7 research outputs found

    The organizational fundamentals of innovation development management of agro-industrial enterprises

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    Modern prospects of innovation activities at agro-industrial enterprises and the conditions of innovation diffusion have been discussed. The main structure forming elements of organizing innovation activities have been characterized: personnel (people), ideas, funds, culture. The principles of organizing innovation activities at agro-industrial enterprises have been suggested. The functioning of these principles is provided by the project-matrix structure of the organization. It has been proven that the necessary conditions of effective organizing innovation activities at agro-industrial enterprises are: the distributing of roles and responsibilities; ensuring the effective distribution of information and flexibility of using resources; defining the responsibility for the made decisions. The practical importance of the investigation consists in developing concrete methodological foundations the using of which allows to raise the effectiveness of innovation activities at agro-industrial enterprises

    Organizational and economic mechanism of the fruit and vegetable market

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    У статті розглянуто передумови формування ефективного механізму функціонування плодоовочевого ринку. Окреслено ряд факторів, що впливають на діяльність сільського господарства загалом та плодоовочевого виробництва зокрема. Досліджено вплив економічних і організаційних важелів на діяльність ринку та взаємозв’язок основних суб’єктів на ринку плодоовочевої продукції. Визначено авторське трактування поняття плодоовочевого ринку, яке враховує всі необхідні ознаки його функціонування та розвитку. Метою дослідження стало визначення проблемних питань формування регіонального ринку плодоовочевої продукції та виявлення основних умов функціонування плодоовочевого ринку. Результатом дослідження стала розробка дієвого організаційно-економічного механізму функціонування сучасного плодоовочевого ринку, у його складі виділено такі сфери, як державно-правова, господарсько-правова, адміністративно-виконавча, державного і господарського управління, самоуправління та самоврядування. Реалізація запропонованих у статті заходів сприятиме системному усуненню проблем на різних рівнях і в різних сферах плодоовочевого виробництва, загальному підвищенню ефективності розвитку аграрного сектора економіки. А проведений аналіз сучасного стану організаційно-економічного забезпечення розвитку плодоовочевого виробництва вказує на необхідність впровадження додаткових політичних, організаційних, економічних і соціальних заходів при оцінці кожної складової організаційно-економічного механізму.The article deals with the preconditions for establishing the effective functioning mechanism fruit and vegetable market. It was outlined a number of factors affecting activity of agriculture in general and fruit and vegetable production in particular. It was researched the influence of economic and institutional leverage in market activity and the relationship the main subjects in the fruit and vegetable market production. Author’s interpretations of fruit and vegetable market was defined and it takes into account all the necessary characteristics its functioning and development. The aim of the research was to identify problem issues of forming regional produce market and identify the main conditions of the fruit and vegetable market. The result of the research was to develop an effective organizational and economic mechanism of functioning modern fruit and vegetable market. It includes such areas as public and legal, economic, administrative, executive, state and economic management, government and self-management. Implementation of the proposed measures will eliminate system-based problems at different levels and in different areas of the production, the overall efficiency of the agricultural sector. And an analysis of the current state of business supply of fruit and vegetable production indicates a need to additional political, managerial, economical and social arrangements in assessing each component of organizational-economic mechanism.В статье рассмотрены предпосылки формирования эффективного механизма функционирования плодоовощного рынка. Определен ряд факторов, влияющих на деятельность сельского хозяйства в целом и плодоовощного производства в частности. Исследовано влияние экономических и организационных рычагов на деятельность рынка и взаимосвязь основных субъектов на рынке плодоовощной продукции. Определена авторская трактовка понятия плодоовощного рынка, которая учитывает все необходимые признаки его функционирования и развития. Целью исследования стало определение проблемных вопросов формирования регионального рынка плодоовощной продукции и основных условий функционирования плодоовощного рынка. Результатом исследования стала разработка действенного организационно-экономического механизма функционирования современного плодоовощного рынка, в его составе выделены такие сферы, как государственно-правовая, хозяйственно-правовая, административно-исполнительная, государственного и хозяйственного управления, самоуправления. Реализация предложенных в статье мероприятий будет способствовать системному устранению проблем на разных уровнях и в разных сферах плодоовощного производства, общему повышению эффективности развития аграрного сектора экономики. А проведенний анализ современного состояния организационно-экономического обеспечения развития плодоовощного производства указывает на необходимость внедрения дополнительных политических, организационных, экономических и социальных мер при оценке каждой составляющей организационно-экономического механизма

    The problem of concentration of agricultural holdings in rural development discourse

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    The paper analyzes the problem of concentration of agricultural holdings and its impact on the development of rural areas. The analysis of this problem has revealed many problems of social and environmental nature. Sustainable tendency to increase the concentration of farmland does not have a proper positive impact on the development of rural areas. It has been noted that there are no effective mechanisms of influence of public authorities and local governments on agricultural holdings. The situation of increasing the area of agricultural land of farms of Myrhorod district of Poltava oblast, within the vertically-integrated companies has been studied. The mechanism of agricultural holdings’ involvement in territorial cluster to establish the cooperation on the implementation of social, economic, and environmental community projects has been proposed. It has proved the necessity of the consolidation of social responsibilities of agricultural holdings to support rural communities at the legislative level, where the companies use farm land for their work

    The problem of concentration of agricultural holdings in rural development discourse

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    eISSN 2353-4435The paper analyzes the problem of concentration of agricultural holdings and its impact on the development of rural areas. The analysis of this problem has revealed many problems of social and environmental nature. Sustainable tendency to increase the concentration of farmland does not have a proper positive impact on the development of rural areas. It has been noted that there are no effective mechanisms of influence of public authorities and local governments on agricultural holdings. The situation of increasing the area of agricultural land of farms of Myrhorod district of Poltava oblast, within the vertically-integrated companies has been studied. The mechanism of agricultural holdings’ involvement in territorial cluster to establish the cooperation on the implementation of social, economic, and environmental community projects has been proposed. It has proved the necessity of the consolidation of social responsibilities of agricultural holdings to support rural communities at the legislative level, where the companies use farm land for their workVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Adapting the Boston Consulting Group Matrix to Analyze Financial Results

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    Обґрунтовано, що використання методу аналізу корпоративного портфеля Boston Consulting Group Matrix обмежене внаслідок неоднозначності концептуальних засад, методичних проблем та браку повної інформації щодо діяльності конкурентів. Запропоновано модифікацію BCG matrix, яка розподіляє асортиментні одиниці за визначеними резервами зростання прибутків. Запропонована модифікація має перевагу у порівнянні з класичним варіантом, оскільки базується на внутрішньому аналізі суб’єкта діяльності, а не на оцінюванні потенціалу конкурентів, та оцінює перспективи не доходу, а прибутку (що важливіше для бізнесу).Boston Consulting Group Matrix is the most famous and popular methodical tool for corporate portfolio analysis among practitioners. However, the methods of using the Matrix were subjected to numerous criticisms and the peak of popularity of this methodical tool has passed. The purpose of the article is to determine new directions for using the Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG) in the economic analysis of business activity. The tasks of the research are the adaptation of the classical BCG matrix to use in the conditions of incomplete information as to the market of a specific product, as well as the modification of this method depending on the objects of the study. The following research methods were used: monographic (when studying the theoretical and methodological foundations of Boston Consulting Group Matrix classical methods); dialectical, abstract and logical (for theoretical generalizations regarding the identifying the methods’ drawbacks and ways to overcome them, formulation of conclusions); graphical and tabular (when presenting research results). It has been substantiated that the use of the traditional BCG matrix method is limited due to the ambiguity of conceptual principles, methodological problems and the lack of complete information about the activities of competitors. It has been proven that inaccuracies in the analysis of the market growth rate and the relative share of individual subjects on it make it impossible to assess accurately business prospects in this area. A modification of the BCG matrix has been proposed, which distributes the assortment units of the analyzed subject of activity according to the determined reserves of profit growth. Depending on the objects of specific analysis, grouping in the modified matrix can be conducted according to individual types of products(goods, works, and services). The main problems that arise at applying the BCG matrix were specified and systematized. Ways to eliminate certain drawbacks of the traditional BCG matrix, in particular, regarding the method of calculating the indicators included in it, were determined. The modification of the BCG matrix has been proposed, which classifies types of products (goods, works or services) according to prospective profit reserves and changes in their share in the company’s profit structure. The similar matrix has been developed for the classification of buyers of goods or consumers of the company’s services. The place of the proposed modification of the BCG matrix in the economic analysis was determined. The proposed variations of the BCG matrix have an advantage in comparison with the classical version because they are based on the internal analysis of only one business entity, and not on assessing the potential of competitors. The developed modification of the analysis methodology can be integrated into the system of the complex economic analysis of any company. The results of the analysis using the modified BCG matrix can be used in financial strategic planning and in the development of the marketing strategy, in particular when planning advertising campaigns

    Methodological peculiarities of probability estimation of bankruptcy of agrarian enterprises in Ukraine

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    Purpose. The purpose of the study is to develop the concept of complex estimation of bankruptcy probability of agrarian enterprises in Ukraine, taking into account the specifics of agricultural activities. Methodology / approach. To achieve the purpose, the following research methods were used: abstract-logical (at disclosing the essence of the concept of “bankruptcy”); dialectical (for theoretical generalizations on determining the problems and ways to overcome them, drawing conclusions); expert estimations, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis (at developing the concept of estimating the probability of bankruptcy); relative indicators-coefficients (at studying models for estimating the probability of bankruptcy occurrence); monographic (for in-depth study of separate types of factors affecting the probability of bankruptcy); graphical and tabular (at presenting the research results). Results. It has been proven that the discriminant analysis for estimating the probability of bankruptcy (the construction of multifactor models that summarize the most important financial indicators in the integrated index) does not take into account the industry characteristics of agrarian enterprises. The concept of bankruptcy diagnostics is proposed, which combines discriminant analysis and expert estimation of qualitative signs of a possible crisis of an agrarian enterprise. The indicators selected for expert examination cover non-financial factors – the risks and threats to agricultural production in Ukraine, and their generalization may specify the risk of bankruptcy occurrence. The scoring model has been derived by the method of expert estimations, the scale has been developed, which is combined with the discriminant one that will enable to bring the results of the research into the interval of the indicator for estimating the occurrence of bankruptcy. Originality / scientific novelty. The definition of the term “bankruptcy” has been improved: the author’s definition combines the economic and legal approaches to it. The main risks of agricultural activities in Ukraine have been specified and their impact on the probability of bankruptcy of agrarian enterprises has been outlined. It has been developed the methodological concept for estimating the probability of bankruptcy of agrarian enterprises, which takes into account informal factors. For the first time, in order to predict the bankruptcy of agrarian enterprises, it has been proposed to combine discriminant analysis and expert estimation of qualitative indicators that increase its risk in agriculture. Practical value / implications. The application of the developed methodology provides an opportunity for the agrarian enterprise of timely responding to the threats of financial crisis and bankruptcy in order to prevent them. The proposed approach can be used as an element of estimating the insurance risk or investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises. In case of its adaptation, the methodology can be used in foreign practice

    Fundamentals of Investment Security Business Project Development of Entrepreneurial Activities

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    У статті проаналізовано сутність поняття «інвестиційний проект». Охарактеризованойого як план, замисел, програму дій, конкретне завдання та визначено, що у будь-якомувипадку він орієнтований на майбутні результати. Зазначено, що замовником інвестиційногопроекту є суб’єкт інвестиційної діяльності (фізична особа або юридична), який має фінансовікошти і за вимогою підрядчиків надає поручительство про власну платоспроможність: дер-жава, відомство, міністерство, корпорація, асоціація, об’єднання, підприємство, установачи приватна особа. Поділено джерела фінансування інноваційних проектів на зовнішні, вну-трішні та змішані. Відмічено, що важливе значення для фінансування інвестиційних проєктів,зокрема високотехнологічних, має венчурне фінансування. Інвестиційна діяльність державивиступає певним каталізатором, який сприяє притоку інвестиційних коштів із інших джерел,зокрема, стимулюючи розвиток економіки. Згідно зарубіжного досвіду, фінансування за рахунок бюджетів було ключовим чинником структурних перетворень економіки Китаю, США,Індії, але у економічно розвинених європейських країнах бюджетні кошти залишилися однимиіз найвагоміших важелів структурних змін у економіці.The article analyzes the essence of the concept of "investment project". It is characterized as a plan, a plan, a program of actions, a specific task, and it is determined that in any case it is oriented towards future results. It is noted that the customer of the investment project is the subject of investment activity (individual or legal entity), which has financial means and, at the request of the contractors, provides a guarantee of its own solvency: the state, department, ministry, corporation, association, association,enterprise, institution or a private person. Funding sources for innovative projects are divided into external, internal and mixed. The mixed nature of investment tax credits is based on the fact that, on the one hand, enterprises use their own profits as internal sources of financing, and on the other hand,the amount of tax credits received is an unpaid tax, so it can be considered as a subsidy to enterprises from the budget. It was noted that venture financing is important for financing investment projects,particularly high-tech projects. Venture financing is important for financing investment projects, par-ticularly high-tech projects. About 50 venture funds have been created in Ukraine, but not all of them have the characteristics of classic venture funds. The purpose of creating venture capital funds in the West is to finance risky investment projects using tax advantages. Ukrainians, on the other hand, often use venture financing to finance traditional processes. One of the main problems of domestic venture financing is the lack of opportunities to generate sufficient amounts of financial resources. The state's investment activity acts as a certain catalyst, which promotes the inflow of investment funds from other sources, in particular, stimulating the development of the economy. According to foreign experience,budget financing was a key factor in the structural transformations of the economies of China, the United States, and India, but in economically developed European countries, budget funds remained one of the most important levers of structural changes in the economy