18 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Water-retaining Capacity of the Carbohydrate Complex of Rye-wheat Dough with Addition of Polyfunctional Food Supplement “Magnetofооd”

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    Today in Ukraine the share of low-quality bakery products is near 20–25 %, because they often don\u27t correspond to quality standards and sanitary norms, because of being produced of flour with low bakery properties. That is why new raw material sources, functional ingredients and so on are searched for in bread technologies. For using new raw material and food supplement types, it is necessary to know their functional-technological properties (FTP) that allows to prognosticate the behavior of powder-like raw materials and food supplements in food masses at technological processing and storage of ready products.The water-retaining capacity (WRC) is one of main functional-technological parameters of carbohydrate-containing raw materials, because it favors the outcome, structural-mechanical properties and quality characteristics of ready products.The authors introduced “Magnetofood” polyfunctional food supplement for increasing WRC of rye-wheat dough. For grounding the mechanism of forming supramolecular groups in carbohydrate food systems: Magnetofood-polysacharide-water, there was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on processes of hydration, swelling and water-retention by rye-wheat starch and rye-wheat flour.It was established, that introduction of “Magnetofood” food supplement in rye-wheat starch and flour in amounts: 0,10; 0,15; 0,20 % to the mass of starch or flour increases swelling and water-retaining capacity (WRC) of starch and flour: swelling in 1,3–1,5 and 1,5–2,25 times, respectively; WRC in 1,10–1,15 and 1,1–1,3 times, respectively.The rational dose of “Magnetofood” food supplement – 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material was experimentally set. There was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on rheological properties of water suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour at different temperatures and different speeds of shift.It was established, that adding “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % favors increasing the effective viscosity of suspensions of experimental samples of starch and flour at temperatures: (23±2) ºС and (40±2) ºС comparing with control samples in average by 29,0 % – for starch and by 22,0 % – for flour at 23 °С and by 16,0 % – for starch and by 10,0 % – for flour at 40 °С.There was studied the dynamics of changing viscosity of colloid solutions of starch and flour, enriched with “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material in the keeping process at different temperatures and shift speed 9 s-1.There was established the increase of viscosity of suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour in the process of infusion (especially at adding “Magnetofood”) that is connected with continuing hydration and swelling process.It was demonstrated, that the temperature increase of the colloid system from (23±20) ° С to (40±2) °С favors the increase of its viscosity – both at the initial moment and in infusion process during 30 min in average by 20,0–25,0 % at the expanse of the aforesaid processes. Moreover, adding “Magnetofood” accelerates and intensifies the processes of swelling and hydration of experimental samples of rye-wheat starch and flour comparing with control ones.The received experimental data may be used at elaborating the technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with “Magnetofood” food supplement; and also at elaborating innovative technologies of carbohydrate food systems.The results of this study may be used at elaborating recipes and technologies of carbohydrate-containing food products for increasing their viscosity, water-retaining and stabilizing capacities

    Improving the Technique of Scrambled Desserts Using the Food Supplement “Magnetofood”

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    For improving the technology of scrambled dessert products, a food supplement, based on the nanopowder of oxides of two- and trivalent iron “Magnetofood” was introduced in the recipe composition. The object of the studies is base recipes: one of mousse “Cranberry” and sambuk “Apple”. For determining technological characteristics and quality parameters, conventional standard methods were used.It has been established, that introduction of the food supplement “Magnetofood” in amount 0,1 %, 0,15 %, 0,2 % of the recipe mixture mass improves consumption properties of scrambled desserts. The mean value of the organoleptic analysis increases by (1,25±0,1) points. The density also decreases by (29±1) kg/m3 for mousses, by (26±1) kg/m3 for sambuks, and scrambling duration – by ~ 3 minutes. At storing during 24 hours at h=(90±2) %, the microbial contamination of the surface of samples decreases – QMAFAnM in 10 times, yeasts – in 2 times, molds – in 2 times.It has been established, that introduction of the supplement “Magnetofood” favors the growth of the foam-creating ability in average: by (40±2) % for mousses, by (55±3) % for sambuks. The porosity increases by (14,3±0,7) % for mousses, by (12,7±0, 6) % for sambuks. The foam structure stability of scrambled desserts improves by (14±1,1) %. The food supplement “Magnetofood” also raises the effective viscosity by (32 ±1) Pa·s for mousses and by (41±2) Pa·s for sambuks and the mechanical strength of scrambled desserts in 1,23 times.The highest parameters were inherited to mousses and sambuks with supplement “Magnetofood” mass share 0,15 %.There have been experimentally substantiated scrambling technological parameters and regimes of recipe mixtures of berry-fruit mousses and sambuks, modified by the food supplement “Magnetofood”. The total scrambling duration is (14–16) minutes. The initial scrambling speed of the berry-fruit base is (2,0–2,2) s-1, at that the scrambling time is (5–6)·60s. Then the recipe mixture is scrambled at speed (3,3–3,5) s-1 during (3–4)·60s. Scrambling is finished at speed (2,0–2,2) s-1. The distinctive feature of the improved technology is premixing of the food supplement “Magnetofood” with gelatin, realized before the technological operation of soaking gelatin in cold water.The obtained experimental data may be used at developing innovative technologies of scrambled dessert products with the food supplement “Magnetofood”

    Вплив харчової добавки "магнетофуд" на структурно-механічні властивості формового желейного мармеладу з різними структуроутворювачами

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    Development of resource- and energy-saving technologies for the production of high-quality jelly and pastille products with an extended shelf life is one of the most urgent challenges of the modern confectionery industry. It is proposed to use the "Magnetofood" mineral food supplement, which holds a high functional and technological potential and may independently form the structural and mechanical properties of jelly pastes, and also affect the gelling agents, entering into chemical and electrostatic interactions therewith. Therefore, the "Magnetofood" food supplement may influence several technological properties in the food jelly system at once: acting as a stabilizer, a thickener, a gelling agent, while improving the quality, consumer properties and extending the shelf life of molded fruit jelly products. The aim of the study is to improve the structural and mechanical properties of molded fruit jelly products by introducing the "Magnetofood" food supplement. Standard and generally accepted methods were used in the course of structural and mechanical studies (viscosity and thixotropic characteristics on the Reotest-2 rotation viscometer, strength characteristics on the AR-4/1 penetrometers). It has been established that the introduction of the "Magnetofood" food supplement into jelly pastes in the amount of 0.15 % of the total weight of raw material improves the consistency, structure, strength and form: the degree of structuring and viscosity of the jelly pastes increases over the entire shear stress range (1.5-40 s⁻¹) 2.9 times for pastes on agar and 1.85 times for pastes on pectin; the temperature effect on the effective viscosity of jelly pastes is slowed down by (50-75) Pa · s on average, destruction processes are also slowed down 1.1 times, and the recovery processes of the jelly structure after the mechanical effect ceases are accelerated by 3.8%, increasing its thixotropic ability by 7.5% in jelly pastes on agar and by 6.0% in jelly pastes on pectin; jelly strength on agar increases by (10-12)%, and by (7-9) % on pectin; the speed of structurization of jelly pastes on agar increases by a factor of 1.3-1.7, and by a factor of 1.1-1.6 on pectin.Однією з актуальних проблем сучасної кондитерської промисловості є розробка ресурсо- і енергозберігаючих технологій виробництва високоякісних мармеладо-пастильних виробів зі збільшеним терміном придатності. Пропонується використання мінеральної харчової добавки "Магнетофуд", яка володіє високим функціонально-технологічним потенціалом і може як самостійно формувати структурно-механічні властивості желейних мас, так і впливати на гелеутворювач, вступаючи з ним в хімічні і електростатичні взаємодії. Тому, харчова добавка "Магнетофуд" може впливати відразу на кілька технологічних властивостей в харчовій желейної системі: бути стабілізатором, загусником, драглеутворювачем, при цьому покращуючи якість, споживчі властивості і продовжуючи терміни зберігання формового желейного мармеладу. Метою дослідження є покращення структурно-механічних властивостей формового желейного мармеладу шляхом введення харчової добавки "Магнетофуд". Під час проведення структурно-механічних (в’язкостних і тиксотропних характеристик на ротаційному віскозиметрі Реотест-2, міцності на пенетрометри АР-4/1) досліджень були використані загальноприйняті та стандартні методики

    Investigation of the Respiration Rate During Storage of Fruit Vegetables Under the Influence of Abiotic Factors

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    The aim of the work was to establish the influence of most important abiotic planting factors (temperature, precipitation quantity) on the respiratory rate of fruit vegetables at storage and also a possibility of correction of respiratory metabolism by post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions. Fruits of cucumbers of the hybrids Masha and Afina, bush pumpkins Kavili and Tamino, sweet pepper of the hybrids Nikita and Hercules, tomato of the varieties Novachok and Rio Grande Original were used for the studies. It was established, that the respiratory rate of pumpkin fruit vegetables is importantly influenced by the variety specificity. The respiratory level of pumpkin vegetables directly correlates with the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and reversibly – with precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient.The influence of the variety specificity for nightshade vegetables is leveled, and among meteorological planting conditions the important intense influence on the respiratory rate is realized by the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and ripening. Precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient have the important influence only on pepper fruits.It was established, that the use of post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions results in inhibition of respiratory processes in fruit vegetables at storage

    Investigation of the respiration rate during storage of fruit vegetables under the influence of abiotic factors

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    The aim of the work was to establish the influence of most important abiotic planting factors (temperature, precipitation quantity) on the respiratory rate of fruit vegetables at storage and also a possibility of correction of respiratory metabolism by post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions. Fruits of cucumbers of the hybrids Masha and Afina, bush pumpkins Kavili and Tamino, sweet pepper of the hybrids Nikita and Hercules, tomato of the varieties Novachok and Rio Grande Original were used for the studies. It was established, that the respiratory rate of pumpkin fruit vegetables is importantly influenced by the variety specificity. The respiratory level of pumpkin vegetables directly correlates with the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and reversibly – with precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient. The influence of the variety specificity for nightshade vegetables is leveled, and among meteorological planting conditions the important intense influence on the respiratory rate is realized by the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and ripening. Precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient have the important influence only on pepper fruits. It was established, that the use of post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions results in inhibition of respiratory processes in fruit vegetables at storage

    Technology of fresh herbs storage using hydrogel and antioxidant composition

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    EN:There is a stable consumer demand for fresh culinary herbs. Also, the greenery contains a large number of valuable phytonutrients. Despite high efficiency and increasing annual production of fresh herbs, the problem of preserving their quality in the post-harvest period remains unresolved. Because of the high specific surface area of evaporation, in the green crops droop quickly, they lose their marketable quality, and, as a result, the level of profitability of greenery production in general is being reduced. It is necessary to use new effective approaches to leafy greens storage in order to reduce product losses during transportation and storage


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    Сушіння є оптимальним способом одержання продуктів тривалого зберігання при максимальному збереженні їх вихідної якості, без використання консервантів та харчових добавок. Сушені продукти є перспективною сировиною для закладів ресторанного господарства, особливо швидкого харчування типу бістро, кафе. Споживачами даних видів продуктів є силові структури, харчоконцентратні виробництва, спеціальний контингент (геологи, спортсмени, космонавти) тощо. Тому на основі теоретичних досліджень встановлено переваги сушіння, оскільки максимально зберігаються нативні властивості рослинної сировини, висвітлено сутність фізичних процесів, що відбуваються під час сушіння. Показано, що інтенсивність сушіння залежить від фізико-хімічних властивостей матеріалів і рушійної сили процесу. Перспективними способами сушіння, з точки зору збереження харчової цінності, забезпечення відповідних відновлювальних властивостей сушених овочів, фруктів та енергоємності, є сублімаційне сушіння із кріодеструкцією, сушіння зі змішаним теплопідведенням та холодне розпилювальне сушіння.  Сушка является оптимальным способом получения продуктов длительного хранения при максимальной сохранности их исходного качества, без использования консервантов и пищевых добавок.Сушеные продукты являются перспективным сырьем для заведений ресторанного хозяйства, особенно быстрого питания типа бистро, кафе. Потребителями данных видов продуктов являются силовые структуры, пищеконцентратные производства, специальный контингент (геологи, спортсмены, космонавты). Поэтом на основании теоретических исследований установлены преимущества сушки, поскольку максимально сохраняются нативные свойства растительного сырья, освещена суть физических процессов, которые происходят во время сушки. Показано, что интенсивность сушки зависит от физико-химических свойств материалов и движущей силы процесса. Перспективными способами сушки, с точки зрения сохранения пищевой ценности, обеспечения соответствующих восстановительных свойств сушеных овощей, фруктов и энергоемкости, являются сублимационная сушка с криодеструкцией, сушка со смешанным теплоподводом и холодная распылительная сушка.Drying is the best way to obtain durable products at maximum maintaining their original quality without preservatives and food additives. Dried foods are promising raw material for schools restaurants, especially fast food type bistros and cafes. Consumers of these types of products are power structures, food concentrates production, a special contingent (geologists, athletes, astronauts) and others. Therefore, based on theoretical studies found benefits dry as much as possible remain properties of native plant material, highlights the essence of physical processes occurring during drying. It is shown that the intensity of drying depends on the physical and chemical properties of materials and driving force of the process. Promising methods of drying, in terms of maintaining the nutritional value, ensuring appropriate remedial properties of dried vegetables, fruit and power consumption is freeze drying with cryosurgery, drying mixed heat supply and cold spray drying. &nbsp


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    The subject of the article is ration standards for the military men of Ukraine, which were adopted by the Resolution № 426 of the Cabinet of the Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.03.2002. Physiological and hygienic estimation of the daily ration for the servicemen of the Army and other military formations of Ukraine was conducted. Its correction by the introduction of the protein-vitaminous product named “VitaBar” was suggested.Проаналізовано норми харчування військовослужбовців, затверджені Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 29.03.2002 р. № 426. Проведено фізіолого-гігієнічну оцінку добового раціону харчування військовослужбовців Збройних Сил України та інших військових формувань і запропоновано його коригування шляхом введення білково-вітамінного продукту “VitаBarˮ

    The influence of antioxidant postharvest treatment on content of biologically active substances during storage of cucumbers

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    The influence of heat treatment with antioxidant compositions on the content of biologically active substances during storage of cucumbers is investigated. It was found that the use of the proposed treatment inhibits the activity of ascorbate oxidase by 15–18%, which allows to slow down the decomposition of ascorbic acid by 1.5 times. The content of ascorbic acid in the experimental fruit after storage for 28 days is 1.4 times higher than in the control after 21 days of storage. It was found that in the cucumbers 11–14 sm long, the synthesis of polyphenols continued in the period of storage.  The intensity of accumulation of phenolic substances proved to be different in the treated and control groups. It was shown that thermal treatment with antioxidants slowed the growth rate of total polyphenols by 20% relative to control, indicating inhibition of maturation processes. It was revealed that the activity o polyphenol oxidase during the storage of treated fruits was slowing down. It has been established that the application of said treatment substantially inhibits the degradation of chlorophylls. Rapid loss of chlorophyll caused yellowing and loss of consumer properties in the control groups after 2 weeks of storage. In processed cucumbers only 21 days of storage revealed a decrease in the concentration of chlorophyll in relation to the moment of laying. At day 28 the amount of chlorophylls in the experimental fruit is at the same level as in the control after a week of storage. It has been found that the use of the proposed treatment slows the degradation of carotenoids. The quantity of carotenoids in experimental cucumbers at the end of storage is 21–23% higher than in the control ones. The compensatory function of ascorbic acid, carotenoids and phenolic substances during storage of cucumber fruits is proved.</p