21 research outputs found

    Consequences of grazer-induced vegetation transitions on ecosystem carbon storage in the tundra

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    1. Large herbivores can control plant community composition and, under certain conditions, even induce vegetation shifts to alternative ecosystem states. As different plant assemblages maintain contrasting carbon (C) cycling patterns, herbivores have the potential to alter C sequestration at regional scales. Their influence is ofparticular interest in the Arctic tundra, where a large share of the world’s soil C reservoir is stored.2. We assessed the influence of grazing mammals on tundra vegetation and C stocks by resampling two sites located along pasture rotation fences in northern Norway. These fences have separated lightly grazed areas from heavily grazed areas (in close proximity to the fences) and moderately grazed areas (further away from the fences) for the past 50 years. Fourteen years earlier, the lightly and moderately grazed areas were dominated by dwarf shrubs, whereas heavy grazing had promoted the establishment of graminoid-dominated vegetation. Since then, bothreindeer densities and temperatures have increased, and more time has passed for transient dynamics to be expressed. We expected that the vegetation and C stocks would have changed under all grazing intensities, but not necessarily in the same way. 3. At the site where relative reindeer numbers and trampling intensity had increasedthe most, graminoid-dominated vegetation was now also found in the moderately grazed area. At the other site, the dominant vegetation types under all grazing intensities were the same as 14 years earlier.4. We show that the heavily grazed, graminoid-dominated areas stored less C abovegroundthan the lightly grazed, shrub-dominated areas. Yet, the below-ground consequencesof grazing-induced grassification varied between the sites: Grazing did not alter organic soil C stocks at the site where both evergreen and deciduous shrubs were abundant in the lightly grazed area, whereas heavy grazing increasedorganic soil C stocks at the site where the deciduous shrub Betula nana was dominant. 5. Our results indicate that, despite the negative impacts of grazers on above-ground C storage, their impact on below-ground C may even be positive. We suggest that the site-specific responses of organic soil C stocks to grazing could be explained bythe differences in vegetation under light grazing. This would imply that the replacement of deciduous shrubs by graminoids, as a consequence of grazing could be beneficial for C sequestration in tundra soils. K E Y W O R D Scarbon stocks, grazing, herbivory, plant functional types, plant–soil interactions, Rangifer tarandus, reindeer, soil carbon</div

    Reindeer grazing history determines the responses of subarctic soil fungal communities to warming and fertilization

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    Composition and functioning of arctic soil fungal communities may alter rapidly due to the ongoing trends of warmer temperatures, shifts in nutrient availability and shrub encroachment. In addition, the communities may also be intrinsically shaped by heavy grazing, which may locally induce an ecosystem change that couples with increased soil temperature and nutrients and where shrub encroachment is less likely to occur than in lightly grazed conditions. We tested how four years of experimental warming and fertilization affected organic soil fungal communities in sites with decadal history of either heavy or light reindeer grazing using high-throughput sequencing of ITS2 rDNA region. Grazing history largely overrode the impacts of short-term warming and fertilization in determining the composition of fungal communities. The less diverse fungal communities under light grazing showed more pronounced responses to experimental treatments when compared to the communities under heavy grazing. Yet, ordination approaches revealed distinct treatment responses under both grazing intensities. If grazing shifts the fungal communities in Arctic ecosystems to a different and more diverse state, this shift may dictate ecosystem responses to further abiotic changes. This inclines that the intensity of grazing cannot be left out when predicting future changes in fungi-driven processes in the tundra

    Herbivory control over tundra carbon storage under climate change

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    Abstract Air temperatures in high-latitude regions are anticipated to rise by several degrees by the end of the century and result in substantial northward shifts of species. These changes will likely affect the source and sink dynamics of greenhouse gases and possibly lead to a net carbon release from high-latitude soils to the atmosphere. However, regional differences in carbon cycling depend highly on the vegetation community composition, which may be controlled by the abundance of herbivores. I investigated whether mammalian herbivores, mainly reindeer and rodents, alter ecosystem carbon storage through their impacts on vegetation and on dominant plant functional traits. I combined observations of recent changes in ecosystem carbon with experimental field manipulations of both herbivory and climate change and measured carbon storage in vegetation and soil, the uptake and release of carbon dioxide, microbial activity and compared these to plant community composition. Results of my PhD thesis show that under ambient conditions, the impacts of herbivory on both above- and belowground carbon storage ranged from positive to negative. Herbivory altered dominant plant functional traits and these were fairly good predictors of the changes in soil carbon. When combined with experimental warming, herbivory continued to exert control on the dominant plant functional traits but the strong effects of warming on ecosystem carbon storage mostly concealed the impact of herbivory. Interestingly, herbivory–nutrient interactions that were not linked to dominant functional traits determined the consequences of warming on soil carbon. Taken together, I show clear and site-specific impacts of herbivores on vegetation and ecosystem carbon storage and the processes that govern them. Therefore, I suggest that an improved understanding of the role of herbivory in the global carbon cycle could improve estimations of global carbon–climate feedbacks.Tiivistelmä Vuosisadan loppuun mennessä arktisten alueiden lämpötilan odotetaan nousevan usealla asteella ja johtavan lajien siirtymiseen yhä pohjoisemmaksi. Nämä muutokset todennäköisesti muuttavat pohjoisten ekosysteemien kykyä vapauttaa ja sitoa ilmakehän hiiltä ja saattavat johtaa siihen, että yhä enemmän hiiltä vapautuu tundramailta ilmakehään. Kuitenkin paikallisesti hiilenkierto on riippuvainen kasviyhteisöstä ja erityisesti kasvien funktionaalisista ominaisuuksista. Väitöskirjassani tutkin, voivatko herbivorit, pääasiassa porot sekä jyrsijät, muokata hiilenkiertoa muuttamalla kasvillisuutta. Tutkimuksissani seurasin kuinka alueen laidunnushistoria on muokannut hiilivarastoja ja hiilenkiertoa tällä hetkellä ja pyrin arvioimaan herbivorien vaikutusta lämpenevässä ilmastossa kokeiden avulla, joissa manipuloidaan sekä herbivoriaa että lämpötilaa tai ravinteiden saatavuutta. Tulokseni perustuvat arvioihin hiilen varastoista, hiilidioksidin vapautumisesta ja sitoutumisesta sekä mikrobien aktiivisuudesta, joita vertaan kasviyhteisöön. Tulokseni osoittavat, että herbivoria voi joko lisätä tai vähentää ekosysteemin hiilivarastoja sekä maan päällä että maan alla. Muutokset hiilivarastoissa selittyivät varsin hyvin herbivorien tuottamilla kasvillisuusmuutoksilla ja valtalajien funktionaalisilla ominaisuuksilla. Herbivoria muokkasi kasviyhteisöä myös kokeellisen lämmityksen yhteydessä, mutta lämmityksen välittömät vaikutukset hiilivarastoihin peittivät suureksi osaksi alleen herbivorian vaikutukset. Kuitenkin herbivorian ja lannoituksen kasvillisuusmuutoksista riippumattomat yhdysvaikutukset määrittivät lämpenemisen seuraukset maan hiileen. Kaiken kaikkiaan, tutkimukseni osoittaa, että herbivorit voivat paikkakohtaisesti muokata kasvillisuutta, ekosysteemin hiilivarastoja sekä hiilenkierron prosesseja. Näiden tulosten myötä ehdotan, että parempi ymmärrys herbivorian vaikutuksista maailmanlaajuisesti voisi parantaa nykyisiä ennusteita siitä, kuinka ilmaston lämpeneminen muuttaa hiilenkiertoa

    Selective herbivory offsets carbon losses in the sub-arctic tundra

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    Distinguishing rapid and slow C cycling feedbacks to grazing in sub-arctic tundra

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    Abstract Large grazers are known to affect ecosystem functioning even to the degree where ecosystems transition to another vegetation state. Alongside the vegetation change, several features of ecosystem functioning, such as ecosystem carbon sink capacity and soil carbon mineralisation rates, may be altered. It has remained largely uninvestigated how the grazing effects on carbon cycling processes depend on the duration of grazing. Here, we hypothesised that grazing affects ecosystem carbon sink through plant-driven processes (for example, photosynthesis) on shorter time-scales, whereas on longer time-scales changes in soil-driven processes (for example, microbial activity) become more important contributing to a decreased carbon sink capacity. To test this hypothesis, we investigated key processes behind ecosystem carbon cycling in an area that recently had become dominated by graminoids due to a high reindeer grazing intensity and compared these to the processes in an area of decades old grazing-induced graminoid dominance and in an area of shrub dominance with little grazer influence. In contrast to our hypothesis, areas of both old and recent grassification showed a similar carbon sink capacity. Yet the individual fluxes varied depending on the time passed since the vegetation shift: ecosystem respiration and mid-season photosynthesis were higher under old than recent grassification. In contrast, the extracellular enzyme activities for carbon and phosphorus acquisition were similar regardless of the time elapsed since grazer-induced vegetation change. These results provide novel understanding on how ecosystem processes develop over time in response to changes in the intensity of herbivory. Moreover, they indicate that both autotrophic and heterotrophic processes are controlled through multiple drivers that likely change depending on the duration of herbivory

    Data from: Consequences of grazer-induced vegetation transitions on ecosystem carbon storage in the tundra

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    1. Large herbivores can control plant community composition and, under certain conditions, even induce vegetation shifts to alternative ecosystem states. As different plant assemblages maintain contrasting carbon (C) cycling patterns, herbivores have the potential to alter C sequestration at regional scales. Their influence is of particular interest in the Arctic tundra, where a large share of the world’s soil C reservoir is stored. 2. We analysed how grazing mammals influence tundra vegetation and how grazer-induced vegetation shifts affect tundra C stocks, by resampling two sites located along pasture rotation fences in northern Norway. These fences have separated lightly grazed areas from heavily grazed areas (in close proximity to the fences) and moderately grazed areas (further away from the fences) for the past 50 years. 14 years earlier, the lightly and moderately grazed areas were dominated by dwarf shrubs, whereas heavy grazing had promoted the establishment of graminoid-dominated vegetation. Since then, both reindeer densities and temperatures have increased, and more time has passed for transient dynamics to be expressed. We expected that the vegetation and C stocks would have changed under all grazing intensities, but not necessarily in the same way. 3. At the site where relative reindeer numbers and trampling intensity had increased the most, graminoid-dominated vegetation was now also found in the moderately grazed area. At the other site, the dominant vegetation types under all grazing intensities were the same as 14 years earlier. 4. We show that the heavily grazed, graminoid-dominated, areas stored less C aboveground than the lightly grazed, shrub-dominated, areas. Yet, the belowground consequences of grazing-induced grassification varied between the sites: Grazing did not alter organic soil C stocks at the site where both evergreen and deciduous shrubs were abundant in the lightly grazed area, whereas heavy grazing increased organic soil C stocks at the site where the deciduous shrub Betula nana was dominant. 5. Our results indicate that despite the negative impacts of grazers on aboveground C storage, their impact on belowground C may even be positive. We suggest that the site-specific responses of organic soil C stocks to grazing could be explained by the differences in vegetation under light grazing. This would imply that the replacement of deciduous shrubs by graminoids, as a consequence of grazing, could be beneficial for C sequestration in tundra soils