88 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode latihan lari percepatan dan lari interval terhadap peningkatan dribbling sepakbola pada pemain sepakbola KU 14 tahun di SSB Pandawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain “two groups pre-test-post-test design”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pemain sepakbola KU 14 tahun di SSB Pandawa yang berjumlah 76 orang, Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan purposive sampling, dengan kriteria (1) pemain yang masih aktif mengikuti latihan, (2) kelompok usia 14 tahun, (3) Kehadiran pada saat treatment minimal 75%, (4) Sanggup mengikuti seluruh program latihan yang telah disusun. Berdasarkan kriteria tersebut yang memenuhi berjumlah 18 pemain. Seluruh sampel dikenai pretest dribbling untuk menentukan kelompok treatment, diranking nilai pretest-nya, kemudian dipasangkan (matched) dengan pola A-B-B-A dalam dua kelompok dengan anggota masingmasing 9 orang. Instrumen menggunakan Short Dribbling Test. Analisis data menggunakan uji t taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan metode latihan lari percepatan terhadap peningkatan dribbling sepakbola pada pemain sepakbola KU 14 tahun di SSB Pandawa, dengan t hitung 3,398 > t tabel 2,306, dan nilai signifikansi 0,009 t tabel 2,306, dan nilai signifikansi 0,003 0,05

    Eye movement parameters for performance evaluation in projection-based stereoscopic display

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    The current study applied Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the relationship among index of difficulty (ID) and parallax on eye movement time (EMT), fixation duration (FD), time to first fixation (TFF), number of fixation (NF), and eye gaze accuracy (AC) simultaneously. EMT, FD, TFF, NF, and AC were measured in the projection-based stereoscopic display by utilizing Tobii eye tracker system. SEM proved that ID had significant direct effects on EMT, NF, and FD also a significant indirect effect on NF. However, ID was found not a strong predictor for AC. SEM also proved that parallax had significant direct effects on EMT, NF, FD, TFF, and AC. Apart from the direct effect, parallax also had significant indirect effects on NF and AC. Regarding the interrelationship among dependent variables, there were significant indirect effects of FD and TFF on AC. Our results concluded that higher AC was achieved by lowering parallax (at the screen), longer EMT, higher NF, longer FD, and longer TF

    Mix method analysis for analyzing user behavior on logistic company mobile pocket software

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    The present study emphasizes mixed-method analysis, integrating the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) and customer journey for mobile pocket office improvement in logistic XYZ company. The extension of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT 2) model by incorporating perceived risk (PR), personal innovativeness (PI), and trust (TR) variables are used. The sample for this study consisted of 243 res­pondents. Based on the results of the PLS-SEM analysis, two of the eleven tested hypotheses were determined to be rejected. In application usage, the proposed model effectively explained 85.7 per cent of the influence on beha­vioral intention (BI) and 72.1 per cent on use behavior (UB). The customer journey mapping (CJM) investigation's findings show that fluctuations in the use of mobile pocket office technology in the field are generally brought on by a lot of data entry, sluggish internet connections, and overworked field operations. The XYZ company may acquire sugges­tions and knowledge for developing further applications due to this inquiry.Saat ini, perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan inovasi sangat penting bagi perekonomian. Selain itu, hal ini menyebabkan persaingan yang semakin ketat antara perusahaan. Aplikasi mobile pocket office berbasis mobile disediakan oleh perusahaan logistik PT. XYZ dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan khususnya di divisi operasional. Namun karena fluktuasi penggunaan, program mobile pocket office ini tidak dapat bekerja pada level puncaknya. Untuk menguji perilaku pengguna, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis metode campuran, mengintegrasikan PLS-SEM dan Perjalanan Pelanggan. Evaluasi PLS-SEM Penelitian ini menilai variabel yang mempengaruhi penerimaan pengguna terhadap penggunaan aplikasi mobile pocket office dengan membangun model UTAUT 2 yang ditingkatkan dengan menggabungkan variabel persepsi risiko (PR), inovasi pribadi (SINN), dan kepercayaan (TR). Sampel untuk penelitian ini terdiri dari 243 responden. Berdasarkan hasil analisis PLS-SEM, dua dari sebelas hipotesis yang diuji dinyatakan tidak benar. Efek terbesar pada niat perilaku dan perilaku penggunaan masing-masing disebabkan oleh variabel motivasi hedonis (HM) dan variabel kebiasaan (HB) (BI). Dalam konteks penggunaan aplikasi, model yang diusulkan menjelaskan secara efektif pengaruh sebesar 85,7 persen terhadap behavioral intention (BI) dan 72,1 persen terhadap use behavior (UB). Variabel persepsi risiko (PR) dan ekspektasi upaya (EE) diabaikan. Pengguna merasakan banyak usaha, dan tingginya risiko penyalahgunaan membuat mereka kurang tertarik menggunakan program, menurut hasil. Temuan investigasi Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) menunjukkan bahwa fluktuasi penggunaan teknologi mobile pocket office di lapangan umumnya disebabkan oleh banyak entri data, koneksi internet yang lamban, dan operasi lapangan yang terlalu banyak bekerja. PT. Perusahaan XYZ dapat memperoleh saran dan pengetahuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi lebih lanjut sebagai hasil dari penyelidikan ini.   &nbsp

    Learning from a distance during a pandemic outbreak: Factors affecting students' acceptance of distance learning during school closures due to COVID-19

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    Distance learning has become the only solution for learning in the current Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. A more straightforward form of distance learning with the utilization of telepresence and cloud-based productivity tools was apparent in many institutions. The present study investigated this phenomenon and ask, “What factors affect students’ acceptance of distance learning during school closures due to COVID-19?”. An extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology was employed to answer the research question, with 156 students participating in the study. The result revealed that Effort Expectancy (EE) has the biggest effect on students’ acceptance of distance learning during school closures (β=0.372, p<0.001). Additionally, the extended variable of Socia l Presence (SP) was also showing great effects on students' acceptance (β=0.296, p<0.001). However, one of the UTAUT constructs, Facilitating Conditions, was found to have no effect on students' acceptance. Practical implications for schools and distance learning program managers were discussed to provide insight on improving a distance learning program. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on learning technologies as well as on how society, especially in the educational sector, should continue despite the current pandemic crisis

    Gym-Goers Preference Analysis of Fitness Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Conjoint Analysis Approach for Business Sustainability

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a great impact on the fitness centers industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze the preference of gym-goers on fitness centers in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic by utilizing a conjoint analysis approach. One thousand gym-goers voluntarily participated in this study and answered 22 queries created from the orthogonal design. The results indicated that Price was the highest attribute considered (21.59%), followed by Ventilation (17.56%), Service (16.59%), Trainer (14.63%), Payment Method (11.95%), Operating Hours (8.90%), and Login (8.70%). The results also indicated that comfort, security, and fitness center services were the main aspects that gym-goers would consider as their main preference. The study highlighted how gym-goers are sensitive to the price set by the fitness centers. Moreover, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ventilation and size are considered highly important attributes among gym-goers. Comfort, safety, and security are the main consideration to have sustainable fitness centers during and even after the COVID-19 pandemic. The outcome of this study may benefit fitness centers and increase their business market by considering the preference of customers. Finally, the result of this study can be utilized by fitness centers to promote a generalized fitness center for gym-goers of different generations, statuses, and even socioeconomic status during and even after the COVID-19 pandemic

    Evaluating Factors Influencing Customers’ Intention to Eat Korean Cuisine “Samgyeopsal” in the Philippines

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    This is the raw data of research entitled "Evaluating Factors Influencing Customers’ Intention to Eat Korean Cuisine “Samgyeopsal” in the Philippines: A Structural Equation Model Forest Classifier Approach"</p

    Raw Data - StaySafe Philippines

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    A raw data of a paper entitled "Factors Affecting the Intention to Use COVID-19 Contact Tracing Application “StaySafe PH”: Integrating Protection Motivation Theory, UTAUT2, and System Usability Theory"</p

    A raw data of a paper entitled "<b><i>The Perceived Usability of Vehicle Sharing Mobile Application: An Integration of UTAUT, Pro-Environmental Behavior, and System Usability Scale</i></b>"

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    This is the raw data of our study entitled "The Perceived Usability of Vehicle Sharing Mobile Application: An Integration of UTAUT, Pro-Environmental Behavior, and System Usability Scale"</p

    Raw Data - Martial Arts Schools.xlsx

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    The raw data for a research article entitled "Indonesian Martial Artists’ Preferences in Martial Arts Schools: Sustaining Business Competitiveness through Conjoint Analysis"</p

    Raw Data - E-Learning Platform in an Aviation Institution

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    This is the raw data of our paper entitled "Investigating Students' Intention to Utilize an E-Learning Platform in an Aviation Institution during the COVID-19 Pandemic" </p
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