132 research outputs found

    How national regulatory agencies are integrated within multi-level European governance

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    The last few decades have seen a dramatic increase in both the number of national regulatory agencies operating across Europe and the number of European agencies operating under the framework of the EU. But how do these two groups of agencies interact? Drawing on a new study, Jacint Jordana and Kutsal Yesilkagit demonstrate how national regulatory agencies and European agencies have become entangled within multi-level European governance

    de grenzeloze staat

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    Oratie uitgesproken door Prof.dr. A.K. Yesilkagit bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Public Administration with a focus on International Governance aan de Universiteit Leiden op vrijdag 26 augustus 2016Oratie uitgesproken door Prof.dr. A.K. Yesilkagit bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Public Administration with a focus on International Governance aan de Universiteit Leiden op vrijdag 26 augustus 201

    The New Eurocrats

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    Policies in the EU are largely made by national civil servants who prepare and implement decisions in Brussels as well as at home. Despite their important role, these national civil servants form a relatively hidden world that has received little attention from both the media and academics. This volume considers a wide variety of sources and research methods to answer such questions as: how many civil servants are actually involved in EU-related activities? What do these civil servants do when they engage with the EU? And how do they negotiate their dual roles? The New Eurocrats offers unique and invaluable insights into these civil servants and their working practices-and uncovers some secrets in the world of EU governance along the way

    Organizational Demography

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    The politics and administration of institutional chang

    The effects of European regulatory networks on the bureaucratic autonomy of national regulatory authorities

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    The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Government capacity, societal trust or party preferences: what accounts for the variety of national policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe?

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    European states responded to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 with a variety of public policy measures. In this article we ask what can account for this variation in policy responses, and we identify a number of factors related to institutions, general governance and specific health-sector related capacities, societal trust, government type, and party preferences as possible determinants. Using multivariate regression and survival analysis, we model the speed with which school closures and national lockdowns were imposed. The models suggest a number of significant and often counterintuitive relationships: more centralized countries with lower government effectiveness, freedom and societal trust, but with separate ministries of health and health ministers with medical background acted faster and more decisively. High perceived capacity might have provided false confidence to the governments, resulting in a delayed response to the early stages of the pandemic. Furthermore, more right-wing and authoritarian governments responded faster.The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Ministerial influence on the machinery of government: insights on the Inside

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    The structure and organisation of the machinery of government is key to theambitions of political coalitions. When portfolio allocation and agencificationare a function of political choice, political volatility should also affect internalstructure of government administrations. This study tests the effects of politicalturnover of individual ministers and of the political ideology of coalitionson a dataset of intra-ministerial changes in Dutch ministries between 1980and 2014. Findings indicate that the turnover of political heads of departmentsand the shifts in policy preferences between successive coalitionsindeed affects the internal structure of ministerial departments. Political variableshave a strong impact, particularly changes in the left–right position ofthe government. A clear pattern for how precisely politics affect the structuraldesign of public organisations remains absent, in spite of the robustness ofthe findings. Most ministries experience significant effect of executive turnover,sometimes increasing the hazards of intra-organisational transitions andsometimes increasing stability. It turns out that ministers can substantially rearrangetheir organisations in line with their policy preferences but do notnecessarily do so. Sometimes the effect of liberal ideology dominates, sometimesthe effect of the policy preferences with respect to a specificdomain prevails.NWOORASecurity and Global AffairsThe politics and administration of institutional chang

    Transnational bureaucratic politics : an institutional rivalry perspective on EU network governance

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    This contribution introduces our symposium by highlighting four distinctive aspects of transnational governance from a bureaucratic politics perspective: the emergence of transnational institutions, their functioning, their impact on the domestic level, and the diffusion of regulatory standards. The general argument is that many accounts of transnational governance seem to be overly optimistic about the conditions for effective problem-solving and fail to take into account that institutional rivalry may either support or constrain the implementation of supranational policies. The aim of this piece is to review existing research, to highlight the contribution of the symposium articles in furthering an institutional rivalry perspective on transnational governance, and to sketch pertinent areas for further research building upon this perspective