53 research outputs found

    Electrochemical study of doped LiFePO4 as a cathode material for lithium-ion battery

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    LiFe1-xVxPO4/C (x= 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1) composites had been obtained by sol-gel method and characterized with the use of the XRD-analysis, SEM and charge/discharge tests. The doping was shown to result in decrease of electrode polarization, and correspondingly in capacity increase at high C-rates

    Algorithm of allocation of agricultural land occupied by winter crops

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    In Russia, many lands legally classified as agricultural land are abandoned. We propose an algorithm for the allocation of agricultural land with winter crops based on the dynamics of normalized relative vegetation index (NDVI) which were verified on the example of the Rostov region, a major producer of agricultural products in Russia. Cereals in Rostov region cover about 70% of the sown areas, most of them are winter wheat. A series of MODIS satellite data for the period March-August 2020 were used for calculations. Crop yields were taken from the Database of Rostov Region Municipalities. NDVI index for the territory of the Rostov region had lowest average value in March, maximum in May with a decrease by August. Pixels with high difference in NDVI values from March to August 2020, were considered agricultural fields. Pixels with NDVI index in range 0.2 - 0.5 in March and April were identified as winter cereal crops. A statistically significant linear relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.57 between winter wheat yield values according to national statistical data for districts of Rostov region for 2020 and average NDVI values for districts for selected fields occupied by winter wheat in this period was obtained

    Transient non-collinear magnetic state for all-optical magnetization switching

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    Resonant absorption of a photon by bound electrons in a solid can promote an electron to another orbital state or transfer it to a neighboring atomic site. Such a transition in a magnetically ordered material could affect the magnetic order. While this process is an obvious road map for optical control of magnetization, experimental demonstration of such a process remains challenging. Exciting a significant fraction of magnetic ions requires a very intense incoming light beam, as orbital resonances are often weak compared to above-band-gap excitations. In the latter case, a sizeable reduction of the magnetization occurs as the absorbed energy increases the spin temperature, masking the non-thermal optical effects. Here, using ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy, we were able to resolve changes in the magnetization state induced by resonant absorption of infrared photons in Co-doped yttrium iron garnet, with negligible thermal effects. We found that the optical excitation of the Co ions affects the two distinct magnetic Fe sublattices differently, resulting in a transient non-collinear magnetic state. The present results indicate that the all-optical magnetization switching most likely occurs due to the creation of a transient, non-collinear magnetic state followed by coherent spin rotations of the Fe moments

    Terahertz-wave decoding of femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet light pulses

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    In recent years, femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) and x-ray pulses from free-electron lasers have developed into important probes to monitor processes and dynamics in matter on femtosecond-time and angstrom-length scales. With the rapid progress of versatile ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy techniques and more sophisticated data analysis tools, accurate single-pulse information on the arrival time, duration, and shape of the probing x-ray and XUV pulses becomes essential. Here, we demonstrate that XUV pulses can be converted into terahertz electromagnetic pulses using a spintronic terahertz emitter. We observe that the duration, arrival time, and energy of each individual XUV pulse is encoded in the waveform of the associated terahertz pulses, and thus can be readily deduced from single-shot terahertz time-domain detection

    Electron population dynamics in resonant non-linear x-ray absorption in nickel at a free-electron laser

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    Free-electron lasers provide bright, ultrashort, and monochromatic x-ray pulses, enabling novel spectroscopic measurements not only with femtosecond temporal resolution: The high fluence of their x-ray pulses can also easily enter the regime of the non-linear x-ray–matter interaction. Entering this regime necessitates a rigorous analysis and reliable prediction of the relevant non-linear processes for future experiment designs. Here, we show non-linear changes in the L3-edge absorption of metallic nickel thin films, measured with fluences up to 60 J/cm2. We present a simple but predictive rate model that quantitatively describes spectral changes based on the evolution of electronic populations within the pulse duration. Despite its simplicity, the model reaches good agreement with experimental results over more than three orders of magnitude in fluence, while providing a straightforward understanding of the interplay of physical processes driving the non-linear changes. Our findings provide important insights for the design and evaluation of future high-fluence free-electron laser experiments and contribute to the understanding of non-linear electron dynamics in x-ray absorption processes in solids at the femtosecond timescale

    Photon shot-noise limited transient absorption soft X-ray spectroscopy at the European XFEL

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    Femtosecond transient soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is a very promising technique that can be employed at X-ray Free Electron Lasers (FELs) to investigate out-of-equilibrium dynamics for material and energy research. Here we present a dedicated setup for soft X-rays available at the Spectroscopy & Coherent Scattering (SCS) instrument at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EuXFEL). It consists of a beam-splitting off-axis zone plate (BOZ) used in transmission to create three copies of the incoming beam, which are used to measure the transmitted intensity through the excited and unexcited sample, as well as to monitor the incoming intensity. Since these three intensity signals are detected shot-by-shot and simultaneously, this setup allows normalized shot-by-shot analysis of the transmission. For photon detection, the DSSC imaging detector, which is capable of recording up to 800 images at 4.5 MHz frame rate during the FEL burst, is employed and allows approaching the photon shot-noise limit. We review the setup and its capabilities, as well as the online and offline analysis tools provided to users.Comment: 11 figure

    Nonequilibrium sub–10 nm spin-wave soliton formation in FePt nanoparticles

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    Magnetic nanoparticles such as FePt in the L1 0 phase are the bedrock of our current data storage technology. As the grains become smaller to keep up with technological demands, the superparamagnetic limit calls for materials with higher magnetocrystalline anisotropy. This, in turn, reduces the magnetic exchange length to just a few nanometers, enabling magnetic structures to be induced within the nanoparticles. Here, we describe the existence of spin-wave solitons, dynamic localized bound states of spin-wave excitations, in FePt nanoparticles. We show with time-resolved x-ray diffraction and micromagnetic modeling that spin-wave solitons of sub–10 nm sizes form out of the demagnetized state following femtosecond laser excitation. The measured soliton spin precession frequency of 0.1 THz positions this system as a platform to develop novel miniature devices

    A New Method for Treating Burn Wounds Using Targeted Delivery of Medicinal Substances by Magnetic Nanocarrier (Experimental Part)

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    Проведено экспериментальное исследование на лабораторных животных по изучению эффективности адресной доставки мази левомеколь с помощью магнитных наночастиц и внешнего магнитного поля при термических ожогах. В исследовании принимало участие 20 крыс с двумя очагами ожога. Крысы были разделены на 4 группы: без лечения, терапия с использованием мази левомеколь, лечение с использованием наночастиц, мази левомеколь и внешнего магнитного поля и только магнитотерапии. При гистологическом исследовании на 14-е сутки во всех группах в зоне термического повреждения кожи были отмечены признаки глубокого ожога III и IV степени с распространением некроза на всю глубину дермы и на мышцы. В группе с наночастицами, мазью левомеколь и магнитным полем на фоне уменьшения воспаления отмечалось очаговое появление грануляционной ткани. Таким образом, гистологические исследования ожогового раневого процесса лабораторных животных показали, что использование инновационного биологически активного ранозаживляющего средства на основе наночастиц в сочетании с мазью левомеколь улучшает регенерацию тканей и приводит к ускорению эпителизации, что в целом повышает результаты лечения ожоговой раны. Использование внешнего магнитного поля способствует адресной доставке лечебного нанокомплекса и поддержанию оптимальной концентрации препарата в ранеExperimental studies have been carried out on laboratory animals to investigate the effectiveness of targeted delivery of levomekol ointment using magnetic nanoparticles and an external magnetic field for treatment of thermal burns. The study involved 20 rats, with two burns on each. The rats were divided into 4 groups: untreated; treated with levomekol ointment; treated with levomekol ointment associated with nanoparticles and an external magnetic field; and treated with magnetic field alone. Histological examination was conducted on Day 14, and in all groups, in the thermal burn zone of the skin there were signs of deep three- and four-degree burns with necrosis spread through the dermis, reaching the muscle. In the group with levomekol ointment associated with nanoparticles and magnetic field, inflammation was decreased, and focal granulation tissue formation was observed. Thus, histological studies of the burn wound process in laboratory animals showed that the use of an innovative biologically active wound healing agent based on nanoparticles in combination with the levomecol ointment improved tissue regeneration and accelerated epithelialization, which enhanced the effectiveness of burn wound treatment. The use of an external magnetic field facilitated targeted delivery of the therapeutic nanosystem and maintenance of the optimal concentration of the drug in the woun


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    The purpose of the work: the development of the instrument prorgam medium of the mathematical modeling of the information network systems. The system of the conceptual models, allowing to describe the information systems, to be modeled, in the classes of the discrete dynamic systems (simulation models) and structurized networks of mass servicing (analytical models) has been offered. Developed have been the system of statistic evaluation of the model trajectories, and the structurized networks of the mass servicing. Using of the developed systems of modeling has been shown on the example of modeling of the number of the real computing networksAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio