16 research outputs found


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    We consider a two-tier structure with a consistent organization for converting solar energy into electrical energy at the location of the territorial photogenerators along linear objects such as streets and highways.Рассматривается двухступенчатая структура с последовательной организацией для преобразования солнечной энергии в электрическую при расположении фотогенераторов вдоль линейных территориальных объектов типа улиц и автодорог.Розглядається двоступінчата структура з послідовною організацією для перетворення сонячної енергії в електричну при розташуванні фотогенераторів уздовж лінійних територіальних об'єктів типа вулиць і автодоріг

    Influence of spirocarbone and derivates of pyrrolopyrimidinedions on phisical and chemical properties of the hemoglobin ligand forms of blood in vitro

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    The effect of heterocyclic substance spirocarbon and pyrrolopyrimidinedione derivatives was studied on the hemoglobin ligand forms dynamics (RHb, HbO2, HbCO, SHb, MetHb), its basic stability, methemoglobin peroxidase activity and spectrophotometric characteristics of CNMetHb-Coomassi G-250 in the healthy donors’ blood. It was shown that spirocarbon causes a slight HbO2 decrease. In the experiments with pyrrolopyrimidindion derivatives the everage HbO2 values are in the range of control. There was carried out an analysis of HbO2, MetHb, CNMetHb electron spectra and the electron spectra of the complexes CNMetHb-Coomassi G-250. It was testified that spirocarbon causes a certain increase of basic stable hemoglobin and decrease of peroxydase activity. The pyrrolopyrimidinedione derivatives result in increasing of methemoglobin peroxydase activity in the tested samples

    Influence of spirocarbone and derivates of pyrrolo pyrimidinediones of survival of leukemia cells

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    Influence of spirocarbone and derivates of pyrrolopyrimidinediones (1,6-dimethyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,4,5,7-hexahydropyrolo-[3,4-d]-pyrimidindione-2,5(1Н), and 1,6-dimethyl-4-(2-threefluoromethylphenyl)-1,2,3,4,5,7-hexahydropyrrolo-[3,4-d]-pyrimidinedione-2,5(1Н) on the leukemia cells of L1210 and CEM-T4 lines of mouse and human, res­pectively was studied. Cytotoxic effect of spirocarbone towards L1210 cells accompa­nied by apoptotic fragmen­tation of nuclear DNA

    Transformation of Power Generated in Railways Dispossession Belt by Solar Energy

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    Система преобразования энергии, генерируемой в полосе отчуждения железной дороги с помощью солнечных панелей / Ю. П. Гончаров, В. Г. Сыченко, Е. Н. Косарев [и др.] // Вісник Приазовського державного технічного університету. Серія: Технічні науки : сб. науч. тр. — Мариуполь, 2015. — № 30, т. 2. — С. 98—108.RU: Рассмотрена возможность размещения фотогенераторов в зоне отчуждения железной дороги. Предложена структурная и электрическая схемы системы распределенной генерации для питания электрической тяги постоянного тока. Произведен выбор и обоснование частоты промежуточных звеньев преобразователей, используемых в системе.UK: Розглянуто можливість розміщення фотогенераторів в зоні відчуження залізниці. Запропоновано структурну і електричну схеми системи. Зроблено вибір і обґрунтування частоти проміжних ланок перетворювачів, що використовуваних в системі.EN: The arising deficiency of traditional energy sources necessitates the use of renewable energetics. One of the advantages of the sources of renewable energy is the possibility of constructing a system of distributed generation. For conditions of Ukraine distributed generators placed along the existing facilities with a linear arrangement are the most promising.НТУ «Харьковский политехнический институт», Харьков; «Государственный научно-исследовательский центр Укрзализныци», Кие

    The CCube reconstruction algorithm for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThe SoLid experiment is a very-short-baseline experiment aimed at searching for nuclear reactor-produced active to sterile antineutrino oscillations. The detection principle is based on the pairing of two types of solid scintillators: polyvinyl toluene and 6^6LiF:ZnS(Ag), which is a new technology used in this field of Physics. In addition to good neutron-gamma discrimination, this setup allows the detector to be highly segmented (the basic detection unit is a 5 cm side cube). High segmentation provides numerous advantages, including the precise location of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) products, the derivation of the considerate antineutrino energy estimator, and a powerful background reduction tool based on the topological signature of the signal. Finally, the system is read out by a network of wavelength-shifting fibres coupled to a photodetector (MPPC). This paper describes the design of the reconstruction algorithm that allows maximum use of the granularity of the detector. The goal of the algorithm is to convert the output of the optical-fibre readout to the list of the detection units from which it originated. This paper provides a performance comparison for three methods and concludes with a choice of the baseline approach for the experiment

    The CCube reconstruction algorithm for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThe SoLid experiment is a very-short-baseline experiment aimed at searching for nuclear reactor-produced active to sterile antineutrino oscillations. The detection principle is based on the pairing of two types of solid scintillators: polyvinyl toluene and 6^6LiF:ZnS(Ag), which is a new technology used in this field of Physics. In addition to good neutron-gamma discrimination, this setup allows the detector to be highly segmented (the basic detection unit is a 5 cm side cube). High segmentation provides numerous advantages, including the precise location of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) products, the derivation of the considerate antineutrino energy estimator, and a powerful background reduction tool based on the topological signature of the signal. Finally, the system is read out by a network of wavelength-shifting fibres coupled to a photodetector (MPPC). This paper describes the design of the reconstruction algorithm that allows maximum use of the granularity of the detector. The goal of the algorithm is to convert the output of the optical-fibre readout to the list of the detection units from which it originated. This paper provides a performance comparison for three methods and concludes with a choice of the baseline approach for the experiment

    The CCube reconstruction algorithm for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThe SoLid experiment is a very-short-baseline experiment aimed at searching for nuclear reactor-produced active to sterile antineutrino oscillations. The detection principle is based on the pairing of two types of solid scintillators: polyvinyl toluene and 6^6LiF:ZnS(Ag), which is a new technology used in this field of Physics. In addition to good neutron-gamma discrimination, this setup allows the detector to be highly segmented (the basic detection unit is a 5 cm side cube). High segmentation provides numerous advantages, including the precise location of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) products, the derivation of the considerate antineutrino energy estimator, and a powerful background reduction tool based on the topological signature of the signal. Finally, the system is read out by a network of wavelength-shifting fibres coupled to a photodetector (MPPC). This paper describes the design of the reconstruction algorithm that allows maximum use of the granularity of the detector. The goal of the algorithm is to convert the output of the optical-fibre readout to the list of the detection units from which it originated. This paper provides a performance comparison for three methods and concludes with a choice of the baseline approach for the experiment

    The CCube reconstruction algorithm for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThe SoLid experiment is a very-short-baseline experiment aimed at searching for nuclear reactor-produced active to sterile antineutrino oscillations. The detection principle is based on the pairing of two types of solid scintillators: polyvinyl toluene and 6^6LiF:ZnS(Ag), which is a new technology used in this field of Physics. In addition to good neutron-gamma discrimination, this setup allows the detector to be highly segmented (the basic detection unit is a 5 cm side cube). High segmentation provides numerous advantages, including the precise location of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) products, the derivation of the considerate antineutrino energy estimator, and a powerful background reduction tool based on the topological signature of the signal. Finally, the system is read out by a network of wavelength-shifting fibres coupled to a photodetector (MPPC). This paper describes the design of the reconstruction algorithm that allows maximum use of the granularity of the detector. The goal of the algorithm is to convert the output of the optical-fibre readout to the list of the detection units from which it originated. This paper provides a performance comparison for three methods and concludes with a choice of the baseline approach for the experiment

    High Energy Physics Opportunities Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. The community's aims offer strong complimentary with numerous aspects of the wider US neutrino program and have direct relevance to most of the topical sub-groups composing the Snowmass 2021 Neutrino Frontier. Reactor neutrino experiments also have a direct societal impact and have become a strong workforce and technology development pipeline for DOE National Laboratories and universities. This white paper, prepared as a submission to the Snowmass 2021 community organizing exercise, will survey the state of the reactor antineutrino physics field and summarize the ways in which current and future reactor antineutrino experiments can play a critical role in advancing the field of particle physics in the next decade

    High Energy Physics Opportunities Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. The community's aims offer strong complimentary with numerous aspects of the wider US neutrino program and have direct relevance to most of the topical sub-groups composing the Snowmass 2021 Neutrino Frontier. Reactor neutrino experiments also have a direct societal impact and have become a strong workforce and technology development pipeline for DOE National Laboratories and universities. This white paper, prepared as a submission to the Snowmass 2021 community organizing exercise, will survey the state of the reactor antineutrino physics field and summarize the ways in which current and future reactor antineutrino experiments can play a critical role in advancing the field of particle physics in the next decade