30 research outputs found

    Antidiabetic effects of natural plant extracts via inhibition of carbohydrate hydrolysis enzymes with emphasis on pancreatic alpha amylase

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    Analysis of Aloe-based phytotherapeutic products by using nano-LC-MS

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    This article proposes a chromatographic method for the analysis of extracts of Aloe plants. The method was developed with a laboratory assembled nano-LC system coupled with a UV detector, followed by an IT-mass spectrometer. With a step gradient mode of ACN/ H2O mixtures and employing a capillary column packed with C18 (100 mm id), a complete separation of the following anthrones was achieved: aloin (in its two isomeric forms A and B), 5-hydroxyaloin and 7-hydroxyaloin (in its two isomeric forms A and B). The optimized nano-LC-MS method was validated for the quanti\ufb01cation of aloin, the main component of Aloe with known pharmacological activities. RSD values obtained for retention time and peak areas were 1.3 and 12.1%, respectively. LOD and LOQ values of 0.4 and 1.5 mg/mL were obtained for each aloin isomer. The method was applied to the analysis of Aloe vera and A. ferox extracts in order to acquire a \ufb01ngerprint, characteristic for each plant. Several phenolic compounds were detected by UV and identi\ufb01ed by MS. A. vera and A. ferox showed different pro\ufb01les and it was possible to discriminate them. Several commercial formulations, declared to contain Aloe extracts, were analyzed. Comparing their chro- matograms with those obtained from A. vera and A. ferox, it was possible to recognize the Aloe species and to determine aloin