2,844 research outputs found

    Influence of Primary Cosmic Radiation Mass Composition on the Estimation of Eas Energy

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    At the Yakutsk EAS array E_em is determined by using measurements of EAS Cherenkov light flux and charged particle flux. It is known from calculations that these characteristics depend on a sort of primary particle and, therefore, the estimation of E_em depends on a primary particle mass. In the work the dependence of the E_em/E_0 ratio on the energy is given and experimental data are compared with calculations by the QGSJET model. The calculations have been carried out for the primary proton and iron nucleus. The average calculated meaning of the value of E_em/E_0 ratio (between the proton and iron nucleus) within experimental errors is in agreement with experimental data that doesnt contradict to the mixed mass composition of primary cosmic radiation.Comment: 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium. Aug 30 - Sep 3 2004, Florence, Italy. 3 pages, 1 figure. Subbmitted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Fluctuations of Xmax and Primary Particle Mass Composition in the Range of Energy 5 10^{17} - 3 10^{19} ev by Yakutsk Data

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    The experimental distributions of \Xmax obtained with the Yakutsk EAS array at fixed energies of 5×10175 \times10^{17}, 1×10181\times10^{18} and 5×10185\times10^{18} eV are analysed. A recent version of the QGSJET model is used as a tool of our analysis. In the framework of this model, the most adequate mass composition of primary particles satisfying the experimental data on \Xmax is selected.Comment: 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Aug 30 - Sep 3 2004, Florence, Italy. 3 pages, 1 figure. Submitted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    From quantitative measurement to understanding public demand: Exploring non-survey methods in applied regional research

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    The article builds on the well-developed problem of studying trust in society towards social institutions, as well as between individuals. Currently, contact quantitative sociology faces a number of challenges, and the level of consent to participate in surveys is steadily falling. In order to reliably assess public opinion, non-contact tools for studying the digital environment are already required. The application of non-survey techniques for collecting big data using a pre-formed thesaurus allows us to select data for analysis and circumvent the problems associated with respondent recruitment. The application of SML approach to analyze digital publications of Russian-speaking users from Novosibirsk (more than 450 thousand publications) collected in 2020 has been considered. The combination of quantitative and qualitative methods allowed us to describe the audience and categorize the areas of public distrust and dissatisfaction. The application of this approach can be useful for managerial tasks aimed at increasing trust in society. Thus, the study is a valuable contribution to the development of modern sociology and its applied aspects


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    The analysis of the use of medical and biological information in information-analytical systems is presented, the given data testify to the rapid growth of such information presented in digital form, the importance and necessity of its long-term storage is shown. Information about media carriers that can provide reliable and long-term storage of medical and biological information is presented. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the characteristics of promising types of optical media for long-term storage of information.Представлен анализ использования медицинской и биологической информации в информационно-аналитических системах. Приведенные данные свидетельствуют о быстром росте представленной в цифровом виде такой информации, показана важность и необходимость обеспечения ее долгосрочного хранения. Представлена информация о носителях информации, которые могут обеспечить надежное и долгосрочное хранение медицинской и биологической информации. Особое внимание уделено анализу характеристик перспективных типов оптических носителей для долговременного хранения информации.Представлено аналіз використання медичної та біологічної інформації в інформаційно-аналітичних системах. Наведені дані свідчать про швидке зростання представленої у цифровому вигляді такої інформації, показана важливість і необхідність забезпечення її довготермінового зберігання. Представлена інформація про носії інформації, що можуть забезпечити надійне та довготермінове зберігання медичної та біологічної інформації. Особливу увагу приділено аналізу характеристик перспективних типів оптичних носіїв для довготермінового зберігання інформації

    Broadband velocity modulation spectroscopy of HfF^+: towards a measurement of the electron electric dipole moment

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    Precision spectroscopy of trapped HfF^+ will be used in a search for the permanent electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM). While this dipole moment has yet to be observed, various extensions to the standard model of particle physics (such as supersymmetry) predict values that are close to the current limit. We present extensive survey spectroscopy of 19 bands covering nearly 5000 cm^(-1) using both frequency-comb and single-frequency laser velocity-modulation spectroscopy. We obtain high-precision rovibrational constants for eight electronic states including those that will be necessary for state preparation and readout in an actual eEDM experiment.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Hypomagnesemiaas a predictor of early remodeling of blood vessels in young men with essential hypertension

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    The article highlights the features of changes in the level of magnesium in the serum, the elasticity of the vascular wall and shows their relationship in young men with essential hypertension and abdominal obesity. The indices of magnesemia, the markers of the arterial wall elasticity (the augmentation index, the arterial stiffness index and the pulse wave velocity), and the thickness of the perivascular adipose tissue (extra-media of car otid arteries) were evaluated. Clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency were identified in more than half of the cases and the risk of its development was found in a third of patients with essential hypertension and obesity, it correlated with the results of laboratory studies of serum magnesium levels. Besides, the severity of hypomagnesemia was inversely proportional to the blood pressure (r=-0.58, p=0,022).Evaluation of vascular wall stiffness markers in patients with essential hypertension and obesity showed their significant increase not only in comparison with the similar indicators of practically healthy individuals but also with the parameters of patients with essential hypertension without obesity. The correlation analysis revealed that the magnesium level in the serum of such patients had a strong negative relationship with both the augmentation index (r =-0.68, p =0.023) and the arterial stiffness index (r=-0.55, p=0,042).The extra media index in patients with essential hypertension and obesity was twice as high as one in practically healthy individuals. It was also revealed that the extra-media indicator in these patients was positively related to the level of blood pressure (r=+0.68, p=0.033), the augmentation index (r =+0.48, p=0.018), and negatively related to magnesium content in serum (r= +0.61, p=0.023). It was concluded that young men with essential hypertension and abdominal obesity have clinical signs of hypomagnesemia. The identified correlations between the serum magnesium content, the increase in arterial wall stiffness and the level of the blood pressure in such patients make it possible to consider hypomagnesemia as a predictor of early vascular remodeling

    Status of RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring

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    The paper presents the RF system of VEPP-5 damping ring created at BINP Novosibirsk. The RF system operates at 700 MHz and consists of the generator based on KU-393 klystron, transmitting waveguide with wave-to-coax adapters, accelerating cavity, and control system. HOM cavities are damped with resistive loads to eliminate the beam instability. Parameters and results of cold measurement tests and high power level tests are presented.Представлена ВЧ-система накопителя-охладителя для ВЭПП-5, созданная в БИЯФ, Новосибирск. ВЧ-система работает на частоте 700 МГц и состоит из генератора на клистроне КУ-393,передающего волновода с коаксиально-волноводными переходами, ускоряющего резонатора и системы управления и контроля. Для устранения пучковой неустойчивости высшие моды резонатора подавлены с помощью резистивных нагрузок. Приведены параметры и результаты холодных измерений и горячих испытаний ВЧ-системы.Представлено ВЧ-система нагромаджувача-охолоджувача для ВЕПП-5, що створена в БІЯФ, Новосибірськ. ВЧ-система працює на частоті 700 МГц і складається з генератора на клістроні КУ-393, передаючого хвилеводу з коаксіально-хвилеводними переходами, прискорюючого резонатора і системи керування і контролю. Для усунення пучкової нестійкості вищі моди резонатора подавлені за допомогою резистивних навантажень. Наведено параметри і результати холодних вимірів і гарячих випробувань ВЧ- системи