hence appears to be originated from the Mio/Pliocene regional peneplanation and the subsequent backslope-tilting driven by the asymmetric arching of the arc. The backslope brings various influences to the district, e.g., consequent drainage systems, a linear coast line with few good ports, and snowy winters. The traffic difficulty across the backslope has left the district on the outskirts of economic development and industrial environmental pollution. Comprehensive understanding of the land-nature system in the district will thus promise a large contribution to the regional designing for sustainable development

    Steady‐State and Time‐Resolved Optical Properties of Multilayer Film of Titanium Dioxide Sandwiched by Gold Nanoparticles and Gold Thin Film

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    We proposed metal-insulator (MI) and metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structures of titanium dioxide (TiO2) sandwiched by gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) layer and gold sputtered thin film (only for the MIM film) to couple localized plasmon mode of AuNP with multi-reflection mode and/or cavity resonator mode of TiO2. The optical extinctions of MI and MIM with differing TiO2 thickness were studied theoretically by finite-element method simulation and experimentally by optical spectrometry. The extinction peaks of MI and MIM shifted by exchanging the surrounding medium from air to TiO2. The interference of TiO2 in MI structure also affected the extinction spectra showing the oscillation along the spectrum of AuNP in TiO2. Then, the extinction degree of MIM was higher than that of MI because of the coupling between cavity resonance mode with localized plasmon mode and interband transition in AuNPs. In addition, the cross section of MI and MIM films were observed by scanning electron microscopy. The surface of thinner film was rough because TiO2 heterogeneously grew from AuNP. The irregular growth of TiO2 might have induced the wide-range extinction in 300-2500 nm after Au thin film deposition. The transient absorption spectra using a femtosecond laser were also carried out under the condition of 800 nm for excitation laser and 950 nm for probe laser. The long-lived electron (~1 ns) was observed in thick MIM film as a result of hot electron transfer from the gold nanostructure in the film