358 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pengadopsian Anak Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Dan Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial

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    YPAB is an institution that keeps and takes care babies and children who don’t have parents. The babies and the children can be adopted, but the institution has their own regulations for potential adopters who want to adopt children. All this time, adopter who adopted the babies or the children from YPAB institution is done manually which need long time. Therefore, DSS is needed for decide a potential adopter. The purpose of this research is developing a DSS in the process of selecting potential adopters. Meanwhile, the research method uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Exponential Comparison Method (MPE) and the System testing uses black-box and validity testing. System testing is used black-box and validity testing by comparing the real YPAB data and the calculation system results. The test results show that the adoption system using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and the Exponential Comparison Method (MPE) has a good performance so that the system is feasible to be implemented in YPAB

    Pengaruh Hidroterapi dan Relaksasi Benson (Hidroson) terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah dan Nadi

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    Abstrak Terapi komplementer merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan. Hidroterapi dan relaksasi Benson merupakan terapi komplementer yang efektif terhadap tekanan darah dan nadi, namun masih jarang masyarakat yang memanfaatkannya. Diketahui ada pengaruh kombinasi hidroterapi dan relaksasi Benson (disebut hidroson) terhadap tekanan darah dan nadi. Metode penelitian pra-eksperimen, pre- and post- design dengan teknik purposive sampel pada 32 responden usia 26-65 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan dari tanggal 1-18 Maret 2019 di RT 19 dan 20, Sungapan V Desa Wahyuharjo, Kecamatan Lendah, Kabupaten Kulon Progo dengan tiap responden diberikan intervensi selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah sphygmomanometer digital untuk mengukur tekanan darah dan nadi 5 menit sebelum dan sesudah pemberian terapi. Tekanan darah dianalisis dengan wilcoxon test dan paired t-test untuk nadi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tekanan darah sistolik sebelum terapi sebesar 118,25 mmHg dan setelah terapi sebesar 111,00 mmHg, sehingga disimpulkan terjadi penurunan sebesar 7,25 mmHg dengan ρ Value 0,0001. Tekanan darah diastolik sebelum terapi sebesar 81,25 mmHg dan setelah terapi sebesar 78,75 mmHg, sehingga disimpulkan terjadi penurunan sebesar 2,50 mmHg dengan ρ value 0,002. Nadi sebelum terapi sebesar 82,30 x/menit dan setelah terapi sebesar 80,64 x/menit, sehingga disimpulkan terjadi penurunan sebesar 1,66 x/menit dengan ρ value 0,003. Ada pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pemberian kombinasi hidroterapi dan relaksasi Benson (hidroson) terhadap penurunan tekanan darah dan nadi di RT 19 dan 20, Sungapan V. Kata kunci: hidroterapi, Relaksasi Benson, tekanan darah, nadi Abstract Complementary therapy is one alternative to solving health problems. Hydrotherapy and Benson's relaxation are effective complementary therapies for blood pressure and pulse, but still few patients utilize it. There is a known effect of hydrotherapy and Benson relaxation combination (called hydrosol) on blood pressure and pulse. The study method was pre-experimental with pre and post design with a purposive sampling technique on 32 respondents aged 26-65 years. The study was conducted from 1-18 March 2019 in neighborhood 19 and 20, Sungapan V, Wahyuharjo Village, Lendah District, Kulon Progo. Regency Each respondent was given intervention with hydrosol therapy for 3 consecutive days. The instrument used was a digital sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure and pulse 5 minutes before and after the administration of therapy. Blood pressure was analyzed by the Wilcoxon test while pulsing by paired t-test. The analysis showed that systolic blood pressure before therapy was 118.25 mmHg and after therapy became 111,00 mmHg, so there was a decrease of 7,25 mmHg with a p-value of 0,0001. The diastolic blood pressure before treatment was 81,25 mmHg and after therapy became 78,75 mmHg, so there was a decrease of 2,50 mmHg with a p-value of 0,002 mm. The pulse before therapy was 82,30 x / min and after therapy became 80,64 x / min, so there was a decrease of 1,66 x / min with ρ-value 0,003. There is a significant effect of giving a combination of hydrotherapy and Benson relaxation (hydrosol) on reducing blood pressure and pulse among 32 subjects in neighborhood 19 and 20, Sungapan V. Keywords: hydrotherapy, Benson Relaxation, blood pressure, puls

    Tingkat Pengembangan Dan Daya Terima Cupcake Dari Beberapa Varietas Tepung Jagung Terfermentasi

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    Background: The food made from wheat flour led to the economy and nutrition problem. Efforts to anticipate the use of wheat flour is to produce flour based food local, for example modified corn flour with the fermentation. The fermented corn flour as the ingredient of cupcake can compose the development and different acceptabillity with wheat flour. Objective: This research has the purpose to know the level of development and acceptibility on makes cupcake from some variety of flour corn fermentation. Research Method: This research using of the complete random planning with 4 methods. Each method was done three times, that is cupcake of flour corn fermented variety of pop, cupcake of flour corn fermented variety of sweetcorn, cupcake of flour corn fermented variety of hybrid and cupcake of wheat flour as control. Result: The result of this research indicates that the best level of development of the cupcake from sweet corn, that is 84,43% and the acceptibility by corn cupcake show color and scent of the most popular is the varieties of pop. Taste and texture of the cupcake the most popular is the varieties of hybrid, while on occupancy toward all of them the most popular is the varieties of pop. Conclusion: The level development on cupcake show the difference of statistic test, on occupancy of statistic has the differance in color, texture and acceptibility

    Auditoría interna y su influencia en la evasión fiscal de una empresa textil del distrito Cercado de Lima

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    La presente investigación, muestra que tan importante es que las empresas del rubro textil cuenten con la auditoría interna ya sea micro, pequeñas o grandes empresas, ya que ellos necesitan tener mayor capacidad de manejo de sus ingresos y salidas de comprobantes, tener mayor control con sus pagos de impuestos y una bancarización adecuada, las empresas textiles son líderes en el sector empresarial mayoritario y brinda oportunidad laboral. El objetivo principal de la investigación realizada es establecer de qué manera la evasión fiscal y la auditoría interna se relacionan dentro de una empresa textil del Distrito Cercado de Lima, esta investigación es de tipo descriptivo-correlacional. Este último tiene la finalidad que la auditoría interna tenga mayor control y eficiencia para medir, regular, reducir y evitar la evasión fiscal dentro de las empresas textiles, y, ayudará en un futuro a otras empresas del rubro a que puedan tener un mejor manejo y no tenga problemas con la Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria: SUNAT. Para determinar la situación de la evasión fiscal y la auditoría interna de una empresa textil del Distrito Cercado de Lima, se realizó un análisis importante a la defraudación tributaria, elusión tributaria, cultura tributaria y la evaluación, asesoramiento y fortalecimiento de la empresa en estudio. Cabe resaltar que la investigación realizada tiene una excelente confiabilidad de 0.798 y 0.855, la evasión fiscal cuenta con un coeficiente Rho de Spearman de 0.236, lo que muestra un relación estable y buena con la auditoría interna, por lo que aceptan la hipótesis alterna H1 y rechaza la hipótesis nula H0. Asimismo, se analizó la auditoría interna con el coeficiente Rho de Spearman y tuvo en mismo coeficiente estable y buena, lo sígnica que, si hay mejoras en la auditoría interna, habrá un mayor control de las bancarizaciones de las compras y ventas, mejoramiento del manejo de las documentaciones y las declaraciones de impuestos y así no exista la evasión fiscal, sería importante que las empresas textiles cuenten o manejen las normas tributarias y se encuentren bien plasmadas en el área correspondiente

    Dampak Frekuensi Pernapasan Predialisis Terhadap Kram Otot Intradialisis di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul

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    Proses hemodialisis juga sering menimbulkan dampak kesakitan seperti terjadinya kram otot saat intradialisis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi dampak meningkatnya frekuensi pernapasan terhadap kram otot intradialisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain analitik cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di ruang hemodialisis RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul. Subyek penelitian ini diambil secara accidental sampling. Keseluruhan subyek penelitian ini adalah 91 responden. Peneliti mengukur frekuensi pernapasan predialisis dan mengkaji kram otot  intradialisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisa bivariabel Chi-Square. Hasil analisa Chi-Square menunjukkan nilai p sebesar 0,020 yang berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara frekuensi napas predialisis terhadap  kram otot intradialisis. Kram otot yang terjadi selama proses hemodialisis dapat terjadi karena adanya stress oksidatif selama intradialisis. Observasi frekuensi pernapasan dapat mengantisipasi adanya risiko stres oksidatif yang mungkin akan terjadi. Kata Kunci: pernapasan, predialisis, intradialisis, kram Abstract Effect of Predialysis Respiration Rate on Intradialysis Muscle Cramps at Regional Hospital Panembahan Senopati Bantul. Hemodialysis process often causes painful impact such as muscle cramps during intradialysis. The objective of this research was to identify the increased between respiratory rate and intradialysis muscle cramps. The method of this research was analytical survey method. This research is descriptif quantitative with cross sectional design. This research conducted in hemodialysis unit in Panembahan Senopati General Hospital in Bantul. The subjects of the research taken using accidental sampling. The total research subjects were 91 respondents. The researchers measured the relationship between predialysis respiratory rate and assesed the intradialysis muscle cramps. The data analyzed with bivariate chi square. The Chi-Square analysis results showed that the p value is 0,020, meaning that there was a significant relationship between predialysis respiratory rate and intradialysis muscle cramps. Muscle cramps during hemodialysis process may occur due to oxidative stress during intradialysis. Observing respiratory rate can anticipate the risks of oxidative stress that may occur.

    Multi-channel all-optical signal processing based on parametric effects

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    Two different experiments that use parametric effects for the processing of multiple signals in a single fiber are reviewed. The first experiment uses optical phase conjugation to mitigate the effects of nonlinearity in transmission, whereas the second uses multiple phase-sensitive amplifiers to regenerate six different channels


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    The elderly population which increases rapidly along with the downgrading of various systems generate impacts on the health condition of the elderly, thus, long-term care is required. The long-term care requires health cadres or caregivers who support the health workers, however, health cadres or caregivers need to conceive a decent knowledge regarding long-term care on the elderly. According to this phenomenon, therefore, the researchers were interested to conduct a study concerning the impact of the long-term care education for elderly on the knowledge of health cadres. This research aimed to discover the impact of long-term care education for elderly on the knowledge of health cadres in Pokoh Hamlet, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region. The research was performed through a quasi-experimental method with nonequivalent control group pre and posttest design. The knowledge of the respondent was measured before the education regarding long-term care is provided, then, the respondents were educated, and the knowledge of cadre about long-term care was measured at end of the meeting. Respondents involved in this research were individuals who follow the education and cadres or local people who nurse the elderly. The knowledge of cadres was measured through the questionnaire of long-term care. The statistical hypothesis test was performed on the obtained data through Wilcoxon’s test. A total sampling was used as the sampling technique in this research which resulted in 16 respondents as the sample. The results of this research indicated that the median score of the knowledge of health cadres was 39.5 before the intervention and 45 after the intervention with 0.000 of p-value, there was a significant difference of knowledge between before and after the long-term care education was given on health cadres. The conclusion is that there was a significant difference between the long-term care education with the knowledge of health cadres. Health cadres are expected to be able of performing screening on elderly who require long-term care and also capable of performing long-term care on the elderly which focused on the fulfillment of basic needs.

    Canine visceral leishmaniosis: first case in Zambia

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    Visceral leishmaniosis was discovered in a male 12- year-old Australian cattle dog in September 1994. Canine leishmaniosis has not previously been reported in Zambia.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat X Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format