106 research outputs found

    Effect Of F/m Ratio On Substrate Storage Mechanism In Activated Sludge Systems

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013Bu çalışmada, aerobik koşullarda ve kesikli besleme uygulanarak farklı F/M oranlarının substrat depolama mekanizması üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, laboratuvar ölçekli doldur-boşalt bir ana reaktör kurulmuş ve iki çamur yaşında işletilmiştir. Bu ana reaktör daha sonra farklı F/M oranlarının etkisini test etmek amacıyla yapılacak olan kesikli reaktörlerdeki deneysel çalışmalarda kullanılan çamuru elde etme amacıyla kurulmuştur. Deneysel çalışmaların kapsamı; kararlı dengeye ulaşan ana reaktör sistemlerinin performans analizi, kesikli reaktör deneyleri, respirometrik deneyler ve depolanan PHB miktarları ölçümü ve değerlendirilmesinden oluşmaktadır. Sonuçları literatürdeki çalışmalarla karşılaştırdığımızda, başlangıç substrat miktarı ve biokütle konsantrasyonu arasındaki oranın respirometrik deneyler için kilit bir parametre olduğu ve direkt olarak oksijen tüketim hızı grafiğini etkilediği görülmüştür. Ayrıca değişken koşullara göre biokütlenin metabolizmasını depolama ya da büyüme yönünde değiştirebilme yetisine sahip olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışmaya göre ortaya çıkan diğer bir sonuç: mikroorganizmaların alıştığı koşullara göre yüksek konsantrasyonda substrat ile karşılaştığında, depolama mekanizmasını yavaşlatıp çoğalmaya doğru yönelmesi; düşük konsantrasyonda substrat ile karşılaştığında ise çoğalma mekanizmasını yavaşlatıp metabolizmasını depolama yönünde harekete geçirmesidir.In this study, the effect of F/M ratio on the formation of storage polymers was investigated in aerobic conditions under pulse feeding. For this purpose, a laboratory scale fill and draw parent reactor was established and operated at 2 days of sludge age and under aerobic conditions as a control reactor for other experiments which done to evaluate the effect of F/M ratio on storage response of biomass. The experimental works covered: determination of the process performance sustained at steady-state, respirometric tests, batch experiments, and evaluation of the stored amount of PHB. The results have shown that the ratio of initial substrate to biomass (S0/X0) was the key parameter for respirometric experiments directly affecting the shape and the order of magnitude of the respirometric profile. The experiments also shown that, the biomass is able to switch its substrate utilization mechanism to growth or storage when it is subjected to unsteady feast conditions. The results of this study indicate that, when the biomass faces with higher concentrations of substrate feeding than the study state conditions, it slows down the storage mechanism and increases the growth rate.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Intra and extracellular functions of sphingosine-1-phosphate in sterile inflammation.

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    Sterile inflammation is a key component of a variety of diseases including, gout, arthritis, type 1 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis (MS). Sterile inflammation induces the recruitment of immune cells via chemokines, such as CCL5 and CXCL10. Expression of these chemokines is dependent on IRF-1. Recently the FDA has approved the use of a pro-drug, FTY720 that after phosphorylation becomes a S1P mimetic for the treatment of MS. This report describes two novel and opposing mechanisms of S1P action in sterile inflammation. First, intracellular S1P acts as a cofactor of cIAP2 that inducesIL-1-dependent K63-polyubiquitination of IRF-1, which leads to the recruitment of immune cells to the site of inflammation. Conversely, extracellular S1P provides a feedback loop that inhibits CXCL10 and CCL5 expression through S1PR2 signaling. Accordingly, immune cell infiltration to sites of sterile inflammation is increased in S1PR2-/- production via calcium-dependent, but cAMP- and PKA-independent mechanisms that likely involve c-Fos expression and unconventional PKC activation. Elevated c-Fos could competitively inhibit CCL5 expression directly or indirectly via blocking IFN production. These two novel pathways highlight unexpected aspects of S1P signaling, and provide potential mechanisms that can be exploited for the improvement of therapeutics for the treatment of MS

    El feedback formativo y su relación con la competencia matemática en estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad de Lima-2022

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    El objetivo general para desarrollar la presente investigación fue determinar como el feedback formativo se relaciona con la competencia matemática de los estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad de Lima–2022.La metodología que se aplicó en esta investigación fue de enfoque cuantitativo, el tipo de investigación es básica, el diseño de investigación es no experimental y el nivel de investigación es correlacional. La población que participó y fue beneficiada con la investigación estuvo conformada por 70 estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad de Lima. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se utilizó cómo técnica la encuesta y cómo instrumento el cuestionario por cada variable, el nivel de confiabilidad obtenido del instrumento en cada variable fue alta. Estos instrumentos permitieron verificar la hipótesis general y las hipótesis específicas. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que de los 70 estudiantes que formaron parte del presente estudio, el 87% de estudiantes consideran que el uso del feedback formativo está relacionado con un buen desarrollo de la competencia matemática existiendo una correlación positiva y directa entre las dos variables, es decir que a un alto uso del feedback formativo habrá un mayor desarrollo de la competencia matemática y a un bajo uso del feedback formativo habrá un deficiente desarrollo de la competencia matemática

    Propuesta de una gestión de mantenimiento preventivo-predictivo para incrementar la confiabilidad y disponibilidad de los equipos eléctricos de sub estaciones eléctricas en la empresa Danper - Compositan, Viru-La Libertad

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general proponer mejoras del proceso de mantenimiento con un enfoque en la implementación de técnicas predictivas para mejorar la confiabilidad y disponibilidad de proceso de distribución eléctrica que alimenta a los pozos 18 y 21 del fundo COMPOSITAN en área de la empresa Danper, esta mejora nos dará como resulta que el proceso de regadío se dé con normalidades y que el costo por posibles daños sea el mínimo posible Para determinar las mejoras a proponer se elaboraron diagramas de Pareto, análisis causa efecto y lluvia de ideas. Los resultados que se lograron son: Creación de un sistema de control de equipos críticos en las subestaciones detallando según catalogo y especificaciones técnicas de Hidrandina los límites permisibles de inspección. Desarrollo de necesidades de un índice de inspección para el control y mantenimiento de los equipos eléctricos. Un programa de costo para la compra de elementos eléctricos para minimizar el tiempo muerto por pedido de piezas eléctricas. Hallazgo de la energía reactiva para la implementación de banco de condensadores Implementación en la ventilación de la subestaciones, compra de equipo de ventilación El impacto de las mejoras en el proceso de mantenimiento nos como resultado un mejor monitoreo, capacitando a los trabajadores y alargando la vida de los equipos eléctricos por diferentes condiciones internas o externas.ABSTRACT The present work had as general objective to propose improvements of the maintenance process with a focus on the implementation of predictive techniques to improve the reliability and availability of electrical distribution process that feeds the wells 18 and 21 of the farm COMPOSITAN in company area Danper this will improve us as it is the process of irrigation is given to normality and that the cost for damage is minimized To identify improvements to propose Pareto charts, cause-effect analysis and brainstorming were developed. The results achieved are: • Creation of a system of control of critical equipment in substations detailing as catalog and technical specifications of the permissible limits Hidrandina inspection. • Development needs an inspection rate for the control and maintenance of electricalequipment., • A program for the purchase cost of electric elements to minimize dead by time ordering electrical parts. • Finding of reactive power to implement capacitor bank • Implementation in the ventilation of the substation ventilation equipment purchase The impact of process improvements we maintenance result in better monitoring, empowering workers and extending the life of electrical equipment by various internal or external conditions

    Sostenibilidad agroecológica de los sistemas productivos en la comunidad El Trentino en el segundo semestre 2021

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    El trabajo de investigación se realizó en la comunidad El Trentino, San Ramón, Matagalpa, 2021. El objetivo fue analizar la sostenibilidad agroecológica de los sistemas productivos de las familias productoras de la comunidad. El tipo de investigación desarrollada es descriptiva, no experimental, ya que no se manipularon variables. En la investigación se evaluaron las siguientes variables: características de las fincas, biodiversidad, costos y rentabilidad de los sistemas productivos y el desempeño agroecológico de las fincas mediante la herramienta TAPE. Se trabajó con 28 productores de la comunidad que poseen al menos media manzana de tierra. Las técnicas de investigación utilizadas fueron la encuesta estructura, visitas de campo a las parcelas y la observación. Los resultados muestran que la edad predominante es de 27 a 50 años, el nivel de escolaridad predominante esprimaria con 37%. El 57% de las viviendas de los productores se encuentran en buen estado.La mayoría de las propiedades de los productores poseen suelos arenosos y topografía ondulada. En relación a la florística arbórea, ésta es relativamente baja, considerando que la mayoría de los productores no poseen las especies comunes de árboles presentes en la comunidad. El cultivo de maíz es rentable para los productores, ya que la mayoría de ellos solo cultivan para consumo propio, en algunos de los casos las familias son las que trabajan, disminuyendo los gastos de mano de obra. La sostenibilidad de los agroecosistemas es baja, debido principalmente a la insuficiencia en los mecanismos de la economía circular, el reciclaje, y la resiliencia a factores como el cambio climático


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    The authors supported the process of reading comprehension as a communicative skill of relevance in the education of future professors for Elementary Education in the Republic of Ecuador. As a basis, the authors determined the theoretical frame of this skill taking into consideration the communicative approach as the general methodological conception for the development of this skill, as well as its relation with other categories and basic concepts from the perspective of the pedagogical sciences. The ones considered were: communication, comprehension, text, and communicative skills. As the main theoretical consideration, the authors determined that it can be said that someone has comprehended a text when he is able to carry out a critical evaluation of its contents form his individual cosmovision. Then, as the main results, the authors offered didactic suggestions which they considered useful for the development of this skill. These are related to: the communicative approach and its practical implications, the process of comprehension mainly from a psychological perspective, the consideration of the text as a mediator in the process of comprehension and not as an end in itself, reading strategies as an essential factor during the development of this communicative skill, the necessity to assume a critical position towards the contents of the reading texts, and the importance of contextualizing the reading process and exploiting in its learning the facilities of the technologies of information and communication.Se abordó el proceso de comprensión lectora como habilidad comunicativa de relevancia en la formación de docentes para la Educación Primaria en la República de Ecuador. Se partió de los fundamentos teóricos de esta habilidad desde la consideración del enfoque comunicativo como concepción metodológica general para el desarrollo de esta habilidad comunicativa, así como la relación de esta con otras importantes categorías y conceptos básicos desde las mirada de las ciencias pedagógicas, a saber, comunicación, comprensión, texto y habilidad comunicativa. Como consideración central se asumió que se ha comprendido un texto escrito cuando el estudiante es capaz de realizar valoraciones críticas desde su cosmovisión individual. Como colofón se ofrecieron sugerencias didácticas que se consideraron útiles para el desarrollo de esta habilidad. Estas se centraron en: el enfoque comunicativo y sus implicaciones prácticas, el proceso de comprensión básicamente desde una perspectiva psicológica, la consideración del texto como mediador en el proceso de comprensión y no como fin en sí mismo, las estrategias lectoras como factor esencial a formar durante el aprendizaje de esta habilidad comunicativa, la necesidad de asumir una posición crítica ante el contenido del texto y la importancia de contextualizar la lectura y explotar en su aprendizaje las facilidades de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones

    Surgical treatment for non-parasitic liver cysts improves quality of life

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    BACKGROUND&PURPOSE: Liver cysts occur frequently. Most are harmless, however some carry a significant patient burden. Optimizing treatment strategy is complicated as needs differ between patients. The current study assesses the effect of surgery on quality of life (QoL) of patients with non-parasitic liver cysts. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of all patients who underwent surgery for non-parasitic liver cysts in three major Dutch medical centers from 1993 to 2017. Patient characteristics and surgery related variables were collected from the electronic patient file. QoL was measured before and after surgery using the EORTC QLQ-C30. Summary scores (SumSc) were calculated and compared to reference values of the general population. Multivariate analysis using logistic regression was performed for identifying outcome related factors. Increase of ≥ 10% in SumSc was defined as clinically relevant. MAIN FINDINGS: Eighty-eight of 132 eligible patients (67%) completed two QoL assessments. Respondents demonstrated significant improvement in the global health status, on all 5 functional scales (all p ≤ 0.005), on all 9 symptom scales after surgery (all p < 0.05), and on SumSc (p < 0.001) to levels similar or better than the general population. Patients with complications demonstrated a significant QoL gain (p < 0.05), and reported a similar postoperative status compared to patients without complications (p = 0.74). QoL gain for patients who underwent open and laparoscopic cyst fenestration were similar (p = 0.08). Multivariate analysis of SumSc found mechanical complaints as significant factor for ≥ 10% SumSc increase (OR 0.11, 95% CI (0.02-0.55). CONCLUSIONS: Surgery is a safe and effective strategy to significantly improve QoL in patients with symptomatic liver cysts

    Phase I interim results of a phase I/II study of the IgG-Fc fusion COVID-19 subunit vaccine, AKS-452

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    To address the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a recombinant subunit vaccine, AKS-452, is being developed comprising an Fc fusion protein of the SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein receptor binding domain (SP/RBD) antigen and human IgG1 Fc emulsified in the water-in-oil adjuvant, Montanide™ ISA 720. A single-center, open-label, phase I dose-finding and safety study was conducted with 60 healthy adults (18–65 years) receiving one or two doses 28 days apart of 22.5 µg, 45 µg, or 90 µg of AKS-452 (i.e., six cohorts, N = 10 subjects per cohort). Primary endpoints were safety and reactogenicity and secondary endpoints were immunogenicity assessments. No AEs ≥ 3, no SAEs attributable to AKS-452, and no SARS-CoV-2 viral infections occurred during the study. Seroconversion rates of anti-SARS-CoV-2 SP/RBD IgG titers in the 22.5, 45, and 90 µg cohorts at day 28 were 70%, 90%, and 100%, respectively, which all increased to 100% at day 56 (except 89% for the single-dose 22.5 µg cohort). All IgG titers were Th1-isotype skewed and efficiently bound mutant SP/RBD from several SARS-CoV-2 variants with strong neutralization potencies of live virus infection of cells (including alpha and delta variants). The favorable safety and immunogenicity profiles of this phase I study (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04681092) support phase II initiation of this room-temperature stable vaccine that can be rapidly and inexpensively manufactured to serve vaccination at a global scale without the need of a complex distribution or cold chain