44 research outputs found

    Women's Childbearing Motivation in the West Mediterranean Region of Turkey

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    The most crucial factor influencing population growth is fertility. The fertility rate is associated with individuals' desire in society to have children. In recent years, the fertility rate in Turkey has been gradually declining, and an increasing number of women are opting to remain childless. Alongside biological, social, and economic variables, motivations for childbearing also play a significant role in the decrease of the fertility rate. Based on this premise, the current study aimed to identify the effective fertility motivations that contribute to the diminishing desire of Turkish women to have children. The research included a total of 255 women within the age group of 25 to 29, representing the segment with the highest fertility rate in Turkey. The "Childbearing Motivation Scale" was utilized to gather data. The analysis involved examining the arithmetic mean and standard deviation values of various motivations for childbearing through the use of the t-test for Independent groups. As a result, it was found that positive motivations for childbearing women were mainly associated with couple relationships from socio-economic perspectives, whereas negative motivations were predominantly related to socio-ecological concerns. Additionally, the study revealed that the level of education significantly affected positive motivations for childbearing

    Communication Barriers in Effective Educational Supervision and Strategies to Overcome These Barriers

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    Aim of this study is to put forward what the components are communication barriers in an effective educational supervision and what the strategies are to overcome these barriers. Therefore in this study; status differences, personal barriers, language difficulties, difficulties related to listening insufficiency, inexplicit statements, difficulties related to feedback, not to build empathic communication, noise, not seem honest and reliable, extremely information loading, time pressure and place, the ambiance of communication, cutoffs, lack of knowledge, past experiences, selective perception, prejudices and assumptions, and physical distance have been investigated as the components that constitute communication barriers in an effective supervision. At first, each communication barrier component has been defined, and then it has been explained how to be a barrier for communication, and how to reflect supervision environment, and also it has been indicated that what it needs to be done to minimize and eliminate communication barriers in effective supervision.Bu çalışmanın amacı, etkili bir denetimde iletişim engelleri oluşturan unsurların neler olduğunu ve bu unsurlardan meydana gelen engelleri aşmak için nelerin yapılması gerektiğini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaçla yapılan çalışmada, etkili denetimde iletişim engelleri oluşturan unsurlar olarak, statü farklılıkları, kişisel engeller, dil güçlükleri, dinleme yetersizliğinden doğan güçlükler, ifade açıklığının bulunmamasından doğan engeller, geri beslemeden doğan güçlükler, empatik iletişim kuramama, gürültü, dürüst ve güvenilir bulunmama, aşırı bilgi yükleme, zaman baskısı ve yer, iletişim ortamı, kesintiler, bilgi eksikliği, geçmiş deneyimler, seçici algılama, önyargı ve varsayımlar ile fiziksel mesafe incelenmiştir. Çalışmada önce, iletişimde engel oluşturan her bir unsurun ne olduğu, iletişimi nasıl engellediği ve denetim ortamına nasıl yansıdığı açıklanmış, daha sonra da etkili denetimde karşılaşılabilecek bu iletişim engellerini en aza indirmek ya da ortadan kaldırmak için yapılması gerekenler belirtilmiştir

    Communication Barriers in Effective Educational Supervision and Strategies to Overcome These Barriers

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    Aim of this study is to put forward what the components are communication barriers in an effective educational supervision and what the strategies are to overcome these barriers. Therefore in this study; status differences, personal barriers, language difficulties, difficulties related to listening insufficiency, inexplicit statements, difficulties related to feedback, not to build empathic communication, noise, not seem honest and reliable, extremely information loading, time pressure and place, the ambiance of communication, cutoffs, lack of knowledge, past experiences, selective perception, prejudices and assumptions, and physical distance have been investigated as the components that constitute communication barriers in an effective supervision. At first, each communication barrier component has been defined, and then it has been explained how to be a barrier for communication, and how to reflect supervision environment, and also it has been indicated that what it needs to be done to minimize and eliminate communication barriers in effective supervision.Bu çalışmanın amacı, etkili bir denetimde iletişim engelleri oluşturan unsurların neler olduğunu ve bu unsurlardan meydana gelen engelleri aşmak için nelerin yapılması gerektiğini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaçla yapılan çalışmada, etkili denetimde iletişim engelleri oluşturan unsurlar olarak, statü farklılıkları, kişisel engeller, dil güçlükleri, dinleme yetersizliğinden doğan güçlükler, ifade açıklığının bulunmamasından doğan engeller, geri beslemeden doğan güçlükler, empatik iletişim kuramama, gürültü, dürüst ve güvenilir bulunmama, aşırı bilgi yükleme, zaman baskısı ve yer, iletişim ortamı, kesintiler, bilgi eksikliği, geçmiş deneyimler, seçici algılama, önyargı ve varsayımlar ile fiziksel mesafe incelenmiştir. Çalışmada önce, iletişimde engel oluşturan her bir unsurun ne olduğu, iletişimi nasıl engellediği ve denetim ortamına nasıl yansıdığı açıklanmış, daha sonra da etkili denetimde karşılaşılabilecek bu iletişim engellerini en aza indirmek ya da ortadan kaldırmak için yapılması gerekenler belirtilmiştir

    Deaths of the elderly exposed to violence in Turkey.

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    Due to the socio-cultural and demographical changes that have been taking place in Turkey, differences in types of violence are coming on the scene. The purpose of the present study is to reveal the number of violence deaths and the variation by time in the types of violence resulting in death in the elderly of ages 65 and above in Turkey. Using a retrospective (descriptive) epidemiological method, this study was carried out with 1,326 subjects of ages 65 and above among 17,015 criminal autopsies between years 1996–2001. According to the crime scene investigations, the percentage of deaths caused by firearm injuries increased to 4.0% in 2001 from 1.9% in 1994. The dispersion of the subjects according to autopsy findings were pathologically caused death (32.3%), negative autopsy (20.3%), general body trauma (20.1%) and hanging (6.3%). Changes in the rates of deaths caused by cutting/piercing tool injuries are 1.9% and 4.3%, respectively. Regulations are needed to reinforce and financially support the family, to secure humanely life standards for the elderly, and to ensure homecare to an optimum extent

    The effects of pre-irradiation heat treatment and heating rate on the thermoluminescence glow peaks of natural CaF2

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    In this article, we have investigated the effects of pre-irradiation heat treatments on the thermoluminescence (TL) glow peaks of natural fluorite (CaF2) collected from the central Anatolia region of Turkey. A typical TL glow curve of phosphor consists of four clear glow peaks with maximum intensities occurring at temperatures around 100°C, 120°C, 190°C and 290°C for a sample irradiated to a dose of 48Gy and readout at a heating rate of 1°C/s. It was observed that the intensities of all the TL glow peaks are strongly sensitive to annealing temperatures and durations. Annealing at 450°C for 15min was found to be the best for reproducibility of experimental results. The dose-responses of individual TL peaks of this material were also examined after annealing at 450°C for 15min by ßß-irradiation to doses between 0.04Gy and ??10.4kGy. It was observed that the total area and peak heights of all glow peaks showed similar trends with increasing radiation dose; first, they increased linearly up to ??50Gy and then saturation effects began above this dose value. The effect of heating rate on the TL glow peaks of the mineral was also studied and it was observed that the intensities of glow peaks are differently affected with variation in heating rate. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.The authors are grateful for the financial support from the Research Funds of Çukurova University, Gaziantep University, Adıyaman University and TUBITAK

    Thermoluminescence glow curve analysis of natural onyx from Turkey

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    In this study, the thermoluminesce (TL) properties of natural onyx were determined after ß-irradiation (90Sr/90Y) at room temperature. The effect of the additive dose and variable heating rate for TL glow peaks of the sample were investigated. Computerized glow curve deconvolution (CGCD) methods were used to determine the number of peaks and kinetic parameters related to the TL glow peaks in natural onyx from Turkey. It was also determined kinetic parameters of onyx by means of the variable heating rate (VHR) method. The sample was exposed to ß-irradiation between 2.4Gy and 2.457kGy. The CGCD methods showed that the glow curve of sample is the superposition of at least six first order components which were ascribed as P1-P6. The dose responses of some peaks have similar patterns and they follow linearity. The effect of heating rates on the response of dosimetric glow peaks of sample was studied. The maximum TL peak intensities of glow curve are decreasing with increasing heating rate and maximum TL peak intensities at 1°C/s drops to 20% of the initial value when the sample is read at 6°C/s. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.Firat University Scientific Research Projects Management Unit: İMYO2012BAP3 National Council for Scientific ResearchThe authors are grateful for the financial support from the Scientific Research Projects of Cukurova University İMYO2012BAP3 project. The authors are also grateful to Gaziantep University and Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council (TUBITAK)

    Silicone oil barrier sutures in Aphakic eyes with iris defects

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of silicone oil barrier sutures in aphakic eyes with iris defects. Methods: Sixteen aphakic and iris-defective eyes of 16 patients who underwent a pars plana vitrectomy procedure with silicone oil tamponade because of retinal detachment were included in this retrospective study. Silicone oil barrier sutures were placed as a grid pattern within the plane of the previous iris after vitrectomy and before silicone oil injection. Results: The mean follow-up time after silicone oil barrier suture operations was 12.0 ± 6.8 months. Silicone oil was present in the anterior chamber in five eyes (31%) at the last visit. These eyes also had hypotony, band keratopathy, and anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Conclusion: In this study, silicone oil barrier sutures were proven to be safe and effective in preventing silicone oil-corneal endothelium touch in aphakic eyes with iris defects, unless hypotony was present because of anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy