8 research outputs found

    Mosquito ageing modulates the development, virulence and transmission potential of pathogens

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    Host age variation is a striking source of heterogeneity that can shape the evolution and transmission dynamic of pathogens. Compared with vertebrate systems, our understanding of the impact of host age on invertebrate–pathogen interactions remains limited. We examined the influence of mosquito age on key life-history traits driving human malaria transmission. Females of Anopheles coluzzii, a major malaria vector, belonging to three age classes (4-, 8- and 12-day-old), were experimentally infected with Plasmodium falciparum field isolates. Our findings revealed reduced competence in 12-day-old mosquitoes, characterized by lower oocyst/sporozoite rates and intensities compared with younger mosquitoes. Despite shorter median longevities in older age classes, infected 12-day-old mosquitoes exhibited improved survival, suggesting that the infection might act as a fountain of youth for older mosquitoes specifically. The timing of sporozoite appearance in the salivary glands remained consistent across mosquito age classes, with an extrinsic incubation period of approximately 13 days. Integrating these results into an epidemiological model revealed a lower vectorial capacity for older mosquitoes compared with younger ones, albeit still substantial owing to extended longevity in the presence of infection. Considering age heterogeneity provides valuable insights for ecological and epidemiological studies, informing targeted control strategies to mitigate pathogen transmission

    A non-destructive sugar-feeding assay for parasite detection and estimating the extrinsic incubation period of Plasmodium falciparum in individual mosquito vectors

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    Despite its epidemiological importance, the time Plasmodium parasites take to achieve development in the vector mosquito (the extrinsic incubation period, EIP) remains poorly characterized. A novel non-destructive assay designed to estimate EIP in single mosquitoes, and more broadly to study Plasmodium–Anopheles vectors interactions, is presented. The assay uses small pieces of cotton wool soaked in sugar solution to collect malaria sporozoites from individual mosquitoes during sugar feeding to monitor infection status over time. This technique has been tested across four natural malaria mosquito species of Africa and Asia, infected with Plasmodium falciparum (six field isolates from gametocyte-infected patients in Burkina Faso and the NF54 strain) and across a range of temperatures relevant to malaria transmission in field conditions. Monitoring individual infectious mosquitoes was feasible. The estimated median EIP of P. falciparum at 27 °C was 11 to 14 days depending on mosquito species and parasite isolate. Long-term individual tracking revealed that sporozoites transfer onto cotton wool can occur at least until day 40 post-infection. Short individual EIP were associated with short mosquito lifespan. Correlations between mosquito/parasite traits often reveal trade-offs and constraints and have important implications for understanding the evolution of parasite transmission strategies

    Contrasting effects of the alkaloid ricinine on the capacity of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii to transmit Plasmodium falciparum

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    Background Besides feeding on blood, females of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae sensu lato readily feed on natural sources of plant sugars. The impact of toxic secondary phytochemicals contained in plant-derived sugars on mosquito physiology and the development of Plasmodium parasites remains elusive. The focus of this study was to explore the influence of the alkaloid ricinine, found in the nectar of the castor bean Ricinus communis, on the ability of mosquitoes to transmit Plasmodium falciparum. Methods Females of Anopheles gambiae and its sibling species Anopheles coluzzii were exposed to ricinine through sugar feeding assays to assess the effect of this phytochemical on mosquito survival, level of P. falciparum infection and growth rate of the parasite. Results Ricinine induced a significant reduction in the longevity of both Anopheles species. Ricinine caused acceleration in the parasite growth rate with an earlier invasion of the salivary glands in both species. At a concentration of 0.04 g l−1 in An. coluzzii, ricinine had no effect on mosquito infection, while 0.08 g l−1 ricinine-5% glucose solution induced a 14% increase in An. gambiae infection rate. Conclusions Overall, our findings reveal that consumption of certain nectar phytochemicals can have unexpected and contrasting effects on key phenotypic traits that govern the intensity of malaria transmission. Further studies will be required before concluding on the putative role of ricinine as a novel control agent, including the development of ricinine-based toxic and transmission-blocking sugar baits. Testing other secondary phytochemicals in plant nectar will provide a broader understanding of the impact which plants can have on the transmission of vector-borne diseases

    Plant-mediated effects on mosquito capacity to transmit human malaria

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    The ecological context in which mosquitoes and malaria parasites interact has received little attention, compared to the genetic and molecular aspects of malaria transmission. Plant nectar and fruits are important for the nutritional ecology of malaria vectors, but how the natural diversity of plant-derived sugar sources affects mosquito competence for malaria parasites is unclear. To test this, we infected Anopheles coluzzi, an important African malaria vector, with sympatric field isolates of Plasmodium falciparum, using direct membrane feeding assays. Through a series of experiments, we then examined the effects of sugar meals from Thevetia neriifolia and Barleria lupilina cuttings that included flowers, and fruit from Lannea microcarpa and Mangifera indica on parasite and mosquito traits that are key for determining the intensity of malaria transmission. We found that the source of plant sugar meal differentially affected infection prevalence and intensity, the development duration of the parasites, as well as the survival and fecundity of the vector. These effects are likely the result of complex interactions between toxic secondary metabolites and the nutritional quality of the plant sugar source, as well as of host resource availability and parasite growth. Using an epidemiological model, we show that plant sugar source can be a significant driver of malaria transmission dynamics, with some plant species exhibiting either transmission-reducing or -enhancing activities

    Malaria transmission blocking activity of sesquiterpene lactones from Vernonia amygdalina

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    Background: Most of the currently available anti-malarial drugs act on asexual stages of the Plasmodium parasite and have limited impact on the sexual stages to block transmission. Search for drugs active against transmissible stages imperative for the development of transmission blocking interventions. This study aimed to assess whether Vernonia amygdalina, a plant used traditionally to treat malaria fever, contains secondary metabolites interfering with the development of early sporogonic stages (ESS): gamete, zygote formation and/or ookinete maturation. Methods: Plasmodium berghei CTRPp.GFP was used to determine in vitro activity of fractions and isolated molecules against ESS. Gametocytemic blood from BALB/c mice was incubated in microplates with the test substances. Zygote and ookinete formation was scored after 40h of incubation under the fluorescent microscope (400x). The fractions, found active on P. berghei, were then examined on P. falciparum field isolates. Gametocytemic blood from volunteers was supplemented with fractions (at 100 ppm) and membrane fed to Anopheles coluzzii mosquitoes. A week later, mosquito midguts were dissected and examined for oocysts. Results: Organic fractions from the methanol extract of V. amygdalina leaves proved to be strongly active against ESS of P. berghei. Fraction 11 (eluted with n-hexane:ethylacetate 1:1 and 7:13) and fraction 13 (eluted with ethylacetate) suppressed ESS development by 98- 100% at a concentration of 50 ppm . In the experiments with P. falciparum field isolates, control mosquitoes displayed an oocyst prevalence ranging from 30 to 50%, whereas the oocyst prevalence in mosquitoes membrane fed with gametocytemic blood treated with fraction 11 and 13 at 100 ppm ranged from 0 to 32% and 0 to 8%, respectively. The oocyst density among oocyst-positive mosquitoes varied from 3.5 to 4.2 per mosquito in controls, compare to 1.8 to 2.4 and 1.3 to 1.8 in fraction 11 and 13, respectively. Subsequent chemical analysis revealed sesquiterpenes vernolide and vernodalol to be the major components of fraction 11 and 13, respectively. The isolated molecules confirmed their effects on P. berghei ESS in vitro, with vernodalol displaying a relatively stronger inhibitory activity than vernolide on the transmissible stages. Conclusion: Vernolide and vernodalol rich fractions from V. amygdalina leaves hold promise for the development of medicines impacting on the transmissible stages of the malaria parasites

    Data from: Plant-mediated effects on mosquito capacity to transmit human malaria

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    The ecological context in which mosquitoes and malaria parasites interact has received little attention, compared to the genetic and molecular aspects of malaria transmission. Plant nectar and fruits are important for the nutritional ecology of malaria vectors, but how the natural diversity of plant-derived sugar sources affects mosquito competence for malaria parasites is unclear. To test this, we infected Anopheles coluzzi, an important African malaria vector, with sympatric field isolates of Plasmodium falciparum, using direct membrane feeding assays. Through a series of experiments, we then examined the effects of sugar meals from Thevetia neriifolia and Barleria lupilina cuttings that included flowers, and fruit from Lannea microcarpa and Mangifera indica on parasite and mosquito traits that are key for determining the intensity of malaria transmission. We found that the source of plant sugar meal differentially affected infection prevalence and intensity, the development duration of the parasites, as well as the survival and fecundity of the vector. These effects are likely the result of complex interactions between toxic secondary metabolites and the nutritional quality of the plant sugar source, as well as of host resource availability and parasite growth. Using an epidemiological model, we show that plant sugar source can be a significant driver of malaria transmission dynamics, with some plant species exhibiting either transmission-reducing or -enhancing activities

    Effect of sugar treatment on the sporozoite index and EIP.

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    <p>(a) Sporozoite index (± 95% CI), expressed as the proportion of mosquitoes exposed to an infectious blood meal and having disseminated sporozoites in their head/thoraces, over 2 replicates and using a total of 4 gametocyte carriers. Numbers in brackets indicate, for each sugar treatment, the total number of mosquitoes analyzed with PCR on 14 days post infection (dpi). Different letters above the bars denote statistically significant differences based on multiple pair-wise post-hoc tests. (b) Survivorship of malaria-exposed mosquitoes for each sugar treatment over 2 replicates, and using a total of 4 gametocyte carriers. Survival was recorded twice a day from 1 to 14 dpi. (c) Sporozoite index (± 95% CI) over time and using a total of 2 gametocyte carriers. *p<0.05; **p < 0.01, NS: non-significant difference between sugar treatment</p

    Effect of sugar treatment on the early development of <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i>, and on the survival and fecundity of malaria-exposed <i>Anopheles coluzzii</i>.

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    <p>(a) Infection rate (± 95% CI), expressed as the proportion of mosquitoes exposed to an infectious blood meal and harboring at least one oocyst in their midgut, over 4 replicates and using a total of 7 gametocyte carriers. Numbers in brackets indicate the total number of mosquitoes dissected 7 days post infection (dpi) for each sugar treatment. Different letters above the bars denote statistically significant differences based on multiple pair-wise post-hoc tests. (b) Infection intensity (± se), expressed as the mean number of developing oocysts in the guts of infected females, over 4 replicates and using a total of 7 gametocyte carriers. Numbers in brackets indicate the total number of infected mosquitoes for each sugar treatment. Different letters above the bars denote statistically significant differences based on multiple pair-wise post-hoc tests. (c) Survivorship of malaria-exposed mosquitoes for each sugar treatment over 4 replicates and using a total of 7 gametocyte carriers. Survival was recorded twice a day from 1 to 7 dpi. (d) Egg incidence (± 95% CI) of malaria-exposed mosquitoes, expressed as the proportion of mosquito females carrying fully matured eggs inside their ovaries on 7 dpi for each sugar treatment and infection status.</p