124 research outputs found

    Determining Minimal Polynomial of Proper Element by Using Higher Degree Traces

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    Modern communication engineerings, such as elliptic curve cryptographies, often requires algebra on finite extension field defined by modulus arithmetic with an irreducible polynomial. This paper provides a new method to detemine the minimal (irreducible) polynomial of a given proper element in finite extension field. In the conventional determination method, as we have to solve the simultaneous equations, the computation is very involved. In this paper, the well known "trace" is extended to higher degree traces. Using the new traces, we yield the coefficient formula of the desired minimal polynomial. The new method becomes very simple without solving the simultaneous equations, and about twice faster than the conventional method in computation speed

    The Number of the Irreducible Cubic Polynomials in the Form of x(3) + ax + b with a Certain Fixed Element a

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    In this paper, we first show the number of x's such that x(2) +u, u ∈ F(*)(p) , becomes a quadratic residue in F(p), and then this number is proven to be equal to (p+1)/2 if −u is a quadratic residue in Fp, which is a necessary fact for the following. With respect to the irreducible cubic polynomials over Fp in the form of x(3)+ax+b, we give a classification based on the trace of an element in F(p3) and based on whether or not the coefficient of x, i.e. the parameter a, is a quadratic residue in Fp. According to this classification, we can know the minimal set of the irreducible cubic polynomials, from which all the irreducible cubic polynomials can be generated by using the following two variable transformations: x=x + i, x=j−1x, i, j ∈ Fp, j ≠ 0. Based on the classification and that necessary fact, we show the number of the irreducible cubic polynomials in the form of x(3)+ax+b, b ∈ F(p), where a is a certain fixed element in F(p)

    Ordinary Pairing Friendly Curve of Embedding Degree 3 Whose Order Has Two Large Prime Factors

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    This paper proposes a method for generating a certain composite order ordinary pairing–friendly elliptic curve of embedding degree 3. In detail, the order has two large prime factors such as the modulus of RSA cryptography. The method is based on the property that the order of the target pairing–friendly curve is given by a polynomial as r(X) of degree 2 with respect to the integer variable X. When the bit size of the prime factors is about 500 bits, the proposed method averagely takes about 15 minutes on Core 2 Quad (2.66Hz) for generating one

    A Fast Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem with Prime Order Defined over F(p8)

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    Public key cryptosystem has many uses, such as to sign digitally, to realize electronic commerce. Especially, RSA public key cryptosystem has been the most widely used, but its key for ensuring sufficient security reaches about 2000 bits long. On the other hand, elliptic curve cryptosystem(ECC) has the same security level with about 7-fold smaller length key. Accordingly, ECC has been received much attention and implemented on various processors even with scarce computation resources. In this paper, we deal with an elliptic curve which is defined over extension field F(p2c) and has a prime order, where p is the characteristic and c is a non negative integer. In order to realize a fast software implementation of ECC adopting such an elliptic curve, a fast implementation method of definition field F(p2c) especially F(p8) is proposed by using a technique called successive extension. First, five fast implementation methods of base field F(p2) are introduced. In each base field implementation, calculation costs of F(p2)-arithmetic operations are evaluated by counting the numbers of F(p)-arithmetic operations. Next, a successive extension method which adopts a polynomial basis and a binomial as the modular polynomial is proposed with comparing to a conventional method. Finally, we choose two prime numbers as the characteristic, and consider several implementations for definition field F(p8) by using five base fields and two successive extension methods. Then, one of these implementations is especially selected and implemented on Toshiba 32-bit micro controller TMP94C251(20MHz) by using C language. By evaluating calculation times with comparing to previous works, we conclude that proposed method can achieve a fast implementation of ECC with a prime order

    An Algorithm for Generating Irreducible Cubic Trinomials over Prime Field

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    This paper proposes an algorithm for generating irreducible cubic trinomials in the form x(3) + ax + b, b ∈ F(p), where a is a certain fixed non-zero element in the prime field F(p). The proposed algorithm needs a certain irreducible cubic trinomial over F(p) to be previously given as a generator; however, the proposed algorithm can generate irreducible cubic polynomials one after another by changing a certain parameter in F(p). In this paper, we compare the calculation cost and the average computation time for generating an irreducible cubic polynomial, especially trinomial, among Hiramoto et al. irreducibility testing algorithm, Berlekamp-Massey minimal polynomial determining algorithm, and the proposed algorithm. From the experimental results, it is shown that the proposed algorithm is the fastest among the three algorithms for generating irreducible cubic trinomials

    The Orders of Elliptic Curves y(2) = x(3) + b, b ∈ F(* q)

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    This paper particularly deals with elliptic curves in the form of E(x, y) = y(2) − x(3) −b = 0, b ∈ F(* q) , where 3 divides q−1. In this paper, we refer to the well-known twist technique as x-twist and propose y-twist. By combining x-twist and y-twist, we can consider six elliptic curves and this paper proposes a method to obtain the orders of these six curves by counting only one order among the six curves

    A Method for Checking the Parity of (#Jc - 1)=2 of Genus 2 and 3 Hyperelliptic Curves

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    This paper shows a method for checking the parity of (#Jc − 1)/2 without calculating the order #Jc, where #Jc is the order of genus 2 or 3 hyperelliptic curve

    A Method for Generating Prime Order Elliptic Curves over F(q(2c))

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    This paper proposes an algorithm for generating prime order elliptic curves over extension field whose extension degree is a power of 2. The proposed algorithm is based on the fact that the order of the twisted elliptic curve is able to be a prime number when the extension degree for the twist operation is a power of 2. When the definition field is F(2(40)−87)(4) , the proposed algorithm can generate a prime order elliptic curve within 5 seconds on PentiumIII (800MHz) with C language

    A High-Speed Square Root Computation in Finite Fields with Application to Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem

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    In this paper, we focus on developing a high-speed square root (SQRT) algorithm required for an elliptic curve cryptosystem. Examining Smart algorithm, the previously well-known SQRT algorithm, we can see that there is a lot of computation overlap in Smart algorithm and the quadratic residue (QR) test, which must be implemented prior to a SQRT computation. It makes Smart algorithm inefficient. The essence of our proposition is thus to present a new QR test and an efficient SQRT algorithm to avoid all the overlapping computations. The authors devised a SQRT algorithm for which most of the data required have been computed in the proposed QR test. Not only there is no computation overlap in the proposed algorithm and the proposed QR test, but also in the proposed algorithm over GF(p(2)) (4 | p − 1) some computations can be executed in GF(p); whereas in Smart algorithm over GF(p(2)) all the computations must be executed in GF(p(2)). These yield many reductions in the computational time and complexity. We implemented the two QR tests and the two SQRT algorithms over GF(pm) (m=1, 2) in C++ language with NTL (Number Theory Library) on Pentium4 (2.6GHz), where the size of p is around 160 bits. The computer simulations showed that the proposed QR test and the proposed algorithm over GF(p(m)) were about 2 times faster than the conventional QR test and Smart algorithm over GF(p(m))
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