227 research outputs found

    Squamous differentiation ın transitional bladder carcinomas and ıts correlation with grade, stage, dna content, and prognosis

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada transizyonel hücreli mesane karsinomlarında (THK) izlenen skuamöz diferansiyasyonun evre, derece,DNA içeriği ve prognozla ilişkisi araştırılmıştır. Gereç Yöntem: Skuamöz diferansiyasyonlu olgularda histopatolojik derecelendirme (Mostofi), evreleme (AJCC), tümör hücrelerinde akımsitometrisi (flowcytometry) ile çalışılan DNA içerikleri, klinik izlem ve bunların biribirleri ile ilişkileri tanımlayıcı istatistik (anterior ortalama, standart hata, standart sapma) ve analitik istatistik yöntemler (Pearson chi square, Pearson bağıntı analizi, Kaplan-Meier) kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Derece I olan 16 olgudan 14'ünde skuamöz diferansiyasyon yokken, 2'sinde mevcuttu. Derece III olan olguların 6'sında skuamöz diferansiyasyon izlenmezken 8'inde izlendi. Evre I olan 17 olgudan 14'ünde skuamöz diferansiyasyon yokken, 3'ünde vardı. Evre II olan 11 olgudan 6'sında skuamöz diferansiyasyon yokken, 5'inde vardı. Evre III olan 2 olgunun 2'sinde de skuamöz diferansiyasyon izlendi. DNA içeriği diploid olan 15 olgudan 14'ünde skuamöz diferansiyasyon yokken, 1'inde vardı. Anöploid DNA içerikli 15 olgudan 6'sında skuamöz diferansiyasyon yokken, 9'unda izlendi. Dört yıllık izlem süresi boyunca skuamöz diferansiyasyon olmayan 20 şK'lu olgudan sadece birisi ölmüştür. Skuamöz diferansiyasyon izlenen 10 olgudan 3'ü ölmüştür. Sonuç: Skuamöz diferansiyasyon, yaşam süresi ile doğrudan ilişkili bulunmamakla birlikte prognostik kriterlerden olan evre (p<0.05, r=0.457), derece (p<0.05, r=0.472) ve DNA içeriği (p<0.05, r=0.566) ile aralarındaki ilişki anlamlı bulunduğundan, patoloji raporlarında belirtilmesi gereken önemli faktörlerden birisidir.Aims: In this study, the correlation of squamous differentiation with tumor grade, stage, DNA content and prognosis was investigated in tansitional cell carcinomas. Materials and Methods: Cases of transitional cell carcinomas with squamous differentiation were histologically graded, (Mostofi), clinically staged (AJCC), and DNA content of tumor cells were determined with flow cytometry. These data were correlated with prognosis using Pearson chi square, Pearson correlation analysis and Kaplan-Meier analysis. Results: Only 2 of 16 cases of grade I transitional cell carcinoma showed squamous differentiation. Among grade III cases 8 of 14 showed squamous differentiation, while 6 cases didn't. Only 3 of 17 stage I cases showed squamous differentiation; 14 cases didn't. Five of 11 stage II cases showed squamous differentiation; 6 cases didn't. Two out of 2 cases of stage III transitionel cell carcinoma showed squamous differentiation. Out of 15 cases which had diploid DNA content, only 1 showed squamous differentiation while 14 didn't. Among 15 cases with aneuploid DNA content, 9 had squamous differentiation; 6 cases didn't. During the 4 years follow up period, only 1 of 20 cases of transitional cell carcinoma without squamous differentiation were fatal, while three of 10 cases with squamous differentiation were fatal. Conclusion: While no direct correlation between squamous differentiation and survival could be demonstrated, since there was a significant relation between squamous differentiation and stage (p<0.05, r=0.457), grade (p<0.05, r=0.472) and DNA content (p<0.05,r=0.566), webelievethat presence of squamous differentiation is an important finding that has to be indicated in pathology reports

    Giant primary adrenal hydatid cyst presenting with arterial hypertension: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>A primary hydatid cyst of the adrenal gland is still an exceptional localization. The adrenal gland is an uncommon site even in Morocco, where echinococcal disease is endemic.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 64-year-old Moroccan man who presented with the unusual symptom of arterial hypertension associated with left flank pain. Computed tomography showed a cystic mass of his left adrenal gland with daughter cysts filing the lesion (Type III). Despite his negative serology tests, the diagnosis of a hydatid cyst was confirmed on surgical examination. Our patient underwent surgical excision of his left adrenal gland with normalization of blood pressure. No recurrence has occurred after 36 months of follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There are two remarkable characteristics of this case report; the first is the unusual location of the cyst, the second is the association of an adrenal hydatid cyst with arterial hypertension, which has rarely been reported in the literature.</p

    Rock alteration in alkaline cement waters over 15 years and its relevance to the geological disposal of nuclear waste

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    The interaction of groundwater with cement in a geological disposal facility (GDF) for intermediate level radioactive waste will produce a high pH leachate plume. Such a plume may alter the physical and chemical properties of the GDF host rock. However, the geochemical and mineralogical processes which may occur in such systems over timescales relevant for geological disposal remain unclear. This study has extended the timescale for laboratory experiments and shown that, after 15 years two distinct phases of reaction may occur during alteration of a dolomite-rich rock at high pH. In these experiments the dissolution of primary silicate minerals and the formation of secondary calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) phases containing varying amounts of aluminium and potassium (C-(A)-(K)-S-H) during the early stages of reaction (up to 15 months) have been superseded as the systems have evolved. After 15 years significant dedolomitisation (MgCa(CO3)2+2OH-→Mg(OH)2+CaCO3+CO3 2- (aq)) has led to the formation of magnesium silicates, such as saponite and talc, containing variable amounts of aluminium and potassium (Mg-(Al)-(K)-silicates), and calcite at the expense of the early-formed C-(A)-(K)-S-H phases. This occured in high pH solutions representative of two different periods of cement leachate evolution with little difference in the alteration processes in either a KOH and NaOH or a Ca(OH)2 dominated solution but a greater extent of alteration in the higher pH KOH/NaOH leachate. The high pH alteration of the rock over 15 years also increased the rock's sorption capacity for U(VI). The results of this study provide a detailed insight into the longer term reactions occurring during the interaction of cement leachate and dolomite-rich rock in the geosphere. These processes have the potential to impact on radionuclide transport from a geodisposal facility and are therefore important in underpinning any safety case for geological disposal

    Characterization of two forms of sepiolite and related Mg-rich clay minerals from Yenidoğ an (Sivrihisar, Turkey)

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    An Early Pliocene sedimentary succession in the Yenidogan area, Sivrihisar, Turkey, consists of sepiolite, stevensite, kerolite, dolomite and magnesite. The geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the succession was examined by extensive field work along several trenches and a representative measured section, followed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal, and chemical analyses

    Geology and mineralogy of a sepiolite-palygorskite occurrence from SW Eskişehir (Turkey)

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    The present occurrence is the only deposit among those found in Eskisehir province containing both sepiolite and palygorskite in economic amounts. To describe the geology, mineralogy and genetic relationships, two representative measured sections were examined by field work and XRD, XR.F and SEM analyses. Sepiolite and palygorskite occur in a similar to 40 m thick part of Pliocene sequence where saponite is also found. These minerals appear in ascending order as: palygorskite, saponite, saponite + palygorskite, sepiolite and sepiolite + palygorskite, frequently in association with dolomite. Chemical precipitation from the alkaline lake environment under semiarid or arid conditions was the main process resulting in sepiolite, palygorskite and saponite formation. Of these, saponite and palygorskite were formed when the lake water was rich-in Al and Fe. Changes in may have controlled whether saponite or palygorskite could be formed. Palygorskite was also developed by transformation from saponite during diagenesis

    Effects of measures in child protection law on child health

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    Çocuk Koruma Kanunu'nda (ÇKK) sayılan tedbirlerin çocuk sağlığına ne yönde etki ettiği hususu çocuğun iyilik halinin sağlanması açısından oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada çocuk sağlığı genel hatlarıyla Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) ile Birleşmiş Milletler Çocuklara Yardım Fonu'nun (UNICEF) çocuk sağlığı konusunda belirlediği sağlık göstergeleri çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Mevcut çalışmada daha önce yapılan bilimsel çalışmalardan elde edilen veriler derlenerek, tedbirlerin çocuk sağlığını ne yönde etkilediği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu sayede çocukların toplumda sağlıklı ve haklarına sahip bir yaşantı sürdürebilmesine ışık tutmak hedeflenmektedir. Çocuğun yüksek yararının tesis edilmesi ve tam olarak iyilik halinin sağlanması fikrinden yola çıkarak suça sürüklenen ve korunma ihtiyacı olan çocukların korunması, hakları ile esenliklerinin güvence altına alınması amacıyla ÇKK'da sırasıyla danışmanlık, eğitim, bakım, sağlık ve barınma tedbirlerine yer verilmiştir. Tedbirler ile tedbir kapsamında çocuklar hakkında uygulanan sosyal hizmetlerin yanı sıra, mukayeseli hukukta yer alan alternatif tedbir ve sosyal hizmet önerilerine mevcut çalışmada değinilmiştir. Çalışmanın temellendirilmesi adına çocuk hukukuna ilişkin genel bilgiler ile çocuğun temel sağlık hakları çeşitli başlıklar altında ele alınmıştır. Çocuk haklarını düzenleyen temel belgeler ile Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi (AİHM) ve Anayasa Mahkemesi (AYM) kararları irdelenmek suretiyle uluslararası ve ulusal alanda sağlık hakkına bakış açısı ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan araştırmalardan derlenen sonuçlara göre Çocuk Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü'ne (ÇHGM) bağlı kurumlarda en çok danışmanlık tedbiri ve bakım tedbiri uygulanmaktadır. Kurum bakım hizmetinden yararlanmış olan çocukların bu hizmetlerden yararlandıkları sırada fiziksel ve ruhsal istismara maruz kaldıkları, çocuklarda farklı düzeylerde depresyonun görüldüğü, çocuklar arasında uyuşturucu madde ve sigara kullanım oranının yaygın olduğu, çocukların vitamin ve mineral bakımından yeterli düzeyde beslenmedikleri ve en çok sabah kahvaltısı öğününü atladıkları yönünde sonuçların ortaya konduğu görülmektedir. Diğer yandan elde edilen son verilere göre ülkemizde destek verilen çocuk sayısı ile ÇHGM'ye bağlı kuruluş sayısında yetersizlik görüldüğü ve tedbir kararlarının etkili uygulanmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.The effect of the measures in the Child Protection Law (CPL) on child health is significant in terms of ensuring the well-being of the child. In this study, child health is discussed in general terms within the framework of health indicators determined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF on child health. In the present study, the data obtained from the previous scientific studies were compiled, and the effects of the measures on child health were tried to be revealed. In this way, it is aimed to shed light on the children to live a healthy and entitled life in society. Based on the idea of establishing the best interests of the child and ensuring the well-being of the child, counseling, education, care, health and shelter measures were included in the CPL to protect the rights and well-being of children in need of protection. In the present study, alternative measures and social service proposals in comparative law, as well as the social services implemented on children within the scope of the measures and measures, are mentioned. Based on the study, general information on child law and fundamental health rights of the child are discussed under various headings. By examining the basic documents regulating the rights of the child and the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Constitutional Court (CL), it has been tried to put forward the perspective of the right to health in international and national fields. According to the results of the researches, consultancy and care measures are mostly applied in the institutions affiliated to the Directorate General of Child Services (DGCS). Children who have benefited from institutional care services have been subjected to physical and mental abuse while they have benefited from these services, children have different levels of depression, the prevalence of drug and cigarette use among children is high, children are not eating enough in terms of vitamins and minerals, and most of them skip the morning meal. It is seen that the results are put forward. Besides, according to the latest data, it has been concluded that the number of children supported and the number of organizations connected to DGCS is insufficient and the precautionary decisions are not implemented effectively