803 research outputs found

    Derivatives of Schur, Tau and Sigma Functions on Abel-Jacobi Images

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    We study derivatives of Schur and tau functions from the view point of the Abel-Jacobi map. We apply the results to establish several properties of derivatives of the sigma function of an (n,s) curve. As byproducts we have an expression of the prime form in terms of derivatives of the sigma function and addition formulae which generalize those of Onishi for hyperelliptic sigma functions.Comment: 33 pages, Minor mistakes are corrected. References are adde

    Can written disclosure reduce psychological distress and increase objectively measured injury mobility of student-athletes? A randomized controlled trial

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    Injured students-athletes took part in a randomized controlled trial to test whether written disclosure could reduce psychological distress and improve injury mobility. Writing took place alongside prescribed physical rehabilitation and consisted of three 20- minute writing sessions, once a week for three consecutive weeks. Participants in the experimental injury-writing group (í‘› = 25) followed a structured form of written disclosure, called the guided disclosure protocol (GDP). They firstly, wrote about the onset of their injury in a chronological manner, secondly, they explicitly labelled their emotions and described the impact of the injury, finally they wrote about future coping and psychological growth. Controls(í‘› = 21)wrote about nonemotional and noninjury related topics. In addition to self-report measures, a physiotherapist, blind to experimental condition, assessed mobility at the injury site. Although self-report indices remained unchanged, the GDP group evidenced a significant improvement in injury mobility compared to controls

    The Bridge from Hold to Build

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    In Afghanistan, the United States and United Nations are developing a new approach to community-based demining by funding local nongovernmental organizations. The use of these Afghan NGOs has not only allowed clearance to begin more quickly and continue more effectively, but has also helped the local population along the path to recovery and supported overall counterinsurgency efforts

    Nanodiamond sensors for microbiology and cell biology

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    Nanodiamonds are nanoparticles (10 000 to 100 000 times smaller than a millimeter) milled from diamond and have various potential applications in microbiology and cell biology. Especially nanodiamonds that contain a specific fluorescent defect called 'NV center' are of great interest. They can be used to make very small magnetic signals visible with an optical microscope. This property can be used to detect magnetic molecules in cells, which are hard to detect otherwise and play an important role in processes like ageing, stress and signaling between cells. In my Phd research, I investigated the performance of these nanodiamond sensors in relation to their shape and size and how they interact with living bacteria

    3D simulations of rising magnetic flux tubes in a compressible rotating interior: The effect of magnetic tension

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    Context: Long-term variability in solar cycles represents a challenging constraint for theoretical models. Mean-field Babcock-Leighton dynamos that consider non-instantaneous rising flux tubes have been shown to exhibit long-term variability in their magnetic cycle. However a relation that parameterizes the rise-time of non-axisymmetric magnetic flux tubes in terms of stellar parameters is still missing. Aims: We aim to find a general parameterization of the rise-time of magnetic flux tubes for solar-like stars. Methods: By considering the influence of magnetic tension on the rise of non-axisymmetric flux tubes, we predict the existence of a control parameter referred as Γα1α2\Gamma_{\alpha_1}^{\alpha_2}. This parameter is a measure of the balance between rotational effects and magnetic effects (buoyancy and tension) acting on the magnetic flux tube. We carry out two series of numerical experiments (one for axisymmetric rise and one for non-axisymmetric rise) and demonstrate that Γα1α2\Gamma_{\alpha_1}^{\alpha_2} indeed controls the rise-time of magnetic flux tubes. Results: We find that the rise-time follows a power law of Γα1α2\Gamma_{\alpha_1}^{\alpha_2} with an exponent that depends on the azimuthal wavenumber of the magnetic flux loop. Conclusions: Compressibility does not impact the rise of magnetic flux tubes, while non-axisymmetry does. In the case of non-axisymmetric rise, the tension force modifies the force balance acting on the magnetic flux tube. We identified the three independent parameters required to predict the rise-time of magnetic flux tubes, that is, the stellar rotation rate, the magnetic flux density of the flux tube, and its azimuthal wavenumber. We combined these into one single relation that is valid for any solar-like star. We suggest using this generalized relation to constrain the rise-time of magnetic flux tubes in Babcock-Leighton dynamo models.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 6 tabula


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    As the basis of the state whose substance has been considered absolute and has become a way of life for the Indonesian people, Pancasila has encountered various challenges in its practice. The millennial generation's biggest challenge with their technological skills is influenced easily by things they do not understand. This article discusses how important the existence of Pancasila protect the nation's next generation, or as we knew, the millennials, from the negative impacts of these technological advances and efforts to overcome them. This generation is a group of people burdened with bringing Indonesia forward with the knowledge they have. The development of technology has resulted in the existence and practice of values in Pancasila starting to fade. Purpose: This article aims to discuss the importance of the existence of Pancasila in the millennial generation to filter out some things that are considered incompatible with the character of the Indonesian nation from the Pancasila generation, as well as to find out what things should we do to restore the original character of the Indonesian nation. Methods: The method used is a literature review summary of 10 articles published in 2019, 2020, 2021. Conclusion: The results obtained through a study of 10 articles are that several factors support why Pancasila can protect the millennial generation and how to solve them.


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    Prematuritas merupakan penyumbang angka kematian bayi yang cukup tinggi. Prematuritas adalah bayi lahir dengan masa kehamilan < 37 minggu dan berat badan sesuai dengan masa gestasi tersebut atau disebut juga neonatus kurang bulan. Prematuritas dan berat badan lahir rendah merupakan suatu keadaan yang sangat terkait dengan berbagai macam komplikasi yang dapat mengancam kehidupan bayi baru lahir serta menimbulkan gangguan neurologi dan perkembangan yang berbanding terbalik dengan usia kehamilan dan berat badan lahir. Bayi prematur sering mengalami masalah akibat berat badan rendah. Diperlukan stimulasi yang dapat membantu dalam meningkatkan berat badan bayi prematur. Salah satu tindakan non invansif yang menyokong peningkatan berat badan adalah terapi pijat. Pijat atau massage menurut American Association of Massage Therapy (AMTA) didefinisikan sebagai manipulasi pada jaringan lunak yang dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan tangan atau tubuh untuk memegang, menggerakkan, dan atau memberikan penekanan pada tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh terapi pijat terhadap kenaikan berat badan bayi prematur di RSUP dr. M. Djamil Padang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Maret sampai April 2012 terhadap 18 bayi prematur stabil. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan pre experimental one group pretest-posttest. Pengukuran ini dilakukan dengan mencatat berat badan bayi sebelum dilakukan terapi pijat dan berat badan setelah 5 hari berturut-turut dilakukan terapi pijat. Hasil uji statistik yang digunakan adalah T-Test dependent (paired t-test). Hasil uji statistik dengan analisa bivariat menunjukkan terdapat perubahan berat badan yang bermakna (p=0,000). Hal ini berarti bahwa terapi pijat berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan berat badan bayi prematur. Kata kunci : berat badan, prematur, terapi pijat

    Iot Based Food Court

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    The purpose of this research is to implement the internet of things (IoT) system into a food court place to reduce its service time and cost. The IoT will handle the security and the payment of this self-service food court. Thus, there will be no need for waiter and cashier employees. We created a mobile and server side application and also a food container boxes equipped with the IoT devices to handle this food court service operations. Each food container has a quick response (QR) code for its identification. These food containers only can be opened by smartphone through the food court app by scanning the container’s QR code, while the IoT system will get the user identification and measure how many foods that the buyer took. Then, the payment will be handled back through the mobile application


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    A common problem often faced by local government, is the underdevelopment and inequality. To overcome this problem and to be able to compete with other regions, Central Bangka Regency seeks to accelerate economic development through the development of the Tanjung Berikat Strategic Zone. It has been planned since 2011 in the Regency Spatial Plan by establishing it as KSK and KSP. However, in 2019, the Central Bangka Regency Government has changed its policy by not establishing Tanjung Berikat as the KSK. This study aims to identify the factors that influence the policy changes of the Central Bangka Regency Government about status of the Tanjung Berikat Strategic Zone on the change of the Central Bangka Regency spatial plan. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the policy change towards the status of the Tanjung Berikat Strategic Zone at the change of Bangka Tengah Regency spatial plan is due to changes in opinion on the plan, the lessons learned from previous experience, and also part of the strategy to realize the plan.Permasalahan umum yang sering dihadapi oleh pemeritah daerah adalah terjadinya ketertinggalan dan kesenjangan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dan agar mampu bersaing dengan daerah lain, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah berupaya untuk melakukan percepatan pembangunan ekonomi melalui pembangunan Kawasan Strategis Tanjung Berikat. Rencana tersebut sudah direncanakan sejak tahun 2011 di dalam RTRW Kabupaten dengan ditetapkan sebagai KSK dan KSP. Akan tetapi pada tahun 2019, Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangka Tengah merubah kebijakan dengan tidak menetapkan Tanjung Berikat sebagai KSK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan kebijakan pada Perubahan RTRW Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deduktif dengan analisis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan kebijakan terhadap status Kawasan Strategis Tanjung Berikat pada perubahan RTRW Kabupaten Bangka Tengah disebabkan perubahan perubahan opini terhadap rencana, adanya pelajaran yang diambil dari pengalaman sebelumnya, dan juga merupakan bagian dari strategi untuk mewujudkan rencana


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    Burger King is the one of the most successful fast food restaurant in the world. According to Wikipedia, there are 17,796 locations of Burger King all over the world in 2018. Burger King also has its Instagram account. Now this account has been followed by 1,6 million people and has posted 938 posts. That statistic shows that Burger King is active in social media especially in Instagram platform. The writer see the indication of the using of Persuasive Strategies because in promoting their product. In this research the writer wants to know the persuasive strategies that applied in Burger King’s Instagram post caption and the most used strategy. This research applied Qualitative Method as research method. This research has two findings, first, there are 13 strategies that appear in Burger King’s Instagram post caption they are, Anecdote, Assonance, Cliché, Connotation, Evidence, Everyday/Colloquial Language, Hyperbole, Imagery, Inclusive Language, Pun, Repetition, Rhetorical Question, and Simile. Second, the most used strategy is Everyday/Colloquial Language
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