113 research outputs found

    Metaphor as a potent means in realization of tactic of insult (on the basis of English political discourse)

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    У статті розглядається метафора як функціональна одиниця політичного дискурсу, за допомогою якої вдало реалізується тактика образи. З’ясовано, що когнітивна метафора, виступаючи в ролі інструмента усвідомлення, моделювання та оцінки політичних процесів, активно використовується політичними діячами і, безпосередньо, президентом США Бараком Обамою задля впливу на асоціативне мислення реципієнта та актуалізації тактики вербальної образи. Тактика вербальної образи націлена на завдання шкоди репутації політика і вирішальним чином впливає на ставлення суспільства до нього. (The article deals with the study of a metaphor ‒ a functional element of a political discourse, which is helpful in successful implementation of tactic of insult. It was found out that a cognitive metaphor as an instrument of understanding, modelling and estimating of any political event is widely used by politicians and by Barack Obama in particular, to influence a recipient’s associative thinking. Tactic of insult is aimed at destroying a politician’s image and it plays a crucial role in forming public attitude to that person.


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    This paper considers visualization of educational source. The importance of accounting of features of potential users is explained. The paper was written specially for teachers developing e-learning tools.В статье говорится о визуализации учебно-методического материала. Обосновывается важность учета особенностей потенциальных пользователей. Публикация предназначена преподавателям, занимающимся созданием авторских средств обучения

    Innovative activity as an indicator of the economic health of the region

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    The article is to study the problem of maintaining the economic health of the territory by providing the relevant dynamics of its innovative component. Innovative activity of the region, as a key indicator, reflecting the efficiency of distribution and use of different resources, contributes to the competitive advantages, implemented at the regional, national (and even international) levels. It is also a tool of smoothing threats. Formation and development of economic regional and sectoral interactions determine a variability of the forms of the results obtained. The hierarchy of the economic health is based on the differentiation of the parameters of innovation activity regarding the entities of different levels of management and their mutual influence. Therefore the criteria of economic health have been detalized taking into account innovation activity and its most significant interdependencies. National and international experience of forming the conditions for intensification of innovative activity has been considered, tools of implementation have been classified. The dynamics of innovative activity of the regions of the Siberian Federal District has been analyzed. Federal State Statistics Service ( five year period) and the activity of innovative clusters have been used as a source of a fact-based official data


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    The solid solutions with general formula have been prepared by solid state synthesis. Analysis of the powder X-ray diffraction data has shown that the samples crystallize in cubic space group Fm3m. Microscopic research were performed using a REM. Electrical conductivity was studied by impedance spectroscopy. The electrical conductivity of doped samples exceeds the matrix value and increases with increasing concentration of dopant


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    Injection of ivermectin in a dose of 0,2 mg/kg to pregnant rates in critical stage of embryogenesis at days 1-6, 7-14 and 15-19 did not effect animals’ beha- vior. Duration of pregnancy in laboratory female rats was at control and normal physiological level for present kind of animas. Delivery process was normal with- out clinical features and complications. Presence of milk in rats’ stomachs allows to conclude that the injection of tested medicine to female rats did not affect their lactation and sucking reflex. At injection of ivermectin in a therapeutic dose at days 1-6, 7-14 and 15-19 of pregnancy the value of rats' death in the first life month was compatible with control values. According to our observation there was no effect of ivermectin on postnatal development in rats in form of death and external malformations. All rats were born healthy, responded well to external stimuli, had a good appetite and pursued an active life. Results of laboratory research allow to conclude that ivermectin injection to rats in a therapeutic dose of 0,2 mg/kg in dif- ferent pregnancy terms including critical stages doesn't have embryotoxic and tera- togenic effectsПроведены исследования по изучению эмбрио- тропного действия ивермектина (субстанция) в тера- певтической дозе 0,2 мг/кг. Установлено, что в тести- руемой дозе ивермектин не обладает эмбриотоксиче- ским и тератогенным эффекто


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    Subacute toxicity of salt briquettes with ivermeсtin is studied. The drug has no influence on hematologic and biochemical parameters, doesn't cause pathological changes in tissues and bodies. The body weight and weight of internal organs of rats were as in control groups. The preparation doesn't have cumulative action.Изучена подострая токсичность солевых брикетов с ивермектином. Препарат не оказывает влияния на гематологические и биохимические показатели, не вызывает патологических изменений в тканях и органах. Масса тела и внутренних органов крыс были в норме. Препарат не обладает кумулятивным действием

    Collagen-associated syntropy in children with functional disorders of the digestive system

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the features of collagen-associated syntropic pathology in children with functional gastrointestinal disorders. Materials and methods. 63 children with functional gastrointestinal disorders aged 2.5 to 16 years were examined. Two clinical groups of patients depending on the leading clinical manifestations were identified: children with irritable bowel syndrome – 39 patients (61.9 %) and children with functional disorders of the biliary tract – 24 (38.1 %) of patients. All children, except for the general clinical examination, were evaluated for individual phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia using diagnostic criteria for the severity of connective tissue dysplasia by L. N. Abbakumova, and collagen type III alpha 1 polymorphism (rs1800255 2092G>A) by PCR-RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) method was determined. Results. Digestive system syntropic pathology was defined in 84.13 % (95 % CI 74.93 – 93.33) of the examined patients. A statistically significant association was found between the frequency of gallbladder anomalies (χ2 = 8.75; P = 0.003), pancreas exocrine function violation (χ2 = 8.97, P = 0.003), metabolic disturbances presence in the form of secondary acetonemic syndrome (χ2 = 8.5; P = 0.001) and functional disorders of the biliary tract. The severity of connective tissue dysplasia in preschool children was characterized by mild and moderate manifestations (OR = 4.27 (95 % CI 1.32 – 13.82; P = 0.025)), there were severe manifestations of dysplasia in the older children group (OR = 0.23 (95 % CI 0.07 – 0.76, P = 0.025)). By the results of molecular-genetic test the most of children – 47.62 % (95 % CI 35.04 – 60.2) were genotyped for heterozygous rs1800255, COL3A1 G/A polymorphism, with significant prevalence of patients with the biliary tract functional disorders group (P = 0.008), which associated with wide range of accompanying pathology (P = 0.002) and severe dysplastic signs (P = 0.034). Conclusions. The wide prevalence of the syntropic pathology in children with functional gastrointestinal disorders has been determined. Genetic polymorphism with predominance of the G/A genotype has been revealed. The statistically significant correlation of the G/A genotype with severe phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia has been shown. The association of genetic polymorphism with age and functional disorders of the biliary tract has been established

    Estimation of the integral toxicity of photocatalysts based on graphitic carbon nitride in a luminescent test

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    A ternary heterosystem consisting of crystalline graphitic carbon nitride, zinc oxide, and zinc sulfide (g-C3N4/ZnO/ZnS) was obtained by the one-stage decomposition of a mixture of thiourea and zinc acetate. The integral toxicity index of the resulting material was estimated in a luminescent test with a genetically modified Escherichia coli strain as a test object. The effect of quenching the luminescence of E. coli was noted both under exposure to UV radiation due to photocatalytic reactions on the surface of g-C3N4/ZnO/ZnS leading to the formation of highly oxidative radical ions interacting with cell membranes and without irradiation due to mechanical interactions with bacterial cells. At a 0.3 g/L concentration of g-C3N4/ZnO/ZnS in aqueous solution, the toxicity index T reached 75.6% under UV irradiation. In this case, an increase in the toxicity index T of the ternary heterosystem in a test concentration range from 0.1 to 0.3 g/L was 6 or 10–11% under UV radiation or without illumination, respectively, as compared with that of the pure graphite-like carbon nitride obtained under identical conditions

    Predictors of secondary alexithimia in patients haemodialyzed

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    Secondary alexithymia in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing renal replacement therapy programme in haemodialysis is discussed because of the risk of complications and the possibility to achieve an effect from treatment. Conducted by clinical-psychological study of 40 patients 20 men and 20 women) aged from 28 to 60 years (mean age 40,7±13) with a haemodialysis treatment from 2 to 15 years (the average period of 25.6 ±18.2 months) revealed the following. Formation of secondary alexithymia in patients with CRD is caused by personality-semantic violations, emotional exhaustion and depressive symptoms. Indicated by the direction of the psychological correction and psychotherapy.Вторичная алекситимия у пациентов с хронической почечной недостаточностью, находящихся на заместительной почечной терапии программным гемодиализом рассматривается в связи с риском осложнений и возможностью достижения эффекта от лечения. Проведенное клинико-психологическое исследование 40 пациентов (20 мужчин и 20 женщин) в возрасте от 28 до 60 лет (средний возраст 40,7±13) со сроком лечения гемодиализом от 2-х до 15 лет (средний период 25,6±18,2 месяца), показало следующее. Формирование вторичной алекситимии у пациентов с ХПН обусловлено личностно-смысловой дефицитарностью, эмоциональным истощением и депрессивными симптомами. Обозначено направление психологической коррекции и психотерапии