853 research outputs found

    A Computer-Based Method to Improve the Spelling of Children with Dyslexia

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    In this paper we present a method which aims to improve the spelling of children with dyslexia through playful and targeted exercises. In contrast to previous approaches, our method does not use correct words or positive examples to follow, but presents the child a misspelled word as an exercise to solve. We created these training exercises on the basis of the linguistic knowledge extracted from the errors found in texts written by children with dyslexia. To test the effectiveness of this method in Spanish, we integrated the exercises in a game for iPad, DysEggxia (Piruletras in Spanish), and carried out a within-subject experiment. During eight weeks, 48 children played either DysEggxia or Word Search, which is another word game. We conducted tests and questionnaires at the beginning of the study, after four weeks when the games were switched, and at the end of the study. The children who played DysEggxia for four weeks in a row had significantly less writing errors in the tests that after playing Word Search for the same time. This provides evidence that error-based exercises presented in a tablet help children with dyslexia improve their spelling skills.Comment: 8 pages, ASSETS'14, October 20-22, 2014, Rochester, NY, US

    An Integrative Model of Team Learning. Evidence from Corporate Strategy’ Students

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    The aim of our research is to evaluate simultaneously the working of groups that facilitate group learning and, finally, the accumulation of knowledge using the theoretical basis of team mental model

    Tensor Product of Evolution Algebras

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    The starting point of this work is the fact that the class of evolution algebras over a fixed field is closed under tensor product. We prove that, under certain conditions, the tensor product is an evolution algebra if and only if every factor is an evolution algebra. Another issue arises about the inheritance of properties from the tensor product to the factors and conversely. For instance, nondegeneracy, irreducibility, perfectness and simplicity are investigated. The four-dimensional case is illustrative and useful to contrast conjectures, so we achieve a complete classification of four-dimensional perfect evolution algebras emerging as tensor product of two-dimensional ones. We find that there are four-dimensional evolution algebras that are the tensor product of two nonevolution algebras.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad Málaga/CBUA

    Tensor Product of Evolution Algebras

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    The starting point of this work is the fact that the class of evolution algebras over a fixed field is closed under tensor product. We prove that, under certain conditions, the tensor product is an evolution algebra if and only if every factor is an evolution algebra. Another issue arises about the inheritance of properties from the tensor product to the factors and conversely. For instance, nondegeneracy, irreducibility, perfectness and simplicity are investigated. The four-dimensional case is illustrative and useful to contrast conjectures, so we achieve a complete classification of four-dimensional perfect evolution algebras emerging as tensor product of two-dimensional ones. We find that there are four-dimensional evolution algebras that are the tensor product of two nonevolution algebras.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad Málaga/CBUA

    Del PAM al PAyS: la invención de la representación del sector agrario misionero en el Poder Legislativo de Misiones 1965-2009. 16H285

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    ▪ Etapa II Trabajo de Campo. ▪ Procesamiento y análisis de la información. ▪ Discusión con investigadores del campo de la historia económica provincial. ▪ Elaboración de informe con resultados de la investigación y que previa lectura del dictamen de los evaluadores y de pares se analizará la pertinencia de su publicación como documento de trabajo (Anexo I)

    On the Entropy of Oscillator-Based True Random Number Generators under Ionizing Radiation

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    The effects of ionizing radiation on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been investigated in depth during the last decades. The impact of these effects is typically evaluated on implementations which have a deterministic behavior. In this article, two well-known true-random number generators (TRNGs) based on sampling jittery signals have been exposed to a Co-60 radiation source as in the standard tests for space conditions. The effects of the accumulated dose on these TRNGs, an in particular, its repercussion over their randomness quality (e.g., entropy or linear complexity), have been evaluated by using two National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test suites. The obtained results clearly show how the degradation of the statistical properties of these TRNGs increases with the accumulated dose. It is also notable that the deterioration of the TRNG (non-deterministic component) appears before that the degradation of the deterministic elements in the FPGA, which compromises the integrated circuit lifetime.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (ESP-2015-68245-C4-1-P)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (ESP-2015-68245-C4-4-P)Ministerio de Economía y Empresa (TIN2016-79095-C2-2-R)CAM (S2013/ICE-3095

    Total Ionizing Dose Effects on a Delay-Based Physical Unclonable Function Implemented in FPGAs

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are hardware security primitives that are increasingly being used for authentication and key generation in ICs and FPGAs. For space systems, they are a promising approach to meet the needs for secure communications at low cost. To this purpose, it is essential to determine if they are reliable in the space radiation environment. In this work we evaluate the Total Ionizing Dose effects on a delay-based PUF implemented in SRAM-FPGA, namely a Ring Oscillator PUF. Several major quality metrics have been used to analyze the evolution of the PUF response with the total ionizing dose. Experimental results demonstrate that total ionizing dose has a perceptible effect on the quality of the PUF response, but it could still be used for space applications by making some appropriate corrections.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ESP2015-68245-C4-1-P, ESP-2015-68245-C4-4-P

    Conception d'un système de commande autonome pour le simulateur matériel de satellite LABSAT

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    Dans un contexte comme celui des technologies aérospatiales, qui se caractérise non seulement par sa complexité, mais aussi par sa difficulté à régler les erreurs une fois que le véhicule est dans son environnement final, l’utilisation des simulateurs de satellite sur Terre pour le développement et la vérification de nouveaux systèmes offre une alternative intéressante aux simulations traditionnelles par ordinateur. Plus précisément, dans le cas de la commande d’attitude, la possibilité d’utiliser la dynamique réelle du satellite pendant les phases de conception et de développement présente des avantages tels que l’inclusion des systèmes difficiles à modéliser et la réduction du risque d’erreur et du temps de vérification. Cependant, cette technologie est encore récente et est de ce fait sujette à être améliorée afin d’offrir le meilleur scénario possible pour le développement des algorithmes de commande d’attitude de la prochaine génération de satellites. À cet effet, l’Université de Sherbrooke et la société NGC Aérospatiale Ltée. développent en partenariat le simulateur matériel de satellite LABSAT qui possède toutes les fonctionnalités d’un véhicule spatial incluant les actionneurs, capteurs, calculateurs embarqués et éléments flexibles. Le projet présenté dans ce document consiste à concevoir et mettre en œuvre sur le minisatellite LABSAT un premier système de navigation et commande permettant d’exécuter les manœuvres en orientation à partir d’une station de contrôle. À cette fin, les différents sous-systèmes du simulateur matériel ont été intégrés et des solutions en termes de calibration de capteurs, d’estimateur d’état et de systèmes de commande ont été analysées théoriquement et en simulation. Les techniques les plus appropriées ont été, par la suite, implémentées et évaluées sur le système final, dans le but de vérifier leur fonctionnement dans l’environnement réel
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