99 research outputs found

    The Connectivities of Leaf Graphs of 2-Connected Graphs

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    AbstractGiven a connected graph G, denote by V the family of all the spanning trees of G. Define an adjacency relation in V as follows: the spanning trees t and t′ are said to be adjacent if for some vertex u∈V, t−u is connected and coincides with t′−u. The resultant graph G is called the leaf graph of G. The purpose of this paper is to show that if G is 2-connected with minimal degree δ, then G is (2δ−2)-connected

    On geometric independency trees for points in the plane

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    AbstractA plane spanning tree is a tree drawn in the plane so that its edges are closed straight-line segments and no two edges intersect internally, and no three of its vertices are collinear. In this paper, we present several results on a plane spanning tree T such that the graph obtained from T by adding a line segment between any two end-vertices of T is self-intersecting

    On a hamiltonian cycle in which specified vertices are not isolated

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    AbstractLet G be a graph with n vertices and minimum degree at least n/2, and B a set of vertices with at least 3n/4 vertices. In this paper, we show that there exists a hamiltonian cycle in which every vertex in B is adjacent to some vertex in B

    Interleukin (Il)-18 Promotes the Development of Chronic Gastrointestinal Helminth Infection by Downregulating IL-13

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    Expulsion of the gastrointestinal nematode Trichuris muris is mediated by a T helper (Th) 2 type response involving interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13. Here we show that Th1 response–associated susceptibility involves prior activation of IL-18 and caspase-1 followed by IL-12 and interferon (IFN)-γ in the intestine. IL-18–deficient mice are highly resistant to chronic T. muris infection and in vivo treatment of normal mice with recombinant (r)IL-18 suppresses IL-13 and IL-4 secretion but does not affect IFN-γ

    Substitution of Glu122 by Glutamine Revealed the Function of the Second Water Molecule as a Proton Donor in the Binuclear Metal Enzyme Creatininase.

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    Creatininase is a binuclear zinc enzyme and catalyzes the reversible conversion of creatinine to creatine. It exhibits an open-closed conformational change upon substrate binding, and the differences in the conformations of Tyr121, Trp154, and the loop region containing Trp174 were evident in the enzyme-creatine complex when compared to those in the ligand-free enzyme. We have determined the crystal structure of the enzyme complexed with a 1-methylguanidine. All subunits in the complex existed as the closed form, and the binding mode of creatinine was estimated. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the hydrophobic residues that show conformational change upon substrate binding are important for the enzyme activity. We propose a catalytic mechanism of creatininase in which two water molecules have significant roles. The first molecule is a hydroxide ion (Wat1) that is bound as a bridge between the two metal ions and attacks the carbonyl carbon of the substrate. The second molecule is a water molecule (Wat2) that is bound to the carboxyl group of Glu122 and functions as a proton donor in catalysis. The activity of the E122Q mutant was very low and it was only partially restored by the addition of ZnCl(2) or MnCl(2). In the E122Q mutant, k(cat) is drastically decreased, indicating that Glu122 is important for catalysis. X-ray crystallographic study and the atomic absorption spectrometry analysis of the E122Q mutant-substrate complex revealed that the drastic decrease of the activity of the E122Q was caused by not only the loss of one Zn ion at the Metal1 site but also a critical function of Glu122, which most likely exists for a proton transfer step through Wat2

    Vimentin binds IRAP and is involved in GLUT4 vesicle trafficking

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    Insulin-responsive aminopeptidase (IRAP) and GLUT4 are two major cargo proteins of GLUT4 storage vesicles (GSVs) that are translocated from a postendosomal storage compartment to the plasma membrane (PM) in response to insulin. The cytoplasmic region of IRAP is reportedly involved in retention of GSVs. In this study, vimentin was identified using the cytoplasmic domain of IRAP as bait. The validity of this interaction was confirmed by pull-down assays and immunoprecipitation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In addition, it was shown that GLUT4 translocation to the PM by insulin was decreased in vimentin-depleted adipocytes, presumably due to dispersing GSVs away from the cytoskeleton. These findings suggest that the IRAP binding protein, vimentin, plays an important role in retention of GSVs

    Identification of the human eosinophil lineage-committed progenitor: revision of phenotypic definition of the human common myeloid progenitor

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    To establish effective therapeutic strategies for eosinophil-related disorders, it is critical to understand the developmental pathway of human eosinophils. In mouse hematopoiesis, eosinophils originate from the eosinophil lineage-committed progenitor (EoP) that has been purified downstream of the granulocyte/macrophage progenitor (GMP). We show that the EoP is also isolatable in human adult bone marrow. The previously defined human common myeloid progenitor (hCMP) population (Manz, M.G., T. Miyamoto, K. Akashi, and I.L. Weissman. 2002. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 99:11872–11877) was composed of the interleukin 5 receptor α chain+ (IL-5Rα+) and IL-5Rα− fractions, and the former was the hEoP. The IL-5Rα+CD34+CD38+IL-3Rα+CD45RA− hEoPs gave rise exclusively to pure eosinophil colonies but never differentiated into basophils or neutrophils. The IL-5Rα− hCMP generated the hEoP together with the hGMP or the human megakaryocyte/erythrocyte progenitor (hMEP), whereas hGMPs or hMEPs never differentiated into eosinophils. Importantly, the number of hEoPs increased up to 20% of the conventional hCMP population in the bone marrow of patients with eosinophilia, suggesting that the hEoP stage is involved in eosinophil differentiation and expansion in vivo. Accordingly, the phenotypic definition of hCMP should be revised to exclude the hEoP; an “IL-5Rα–negative” criterion should be added to define more homogenous hCMP. The newly identified hEoP is a powerful tool in studying pathogenesis of eosinophilia and could be a therapeutic target for a variety of eosinophil-related disorders

    Identification of cis-acting promoter sequences required for expression of the glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1 gene in mice

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    Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1 (GPAT1) is a rate limiting enzyme in de novo glycerophospholipid synthesis. The murine GPAT1 promoter sequence (the “classical” sequence) was reported previously. However, the organization of this DNA sequence does not fully match the mouse genome sequences on NCBI/GenBank. Here we have identified net cis-acting promoter sequences for the mouse GPAT1 gene: promoter 1a which includes part of the classical sequence and the downstream promoter 1b. Promoter 1a facilitates transcription of two alternative GPAT1 transcript variants, GPAT1-V1 and V2, while promoter 1b produces a third transcript variant, GPAT1-V3. Upstream stimulating factor-1 (USF-1) controlled both promoters whereas sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 (SREBP-1) exclusively regulated promoter 1a activity in vitro. Feeding increased GPAT1-V1 and V2, but not V3 mRNA levels in mouse liver. The obese condition of db/db mice did not alter the hepatic expression levels of any of the three GPAT1 variants. Feeding enhanced hepatic mRNA levels, intranuclear protein levels and promoter 1a-binding levels of SREBP-1, but not of USF-1. Thus, promoter 1a was exclusively activated by routine feeding in vivo. Our results indicate differential roles of the two promoters in the regulation of hepatic GPAT1 gene expression in mice