8 research outputs found

    La positivización del estado de necesidad defensivo como causa de justificación en el ordenamiento jurídico Peruano

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general analizar la manera en que influiría la positivización del estado de necesidad defensivo como causa de justificación en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano, de allí que, nuestra pregunta general de investigación sea: ¿De qué manera influiría la positivización del estado de necesidad defensivo como causa de justificación en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano?; asimismo, la investigación guarda un método de investigación de enfoque cualitativo, con un método general denominado la hermenéutica, de igual modo, presenta un tipo de investigación básico o fundamental, con un nivel explicativo y un diseño observacional – teoría fundamentada. Además, la investigación, porsu naturaleza expuesta, utilizará la técnica del análisis documental de leyes, códigos y libros de doctrina que serán procesados mediante la argumentación jurídica a través de los instrumentos de recolección de datos como la ficha textual y de resumen que se obtengan de cada libro con información relevante. El resultado más destacado de la investigación fue: debe tenerse en cuenta dentro del ejercicio de la función legislativa, la norma penal que se quiere emitir debe de estar acorde a todo el ordenamiento jurídico que la precede a fin de que este en armonía. La conclusión más importante fue que: es necesario la positivización del estado de necesidad defensivo dentro de la codificación penal, dada que, la naturaleza jurídica del sistema judicial peruano tiende hacia la positivización y codificación de las instituciones. Finalmente, la recomendación más importante fue que: El Poder Judicial fomente el empleo y la utilización del estado de necesidad defensivo de la práctica jurisdiccional, así mismo, establecer una línea jurisprudencial

    Estilos de liderazgo y satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de Corporación & Inversiones CYSA S. R. L. Cajamarca, 2021

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación, se buscó determinar la relación que existe entre el estilo de liderazgo y satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa Corporación & Inversiones CYSA S.R.L., Cajamarca 2021, así como cuál es el estilo de liderazgo que predomina en la organización, también el nivel de satisfacción laboral y como se relacionan cada una de las dimensiones entre ambos. La empresa cuenta con 21 colaboradores a nivel de provincia, mismos que fueron tomados en su totalidad para el desarrollo de la investigación, el diseño de la investigación fue no experimental de corte transversal, ya que no se manipulo ninguna de las variables en estudio, la recolección de datos se dio en un momento determinado. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios para la recolección de datos e información y a través de un análisis estadístico descriptivo, se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados. Se demostró que existe una relación fuerte entre ambas variables de estudio ya que al analizar los datos obtenidos se obtuvo un resultado de 0.802 en la prueba Pearson. Además, el estilo de liderazgo con mayor nivel de percepción fue el estilo transformacional con un valor del 76% en el nivel alto y por último se encontró que el nivel de satisfacción laboral está en un valor alto con un porcentaje del 81%

    Dietary strategies for improving iron status: balancing safety and efficacy.

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    In light of evidence that high-dose iron supplements lead to a range of adverse events in low-income settings, the safety and efficacy of lower doses of iron provided through biological or industrial fortification of foodstuffs is reviewed. First, strategies for point-of-manufacture chemical fortification are compared with biofortification achieved through plant breeding. Recent insights into the mechanisms of human iron absorption and regulation, the mechanisms by which iron can promote malaria and bacterial infections, and the role of iron in modifying the gut microbiota are summarized. There is strong evidence that supplemental iron given in nonphysiological amounts can increase the risk of bacterial and protozoal infections (especially malaria), but the use of lower quantities of iron provided within a food matrix, ie, fortified food, should be safer in most cases and represents a more logical strategy for a sustained reduction of the risk of deficiency by providing the best balance of risk and benefits. Further research into iron compounds that would minimize the availability of unabsorbed iron to the gut microbiota is warranted

    Bioaccessibility of Biofortified Sweet Potato Carotenoids in Baby Food: Impact of Manufacturing Process

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    Orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP), a biofortified crop rich in β-carotene, can be used as a component of baby food recipes in order to tackle vitamin A deficiency in children <6 years old. In this work, the impact of formulation (addition of pumpkin, oil, and egg yolk) and industrial heat processing (pasteurization, sterilization) on carotenoid content and bioaccessibility was evaluated in an OFSP-based baby puree. A commercial OFSP baby food product from Brazil and a homemade OFSP puree were used as references. The losses of all-trans-β-carotene ranged from 16 to 21% (pasteurization, homemade) to 32% (sterilization). Because of higher particle sizes and despite a higher content in carotenoids, the homemade puree had a lower bioaccessibility (i.e., micellar transfer using in vitro digestion: 0.50%) compared with the sterilized and commercial purees (5.3–6.2%). Taking into account bioaccessibility and applying a 50% conversion to retinol, a 115 g baby portion of the sterilized OFSP-puree formulated with 2% oil provided 31.4% of the daily vitamin A requirement (RDA) for children under 6 years. In comparison, 115 g of homemade OFSP-puree provided only 3.5% of the RDA. Addition of pumpkin to OFSP did not improve the percentage of RDA. Interestingly, the incorporation of an emulsifier (egg yolk powder) before cooking could improve the percentage of provision by a factor of 2.7. These results showed that reaching a balance between formulation and processing is determinant to maximize carotenoid bioaccessibility of carotenoids from OFSP-based baby food

    Unsubstituted and Hydroxy Substituted Fatty Acids in a Recent Lacustrine Sediment (Lake Léman, Geneva, Switzerland)

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    Unsubstituted as well as α-, β- and (ω-1)-hydroxy substituted fatty acids were analyzed in a 5 m long sediment core taken from Lake Léman (Switzerland). All these acids occur in three forms: unbound, bound and tightly bound and our results show that there is no conversion from one form to another. The fact that below a burial depth of 30 cm the abundance profiles show no decreasing trend indicates that the diagenetic reactions do not operate below that depth. On the basis of our results, compared with other published data, source correlations are postulated for each of the acid classes. The presence of unsubstituted monounsaturated acids in the C₂₀ to C₃₂ range probably indicates that long chain fatty acids cannot be considered only as indicators of inputs from higher plants. Finally, C₂₇, C₂₉ and C₃₁ (ω-1)-hydroxyacids with unusual structures have also been found in these sediments, as well as 2-methyl nonacosanoic acid; their origin has not yet been established

    Bioaccessibility of Biofortified Sweet Potato Carotenoids in Baby Food: Impact of Manufacturing Process

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    International audienceOrange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP), a biofortified crop rich in β-carotene, can be used as a component of baby food recipes in order to tackle vitamin A deficiency in children <6 years old. In this work, the impact of formulation (addition of pumpkin, oil, and egg yolk) and industrial heat processing (pasteurization, sterilization) on carotenoid content and bioaccessibility was evaluated in an OFSP-based baby puree. A commercial OFSP baby food product from Brazil and a homemade OFSP puree were used as references. The losses of all-trans-β-carotene ranged from 16 to 21% (pasteurization, homemade) to 32% (sterilization). Because of higher particle sizes and despite a higher content in carotenoids, the homemade puree had a lower bioaccessibility (i.e., micellar transfer using in vitro digestion: 0.50%) compared with the sterilized and commercial purees (5.3–6.2%). Taking into account bioaccessibility and applying a 50% conversion to retinol, a 115 g baby portion of the sterilized OFSP-puree formulated with 2% oil provided 31.4% of the daily vitamin A requirement (RDA) for children under 6 years. In comparison, 115 g of homemade OFSP-puree provided only 3.5% of the RDA. Addition of pumpkin to OFSP did not improve the percentage of RDA. Interestingly, the incorporation of an emulsifier (egg yolk powder) before cooking could improve the percentage of provision by a factor of 2.7. These results showed that reaching a balance between formulation and processing is determinant to maximize carotenoid bioaccessibility of carotenoids from OFSP-based baby food