8 research outputs found

    Programming of physical education and health-improving classes for the girls aged 12-13 years

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    The research study presents the results of the pedagogical experiment that lasted during 2017-2018 academic year. Altogether 101 girls aged 12-13 years who, for reasons of health, are classified as primary and preparatory medical groups, were involved in the research. The purpose of the research was to determine the appropriate standards of physical fitness of 12-13-year old girls, which provide a stable level of physical health. To achieve this goal, an integrated approach was used using the following research methods: analysis and synthesis of special research and methodological literature and documentary materials; anthropometric methods; determination of the level of physical health; pedagogical testing; physiological methods; methods of mathematical statistics. The article presents the results of correlation relationships of indicators of motor tests and physical health. On their basis, regression equations were estimated to determine the appropriate values of physical fitness of girls aged 12-13 years with an average and below the average level of physical health. Through the use of factor analysis, we identified five statistically independent factors: muscular strength, speed-strength, agility, endurance and speed. The total contribution of these factors to the generalized variance of the sample is 89.6 %. We selected the most informative motor tests: for assessing muscle strength - shoulder flexor dynamometry (r = 0.759 with p <0.01), speed-strength qualities – standing long jump (r = 0.800 with p <0.01) speed - the difference between the time of shuttle run 3 × 10 m and 30 m (r = 0.808 with p <0.01); endurance - relative performance (PWC150) (r = 0.869 with p <0.01) and speed - 5 seconds running in the place at the maximum pace (r = 0, 0.860 p <0.01). The results have prognostic value for the development of methods of training with a rational correlation of physical activity of various directions for a given age group

    Analysis of the factor structure of the physical condition of girls 17-19 year-old

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    The article analyses the factor structure of the physical condition of girls aged 17-19 years. It was determined percentage of each factor and it was established that the general physical condition is determined by a group of four factors: physical development is 41.8 %, the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory system is 28.4 %, physical performance and coordination abilities are 12.4 %, physical readiness, in particular speed, speed-strength qualities, agility and flexibility -2.3 %, which together constitute 84.9 % of the explained dispersion. We have found out that the anthropometric status determines the physical condition even after the end of the puberty period. Most factor loading is accounted for the indicators that characterize the total body size: waist girth (r=-0.975 at p<0.01); chest girth (r=-0.966 at p<0.01); the pelvis girth of (r=-0.956 for p<0.01), as well as indicators characterizing the fat component: the sum of the skin-fat folds (r=-0.985 at p<0.01); the suprailiac skinfold, (r=-0.968 at p<0.01); the medial (inside) calf fold (r=-0.950 at p<0.01). Based on the analysis of the studied indicators, which form the basis of all four factors, there were obtained results that have the predictive value for the individualization and differentiation of the pedagogical process, as well as the influence assessment of the basic pedagogical tools and methods in the process of physical education

    The influence of means of orienteering on the psychophysiological state of girls aged 15-16-years

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    The article presents the results of a pedagogical experiment that lasted during 2016-2017 academic year, 52 girls aged 15-16years took part in the study. According to the purpose of the study, it was revealed the influence of means of orienteering within the framework of the author's program of physical education on the psychophysiological state of girls aged 15-16 years. We found that during the pedagogical experiment, the positive dynamics of the majority of the studied indicators was observed. The indicators of the functional state, in particular, of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, were significantly improved. In the15-year-old girls the heart rate at rest decreased by 12.7 % (p<0.01), in the 16 year-old girls - by 11.1 % (p<0.01); the average indicators of the vital capacity of the lungs increased in the girls aged 15 years by 8.0 % (р<0.01), in the girls aged 16 years - by 22.2 % (р<0.01). The average statistical parameters of the Genchi test also were improved significantly, in the girls aged 15 years by 14.6 % (p<0.01), in the girls aged 16 years by 11.8 % (p<0.01). In addition, positive changes occurred in the indicators that characterize cognitive functions. It was significantly improved the short-term memory capacity: in the girls aged 15 and 16 years by 15.3 % (p<0.01) and by 15.5 % (p<0.01), respectively. The information processing capacity increased in the girls aged 15 years by 22.1 % (p<0.01), in the girls aged 16 years - by 29.8 % (p<0.01). Among the motor qualities, the parameters of the sharpened Romberg test have undergone the most positive changes, as in the case of the girls aged 15 years the average index was improved by 26.7 % (p<0.01), in girls aged 16 years by 18.3 % (p<0.01). Significant changes (p<0,05-p<0,01) also occurred in the parameters of running 100 m race, shuttle running 4x9 m and running 1,500 m race, as well as sit-up from the back-lying position

    Оцінка якості активного сімейного відпочинку

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    Study purpose. The study was aimed at assessing the quality of active family leisure and identifying motivations for and interests in health-enhancing and recreational physical activity of parents and children. Materials and methods. The study involved 106 families. A set of generally accepted research methods was used including theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature as well as domestic and international practical experience related to family leisure; sociological methods (questionnaire surveys), and mathematical statistics methods. Results. The questionnaire survey provided an opportunity to identify priority areas of joint physical activity of children and parents and to assess the quality of family well-being and active family leisure. The attitude of parents to winter types of recreation in the organization of active leisure was identified. According to the survey data, 9.4% of the families had a high level, 59.4% had an average level, 30.3% had a satisfactory level, and 0.9% had an unsatisfactory level of family well-being. The vast majority of respondents (45.2%) believed that their family members had a satisfactory level of physical activity, 40.6% of families reported they had an average level, only 10.4% indicated they had a high level, and 3.8% said they had an unsatisfactory level. Among the surveyed families, 63.2% indicated an average level of satisfaction with family leisure, 29.2% rated their leisure as satisfactory, and the remaining 3.8% indicated an excellent or unsatisfactory level. Conclusions. The focus was on identifying prevailing motivations, which contribute to the optimization of the family leisure process and the degree of activity when using recreational technologies. The obtained results indicate a significant potential for expanding physical activity of families with children, including through the use of winter recreation.Мета дослідження. Метою цього дослідження була оцінка якості активного сімейного відпочинку та визначення факторів мотивації батьків і дітей до фізичної активності, що сприяє покращенню здоров’я, і рекреаційної фізичної активності та їхньої зацікавленості в таких формах активності. Матеріали та методи. У дослідженні брали участь 106 сімей. У дослідженні використовували набір загальноприйнятих методів дослідження, зокрема теоретичний аналіз та узагальнення науково-методологічної літератури, а також вітчизняного та міжнародного практичного досвіду стосовно сімейного відпочинку; соціологічні методи (анкетні опитування) і методи математичної статистики. Результати. Анкетне опитування дало можливість визначити пріоритетні напрямки спільної фізичної активності дітей і батьків та оцінити якість сімейного добробуту й активного сімейного відпочинку. Було визначено ставлення батьків до зимових видів відпочинку під час організації активного відпочинку. Згідно з даними опитування, 9,4% сімей мали високий рівень сімейного добробуту, 59,4% – середній, 30,3% – задовільний і 0,9% – незадовільний. Переважна більшість респондентів (45,2%) уважали, що члени їхніх сімей мають задовільний рівень фізичної активності, 40,6% сімей повідомили, що в них середній рівень, лише 10,4% вказали, що в них високий рівень, а 3,8% – незадовільний. Серед сімей, які пройшли опитування, 63,2% вказали середній рівень задоволення сімейним відпочинком, 29,2% оцінили їхній відпочинок як задовільний, а інші 3,8% вказали відмінний або незадовільний рівень. Висновки. Основну увагу було зосереджено на визначенні переважних факторів мотивації, які сприяють оптимізації процесу сімейного відпочинку та ступеня активності під час використання рекреаційних технологій. Одержані результати вказують на значний потенціал для розширення фізичної активності сімей із дітьми, у тому числі шляхом використання зимового відпочинку

    Efficiency of a combined fitness program for improving physical condition in young women

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a combined exercise program focused on the improvement of young women’s physical condition. Materials and methods. The study involved 62 healthy women (an average age of 29.4 years). More than 50 parameters were assessed (anthropometric indicators, physical capacity and motor abilities, functional status of the cardiorespiratory system, etc.). The structure of physical condition of the women was identified using the factor analysis. The transforming experiment lasted for 14 months. Results. The physical development indicators had the largest contribution (33.4 %) to the total variance of physical characteristics of the subjects. The second factor related to the functional state and physical performance accounted for 21.6 %, the third factor related to coordination abilities accounted for 19.8 %, and the fourth factor related to physical fitness accounted for 10.3 % of the total variance. Those four factors explained 85.1 % of the total variance. The 35 indicators, which were selected by the factor analysis and characterized the women’s physical condition, were used as criteria for the effectiveness of the proposed exercise program. Participation in the exercise program significantly affected the morphological status of women. Functional indicators of the cardiovascular system improved significantly, including resting heart rate decreased by 16.2 % (p < 0.05). Muscle strength increased by 32.2 % (p < 0.05), speed and strength endurance and speed endurance increased by 31.5 % and 49.1 %, respectively (p < 0.05). Exercises targeting coordination abilities lead to improvements in balance ability of women as assessed by the Romberg test (increase by 94.0 %, p < 0.05) and by the Flamingo test (increase by 65.6 %, p < 0.05). Conclusions. The study confirmed the effectiveness of the combined exercise program according to selected criteria. There were significant (p < 0.05) positive changes in physical condition components including physical development, physical fitness, functional state of the cardiorespiratory system and in body balance


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    The monograph focuses on the problems and prospects of development of the road transport complex on the basis of the integrated approach. In Ukraine, the road transport system is one of the priority ones. However, its priority status is reflected only in numerous regulations. In such conditions the necessity of realization of scientific achievements and practical recommendations of development of the road transport system as a whole is actualized. The integrated approach to financing, management, innovation, quality and security has been applied. In order to eliminate the regional imbalance in the development of the state, as an urgent measure, methodological principles of support for weak regions have been substantiated and developed, which envisages its implementation in the short term. It is proposed to determine the rating of the best educational institutions in the region on the basis of mathematical modeling. Relevant clusters of educational institutions of the region have been established and systematized, taking into account their sectoral significance, form of ownership, efficiency of state funding and the amount of own revenues. Methodological support for quality management of transport and logistics services has been developed, which includes a certain procedure and a set of appropriate methods for implementing this activity based on the application of the scenario approach and algorithmization of procedures for obtaining possible states of operation of modern transport and logistics sector objects. A set of functional subsystems of an enterprise by analogy with the systems of a living organism, the activity of which is interdependent, which ensures the stability of the «living organism» of the enterprise to the influence of external conditions has been formed. The process of determining and assessing the competencies of employees on the basis of the modern assessment technology «Assessment Center» has been formed. The program of development of corporate social responsibility at internal and external levels of implementation taking into account features of various groups of stakeholders is offered. The combined safety management system «behavior + transport status + infrastructure + permanent monitoring + post-accident services» is offered. The proposed theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the development of the road transport system are of theoretical and practical interest to scientists, entrepreneurs and government agencies