40 research outputs found

    Impacts of conversion of tropical peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation on peat organic chemistry, physical properties and carbon stocks

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    Ecosystem services provided by tropical peat swamp forests, such as carbon (C) storage and water regulation, are under threat due to encroachment and replacement of these natural forests by drainage-based agriculture, commonly oil palm plantation. This study aims to quantify how the chemical and physical properties of peat change during land conversion to oil palm. This will be addressed by comparing four separate stages of conversion; namely, secondary peat swamp forests, recently deeply drained secondary forests, cleared and recently planted oil palm, and mature oil palm plantation in North Selangor, Malaysia. Results indicate accelerated peat decomposition in surface peats of mature oil palm plantations due to the lowered water table and altered litter inputs associated with this land-use change. Surface organic matter content and peat C stocks at secondary forest sites were higher than at mature oil palm sites (e.g. C stocks were 975 ± 151 and 497 ± 157 Mg ha− 1 at secondary forest and mature oil palm sites, respectively). Land conversion altered peat physical properties such as shear strength, bulk density and porosity, with mirrored changes above and below the water table. Our findings suggest close links between the organic matter and C content and peat physical properties through the entire depth of the peat profile. We have demonstrated that conversion from secondary peat swamp forest to mature oil palm plantation may seriously compromise C storage and, through its impact on peat physical properties, the water holding capacity in these peatlands

    Variations in Δ14C of humic substances in the Lake Biwa waters

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    Carbon isotopes (13C and 14C) were used to study the characteristics and origin of humic substances in water samples from Lake Biwa in Japan. Humic substances were isolated from surface lake waters in each season by the XAD extraction method and their carbon isotopic ratios were measured by accelerator mass spectrometry. The Δ14C values of Biwa humic and fulvic acids indicate that these substances consist mainly of pre-bomb 14C. There is a negative correlation between Δ14C and δ13C values for the Biwa fulvic acids. The fulvic acid consists of younger organic materials with lower δ13C value in January, but older organics with higher δ13C in April and October. The major part of fulvic acid may be supplied from soil solution and/or groundwater in the watershed and their contribution varies with season

    Pore-scale imaging of asphaltene-induced pore clogging in carbonate rocks

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    We propose an experimental methodology to visualize asphaltene precipitation in the pore space of rocks and assess the reduction in permeability. We perform core flooding experiments integrated with X-ray microtomography (micro-CT). The simultaneous injection of pure heptane and crude oil containing asphaltene induces the precipitation of asphaltene in the pore space. The degree of precipitation is controlled by the measurement of differential pressure across the sample. After precipitation, doped heptane is injected to replace the fluid to enhance the contrast between precipitated asphaltene and doped heptane. The micro-CT images are segmented into three phases: void, precipitated asphaltene, and rock. In the experiment, we observed that the precipitated asphaltene which occupied 39.1% of the pore volume caused a 29-fold reduction in permeability. Furthermore, we analyze the spatial distribution of precipitated asphaltene which showed that the asphaltene tended to clog the larger pores. We also computed the flow field numerically on the images and obtained good agreement between simulated and measured permeability. The distribution of local velocity showed that after precipitation the flow was confined to narrow channels in the pore space. This method can be applied to any type of porous system with precipitation